ISdBKSE93SS v - U( t U ft dllf Bol my at0 DalJ et mei . trot mat 11a TEN YARDS OF CALICO FREE WITH EACH $5 CASH PURCHASE Great Semi-Annual Clearance Sale ' . t ; - ..... ... of ' ' Odds and Ends, Remnants and Broken Stock . . ; ' ; '. . Our policy of "marking down" oods WHEN WE RECEIVE THEM enables us at all times to give our 'patrons the best possible values In every line, and Judging from the amount of business we have done the past six months, we believe the trade appreciates this. Naturally, however, in handling an IMMENCE STOCK like ours there will accumulate many odd pieces, remnants, etc, and IN ORDER JO MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP WE OFFER ALL THESE AT FROM 25 t: 50 PER CENT OFF OUR REGULAR prices V; -.v- - ' : s-V '; : -'.'-.'y'l Think What a Saving This an Goods at 25 to 50 per cent Less LESS THAN O T T R . RFfilJI AR PRIHFK YOU CAN GET IT CHEAPER AT THE GOLDEN RULE to Reduction 25 ON ALL STRAW CRASH HATS AU. ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor FIRE COMMENCING ON FRIDAY, JULY 6 I will close out my entire stock or damaged goods, which went through the fiire, at my new location opposite the old place of business. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Phone, SEEDS Just received a Car Bed Glow, Timothy, Red Top. ill kinds of Grass neds. Bulk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats JEFFERSON AVE; The Golden Rule COMPANY 1318-1310-1312 Adatns Avenue La Grande Oregon Wateh this ipace for Suit -Winner . CL McOqulst '.' $35 Dr. GLBijgen V 2S Suit iMt Saturday Two drawing on Sat. July 15 a Main 4 SEEDS Load of Alfalfa Seed PHONE 1571. SKLE ANY TEN CENT ARTICLE FREE WITH EACH $1 CASH PURCHASE WE GIVE TRAD ING STAMPS WITH ALL CASH SALES Noted Inventor Dead By Scrlppa New Association New York, July 12-Jobn T Foster, a noted Inventor and th manufacturer ot the first gold pens, aleo identlfled with the invention of the first sewing machine, died today at Arlington N J at the age of ninety fife. . When you want the Best Ice Cream SELDER'S CANDY STORE J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loses a Specialty Host equipi ed abstracter in Union county. Many years eiperiences with the Union county records gives me a great ad not age. It is folly to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper abetiaot. An abstract from my office will show the title just as it appears ou the official record. ). R. OLIVER,; LA GRANDE, OREGON, Room 31, 80m mer Bdlg. - - 1 11 l 7a Local Item ' i W A Wallace, who reelde at Wet er Ida, arrired la the city yesterday, on a business visit. Mr. K W, Wgner, of Joseph, jVal iowa oonnty, is basiness .visitor in La Grande today. Mist EtU Haworth, of Welser,' Idaho, is in the city visiting relatives and frtende. ; Misses Eeale and Bessie White, of Portland, arrived In the cltv yesterday on a visit to their sister, Mrs Frank Levitt. ' - Mr Y G Shaonon, of Weieer, Idaho, is a baalnesa visitor in Le (irande today,- ' Mr P W Sterna, of Baker City, Was In La Grande yesterday to attend to some matter of business. ( rt Mr E X rlteele, of Eatonl Colons in the city on a short vielt, , . . . . j Street anperintendent . Hynhorst- Is boey with a force of mn cleaning Op the atreeteand raking off the boulders Attorney Chas. Coobran, of Uulon. who baa been In the city on a ' abort baaioess tlslt, returned home thia mornmg. ' ' - ., 't ". . On troop of cavalry and "one ' com pany of infantry passed, through the oity last evening from Fort Jefferson, There are bow . alt prisoners con fined in th county jail for offence ranging (nm stealing horse to steal ing coat and attempting to kill., l4 Mrs. E C Moor : and family i who were poisoned a few day ago. it ' Is tbongbt by eating meat, upon which the warm weather bad had some III effeot, are reported maoh better this afternoon. This will h welcome news to their large circle of friends, ' Bit." J D Gillilan ia one of the sec retaries of the Methodist Congress now In session In Portland. He and' - Mrs. Gillilan hi themselves hitherward to morrow morning. Tliey will be gone a week or ten days. ' Compmv'L, eonslstlog ot forty' four men 'and officers' left last night for Gearheart where the annual enoarap mentof th National Goa-d will take plao , They expect to -pa abeSnt ten day. Seven days will be spent in camp aud thro days at the exposition Mr and Mrs A V Oli ver andMr and Mr Geo W Thomas it-ft yesterday afternoon for the mountains back of Bammervtlle where they will ipend a tew weeks enjoying the beauties, of nature and delight of camping out. One of th large, if not . the very largest, passenger train that ever passed through thia oity was west boand train No. 5 laat evening. The train reached her with nineteen coaches, and another one was added here. Mr. J Voght, wife ani daughter, Mis Marian, of Iowa, who ha vs been visiting in the oity for' several days, left this forenoon for Salt Lake Oity After remaining there for some time, they will visit Denver and other points In Colorado before returning home. ,' Th La Grande and' Elgin base ball team will cross bats at the tall ground her next Sunday, Th alii be th first of a series of game ' that has been "arranged between the two teams, each on ot which promises to be an Interesting game. There will be a special train rcn from Elgin, arriv ing here at ten thirty In the forenoon. Th next gam of the aerie will be played at Elgin a wetk from Sunday Thia ofDoe received a letter" this morning from George ilCorrey, who is at Portland attending the expoei .ion, in which he state that the famllv ia all well and that be ia ubaving the time of, hi life." The exposition seems to be satisfactory to him and life I one continual round ol pleasure; Wo know just how he feels, ' as we were there a couple of weeks onrtelvee, and we had Just such a time, but the rest time comes when one "it turns home and the headache part begins to get In It work. ' ' Mr J BConley, of Portland,: Ore, accompanied by hi wife, arrived 'in tb city laat evening. - Mr Conjey will visit hi fin ranch for a few. days, after wbioh he and his wife will return to Portland. Mr Oonley expresses himself a being pleased and proud to meet th groat number of his j friends and acquaintance from I bio f county who ha? beeo attending th fair.; ? Train itlapatoher E i Walsh, Ld ha been as joy log hi first vacation alnce tb crime ot '73," returned to hi post of duty yesterday. Mr Walsh 'during hi absence baa visited very point of interest in the north weat ai well as pending some time In Wallowa oounty and Portland. - Whil In theU ity of , Rose be spent torn Urn in making a carefal study of wlrelee telegraphy? as employed on th war ahipa,"andttue wieeonee ay that It will only be a abort Ume before all O B 4' N train 1 order will be eent by the wsih lm-. Now is the lime t keep cooL -kitchen range the kitchen will be range tue aitcpea Why not get an oil or gasoline stove to do you cook-1 in..t,v;nff milii the same time have a cool u6 bl . kitchen. 1 1 layethe,. J WICK LESS OIL STOVE ' ' ' . i which gives perfect satisfaction and makes cooking f a"p!ea8ureitjal80 liave the celebrated J f PEERLESS ICE CREAM FREERER f MRS.- T. N. MURPHY, Builders' Hardwire and Crockery. Mrs Msrgearet Davis of .Teia Mis Grace Jobnson.of- Hamilton Mo, and Hiss Chain and" Mrs Frank Bid well of Union are the guerts of Mr and Mr MLMcCorroick of this city, -this week. Ed Coolidge ia . looser a fin wheel today, Last eveniog he visited the I OOF Hall and left bis wheel st the entrance to ' the building. When be came out tj leave the building hi wheel bid dissapeareJ., bo lar; the ol fleers have not been able to secure any trac of the mining bike. ' ' " Ji' Mr. O Ralston, formerly of this plao bnt now located at Ashland, arrived in the city this morning to look after bis property interest ber . c- The many friends of Mr. 0 M taal will bepl eased to ; learn that be Is gradually regaining bis fctaltb . and . 1 again able to leave the boos. Saturday nlgbt, July 15,'at the Ladd Canyon Pavilion. Tb very beat mosio will attend. Refreshments will b erved, and. the "swelleet" tim of tb season is assured.' Come JASOLDIERS, DESIRE PEACE Soripps News Association Sifiog Manchuria July IS Ths sit uation at the front is onohanged. The Japanese are still moving'in Korea. The 'Russian trains cons as far as Chang Ta Fu. It is reported that the Jipatiese -soldiers are aoxions for peace and that General Ovama ia continual ly issuing a glowing appeal to the men in order to counteract this feeling. Th Chinese say. that the decaying corpse, burisd in g hallow graves, after the bat tle of Mukden, have created a terrible condition, and that plague and chol era have appeared among the, Jpan ese. "' ,:' -' - : '; V '5'.- - TWO PIECE SUITS I - '-,',-"t ' , ' ; r - Mena two piece'soits grow in favor constantlv v ;,i co-fort nor gentility deanda a tJ.n. i1" thermomeur degrees, We've Coat and frouser ET 8?y' ? Double Brested styles in a S nf ni SlD8le and there's NOT AN OUNPR nt patterns, you'll find .k7iu.Vuv5 of Bnperfluous cloth l. ,..v.C nuuiu Kraceioi linfia aili - -- $7-50, $9.po, ASH BROS, STOVES If yon lira up thel t . . 1 it,. Am-m wm u - j j .... A NfiAT PLACE to have your meal ' is 'our restnrant Fvery thing is attractively arranged and nothing 1 lacking to make it ap pearance neat. Here tb young ladies and gentlemen can eat to their heart' content, without feeling abashed at th arrouBdlngs. ' "WHAT ATTRACTS people here Is tb merit of our cookery It is unsurpassed when it comes to excellence, and all meats prove health ml, tasty and enjoyable. Ourprioe are right, too, and our waiter pollt and attentive. MODEL -RESTAURANT ABBTJGKLE, Prop. OPBNAY AND NIGHT jWe s. weakly J STlcketf Cash We e.f weakly Meal . Cheerfully Recommended lor Rheumatism 0 GHlRbo,' 'Danville, IV. write Deo 3, 1901; "About two year ago 1 waa laid up for four years with rheu matism. I tried Ballard' Snow Lini ment; one bottle "cured me. I can cheerfully reoommend it to all suffer ing from Ilk affliction" 26c, 60o,l LOO Newlin Drag Co ( f V J i. ii . i , , It", I It make no .difference how many medloine hav failed to' cor yon, if you are troubled with - headaohe, con stipation, kidney or liver troubles, Holllster Rooky Mountain Tea will make yon wll. Newlin Drag Co, sr wear $10.00 and $12.50 outoers t 4: 'it V' proved Wireless. 1 -.! 'V W