La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 13, 1905, Image 5

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TntesuME16 ovn lunch
Adama Avenue w 1 Phone29 J
.... . i "J ' v1- v -.-4' '
I Sir 'IF our responsibility bl $137,000.00 is guarantee
; V , : 'W our rate of intent on certificates of deposits
(. --hieh enotfcfcJ '' . ,. ,
' . J .,, ..vj'P 6uTfale interest on loam low enough,
tola. Km., July IS. Two hundred
armed men under the direction of1
Sheriff Richardson have elarted' a
search of the country around abot
loU (or O L kfelvln, the temperance
(anatle, who has been ia biding einoc
the daetruotlon o( the three Iola aaloona
by dynamite, and who ia believed etill
to have io hia possession a great qoan
tity of dynamite with "which be hat
threatened to cause farther deetructlon.
Many citizens hate Joined la the ehas
which tooo developed Into an exbltlng
manhunt. : '.. '.,.; . (.
: ?
To Extradite
Olympla, Weeh., July li-Qovernor
Head will tomorrow grant the requisi
tion of Governor Johnson of Ulaaeeo
ta for lira. Ida M Johoaon, wbote
case , has been .complicated by the
strained relatione between the two
gorernora, because of Governor John-
ton'erefasal to grant the reqaliltioo
for Betale M Allen, the school mistress
wanted la thla state for murder: ' .
Governor Mead will addreaa a letter
to Governor Johoson in connection
with the Mrs:: Johnson requisition, in
which it ie promised ha will to int de
telle of the Allen requleitlon matter.
At the bearing this afternoon, WiH Q
Uorria appear! for Mrs. .Johnaon and
Contended that the Indictment pre
aented waa not aafflciert evidence to
prore the waa a (ogitive from Justice.
Clneianattl, July . Ia -Nerly 20
Italian Uack ltboreat were Injured,
three prpbably fatally, in an accident
day near Baldwin, Chlo. In m pre
par in a. mesa ol spaghetti lor the
aaiig, 4ayok eaTled for more water.
The man by mistake poared a bocks
fol of gaaollne into tbe kettle and an
eaploaion followed. ' . -.;
4. ;
. IF the accomodation we afford are aatiafactory.
IPt you are not Already ft'euatotner of this bank,
, then we invite too to become onel i - l '
WE guarantee you absolute safety for your funds
- f s if intrusted to caw, , i ,
UAVlNQgiTen l4 yearfl;of;terTice to the Ad.
vancemeat'of ihe intereati of 14 Grande and
; : V :: riUnloulebunty we fell Justified; fit; aAing for
. " t your banking business, and we will extend to
jon all 4hopsMcaraqdationa yoariawoekint will
,; -T i Jartifv at lHifnet iYour loana will be restricted
. "ohly''byttbe srityj youtofferand JUi balw
' ydU keip with this hnk.w 'txwM-ni m i.j..-
C'i t , ' Befpe-cttully,
i v
Khoarmers and'Griders
Portland, Oregon, July 13. With an
exceptionally keen eye to business, Mra
B NewoombeV landlady where J W Hal
garth, aged Z8 yean, a ranuher with
property near Wallowa, Ore., commit
ted tolcide Sunday night by turning
on the gaa, aeised 15 ' oenta, all the
Lmoney tbe dead man posaeased, and
held It la payment for the gee oeeri by
him la killing himself, The oaues of
the toiolde ta not known. .: i
Mra Newcomb, before the arriTtl of
the police a and of Coroner T Finley,
searched the , dead maa'e belonginge.
AIL he bad waa 45 cente. Tola Mra.
Newcombe took, aaying aha would bold
ia It payment (or the gaa wasted t in
taking hla life. Coronor Flnley oon
tiderel the not of the woman with 'a
grant, and without any comment, al
lowed her to keep the money
'Josipb.Palmm,; V J.;W, BcbibmI G. E. McCully,
. .n n President ,v r , t,t Oashier. r . MAs8i Cashier.
It ill pay joiiio a block to get the best
Ice :Cram 6oda It costs bo more. 'We 'are'1
' 4 '- . 1 ;: - ' -? " . - ,
better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and ;
U I lUU 1 ' V W i, ;i.
We have only the best crushed fruits and pure
rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is wade fiom
' pure Weam and is thtf besC ' Letnts; show you.
Prescription Druitist
' , 'IA GRANDE, OR '
afjawiir'itian . i
. t
minuiH&n Tree rVi
;vlAifrtrtea at.
v-- . j o.Ov
To Close Out $4 to $12.50
W!1,, .t Easy payments. . , , ,
Bicvcles Bepaired. Bike Tires and Supplies at lowest : '
wt I .4 T.aali1 bb a ...
KJarpeu uieane i .r; r -
v J'ijb!; HAISTEN,
Phone 1161 -
Hizheit Prices Paid lb) Second Hand Goods ;
1, '
Notice To Tenants
1 Onaocoant of repairs being mad
all tenants an notified that the I O 0
F BaU will be doted for one eek from
July 10th to 17.' ;; --
; J ' er order of Trottees.
Tbers's a pretty girl in an Alpine hat
A sweeter girl with a sailor brim,',.
Bat tbe handsomest gin you'll ever tee
Is the sensible girl who uses Rooky
1 Mountain Tea. Mawlin Drug Co.
Grops and Aether B
U S Department of Agriculture, CI I
mate and Crap Bulletin of the Weather
Korean, Oregon Section, for the week
ending Monday Jnly 11. .V'-'" "
The paat week waa dry and the hot
test of the eeaaon. These conditions
were very favorable for haying, and
this work has been paahed along
rapHly - The 'hay crop promises to be
heavier than : laat year, although tome
few looalitlea It Is not ; ao good as ex
pected. Pasturage le getting ahort,
and consequently the: milk eapply jn
the dairy dlatricta la decreasing.
The harvest of barley and fall rye
bat begun, and fall wheat cutting will
eeoome general next week . Fall wheat
ta maturing oioely, but it baa beeo a
little too, warn 1 for spring wheat,
especially the late sown. : Oats show
considerable Improvement. Cora and
gardena have made good advancement.
Hop lice are still plentiful In many
yards, and considerable epraying has
been done daring tbe week. The grain
ewtttf let' Aim
I 13 acres adjoining town, canbe lrriated,C:;r
" IV VttlSf MJVSl arilVat,avaa,
r;-'-";";: mx; ;:ibn:i fins ythhOi
t 420 acres near Cove, all fenced, good outside 't
nngt, 160 acres fine for. fruit, or grain, jVvellj t, Js
' watered. Fine place for horse ranch. v. H
1 ' ' ' ' ' " J' ' f nee upon ipplication rl
sor Srande ShvQstniQnt - Co.
Foley Hotel Building
L.a uranaq, uregon f j
:R 217
sS ''t'
tililllMPSIlISIrlte j mtln
1 Indigestion ' r '" ;
, With Its companions, heart barn,
flatolenoe, , torpidity of the liver, con
stipation, palpitation .ot the , heart,
poor blood headache and other nervous
symptona, sallow akin, . foul tongue,
offensive breath and legion of . other
ailments, is at obct the . most wide
spread and destructive malady, among
the AmericaTi people . Tbe Herbine
treatments will onre all these troubles.
6oe bottle Newllo Drug Co
to the amount bl damage caused by
thla pesi are con ilctlng". "
Apples, pears, petobes end prunes,
although below average in quantity,
are doing nicely. The berry season in
thewftstern aectlon la drawing to
close, but In the . higher elevations 1 n
eaatern Oregon it Is now at its height
) La Grande , Union county W F
Gekeler Week Ideal for haying; M
motny not quite read to tut; nay on
bottoms that depends on tbe overflow
Is almost a failure; -very little grain
will be? made -into hay; grain of all
kinds is growing well.'
Uaines, Baker county, J K Fisher
Weather . favorable: irrigating done
and plenty of water for the firat crop
of clover and alfalfa, which , ia being
out rapidly ; vegetables of all kinds do.
in g well; atrawberriet being picked;
dairy produota falling off somewhat
Joaepb, Wallowa oounty, W H
Boblns-. Weather warm and dry ; all
crops look fiins ; will begin to cut alfal
fa this week ; sheep ahearlng nearl y
completed; patturea continue good;
barley it heading out.
Pint Creek; Lake county, "A M Smith
I Weather warm and dry ; rain needed
to make . wheat, and late , barley fill;
early barley ripening; hayirg becom
ing genearl, with light yield; straw
berrlea a light orop, but plenty of other
berries; all garden products doing
well; water supply failing faat. . ,
Aayville Cigar Contest
Tlllie Hennlng...
Genevieve Chrlstoff erst n . . . .
Cora Harding
Mable 8tacy........
All dealera are requested to pnrohase
their clgara prior to July 25 aa after
that date no more tickets will be iaaued
the voting wiU close August 1st a. 6
'o'clock p m sharp. A N MAVVILLE
i dl
An' Opportunity For Home Seekers
700 acres of choice Farm and Orchard Lasi will be sold
l 2'
This farm is only IS miles from La Grar de, on the Elgin
branch of the O. R. & N. Railroadrand is what is known
as the Henry Riuebart Farm, and is located at the
Rinehart Spur. This farm touches the foot hills end is
watered with numerous springs, and a beautiful spring
branch of pure living , water. The lan I msy be divided
into FORTY OR EIGHTY ACRE TRACTS, every one of
which is supplied With living water. This splendid tract
contains 'sufficient land to furnish homes for twenty or
more families. Remember thief farm is uuder cultivation
and every foot is a wealth producer. One tract cow has
over ten acres of young bearing orcbrad, which is
ThU farm has a comDlete railroad and count? road con
naction. and is located in a school district which is free
from debt and maintains a good six months school.
Or call at the farm lor full particulars. Terms and com
e.a't. V i
i : piete aesenptfon. -
-jr. B a -:
VII able thl
- tot wei
. t or tbre
im Frederic
I ruj ,ra aw
Persons desiring a correct abstract . pL title", " H
..- Vis & vuh) utif; '.fa
will do well to call on Qvde R, Seitz. in th ;
Bohnenkamp Biiildin?, who has had fears ,! ' fl
of experience in the business, wlio U prr par? d ;
to furnish a true and correct abstrct of all titles f 1
M Lewi
to aerv
U' till. I
Bohnenkamp Building, who hasj?ad jfears " S Buttle
i to aerv
re N &
t at Nei
Jgj Mpretl-
Abstracts Richt " Pric Right"- -? M
' ' ' i ( ' nil svDii'-'-
. ) lll ttltQ
Unj wi Hun
ndenl n
iken bj
Ube in-
Ised by
O toopy oi
- .-.-JL j s. but
Lad aseistaLt, Calls answered day and night.
LI ' ; ; V Phone 'oielV 4.
l J. 0. Henry, residence 664 '.
86 La Grande Oregon :
1t4WA.W Vi,,. S
:5f; i ;
. J
- f , - .;t . '. I
Bay a Japanese Lawn Sprinkler and you will not
need to stand and hold the hose while' watering
your lawn.
W. H. BO H N E N IC A M P,
New and Desirable Hand Bags. .
New Style Bruster Brown Belts.
" Pretty Feather Fan 'di C
f Tub Collars hi a variety of styled ; ; .
Street Hats $ I :
Don't overwork in hot weather, buy your
Children's Underwear Ready Made.
JLa Qrtiude