La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 13, 1905, Image 1

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ant meetings that has occurred tor
tomt lima; and a great deal of woik
hi done, as well as discussions of
matter t of vital interest to the oity.
TL !'.. ... . .
ut iiijcoDocumei last nignt with : report on
. mkv.. T ST (II A- a I
t uiFur u oiaier, recorder t K Snook
and eonnoilmen Beavlt, Bohnenkamp,
' Kennedy and Gardlnler present
. L( WM 'naai0a-rne1 msotlng, bat mt
' mstleisol Importance oaiaaof be
vSoro the body. - Postmaster Rlchey wai
present and suggested to the council
that It Uke tome action la iegard to
securing a free mall dellrery io La
Grande.'' It was thonght by a large
nainber of tht people that the post
offloe dt-partnunt rated matters of
tola kind as of the year ending in
; March, bat Mr Bichey explained that
: when the department granted a free
drtlivery service, the reoelpts Justify
lng the same wore rated as of the mp
' ending June 30th He stated that,
under toe laws of tbe United States,
when the reoeipU of the office justl
tied from free delivery, an application
could be made by the citizens, as pet
itltioners, or by an application from
the municipal authorities of the city.
He suggested that the council adopt a
resolution to this effeot, and It was
ordered that the mayor and reoorder
draw up an article of this kind In a
presentable manner and send . to the
First Assistant Postmaster " Qenoral.
It mas aim suggested that steps should
be taken to number houses, as a state
ment to this effect will be required be
fore the department will raot free de
livery. The condition that the aids
walks are In Is alsi a matter that the
department considers but there can be
no bitch on that account, as La Gtande
1b rapidly building the moet substantial
pavements of any city of its size in the
Northwest, ' as well as Improving
and repairing the older ones.
. -- 1
this matter at the nett
meeting. This resolution w s adopt
ed. Mr Wot. Miller was present and
asked that he and other parties in the
Old Town be allowed to put in a two
inch line, so as to oondoot tbs eity
water to their residenoea. According
to the statement of Mr Miller, if all
the Hoe as requested was laid, it
wonld be about nine hundred lest
This matter was referred to the water
committee with power tor act. 1 Te
contemplated line is from Fourth
street at the end of the main to the
properly of Mr Miller, Mr Newlin and
Mr Harris. Mr Kilpatrick; wis also
representing some of the people wno
wanted a pipe line put in on 0 street , the amba-esdor down from N w York
and it was decided to investigate ' and under the formal escort of assistant
see if it were not practicable to get a Secretary of 8tate Pieroe, After ex-
car load of wooden pipe,' as (bis could, change of speeches Bases took lunch
be obtiined at a very low figure, if eon with tbs President.
Attorney C H Finn appeared for
airs butter and demanded a report
from tie committee appointed to in
vestigate the charge or allegation that
Mrs Zuber bad beeJ misappropriating
the city water. He stated that it was
only justice to the tsx payers and to
Mrs Znbertbat a report of the inveeti
gation be reported at once. The com
tnitcee was net ready to report,, and
sot attorney men introduced a reso
lution commanding the committee to
Visits The President
By Scripps News Association
Oystsr Bay July IS The jacbt
Bylph arrived her at noon, and con
trary to president,' no formal speeches
were exchanged, as Baron Boeen
merely assured the PreeiJent that tbe
visit was a. .pleasure. Be present
ed the letter of Couot Ossein'.. The
President shook bands cordially with
tbs embassador and expressed bis
oleaeuieat tbe meeting. Ambassa
dor Boeen left at two-thirty this after
noon and will return to Mew xork ua
the Bylph. , ,
j ' 1 - 'i '. "
Oyter Bay July IS The President
received Baron Basen, tbe new Russian
ambieeador at 8ejs more Hill this f
ternoon : ' The' naval 'yacht brought
bought is oarload lots;
Tbeprasencs of large rocks atd
boulders on Fourth street was slso a
matter of dfsoussion, it being stt
thst th y wrre tinmerous at tbe pres-
eat time and that they made unplea
sant the most beautiful drive in ;he
city. This was referred tu the street
committee to see tbatjit was sttended
to at onoe. I Street tnperintsnden t
Bynborst staked that he was working
constantly in cleaning the streets and
removing tbe boulders , and thst tbey
would bs at work an this street in a
few days.
Another matter of importance that
same up before tbe body the pur
chase of hose cett, and it was sgieed
io purchase two new earts, ,the matter
being lefi io tbe hands of the insur
ance committee with power to act
It was elo decided by tbe council
that tbe city should in i fumiga
ting mso'jine, this having been sug
gegted by Mr Kilpatrick, as itwill be a
soource of great and tbe
means of saving many lives in cases of.
can tageoua diseases. This meeting tf
tbe council was one .of tue most pleas.
Induced Perjury
By 8cripps News Association
Nsw York July 13 Justice .Davis,
of the erimiosl branch of too Supreme
Court, today am Quoced that rha bad
found evidence to try Abe H Hum
mell and Beojtmin F Stein hart, in
dicted .for conspiracy and subornation
ol perjury in the D vige-Morss divorce
oassi wbioh was set for trial 8pt. 18
Federal Ruling
(By Scrlppa News Association) ; ,
New York,-July 13 -Miss Ida M.
Tarbell today made a reply to the re-
ont refutation by attorney Kline of
Cleveland,' of her oliargee against Book
sfeller In the Carrlgaa case. "I see
nothing io Kline's statement to mate
ma revise what I have written In the
case of Carrlgan vs. Rockefeller" aald
Miss Tsrbell this jnoraing . She also
stated after rtinteratine her chsrees
sgainst Rockefeller, "I do not aocuse
Rockefeller of breaking the law or even
the rales of business aa tbey Beam Io
be Intarpreted by many business men,
but I judge him by the Golden Bute
and 1 claim that Rockefeller , himself
gtvea me the tight to nae that rule In
estimating his character. , It Rocke
feller bad not all bis Ufa ' pnblloly de
clared that the church nd the Bible
MM 4kinMl MM '4m - M
life,' I should hesitate 1 to apply tbe
Golden Rule to him In Rockefeller's
practice, mutual helpfulness., baa no
plaoe. With him, might makes right,
not generosity, not Joatloe, not hu .
m.nll If t' .
Peace Envoys Coming
8t Petersburg July IS Tbe Emper-
or today singed tbe appointment of M
Witte as obief plenipotentiary repre
senting Russia in peaoe negotiations.
Washington was officially no iflcd tbim
morning that Witts will tail tor th
United Sutes oc Kaiser W lhelru Dtt
Grow from Oberburg S3. C
Par's July 13 A dispatch from . Si
Petenburg this afternoon rays the dt
olmation of M Muravieff to bead the
Russian pao ooromission is partly
due to bis ill health and pitiy to tbe
laot that the allowance of seventy five
. (Scrlppa News Association)
Chicago, July 13. A crowd besieged
tbe corridoa of tbe Great Northern
today, anxious to r aoh the apartments
of Walter 8ooX tho Deal b Valley
miner. Thomas Lan and Charlie Hag.
ley tried to break Into bla room and
were arrested. Lane claimed that be
knew Boott tn California. The miner
kicked when a bill of twenty five
dollars per day was presented for th
use of the bridal suite. Ho was In
formed that ha would have to pay or
get out, and ha paid. Tbe "Creoius
at five o'clock this afternoon on a
special oar over the Michigan Cen
tral for New fork. - .
: ,. i
Scripns News AsaooUtion .
St Petersburg July 131 1 is stated
on good authority that M Bouligan will
shortly resign as minister of the in
terior, and that he will be aaooeeded
by General .Tiepoff. -The - terrorists
have renewed their warning against
Trepoff, who la constantly receiving
letters telling bim tat bis end Is near.
Trepoff makes no concealment of the
tact that he expects to be killed, but
his nerve is unshaken The lettera
from the terrorists aay : "Tour sentence
will be executed In your own room,
and you will be killed in your own
bed." ,
(By Pcrirps News association! .
Boise, idaho, July 13-Jndge Besity
in the United 8tates Court, this morn
Inar vranted an Ininnetion raatralnlnv
the Shoue I alls Power Company from hordred dollars Is insuffioisot on ao
aiverung we water oi onaaa iuver io.oouiii oi tne great expense ataacued to
destroy the aconio
beauty of Bridal
Heat Kills Three
By Bciippe News Asociatioa
' New York July 18 Threa deaths an I
numerous proatrarlona ara - reported
today aa a result of tbe heat. No re
lief is In prosptct. ij$ l
ving in the United States.
Wasoiogton D G July 13 Ambit-
sador Meyer reports to tbe State De
partment that Witte had been appoint
ed chief of tbe plenipotentiary in place
of Count Mntevlefr who has resigned
It will pay you to get our priccs -Our policy of
clearing out what is left of seasonable goods
after every season's selling INSURES YOU NEW
GOODS. What is left of this season's goods
r a
n ; Witr Burn Gib
(By Scripps News Association)
New York July 13 -The . American
Ilawalln Steamship Company closed
a oontraot with tbe Tehanntreo Nat
ional Railroad Company of Mexico for
the transportation of all business of
this company between the Atlnntlo
and the Paoiflo over a railroad 'which
ill be completed next year. Pn si
dsnt Detrborn saya his company which
largely oontrols the transportation of
tbe sugar from the Islands to the
Uulted States has ordered two new
steamers from tbe Union Iron ' Works
of San Francisco. Tbe vessels are to
have twelve and a half knota and will
burn oil for fuel,
By Scripps News Association
Portland, Orrgon, July 13 The day
ass consumed In tbe Federal Court to
day in tbe trial of Congressman Will
ismson et si, for conspiracy to de'raud
tbe United States Government of
landc, in a gueing tb various motions
for the delense Among tbe motions
was one for striking out some import
ent test imony end motion for non
suit .
Every Body Visits
(Scripps News ' Association) '
Sagamore Hill.' July 13 Mrs Koose
velt and Kermet and Ethel T Roose
velt left thla morning fur New York
to visit friends. Sea Loeb and Mrs
Loeb start this Sunday to spend a
months vacation flsbing and hontlng
Titon mountains in the country south
of the yellowstons park, '
Scripps News Association
Paris France, July 13 There was a
scene of great disorder in tbe Chamber
of Depntiea today during tbe discus
sion of tbe amnesty in connection
with those ooucerned In the revolution
ary conspiracy of 1899. ' The bill pass
ed the senate Tuesday. During the
course of a arntatlonal debate, Mln
ister of War, Bearea-tx, announced
that be withdrew his signature from
the amnesty projeot, and president
Daumei adjourned the chamber midst
an uproar, ;. ! .
Eight Men Killed
, , (Scripps Newa Associaticn)
Point Richmond, Cal., Joly 13.
Eight men were killed lu an exploaloa
that dee" royed the mixing boose of the
giant powder works at Sebrant, five
miles northeast of this plaoe this after
noon. Tbs dead are V Dwyer, the
white foreman, and seven Chinese
laborer. They were tbe only parsons
In the building at tbe time of the , ex
plosion. On . Cl lnaman who waa
standing ninety feet from the building
was badly Injured but will recover.
The mixed bouse waa a structure forty
feet squats and there were two smaller
building ne4rand ell, we e completely .
razed. The explosion dug a bole be
neath the building forty feet deep.. Tbe
bodies of the . victims were horribly
mutilated, arms, legs and trunks being
hurled into tie bay. Three' trunks
were found nenr thi destroyed build
ings, bat the o'hers are undoubtedy
lost beyond recovery. 'The cause of the
explosion is uuknowu.'
Ore Mutineers
B Soripps News Association
Vi. i titeifburg July 13 Tbe rumor
is fU'r.r.t hfri Ilia! fiur grenadier
rrgiu.' uts at Moscow have mutinitd
and tliat at Warsaw the offijers re
fussd to give commands to the sol
diers to (irf upon people who made
Our Dew stock, of Btutton r embraces all the latent
ideas iu correeponjence papers, nil the newest sizes,
shapes aud tints. Oar line of box papeisis ei-pecially
uole worthy, ruugiug iu price from lOo to wdc a box.
We always carry a good etoik of bulk - uad tablet
paper, juat now it is uuusualiy ample, Our prices on
everything iu the stationery liue bave been proverb
ially reason ate aul we are now offering better valuoa
for ycur u oney than tvtr.
m t m sw
whs tsm& wlm
...... .
Call us up on Farmers' Line.
Approves Sentence
(By Scripps News Association)
Washington July 13 -Tbe War -De
partment has announced ita approval
of President Roosevelt's sentence of
diamisral from tbe army of . Major
Fiaik Dell Carriugton, of tbe Fist
IntiDtry.convic'ed of miappropria
tion of ) nbflc funds in tbs Philippines
Declines Invitation
By 8oripps News Aseooiatkn
Melbourne, Australia, July 13
President Boosevlt has deoiined tbe
invitation extended"' to Miss Alive
Koose velt by the Commonwealth
Government to viait Australia . with
Yes, of course we have
watches, the very b?bt
watches made. We also
have Clocks, and every
thing in the Jewelry line
Old Jewelry made to lookjlkejnew Repair work given prompt
Clocks taken care of attention. '
Secretary Taft and party.
urn ii m n 11 . .