left. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY "'PHONE La.Grani. YOU , Should come when in . i NEED :: mile I WASHING WE DO IX RIGHT Ml Keep If y ou have uo other way call on the --' LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. and secure an . V ..t Bates and all prices will be explained, at the office , . Theie are many kinds of meat, but we sell only the best kind. A trial order will convince you of the truth of this statement We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly, Our Drices are as low as consistent with the beet quality Bock & THomas Whan you want a pleasant laxative that la easy to take and oertaln to act, aie Cbemberlain'e Stomeoh and llw tablets. For eale by Newlin Drag Co, The Anti Trust Market Market Al One Place x Why visit a half a dozen placea whan vour entire household from one J place I have added a complete line of groceriee to my business and now can not only furnish you with the very bast In meate, and also , wlt'i atapla and fancy groceries and vege tables as well. ' ' . A general market means everything for the table. I have the stoca ana the meana of taking care of it and it ia I all lor aale, and you will find tbat t have struck the secret ol business ino-1 cesa. t ne aecres uiny .ufc ; goods at tbe lowest prices. . A tiial or . . that I da bual- ' 'tefeb nra n 'this 'Dlaa'-Do)' not lorget Satorage plan't. The very beat KoityAllg.a.ngro. caries kept on ice. Alwaya Ireah and always cold and crisp. Try one ol our water melons juat off the Ice. Berries and poultry keps on ice Watoh thil spaot Ipr'prioea. Corn aod . a.. ABrtta nar MB. ,v lOIDHCJ IOU waawej . -. v v Tht Anti-Tnul Matkcl. I. HARRIS IT PAYS TO PAY CASH ti. ..11 fnr rah. therefore can lntr martfin tnan inc IIVII Credit merchant. -,- Our Une of greceriee la oome ani call and see ror J" . v. ,aa oar own aeiivery know that our good. ax. properly de- mow ws liverea. i v! "a -hioh ia aufflolent gnarantee. . ..I. hmODI uraau " ... . j . 1, ..Kaarraii xurecieu. .11 milWI. m : 1 rwnt Seattle Grocery U. l85i Oregon. to oar laundry anything from a pleasant to clean liuen u our business ! Cool Electric Fan Boy Drowned While bathing in the rivet yester- dey afternooa near lb Henry Young place, Henry Fleebmen wee drowned. Tbe body iu recovered in lew mtnotee, but though nil thai oould be done lor bim waa done, lite oould not be brought beak. Tbe tacta aur rouadlng thaaooideqt are, as near aa can be learned aa follows, jouog Fleebmau and bit eleven year old brother, neither ol whom could swim, were wading around in tbe river hold ing on to a log, and waded off iuto deep water, and tbe log turning tbey Ibay loit their bold. The older ol tbe brotbera went to tbe bottom at onoe, and tbe younger came to tbe auxlace tbiea timea before be waa reaoaed, by other boye who were alio bathing. The older boy did not reappear, and eomeone on the bank dove down and brought him to the shore. There was no evidence of life when be waa brought out, and tboae at the scans of tbe aocldent did all in their power to aid bim; they did not know exactly what to do. and by the time Dr Hall was brought to the young man's aistanoe it was too late. The body was taken to Hemy 4 Carr'a under taking parlors, and wae t .la morning shipped to bis parents who reside at Promiae Wallowa county. Tbe young man waa employed at the Perry mill but expected toatart lor borne on tbia morning's train. Another ShOW COITiinii Mnaa CI 11 Htavard ol the orera boQM auMMaea a eeouring the National' Stock Company for a three ngDte entertainment In La Grande. i u r. -i of La Grande have naen given a enow In tbe opera house, and this one will no doubt U weiooroed with enthneiaam d attended by good crowd.. If re- Xr. iTatttt J ft kM that la on the rMd TUn altogether la the company, and ten take part In the preduotlons on tba atage, while the others are musicians and specialists, ho ertn entertain the aadlenoe be- twacaacta. ... WILL REMAIN INROUMANIA By Soiipps New Association fetustendii Boumaoia" July 1U Members ol tbe orew ol tbe a.nui Pniemkin. who' surrendered to tbe .nthnntlea S.tuidav . are ouietly die- .hmmrhoat the country. They r- ; . - Iwlwed that tbey ao. noasiie so l.fc.n.Ae. hni vara led aairay by tbe I u.. v,.n ll.r Tk. inniDlinill awww. imM B,aiineere .ay that tbey intend to re- I . .1 1 i mi n kare ana teaxn iuo umam.u Unguage. Good Roads Opens Tomorrow .... ; HON WM. BREDBUKN ( ;.' " (1 Consulting Engineer National Good Roada Association. - This morning there arrived In tbia city a delegation of man and, women, who if the people of thia valley will al low ttiem, will do more to make Un ion county world famous, aod rural life worth living, than aoy other com bination of Uieu fat iv ... ; CC. These gentlemen are tbe officers of the National Uuod fioada Association! and it la their mleaion to look . over ' our county roada and the surrounding' re- aoaroee aa concerns road building, and. Inetruotaa in the ait of good road making. Itta a sell evident (act that we in Ibe west, and eapeolally in thia county, require loetraction in the ap parently loat art. The eood road . party arrived thia morning on paeaenger train No. 8, aid their special car waa aHe tracked. Tbe party waa met at the depot by a rep reeeotat ive oommlttee of the La Grande Commercial Club who extended to them a bearty welcome, and escorted them to breakfast. Attar breakfast, tome of the delegates accompanied by a committee of the club took: the train for Elgin when meetlnge will be bald today and another committee escorted others of tbe party tbiougb the valley n earriagea. The entire party will assemble here tble evening- when ' an Informal reception will be ' tendered them at the Commercial Club parlora. Aa there are a number of ladles lu tbe Good Roada party, it is desirable that as many of the La Grande ladles - at tend the reception aa possible. To morrow morning at ten o'clock ...the meeting will be formally opened at the court house, and it la proper to. State that every citizen of thia county , and Independent Road ; Right-of-way has been secured from Elgin and through the canyon for the conatruotion of an Independent rail road. In the paat several aurveya have been made and railroads Just going to be built the projeot only materialized In wind but from what we can learn, thia time it will be a go.- Joseph Her ald. -'.- .. Acting Secretary WMhlngton, Jul) , 8 LUutnBDt Aan nval A D OtimffaiA has hskAn si ti th nr lad by President Roosevelt to perform I the duties of secretary of war during I tha ihunM nf Ranrtr Tatt and the I illness or absence of Assistant Secre I tary of War General Oliver. . I TT ' naCrV rrOITl I IlC nllllcS I Ulricb Lottie and Gaorge Kretger re lorni u. tT,Diog Irom a visit to ths Aun4 j. qM , mlne'on C.tir.ne far Krelger aod Mr Wm James, and ia making a splendid showing. A force of suinera ie now at work aod have tbe ledge exposed for a considerable die tanoe. Tba ledge ia shown lo be fifty feet wide and tbe tunnel is In near ly a hundred feet. Tue rook Is of 1 value which assures a rest lonani aa anon aa a mill can be placed on tbe property. J,. Heat Kills Hop Lice Gervals Or , Jaly 10-A but wave paased over tbe French prairie section Saturday. Tbe thermometer renged op well toward 100, while in the sun It toocbel 111 degrees. , Lice are unable to withstand tbe heat - and are disap I ,k. unn .(n.. 1 r--a " - -. It makea no difference how many medloinee have failed to core you, if you are' troubled with headache,' con- atipatloo, kidney or liver troubles. I Hollleter'a Booty MonnUln Tea will I make yoo well., , Newlin Drotf Co. Convention city la invited to attend this and all other meetings of the aasoolatlon. In the afternoon at to o'clock there will be another meeting at the same place and yet another meeting In tbe even ing. It ie hoped tbat all three of tbeae mU attended. La Uraade ia Indeed honored by tbe pree enoe of those sentlemeo, and the re salts of their vielt, If we do our part, wilt beat moat beyond the power of man to estimate i As will be. seen by the following list, we will have with na the leadere of the good road move- mant, and meo who etand at the very bead ol the engineering and road con struction profession. There are aever al ladies In the party who are jost aa enthuaiastio as Abe masculine members of the party i Tbe Good Roads party la as follows: Col. W H Moore, President Nation al Good Roada Aasoolatlon. Senator A 8 Mana, Vloe ' President National Good Roada Association, Jacksonville, Fla. ' Hon Wm. ' Bradbnrn, Oonaultlng Engineer, National Goed Roada Asso ciation. V d Ool. T P Rixey, of Missouri, Leotu er.MGBA. Hon. Wellington E Louoka, Organ IzerNGR A. . Hon.' John Ciaft, President Alabama StaU Good Roada Aaso ' , Mobile, Ala Mra. Craft, Mobile, Ala. Mita Ray Moore. Toronto, Canada Miaa Flora Mason, Albany, Oregon. Mla Boynton, Albany, Oregon. Mr. V E Baldwin. Stereoptioon Ex pert, N'G R A, Albany, N Y. Mr. P O Brownaon, Private Seo'y'to President Moore. Toronto, Kanaaa. Notice To Water Consumers All persona knowing tbemaelvea to be In arrears for city water are here by n itlfled to call at the offloe of tbe city Reoorder and aettle at once. In order that tbera may be no miss under standing we cite the customer to the following seotion of the city ordinance. This ordlanoe will be in forced.,. - , .: . . i 'Section 28 The water ratea aball be payable in advance"" at ..the offloe of the. water superintendent on the first day of each month (except for meters hlch are payable on the first day of the euooeeding month), and if not paid within the Brat ten daya the water will be shut 08 the premises, as provided in flections 2a and 27. Later ordinance provldea tbat water latea ahall be payable to City Record er Instead of Water Superintendent. Notice to Water Consumers water consumers taking water out of the city Jeherson Street line be tween 2nd and Greenwood atreets, are hereby notified tbat tbe water will be shut off tomorrow, July 11, betwt en the hours of 2 and 4 p m on account of repairs. ; ' li U OILMAN, City Water Superintendent Heat Breaks Record Drain Or. July 10 -The heat Satur day troke all previona records at tbia place, the weather bureau thermometer registering 10V Beautiful eyea and handsome face are eloquent commendations. Bright eyeeere windows to a woman's heart. Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea makea bright eyes. - 36 cents, Tea or Tablets. ..lln Dm. Cn Teams Wanted Teams wanted to haul cord wood. An all aummer'e job assured. Apply to John Anthony, or addrata Boi 112, La Grande, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L. RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Offloe over HlU'a Drag Sloia, : Office rhoae UtM Bealdeaee PhoM SSI N. MOLITOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner AtaBiiTiiM and Depot 81. ' Office Phone XM . BealdeMePhoaeai WILLARD SMITH " PHYSICIAN AND, SURGEON Phouejm " LU balldlng, oppoalU Boramar Hoom Office Bows, 1 to 4, 1 to 8 , , , " ' BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offl la Foley baildlDt, Phoae liw - " C.T. Baooa, Reaidenoe Fboae US. . M. HHeltteeldeaeetUl DKS. BIGGERS & B1GGERS Puyalolanaaud Surgeuna ". ' r O W Blagwi. M. U. Oao, U Blgtara, M. D i . Telephoata : E OffloeliU Kcaldanoe 1SS1 j Qmae Kalatoa Bulldluj over J. M. Berry's aiora. Kesldenee on kUdlwn AVa, aeoond door west of 'onner lealdoaoa, Dr. G. W.BLgiren ' LaGRANDK . ORBXKN ' ProfMkdtaal calls promptly attended to . day or eight. " . ' " DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. . DENTISTS." ' Offlo Bora mar Building Offloa Pbone 64 ' KMldanee Phone 117 C. B. Cauttiorn DENTIST O ) r-amA. aTAe UI11 r r f4tAta La Grande, Oregon $; R. L.. LINCOLN DENTIST C Upstaln.UorAdama aenn and Depot 81. i 4-. Phone $4 VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. Y A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Ilill's Drug Store La G rande, Oregon Phone 136 1 Residence phone 701 u Farmers' line , 58 DR. W. T. DDWNE3. VBTKRINABY 8UBQKON AND DENTIST f , i '- S t, Leave orders at Red BetldenccCor v Crow Drug store 6tb and I at Thirty flt years experience, beat of referaoce furniabed ATTORNEYS CP AWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law s.; LA GRANDE, OREGON ORloe In Foley balldint. J. W KNOWLES 1 Attorney- and Counsellor , At Law : Offloe in Ralaton Building Phone 156 Ia Grande Or. H.T. WUllnma A. C. WlUlams WILLIAMS BROS. ATl'ORN EYS-AT-LAW Qrnc In Balatoa Building FbonaiOsS ' Im Grande, Or. L A. PICKLER : i Civil, Mining. Irrigation Engineering and surveying ENtlmatea, Plana, aud Bpeolfloallona. . , Offloe IllOAdama Avenue, wllb John EHoigb La Urahob, orroom Lodge Directory; SlAOLRH La Uranda Atria iu fO It oieeta everv Sunday nlKht in K. ol V ball a S d IB I. A. ifawtt, W. F. J. B. Pollock, W. ' i 0 O r La Giuida Lodia. No 16 nr aeU .n Oierr ball ever Saturday uIkM. VUlllug MO amrm nMli.ll Invitl In attend. Uamlary plat con be aeea at Ottioe of City Reuordar. . . O. w. ttobertaon, N u H. K. OooUdge, Ban. , ' ITABKNOAliPMKNT No 11, I. O. O. F, maau arary flrat and third Tburadara In tbe anonlb in Odd Fellowa hall. Vlaiting patrl roba alwaya ardooina I. U. Snook, C r. gdmond BoMnaon. Botlbe KAflTEBHBTAB OGH Hone Chapter So i meeia Uia eecoad anl biurtli Wi-dDcaday or acb month at j p m Ui Maaooie Temple Mertie AldrioU, W U Mary A WarBiet. Bub . , M. W.A. ta GmndeOamp 7ttJ mti ever flrat and third Wednnadaf of tbe month at 1. 0. 0. F. Hall. Ail dialling nehrb bora are cordially Inritod to anend. a, Keuland, V, a . . John Hall, Clerk. . ... . rOREHTKRS OF AMERICA Ooort Maid yrton. Mo t Bieeta eaob Thursday night In K m f nau, urowera ara inTiiea lo avwnu. OH WUIiania, Fin. Board of Tniateet nr.QL Biggera, Julia ana tier Den rauiacn mm i : Brick famished 'quanity or any .-style. ' No. contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. QEO. KREIGER 7 La Grande, Oregon s THE OXFORD ;BM JAMES FARQL'H ARSON, Prop Complele aanrtmaot or WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunchea and. in I led dritka a apeolalty.iFalr aba Impartial treatment to all. ' Yon . are in vlted to call and get acquainted lain I ouiuwu CHAS, ML ,DIST, Proprietor. Til h 'r .v.-ri -Tfl't Finest collections of stuffed' 1 1 1 . ranimals on Uhe' iPacific 1 g I , coaattrs, ..Si--. en ease feettitS see seeetse) Blue Front, Saloon C E TH0RS0N,, Propri4r. fa ' '"' " FINEST V WINES, LIOUORS Imported; andsvdocue8tio! Hot or ir cold judci lunch all hours JaSeraoa Arcnae ' Oppoalte Depot ' .. teeessitesssstittsst asjaajsj0Sj$0BJ0fA0l Palace Salo CHAS,'' ANDERSON. Prop. FINK 1 WINES, UQUORS "AND CIGARS' ; , ' Always on hand e e Jefleraon Avenue OppO'.te t vol ' 4 I TrtELOVlVRE ' ! CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop.. FINK I WIHE5. LIQU0R5 ; SE CIQflRS H Gentlemen atwayi Welcome I ; " RrSirett EagioICISa'ohn ULRICH LOHIS. Piop.; FINK WINES, LIQUORS i and CIGARS Lunches are our specialty Jefleraon Avenue, Opposite depot i,r.ioma in j. i. emi, rwr. FINE WINE5 tUS LIQUOR J . Aad tba beat braada ol . ." Alwaya on hand i . ," ( . (.,.'it . t- n , ' Itliai drlnka a specialty,, Aak aud ee If you don't got IU Thin la a rou tlemen's resort and will be rue aa anob 8e M, i - : I V L - S 'U - 1 I-" I II V n 5 J tin- VI w- ZUNDW A IAW80M. itit a j arms oi ma; oaocasua. i - -