f i.aaaaaaaaaaJaaSSSaaaaWaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaMaaaa aatfWWW . 2 j i a Ti SJ ust M a rande Evening Observer :Y liitOS., Editore APrp atored at tha Poet Offlus at La randa, Orgon, aa Baeond Clau ail U attar. iblished daily except Sunday (Do year in advance. ..... 6 50 ix months in advance. . . .3 60 "er mouth. 65c ; ingle copy. .............. 5c Thursday, July 7. 1905. ADVEKTIHINd KATK8 rtply Atf rata faraUbaa apoo application rau roaaiof notion ion per llna Orat dm- ; Uon, je per llaa tat tack stibaeqnenl InMr- . moIuUod of eoedoleaoa, je jar Una ' arda ot Uianfc. 6 per Una CALL FOR SPECIFICATIONS There re fiftaen counties io Oregon prlitb an aggregata area of land ' aur tlm0 t' (0,342 tquar mile and po .ulatioa la 1900 ot 76.890 peopla in Of ibioh there are no railroada. TbU it InloubtleM the large! area will. la an; tale lo the Union without railroad Wt,aoilitic. It would be well for our , Voteif , especially ium iiviuy 'tu iuLi. Jn tha' bave no Iroo track, to fiud . ut il someUiiag eauoot be done to . letter tbflr oondltion. .... I " There ii not a county io Or gon ;ht hit do railroad bat bat . been fettled 'more than twenty fire years ;md bare long hoped to tee a railroad .: within in bordert and have often beard talk ol tha corolog of the Iron y horaa tint came not and wonder why -6tdif not come. It it more tntu probble that if inch will , inquire , Into the Hwhy tbey t have been lett to Ions in the back woods or nut '"Job tbb lonely prairies, tbey will find 0 m J ; . Ahe very meq they bave been helping vuiui dhh ur uauuuai, iur tue pait quarter ol a oentury bave uied tbe power confered upon 1 them by their voters to prevent the building of a railroad into their oounty until mob time at the railroad corporation - ttbat to admires the ability of the . I, political lsi tfiat tboy huts beer shouting lor that tbey pay him a ,' large annual talary, Otitis it eon van I lent to build a road into their county '' When the people in tbate long nt-gleet-f ed regiona read In the newspapers . . praiiet of "ttatemrn" at mch ttyle I politicians, who bave held great office and positions fur the laU quarter of a K country in Oregon and claim they j have done so muoh for tha people, .Ki they will be wise in calliug lor a bill 7"J ' Items and see if they ctn And any I thing therein that has been done for : thair county ur neighborhood. HtatemaoNhip consists y in doing more for the state that entrusts a mau with great powers than parv.ll ing out the ofboes tmoug hi- particu lar friend. To tie a United States Senator shoulil imply m.rre than to be an office b okcr, cr guarJian ol the interest of corporation tlut bave fl od a claim upon a given region, and are willing to pay a handaomft aal try to representative ol the people so that their interests are neglected and that of, the corporation that pays tbe salary i never lorgolleu. Corpora tions cauuot be rationally bUtned for lookiug alter thsir own interest. Tbe ouly i floctive way tocouuteract their plant are for the people to be at alert in looking after their interest at cor poration or great financial com pan in are. No reason can be given for the tlow growth of Oregon for b past 25 year b it the faet that those i i high places bav4 served corporate interests Insrtad of the people. Ore gon bas the climate, soil and position and ought to grow at fast at Cslid r bia and Washington. F? Many children inherit eonotitntlona weak and feeble, othera doe to child hood troubles. Ifollitter4a , Rocky Mountain Tea will poetlvely cure children and wake them strong 6 3 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Drag f!o. PureBred Poult I'arties desiring pure bred poultry can secure eggs from the following well known breeds at 1 1 per setting of fifteen Bar Ply moth Rock, White Wyn dort, Siugle Comb Browu Leghorn, and Silver Laced Wyddott ELI BA!R. Island Ciiv regon A corrtspoDdent of the Washington Hut. deacribiog the wondirfal growth of Winnipeg, fttribut it largely to lb Yankee who are making it tbe gateway of a vast iroiicration into the Canadian north eat More than 37,000 Millers, be rtecUri-. bave en terd Cnnla from the United . Htad during the laat twnWemonth, and more are stilli going. Winnipeg, aa the comiifestcial center of the country that ia filling op to fast, has grown from a strangling, ill built town of 18,000 in 1891. to a eity of nearly 100, 000 today, with broad aaphalt aveouet splendid stone and ateel tkyscraptr and all the attribute of a progressive American city. It it the storehouse for much of tbe 60,000,000 bushel wheat orop of Manitoba. Members of the crew of the Russian cruiser Lena, iuterned at Ban Fran ciaoo, lh t bave the priviVge of going home accorded tbem. In tbe case of tome of tbe men of the Rus sian ships that took refuge at Manila, the privilege wat extended, and tbe men at Ban Francisco think tbey should be treated at well. Those men aie a brut at well off io San Francisco s they would be anywhere In the world. However, home ia botne, even to Russians at such a time aa this Cheerfully Recommended tor Rheumatism OOHIgbee, Danville, III. writes Dec 2, 1001; "About two years ago I was laid up for four years with rheu matism. I tried Uallard'i Snow Lini ment; one bottle oured me. I can Cheerfully recommend It to all "Offer ing from like affliction" 2.kj, 60o,$ 1 00 Newlin Drug Co , i " f RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial traveler, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain a )1 feed. Piee delivery to all parts ef the city. ' Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Horaea, barricaa and Wi ua bougUl and aull VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June 1 to Oct. 15, 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Though' the Williainette, Umiua and Kogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon, pass Mt. Shasta, through the Sacramento Valley to the many famous resorts on tlie line of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. For beautifully illustrated booklets, descriptive i f tali fornia resorts: address. W. E: COM AN, Gen. Passr. Agt. Portland, Oregon. OREGON SllOJrlilNI IMon PAcinr 1 bKFART Tim Hrhrttul LA (iKAHUK, OR if-ROM . No -.$0 p m NO 6 Halt take, renter. Ft. No I Sa at Wo j :j y at WoMli, Umalia, Kan aaa City. 81. 1auU, Chi- H:.i0a.m. oaa aud LwU Mo I tVirtlaad. iMika, Pen lleU.n. Walla Walla. I "mvIoii. I'oiuaroT. Vol- Not . S.M.a i laa, Moaowt eixikaue, tod iMNUIa vntt aud aorlh viaBpokaca fortlanJ. IwIIm. JVih llrKm. UmHlilliy Wa -nla, Iariloii, rollaa, Moow, Wall xtr. i ut, Hpokaiic aud other xuiila avol acd Bufltl la H)okHU 'aland City, .ileal, Im Irr autl . .fiu. Kon . tiotia at k.f u w Hi U tut KIUU la no 4 M p. ui. No HMO a i Ncvi 0lly e- NoU IOaa 8m n Jar Kliarn Uan H'taiurra bw.ea I'ortlaod aud baa fia kriaoo aver j i i . ... i...r al fOOIJC; Aaaal. j BIG VALUES IN i EMBROIDERY I 8, 10 anh 12 k value 3 rer ' 5c specials fti --i i, j! . , . 'f v . . ' " r ' - " ... Best quality of 15c Percale 9c, Calico 4c, Ginihams 5c, finest quality and Misses Lace Lisle Gloves 15c Children's sliDDers 50c and a line I 3. t ' " - - -- - -4, it, .Clean:. Commences Friday July 7, Ends IVIon. July 31 The greatest clearing sale of the year. Because of the unusual amount of !r.erGhanc!!$e to clear, this sale will largely exceed all our previous July Clearing Sales in volume, variety of merchandise, and in price reductions. All broken lilies, odd lots, and those assortments of regular merchandise which are larger than vve wish, have been given low price marks that will force quick selling. The sale sheets will show enormous losses, but we count losses as inevitable during these clearing sales- part of the business. Every Article in the House Reduced. .EXCEPT E. L XV. COLLARS, W. L. D0UGUSS SHOES, SPOOL COTTON AND BUTTERICK PATTERNS WHICH .'y, '"'"'' ARE CONTRACT GOODS. i CLEAN SWEEP SALE liM OUR READY TO WEAR DEP'TMENT Every garment marked at a fraction of Its value A line of Ladies' $3, $4 and $6 Walking Skirts for $1 Ladies' summer wash Skirts $1.50 VALUES TOR $1.05 2.25 " 1.60 3.00 " 2.00 4.00 " 2.65 n; i LADIES' WAISTS Elaborately Trimmed in the Latest Styles, all the Latest and most clever Models shown this season in silks and lawns. $.50 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 GARMENTS REDUCED TO .I .. AND OTHERS WHICH SPACE ,., - -. if LA GRANDE, OR. - ..VVaMaH MJaaaaaaaaiaMaaawaaaam:;-,J,,, Sweep mm A .; TWO AND $.30 .45 .60 .95 1.25 1.45 WILL NOT PERMIT 10.00 ' ojik Zeohyr Gingham, 8ic Ladies' 25c mik w y of Ladies' Oxfords c. . Sale CLEAN SWEEP SALE IN OUR MENS' CLOTHING Hundreds of dollars worth of clothing that is as well made, as perfect in fit, as good in material as you can buy any where for double the money ' emx r-?r.lV?.:-j'5 fckv a4iavaM.ta THREEPIECE SlTTs TWEEDS AND CHEVIOTS ttmaaift mm a W. -aa-I.ffltl r $25.00 SUITS REDUCED TO 22.50 15.00 " ' 12.00 $20.00 17.00 11.50 9.50 6.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR MADE OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF FRENCH BALBRIGGAN DERBY RIBBED. BEST SI 50 VALUE FOR $1.00 TREMENDOUS . VALUES IN ii MEN'S SHIRTS ?1 7 85c'SI.OO U t m wwf . values I 50c I n it