TODAY'S NEWS TODAY - Tonlgh fair and cooler ill Tomorrow lair .VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON FRIDAY. JULY 7. 1905 NUMBER 210 EVEN BSEfWEf? a JURY SECURED IN ' WILLIAMSON CASE By 8crippe News Association ' Poitland Or., July 7-In the federal district ooart today, before Judge J J De Haven, the eeoond of the land fraud triale began. Congressman J N Wll- liameon, bia patrner, Vao Geaner, and Marlon R Biggs, formerly United 8tatea " ' land coinmiseiouer at Prioevilie, Ore ion, are tbe detendanta. , Repreaentative Williamson and bia associates ere cbargd, onder tbe. in dictment returned aitainat them, with having conspired to commit an offense against the United Hiatea by snbor ing persona to awear falrely before tie land commissioners In order to get control of land near Frineville, Oregon. Tbe Indktment Ua brought uudereeo tlon 5440 of the revlaed attnt f th United States, which section provides, where two or more persona oonspire to getber to commit any offense agalnat the United States, or to defraud the United 6ttes In any mauner or for any purpose, ai d one of the' persona true, while a sma.l army will teatlfy in behalf of tl defense against tbe ln dlctment and Ita cbargea. Brands J Ueney, United Btatera attorney for Oregon, la oonductiug tbe prosecution while the defendanU sue represented by JuJge A S Bennett, who defended Senator Mitchell, and H S Wilson and Lionel K Webster. " Tbe parties to the case are all promt nent in Oregon politic?. Williamson being representative from the second Oregon district. He la in his fiftieth year and la a native of Oreaon. He baa been In polltloa einoe 1886, when he was elected sheriff of Crook county, liewaa elected to oongreaa in , 902 to succeed Maloom M Moody. A a peels 1 venire of 70 talesmen was drawn for this trial. Tbe jury wa secured today to try the case against Congressman William son at at, and tbie afternoon the open ing statement was mde. lorcaerai v-ouri , BySoripps News Association ,'; Maysville Ky July 7-Judge Coohran of the United 8tatei District. Court today, held that the Federal Court TRIED TO CHEAT ; THE GALLOWS (by Scrippa Newa Association) Owsnsboro. - Ky. July 7 Robert 11 at hey, waa bauged in the Jail yard this morning at 6;8. Tbe. prisoner afempted to cheat tbe gallows by oat. ting an artery In his wrist with his fingernails, but the plan waa flustrat- U VI IUO UVMI W.IIU, Bi.lUU w rr oonvicted of th murder of Mire Pinna I Wataloa whom be wanted to marry At tbe same time he killed the girl. be also killed James flregson, tbe oousin of the girL who opposed tb marriage. , . tin inriaiiintlnn- in Ihn naaa of Ca.eb does an sot to furtlier tbe conspiracy, : Power,f wdtr MnUncA ot deatb , for alleged complicity In the, assassination then all are parllea to the crime aud . are liable to a fine of not less than 11,000 or more than $10,000, and to Imprisonment for not more than two yeari. It Is alleged that on June 30, 1902, tbe defendanta conspired to suborn 100 persons to commit the offense of per jury by making false declarations in the tiling of land near Prineville. Marion R Biggs waa at that time U 8 commissioner, and it is alleged that 100 persona went before him and swore that lands about to be filed upon under the timber and stone act were teing taken in good faith by them when In fact tbe entries were being made at the solicitation and ucder the direction of tbe defendants, who were to receive the lands, once patent bad been issue I on them. The lands It la alleged were to be ao . quired by Williamson and Van besner. partners lu toe sneep business near Prineville, and to be used by ti em for sheep range Tbe opening day waa consumed in the selection of a jury. The case pro mises to be a most stubbornly contest ed one snd to occupy aa much if not more time -In the hearing than the Mitchell case. More than 100 wltnerse are present lor the prosecution who hope to prove by their evidence that the allegations of the ' government are Governor Goebel. Tbe ettornfe lor Powera made a bard fight to havo the case retnived from tbe atate cu ts Christian: Endeavors Bcripps News Association tiiiaor Mil Jttiy - Meuoiuma- tionsl meeting Vf the lelure of the Gbiieta e Endeavor ocnvei.tioo today. Tomorrow the d l.gates are to gocn eicunioos to Washington D C and Urttv'ftburt. Seattle aud Los Aogeles kte btith making a strong i ffort to se cure the next uetinai convention. Hiitie aeeina tube a little in the lead. . i .'..- i r Arrested Bank Officer A. L ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS By ScripiMt News Association. Portland, July 7 Tbe ; American Librarians Association today elected the following fficers President, Hall of Brooklyn, vice-president U W Aud rews, ot Chicago, voond vice presid ent Caroline Garland, of Dover. N II eecretary J J Wyer, I Lincoln, .Neb treasurer Gardner Jous, ot Oalera Mass, reocrder Helen Haines, of New Turk, trustees of the endowmeut fund of New York. . Washington, Aahvllle Nashville and Atlantic City are seek ing tbe next convention . Second Tunnel Through gcrippa Neva Association Bngue Switzerland July 7 ,Th piercing of the tecoud tunnel through the SSunplon ws complettd during the nigbt. . ROOT WILL ACCEPT STATE PORT FOLIO (By Hcrlppa News Association) Oyster Bay July 7 The following waa issued from the executive office this morning i 44 Elihu Root has ac cepted tbe tender by tbe Piesident -of the portfolio ot Secretary . ot Bute, and be will take charge ot hie office In about two aeeka. However it Is nec cessary that th-re will be eme time befora be clCsea all bia business af faire, and be will not be in Washing ton permanently until some time In September." v By Hcrippe News Association Oyster Bay July 7 The President left tot Ooean Grove N J at eleven this forenoon aboard a special train oo the Long hltnd railroad. At L ing Island City there was m boat in waiting for him and the party waa oonveyed to J..rsey City, where lie took a train for Oueau.Oiove where he will deliver an address beiore the National Education al AsAociition today. HoornUry iAioh and several secret service men count- panted the President, who was joined at Jersey City by 8euator Dryden and Keen,' --- 1 - ' REFINERY LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL (8oripps News Aesocistlon) lopeKa, Ban, July 7 The supreme oourt todsy ' waa ananimoua in the opinion ihat the state oil refinery law waa unconstitutional and the refloary declared to be work ot Internal Impro vement, which the state haa specially forbidden, aud that eatsbl ahments of the penitential y, at which oil Is re fined by oonvitts la oUuly a eubler fuge. Gbvenor Hooh said; I have boped to go ahead with tbe plan and and lick John O Rockefeller, lie would mak i no statement with rater enoe to calling a 'special session to make new lawa lo defeat Oil company Eight Tramps Arrested Uy Scrippa Newa Association Laramie Wyo., July 7 Eight tramps are under arrest here for at tempting to wreck No. 1 on tbe Union Pacific, known aa the Ovrrland Limit ed, at B u lord at two-thirty this morn- log. ' Obstructions were plaoed upon the trck, but the engine stopped In time to avoid a wreck.. . Scrippa News Association Boston Mass., July 7 Chas. May, president of tbe defouet National bank of Davenport,' Washington was ar tested this afternoon and held od five thousand bail, oharged with mie eppropiialing iweuty eigut thour-fod llais Amicable Agreement (By Sorippa Newa Association) i'arla July ,7-It la offlclauy an nounced that at a meeting ot tbe Council, of Ministers this morning Expressed Regrets By Scripps News Assooiaticn , Constantinople July 7 Tbe Sultan has exp-eeied regrets at the vir st ol the American interpreter, and the in oidrnt baa been cloved. At Port Blakely . (liy Scrippa Newa Association) Seattle, Wish., July 7. The police have been notified by the : town mar shal ct PoH Blakely that tbrte ot the escaped prisonera from MrNeil'e Island are oorrsled there. Tbe fugitives have little chance ot escape, and It ie no believed that they are armed. Athbury Park, July 7 The Presi dent and party arrived here at one fifty and were tiet by the committee from the. National Ed uoalumal Aaso- ciati.m and they then proceedtd to Ocean Grove Tbe oouvention ' will close this afternoon with tbe Presi dent's addresr. Tonight there will be a publio reception tendered tothn new ly elected president of the association, Nathan Sobaffer of Pcnnsplvania. It h generally believed that the exeou live committee will deoide to bold the next convention in California. Tht President waa enthusiastically greeted by thousands of teachers, - Governor Elect Officers (Sorlpps News Association) San Frnnciaoo July 7 The American Surglcil Aeaoolatlon todsy decided to meet next year nt Cleveland, Ohio. The oflloers elected were president Dr A Van Keener, of Albany N V, vice president Dr J K Moore, of Minneapolis Minn., eeoond vice-prelc" ent Dr JO Munioe, of Boston, secretary Dr P Allen, of Clevelsnd, treasurer G R Fowler, of Brook! ju N V recording eeaietsry Dr U 11 liart, of 1'hiladel phta, Pa. ' i GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARC ALWAYS MCE AND FRESH Convicted For Bribery By Roiipps News Aiocitiun Milwaukee Wis. July 7 Mlohae Premier Rouvler told the Cabinet thai 8toke ntiodoced him to the oonveo- I Dunne, the former . building eupei in there was every reason to bore that a complete underatauding wonld lie reached with Germany in regard to tbe Moroccan question tlon.ii Steamer Is Detained. Scripps News Association Saigon July 7-The steamer, Llrson has been detained here aa a result iot the discovery that the haa . munitions of war abroad . s , , i s J t i BIG CLEARANCE SALE ITEMS OF THE GREAT EST INTEREST TO ALL Item after item at less than mill or manufac turers prices. SUMMER DRESS GOODS 1000 yardsfancy cotton voiles this eale, choice, the yanl 10c ir.oo varda fancy Cotton Crene hJ voiles, advertised fill over the :.l .. D9 iliiu country, BjieciBi o - sale here...'. ....... 13 C FALL SUITS TO YOUR MEASCRE AT A SAVING OF FROM $3.00 to $10.00; If you will buy your fall suit now, you can have it at a cut price. This is a new Idea with THE ROYAL TAILORS. Chicago and New York. They $1.25 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS ! Absolutely nou-ruMable, tew pair free for any corset returned in " rused condition. This sale $1.00 25c Ladies Collars 25c and 35c Ladies' colli rs 10c 17c $1.25 Men's Shirts in soft and -stiff fronts - . 03t $1.50 and $2.00 Men's Hafs $.93 2.50 and $3.00 Men's Hats $1 85 have two thousand tailors and auxiliary five hundred cutters, employed by operatives the year, and to keep these hands tasy ' during July and August they offer many desirable fall patterns at prices with mean a saving of three to ten dollars on a suit. Come and see these goods, The suit you order will . be made for you, and it Is guaranteed to fit you because it will be made to your carefully taken measure ments. This is one of the greatest bargain sales ever "pulled off on genuine merchant tailoring. ' : Call us up on Farmers' One. Captures A Vessel (By Hcrlppa Newa Association) Londor July 7 A dispstch from 8t Peterslmrg rays that It la reported that tbenrew of the battleship "0tb erioe tbe Freak" baa joined the muti nerri.. A nispaloli from Tbeoleoee says that the Kuisi Potarokiu has stopped a British steamer 'ard ' o m pelted hi r to li.llow tbe battleship A quantity ol ona waa taken from the steamer. According to this dispatch, the Potemkin laft Tbeodesia last night. I TLeodosIa, July 7 The reports to the effect that the Kniaz Potemkin bad bombarded , tbe town la untrue and her whereabouts are unknown. The torpedo boar,; Smetllvy, arrived bare several houre after tbe Potemkin and departed after hurriedly ooallqg FEAR BOMBARDMENT Yalta, urimea, July 7 'intense ex citement prevells here owing , to tba (esrthat the battleship Kniaz Potem kin will bombard tbe olty. , ILEH FROM VE8aEti r Odeasa, iuly 7. It la reported that taelve of the dew of the Kniaz Potem' kin have escaped from the vessel and swum ashore. tendant waa aent for Ave yeara to the bouae of correction on the charge of accepting a bribe of fifteen ' hundred dollara from Onl Huataie Pabst. the biewer, for a permit tor the building and riding aondemy and lllennl speci fication. Pabst escaped by turning atates evidence Seasonable; Goods as well as Staples always oh hand. ; QEDbEBRir Norlb Fir Street FOR THE TOILET Our stock rf high grade toilet articles in cludes every toilet aid orconvience that merit has l.rouglit into favor. Every ar'iele u of Btnndard exeellence and sold at the faire&t possible price. ' - ' '. i We buy toilet goods as : carefully n ve" buy .... .. drugs and guarantee every article' to be as ; represented. We protect you from both in ferior quality and uufair cost.. IMPORTED AMD DOMESTIC Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Lotions, Hair Brushes, Comb, Tooth Brushes, Toilet . . Powders, Sponges. Nail Brushes, Lather Brushes, Etc , Ktc, Examine our Qualities and get our Pi ices, then go elsewhere if you want to. Gas Company Ousted (6cripps Newa Association) Topeka, Kan July 7 The district today rendered a decision ousting the Kansas Natural Gas Oomny from the state. The company was chartered In Dele wars with cspltal of two million dollara, the biggest owner of national gae In the world. NEWLIN DRUG CO. Ex-Seriator Dead '; - . . -By 9cripps News Asaooiatioo, - Helena July 7 Wilbur; Fish Band ers, loimer United slates Feust .r trom Montana, and leader of tbe vi gilaatees in he early daysdied heie today at tlf age of scventy-two. The Stilton Sick 14 By Boiipps New Association Onnsiiantinople July 7 The illness of tbe Sultan continues and thsre Js cause lor alarm. His breakdown is complete and be is unable to attend 5-atsjj' MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES Ladies' Midget Ties ' Indian Purses ; Children's Handkerchiefs Children's Undermuslins Ladies' White Aprons CroquetSets just in . E M WELLMAN & CO La Grrti; ido .' Oregon ry. i Kilt.' I ; cu.; p-; tia i . 4.' nk.f I13.! on j oi r ' th. ; lot ' th on 't ' 9' i if ; i to an j business. -'-"' --J '