DUS NEWS TODAV Tonlgh fair and cooler Tomorrow lair cr S7icio 1QW VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 3. 1905 NUMBERT207 i f i i E F.WJ 4V4frBaa, i w I 1 X, 1 US h '4- l! Si ill 1 :.i i 15' MUTINEERS CAUSE MANY GRAVE FEARS By Scripps Saws Association Odessa. July ft. This city contiuues qnkt under a strong gnard or troops. A Somber of fbrelgn freight steamers bare loaded preparatory to aailing. The troops atlll prohibit admitslon la the dock region. Work wis resumed tbia morning la aouie qnarters. : OPEN BE VOLT Berlin July 3 The Frankfurter Zei- loog says tbat open revolution ba broken out at Nikolaieff , and that all vessels bound lor the Black tea porti are anchored in thelBospliorua. fit Petersburg July 3 Count Igns tieff hat left for Odessa and bat been teated with power to Leal ibe lituation there. It it lettered, if givan the au thority, he will treat Uta the muti neer!. ' ASK FOB ASSISTANCE Berlin, July 8 According to the Taoahlatt. the Russian Government baa requested the powers which main tain warships at Constantinople to 'tend them to Odessa and restore oider MUTINEERS WARNED Kuttendji Roam sola July S Fol Iowiok the arrivsl of the Kniaa Po- temkin and a torpedo boat last night the port captain bo.rded tbe vessels and demanded that the mutineers ibould land without rms and to be dealt with at foreign deserters. He warned tbe orew tbat. If they display ed hostility toward the town, force would be employed against them. Thu mutineers replied that tbey bad no intention of threatening the town and only wanted to buy provisions, which tbey were later allowed t do POTEMK1N LEAVES ODESSA Waabiogton July 3 Ambassador Meyer has oabled President Rooeevelt from 8t Prteriburg tbat consul Hee uan, of Odesea, officially reports that tbe Kniaz Potemkin, the Russian bat tleabip. whose crew mutineered, left Saturday, beaded dircotlr south, and tleehip Pobietdooeiets has surrender ed and is now In tbe bands of the au thorities. .REGIMENTS ORDERED ; , Buchareat Romania July 3 . The Roumanian authorities have ordered several regiments to Kustendji to pre serve order while tbe mutineers of tbe Russian battleship remain in the po t. ANOTHER CREW MUTINEERS St Petersburg July 3 Tbe crew of the cruiser Mianie, at Kronstsdt, mo tinted today arid refused to obey orders to nnt to ana. The vi seel baa been tak en outside the port. ' - ' ' FRUIT GROWERS I ARE VICTORIOUS MORE STRIKING IN WINDY CITY : By Soiippe Newt Association i Obiotjto, 111., July 3 Two thousand two hundred wood workers In fourteen tig factories refused to 'go to work thle niorbing because the employers would not five tbem twoeents-au honr increase In wages. This action threw oat five thousand other employees. With thirty two bnndred tenmsters, who are now out, today's strlka lo oreasea Chicago's '. unemployed srmy to ten thousand. A special strike to all of tbe eight thousand anion wood workers in the city it anticipated. The employers olalm that they cannot sff ord to grant the increase, as the men ae now paid more than similar work- era ootalde of Chicago . . CASE HART .WINS-, FIGHT EARTHQUAKE " IN PERSIA (Sorlppa Nsws Association) Bt. Petersburg, July 3. An earth quake at Boscharln? Persia, has caused great damage. The Kesnuman moan Lain bra fallen and the two rWers have ovti flowed their banks. (By Scripps Neva A sociation) ; t Washington . July . 3 Commissioner Prooty, of the interstate commission decided that the Icing charges of ; tbe private fro it car lines are a part oi rate for fruit carried for the reasonable neaa of which the railroad is reeponsi ble in tbe rase of tbe Michigan fruit growers association against Pert Mar quette and the Michigan Central rail road. Tbe decisiop is a great victory to the fruit growers all over the country. Banker Suicides By Scripps News' Association -Richmond, Ind.,Jaly 3. John How man, the president oi t Commercial Brink at Hagerstown, committed aul- oide today. Tbe cause of, the shoot ing in a hich manner he killed him self, ic uuknown. GOES TO THE JURY go.og toward Constantinople. Tin- b it-1 result of a fall on a staircase By Scripps Nsws Association ' Portland, July 3. The case against Senator Mitchell will go to the Jury this afternoon. United states attorn ey Ilney made tbe '. final argument this morning. In bit comprehensive review ol the evidence, ba marshalled the proofs that Mitchell bad fall knowledge that he wss receiving pay for hia InBoeooe in eipeditljig land olalms. He mercilessly ridiculed tbe opposing counsel's description of Sen ator Mitchell and bis high minded in- teg'iiy, bat declared that tLe evidence was tonclus've that the senator was aware of the fradalent character of tbe clal.ua of John A Benson and Freder ick Kribe which be caused to be pat 1 anted. The defendant's friends hope for bung jtirj , but attorney lleney la confident of a couvlction. The trial of Congressman Williamson is set for 'The case of Senator Mitchell went to known ''throughout the comity as j tbe jury at S:05 this afUrnoon. Steeple Jack," who bad olimed many ( ; - steeples and staoks, Is dead here as aj Urs. T N Murphy la visiting at the "Steeple JacK" Dead v Boripps News Assrciation ' IIW W1 (PUIJT . -lull , iiuui.t . aged thirty two, of San Franclsoo, Cal, I Portland exposition this week BIG CLEARANCE SALE ITEMS OF THE GREAT EST INTEREST TO ALL Item after item at less than mill or manufac turers prices. FALL SUITS TO YOUR; MEASURE t SUMMER DRESS GOODS 1000 yards fancy cotton voiles this Bale, choice, the yard 10c ir.nn vanls lanrv Ootton Crepe and -mino Hflvfrtiaed all over the country, special at 23c this sale here... AT A SAVING OF FROM $3.00 to $10.00 I5c $1.25 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Absolutely non-rustable, Dew pair free for any corset returned in rused condition. ; , . This sale $1.00 25c Ladies' Collars 25c and 35c Ladies' collars $1.25 Men's Shirts in soft stiff fronts $1.50 and $2.00 Men's Hals 2.50 and $3.00 Men's Hats . If you will buy your fall suit now, you can have . i i it at a cut price. This is a new Idea with' THE ROYAL TAILORS, Chicago and New York. They have two thousand five hundred cutters, tailors and auxiliary operatives employed by the year, and to keep these hands busy during July and August they offer many desirable fall patterns at prices with mean a saving of three to ten dollars on a suit. Come and see these - . . .... iw ( i . goods, The suit you order will be . made for you, and it is guaranteed to fit you because it will be made to your carefully taken measure ments. This is one ' of the greatest bargain sales ever "pulled off on genuine merchant tailoring. '4-. ' t ' in. i Rsno,Nsr, Joly 3. la a roofless aiua Jack l oot, of Ghicans, and Msr- rln Hurt, of Kentucky, mot la a finish flfiht bete todsy for what sa advertis ed as the hsary welirb ehamplonshlp ol the world, the title voluntarily re linquished by Jaa. 2 Jeffrlea, who add ed Interest to tbe affair by aotlng aa referee. Tbe (act tbst the day wss praotloally a holiday In the Gol ! field, Tooopah, ta Dlamnnilwlllii anil other gold oempa in the state wss rs- sjiorjslble for tbe presenoe of a good orowd. In addition to tbe men from the mines there were parties of sporting men from Ban Eraoolsco, Los Angeles, Ogden, Bait Lake, Denver and Chicago. Tbey were drawn not so roach by tbe advertised claim ol a championship tattle, bat by tbe prospeot of witness log a contest that would ao beyond tbe Diusl 20 or 25 rooud , limit. The words 'finish fight" hare a maglo rlog. Tbey remind the old ring folio ersol the days wien the ring . was pitchad cn the turf, wheu sheriffs had to be dodged and men fought with bare knm kles, or, worse, a lib skin tight gloTes. Ho finish fight worthy ot note has been pulled off in tbia country aince Fitzslmmona and Oorbett bad their memorable battle st (Jarrou aud few ottbe old vusrd who were able to attend ovei looked the opportunity to attend a mill where tbe referee Is merely an ornament .The crowds began to gather at tbe arena soon alter noon and wheu tbe gates vera thrown open aereral bun dred persona were ready with their pasteboards The plaoe was comfort ably filled when the atar attractions were called Into the ring and little time was lost in starting the men off Jeffrii a was given tremendous re ception when he jumped through tbe ropes." The big lellow, amiling and ooking perfectly at ease, acknowledged the grteting with a series ot bows. Among those at the ringside were at torney Sweeney, Senator Francis New Undsof Nevs.Ia, lirulanant governor Allen of Nerad . an I hia wife, tlieriff Ferrell ot Washoe county, district a torney Ciuig of Novade and the entire constsbnlsry and th police force of Washoe county and the city of Huuo JEFFRIES STATEMENT - Before enteiiug the ring, JtflVies waited upon both 'men and stated thit.be bad retired from tbe ring for good and that tbe winnet of this fight would be entitled to the nms heavy weight cbsmpiou of the world. Tbe meulntered the rine at 2:45. Bufore they were calHJ to the centre, a uu.n ber of challenges were read MOULD MEET WINNER Jim McOormick, Guorge Gardiner and Jack Jjbnson eiprej a .desire to meet tbe wloner. Tbe" spectators suffi red intensely from heat, but tbe fighters shtwed no Jesire to be htsty in get-lug into action. Battling H lioo was in.roducfd and sgrid to fight Britt to a finish." It was a few minutes afser three wnen time wss In the first round It was about evenly rnatcbeU Wwet-rJ ibe two fighters, Bart and Root, but in tbe a. ooud round I toot had little better of the, contest. ' In round three tbe men indulged in rough In fighting, llai t fiuhllug des perately. ' In the fourth ronnd Koot oootinurd to swlnic rights ai.d lefts to the jaw, while, Ilrt got In a couple of good kidney pnnchea ' This round waa call ed even. ... In ronnd five the men In dulged lo much olinching, with Root doing mct of the fight lug Ibis wss "Boots round. Afb-r 1 ard fighting on both idee. Hart won In the 12th round, Boycott Completed Bv Pcripps News A'Socistlon) BaUnger fctraits Settlement, Jnly 3 Tbe Chinese i-ava nnanimoosly decld idtub.ycott American goods. Tbl baa completed the boycott in tb BODY BROUGHT HOME bTnoz, John D Lone and Paul Morton bate bn irqueted to act at pall bearers. . ' . The funeral services will take place at the Wads Memorial Chapel Wed. nesdsy morning at eleven. Rev. Hirain G Hayden, pastor of the Emeritus Old Stone church, o nduotiog the simple Presbyterian burial services, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Tnrniah ilamlin, of Washlngtoa, snl the intermeut will follow at tbe stone plot at Lake view. ; GUARDED BY TROOPS Shortly before noon tbe body wss brought from Qleoville oo 4 spteisl train, Tbeoomoaeroe representatives., and bt mayor met the train and the body wss trarsferred to a besrse and escorted to tbe Chan ber of Commerce by the police and troops of cavalry. At tbe ball, the members of the troop A took up s vigil atoot tbe oaiket. By Boripps News Awoeialltn Cleveland, O., July 3. The take Shore train, bearing the body of John Usy, reached Glenvllle at six forty five thle morning. The body was In ansa keton a special car, and with it another special car with Mrs. Uay and P"ty. In the party were tars Hy, Claryice Hay, Mr and Mrs 8 oriel Mather, 8 A Raymond Mather U In charge of all the arrangements for the funsral. Im mediately after the arrival, thp Inner al party drove to the Mather summer borne in Glenville, where Mrs Uay and ht rsou will tton until alter the luternifut, which will take place Wed nesdsy, end then tbey will return to their summer home at LakeSucapel, N H. The body lies to state in the hull of the SCbamber -ol Commerce, and for two daya the public will not be permitted to view tbe remain and ouly a few relatives and Mttndj to at terd the funertl servioes. ROJSEVELT WILL ATTEND President RooeoveU end party will arrive at nino o'olnck Wednesday morning tonttead the funeral of 8ec retary Hay and will leave at three in tbe afternoon All members of the present cabinet, together with Elihu Root. L-man H Gage. Philander O GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AND FRESH Seasonable Goods as well as Staples always on hand.' r QEDDEBREj Norih Fir Street FOR THE TOILET Our Block of high grade toilet articles in cIu'Im every toilet aid or con vleuce that merit : Laa brought into favor. Every ar'icle la : of standard exeellence aud sold at the fairest roBFible price. ' '., " . : We buy toilet goods hs carefully a we fny drugs and guaranioe every article to be a represented. We protect you from both iu- ' '. ' fprior quality and uufuir cost. " . ! IMPORTED AND DOM ESTIC Soaps, forfmnos, Toilet Waters, Lotionu, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tioth Brushes, Toilet Powder?, Sponges. Nail Brushts, Lather Brushes, Etc , Ktc, . ' 1 . v Examine our Qualities and get go elsewhere if you want to. our Prices, then ; MEWLIN DRUG CO. i r-.i - " MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES - Ladies' Midget Ties : : ' : -, ' Indian' Purses . Children's Handkerchiefs : . Children's Undermuslins Ladies'. White Aprons v ; Croquet Sets just in : , E H WELLMAN & CO LaGrniido - Orecon BtraiU Settlement. 'l.il .1