- ( TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Showers tonight and nil Tomorrow EV VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. JUNE 29, 1505 - I " i : 1 , . . J ' L NUMBER 105 ODESSA BOMBARDED HUNDREDS SHOT Scripps News Association Berlin,' June 29. The newspaper, Zeitung, at Odessa, says that the crew of tbe Russian battleship otemklo, who mutinied yesterday and murdered their officer!, began bombarding tbe city tbls morning. It aseerte that tbe harbor worke are badly damaged aa a result, SAILORS HELP STRIKERS Tbe fire started by tbe rioters is till burning in various section of the city, and thick clouds of am eke hang overhead. Tbe mobs hare looted many booses and large quantities of valuable goods bare been stolen. Tbe casual ties among the soldiers are reported at i sixty five. Many bodies are still ly ing in tbe streets in the vicinity of the quays, where the fighting was very fieroe. Tbe orinnloal maManr noon, ed last night in the vloinlty of Noko laivrsky Boulevard. Near tbe ooal docks a number of sailors front the Kniaz Potemkin landed and Joined the strikers in fighting the troops.' " Tbe authorities have taken especial care to guard tbe foreigners. ,; V 300 KILLED ; V Odessa June 29 Tbe situation baa grown worse in the last few boors and tears ate eiprtsaed that tbe outbreak may rsaoh tbe point of open revolu tion. This morning tbe guards ."at tbe harbor were overpowered and fire Russian steamers fired and the wber vee with great quantities of merohan dise' were destroyed. The troops fired sew rl volleys at tbe rioters. The casualties are estimated at three hun dred killed and eight bandred wound ed. A number of the troops refused to lire on tbe rioUr and a general desertion is feared. Practically the whole water fro at from the quaran tine quay to tbe Pratique dock Was barricaded and the police were engag ed this morning In destroying . barn oades in. various parts of the city.' , GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AND FRESH " Kit - WILL CALL : - GRAND JURY - (By Bcdpps News Association) ' - , Washington, Jane 39, At tbe re quest of Secretary Hitchcock, Attorn ey Ueneral Moody baa ordered a apeo- lal Grand Jury to sit at Lewlston, Ida ho, to consider the land fraud cases which would otherwise expire on July 15, under the statute of limitation. The inspectors have been all nfontbs collecting tbe evldenoe. JJff Ji N. W. S. A. Aecting (Borlppe News Association) Portland, dune 29 Tbe National Woman's Buffrage Association met here today in annual convention. The opening aesslon waa devoted to weloom ing speeches by thebiade of the various women's organisations and a response by 8usan B Anthooy. Tonight Gove nor Chamberlain, Mayor Williams and the exposition offlolala - will welcome th president, will make her annual address.'' . ' . ,'' WANTS it i. . i . i t JURY'S I MERCY Seasonable Goods as well as Staples always on hand. QEDDLf BRif North Fir Street 8t Petersburg June June 29 Late reports from - Odessa say thai 1 the strUe is spreadtng, and , that . nearly all th, workingmen are dot now. The police have arrested over four hundred men , charged with iustigUiog tbe disturbances. The bospitale are crowded with the wounded from the recent street fights between the police and tbe strikers. .' nt RIOTERS BURN PORT -' " London June 29 A dispatch to Lloyds from Odessa, Russia,' this morning sayst ; f There have been ser ious riots here and hundreds have been shot, while the port is partially burnt. Martial law has been deolared and things are now quiet, Tbe British re sidents are safe.';: t s -:. i Wreck In the Yards ( Ry Sorlppa News Association) ! Kansas City Mo, Juns 20 As a re sult of the Santa rV end - California limited and Kansas City. .Southern freight train in tbe , city limits ibis morning, fireman Frazler is killed aud switchman Devlne fatally scaled. Engineers Willis and Flttmorrls were also fatally inj ired. . ... Summerville Sittings Bunshlne and showers. . " Msssra. Geo. and John Ott made a buslnsss trip to Welaer. Idaho, tbls week. - 0 , ..... Mr. R MoKenzie and son Alex, re turned Tuesday from tba fair. ' ' Miss Lore Cboate left for La Grande where she will attend school. Mr. Wm. and Miss Lain Lanman left Tuesday for Portland. Mr. Rlnebart and grandchildren left Tueiday for the fair. Suminervllle Is talking of celebrat ing. MUG - Attempted Suicide Seattle June 28 George M Kuhn, defaulting postmaster at West Seattle bas attempted suicide today by swal lowing poison. He had bidden in tbe woods all night to escape arrest. Tbls morning Kobn ! slipped to his borne and took a big dose ol uorpb'ne. Pby sioians later saved bis life. r ' ' By Scripps News Association Pottlaod, Jnne 2D.-Judge A H Ben nett this morning began .the opening argument tor the defense of Senator Mitchell. . r . f?f .-, - ' Judge Bennett made a strong plea to the sympathies of tbe Jurors, denounc ing tbe argument of prosecuting at torney llsney as most unfair to tba ac cused. Be also accused Uaney of per aonal vlndlotiveness and of distorting innocent acts so as to make tuem ap pear as crimes. Senator Mitchell's sge and long poblio service were also subjects of frequent allusions. Muoh stress waa laid on Judge Tanner's ad mlaamn I hat flnh -A Krlbs, be did not Inolude anything for the services to be rendered at Wash ington. He argued that there was no proof that the fees paid by Krlbs were tor services rendered by Mitchell be fore In land departmunt. 4 RESOLUTIONS FOR REBELS' SUCCESS By Scripps News Association ' Warsaw, June 29. When news of tbe revolt of the erew of the battleship Knlaa Potembln at Odeaaa reached here tbe aoolalist leaders called a meet Ing of their followers and adopted res olutloos for the soooess of their "naval brothers," The third attempt within tbe pas twenty four bonra to aaass!n- ' ate the chief of police Csenatoohan was made last night when a bomb was thrown at tbe chief's carriage and . tbe boieee were blown to pieces, the vehlo (e badly wrecked and tbe coachman badly injured. The chief, however, escaped unlnjuredV Killed In Fire Scripps News Association ' " Licking Mo June 27-Tbe Collier" ii Hantrovnit hv fire earlv this morn ing. Mrs V L Bhelpa and daughter, j Harriett, and an unknown many were'of the garrison killed burned to death. " " 5 ' ' ed fourteen hours. HOTTENTOTS KILL GERMAN OFFICERS By Scripps New A0''lon Capetown, Sooth Afrloa, June 29. the German garrison at ' Karriesberg, fioutbwest Afrios.lbas been attacked ."by the Hottentots onder "Marengo and fourteen officers and eighty, nine men The fight last- I yMfnwiir lillTrt , Mob Kills Eight ' ' Scripps News Association Athena Ga. Jane 29- At the town ' of Watkansvllle, seven miles from here a. mob, broke Into the bill early tbls morning and lynched a white man and 'eeven negroee for the recent shocking double murder of an aged white oouple, and also one other negro for an attempted criminal assault. 1 RIDDLED WITH BULLBTt) ! ; A mob ol a hnudred broke into tbs jail, armed and masked. They met no resistance and the victims were shot up In the publia square, tbe bodies being riddled with bullets. The state authorities havs been notified, but it is not thought they will take steps to punish tbe lynohers. Fourth at Home The last few days the Fourth of July spirit bas developed rapidly in tbls oity and the boys are meeting with en oouragement on every band and tbe sport program is going to exceed any' thlrg aver before attempted In this city. In fact that is to be tbe special feature. Tbe II t Lake ball team will be here and Prof. Griffin will make high hive and there are several speolal features besides the g teased pig, saok races, egg races and everything of the usual fun producing , nature. Watch later announcement and at the same time prepare "yourself for a general good time. Report Of Meeting By Scripps News Association. fH Petersburg June 29 It is rumor ed that tbeoffieersol vice-admral Kju- er's warshios which - fef s fehtsknnnl for Odesia Tuesday, were murdtrtd by mutineers, and tbe vessel is now said to be in their bands. The vessels said to be in the bands of the . mutineers are the LUhesme, tJinope and tbe Tri asvlatitia. This report, however, bas not been confirmed. NEWS OF THE MOST VITAL INTEREST TO ALL ;ii "THE PAIR": places on sale something like $20,000.00 worth of Spring and Sum mer Goods at Price Quotations, which in many instances are' lower than manufac turers quotations."" The "extremely backward seasons have 'greatly retarded - the anticipated demand for, and early buying of Summer Goods. This condition, and our well-known policy "NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TO CARRY ANY GOODS OVER FROM ONE SEASON TO ANOTHER " dictates the enormous and , almost un hoiipvahic nrihe huotatiohs. This is not a sale of a few leaders, only; " every de-. oartment has contributed heavily, and we UNQUALIFIEDLY PROMISE.YOU SUCH A BARGAIN fEAST AS HAS NEVER BEFORE BEEN HEARD OF IN THIS" COUNTRY Don't hcsitatc-Don't take the other mans word f or; jtt Come and see for yourself-Cold type can, at best, ' only, ; give you a faint idea. WATCH THIS 'SPACE FOR PRICE QUOTATIONS. , , . ,t Kiugslon Apron Ginghams Best Calico Marimack Percale. . . . 10c India Linou .... 4c 41c 5c 5d Dozens of others, equally as good, all over the dress de partment. - ?5c aud 35o Boy e, and girUCaps 65c, 75c men's shirts .0 desirable patterns. . 4"& $2.25 Boys' mits, kneel'' panU,3to 10......IV' Boys' long pants suits . age 10 to 16 years Men's wool, pants . $2.25 to $3 00' Tallies 1.05 $8, 10 Coat and y.Bt . -f-M wool worsted etc O.OD men's double ribbed tn -underwear ........ y C COMMANDER KILLED P It. ; . - CITY THREATENED HARVARD ittES A : WINNING (By 8crippsNews Assooistion) New London Jans J Tboa soda of people Ibrongsd New London tbls morning . to witness ins contest oi Ysls snd Hsrvsrd lor sqostio supre naisov ovsr the old Thsmes ooarse. Ibe einditition tor tbs moinc are ei oollenl, the sky Is olondlese and s light brwis from tbs Norths est caused a slight ripple of tbe water. Tbe stents o( the day are tbs "varsity four" ol the "freshman, eight", each two miles, and tbe varsity eight over a four mile course. Yale was tbs favorite for the bis svsnt. there bsinw nlsntv nl mn.. offered at two lo one, a considerable mount of which was covered by Har vard supporters. i' w'v Later . The time of the . race waa Harvard 11:22,' Yale 11:27. Harvard won tbe sight oar freshman race. Killed In Train Wreck , Scripps News Association Atwater, Ohio, June 29 One was killed aud fifteen wounded in a wieck of tbe Pennsylvania Flyer on the Cleveland and Pittsbarg railroad at nine thirty this morning. Tbs train limped tbe trtck. Conspiracy of Officers By Sorippa News Association Berlin, Juns 29. The Morgan Post says that a conspiracy among the offlosrs of the Russian guards and reg intents bas been discovered at St Petersburg. Tbs officers bad planned to kill Graud Duke Vladimir, who la held largely responsible for the react lonary policy of tbe Grand Dukea Many officers in tbs plot bar been arrested. CYCLONE KILLS SIXTEEN PEOPLE Phllipaburg, Juns 29 Tbls town narrowly escaped destruction by a oyolone which swept the outskirts laat night, but missed the main Jportl- on of tbe town. Bixteen are reported killed in the country, aud there were scorns of houses snd . barna destroyed and much damage t.i crops.1 , '. By Horipps News Association Balavla. June 29 The captain of tbe Danish liner, Prlnoeta Marie,' who reached here today, reports that on June ti bis vessel was overhauled by tho Russian ornlser Tekera, his ore taken off and bis vessel aonk. ' ' sa FOR THE TOILET . By Scripps News Assoolaticn" Berlin, June 29 -vAoooidlng to tbe newspaper, Morgan Post, jUeuerat Mam mesoff, comaiaedur of the troops at Ludz, bas been assassinated. The reb els attacaea tbe Ueneral wnlle be was driving through tbe city, and, after dragging him from tbe carriage, stab bed blin through the heart. 's WILL, BOMBARD TOWN ! f tonne, June 29. A dlspatob from Lodz says that tbs aoiboritiss threaten to bombard ihe town In oase of . any further firing bn the polios or troops by tbe strikers. . ;' .. ' v . t-V . ' - : Orande Jury Indicts (By Borlpps News Association) Chicago Juns 29 Fourteen indict ments were voted today by tbe grand jury in tbe strike bribery oases. Tbey will be returned not later than Satur day. It is understood that the indict meats will inolude labor leaders and prominent business men. - 1 : Our stock of high grade toilet articles in cludes every' toilet aid oroonvience that merit has brought into favor. Every article is of standard exeellence and sold at the fairest possible price. ' ' ; v We buy toilet goods as carefully as we buy V ' drugs and guarantee every article to be as represented: .We protect you from both :in . t ferior quality and unfair cost.' I IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Waters,' Lotions, Hair ". Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Powders, 8ponges. Nail Brushes, Luther ' .Brushes, Etc., Ktc, .;-' - '''" -:' Examine our Qualities and get our Prices, then , go elsewhere if you want to. v Mi J I Louse, a fireman for the O R i. N at tti m place, returned borne yisteiday ev ning after a prolonged f f Ms m trip in uai.ioroia ur juogue was bsent sevtrsl weeks and during that time atteudsJ the roovention of tbe Knights of Columbus st Los Angeles, Mr L A Pickley of Weiser Idsbo ar iivd lu tbe oity this forenoon on a business visit. I ; NEWLIN DRUG CO. u . . . . . ..... ..... ..... . .. ,1 MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES ' Ladies' Midget Ties ' ; ? ; ; Indian Purses . - Children's Handkerchiefs k Children's Undermuslins Ladies.' White Aprons ; 5 ' ' 1 Croquet Sets jost in . E M WELLMAN & CO I jxx Grraiide - Oresroti mmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmammmmammmmamammam Russians Sink Liner ' Til i l i i 1 1 d I tc 44 s T FT - 4 rs Z i - f it st I a pot m r ai hi. isacL n s fx S7K 1 , . I .' i fad m- JUU i 5 U hi ...'ioc- .Of . u- ' Or'