La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 28, 1905, Image 2

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J.a Grande Evening Observer
(r JET ttROS Editors Pr. pa
ntera4 at tba Pott Offica it Li
Grande, Oregon, a Beoond CUh
IriaU Matter.
Published daily except Sunday
One year in ad ranee $6 50
Bix month in advance. . . .3 60
Per month... . 66c
Single copy .5c
Wednesday, June 28, 1905
How often the entrgy zpend
ed in the effort by some to . tear
down others, would if expended
on their own business make
success of it.
Display Ad rata, farnlabad apoa application
Local reading ooUoea 10a par Una first tutu-
lion, s per tin kr each lnaar-
Moo. .
BaaoluUoM of eofcdotonaa, j j ar Una,
Carda of than k a, to per 11 aa,
The general extension of the
water system this year is the
fonndation for many new homes
Our National birthday will
be observed many plao in the
county this year in the good old
fashioned primitive way.
One paper down in Maryland
runs this legend at the head of
ila columns regularly: "For pre
sident, 1908, William Jeuningi
If La Grande did nothing
more in the improvement line
this year than complete the
proposed cement sidewalks, it
would certainly be a splendid
showing. However we are . go
ing to have the walks in ad
dition to other general improv
menls as usual.
From earliest childhood we
are ' taught how careful ' we
should be wiih reference to the
habits we form and when so
formed how difficult to change
For example note how different
it is for the weather ilerk to stop
the ram. Must have lorined
the habit.
Eugene merehants have de
clared against the trading stamp
scheme about to be resurrected.
A wise movement.
Central and Southeastern Ore
gon gives promise ef becoming
the theatre of war in the first
competitive railroad mixup in
the state.
Early in the season it was
accepted that the hay crop of
the valley would be light this
year, but the geneious rains the
past six weeks have brought it
up to the average at least .
The increased alfalfa acreage
eaoh year makes it possible for
a greater output of hogs
in addition to the increase
in dairy products. For the
past four years the price of hogs
has averaged in excess of five
cents on foot which is profitable.
The latest graft expose comes
from New York City, where
teachers in the public schools
have marked papers of students
o they lack but little of passing
This makes it necessary for
them to take lessons during va
cation or fall out of their classes
They aa a rule take the extra
lessons and the teachers pick up
several hundred dollars apiece
during vacation.
Kaasas has grown its largest
crop oi whe it this year, accord
ing to reports, and the farmers
do uot know how they are to se
cure the necessary labor for
harvesting it. Men everywhere
are employed and it is difficult
to secure thousands for the
wheat fields. That is one dis
advantage of prospeTty;
section suddenly ueeds
and it cannot be found,
said twenty thousand
could find employment as
vest hands m that one
but men will not leave
elsewhere lor a Jew weeks' em
ployment on the farms Boise
It is
PureBreJ Poultrv
Parties desiring pure bred
poultry can secure eggs
from the following well
known breeds at $1 per
setting of fifteen Bar Ply
moth Rock, Whito Wyn
dott, Single Oorab Brown
Leghorn, and Silver Laced
Island Oitt h-eeon -
American and European busi
mas firms have already been or
dored out of Manchuria by the
Japanese. Under Russian rule
out uiduumciurwra auu mer
chants followed the steady ad
vance of the Czar's standard
everywhere and were welcomed
and encouraged. Japanese vic
tory means Asia for the yellow
man. Ex.
In Mad Chase
Millions rush la mad ehaea after
nealtn, from ona extreme of faddiam
to another, when, if the would only
eat good food, and keep their bowels
regular with Dr. Kiug'e New Life Piile,
their troablei would all peea . away.
PromDt relief and Quirk oare for llrer
and stomach trooble. 25o at rtevllo
Drug Co., drug store; guaranteed.
Found a Cure for Dyspepsia
Mrs 8 Llndsav. of Fort William.
Ontario. Canada, who haa suffered
quite a number of years from dfaptp
eia and great paina in the stomach,
waa adrlsed by her droeeist to take
Chamberlain's Htomaoh and Lirer
Tablets. She did so and say a, "I And
that thej have done ma a gmat deal
of good. 1 hare never had any suffer
ing eiuoe I began using them." If
troubled with dyspepsia or irdigestlon
why not take those Tablets get well
and stay well? For sale by Newlin
Drug Co.
The only Exclusive
Undertaking Parlors
m jua orranae. .
Scientific Embalming
Licensed in Oregon and ,
Montana. Experienced
Lady Assistant
Our office is always open
Phone 1751
Office in Lewis Building,
opposite 8ommer Iiouse
We arc building on a permanent foundation, and nothing is too good for us.
Our strong lirielis the Adler, Bros. & Co., Rochester, made ready-to-wear.
These are clothes that are honest insideas well as attractive outside. If
you buy, and it proves to be otherwise, your money back without a; word.
Better satisfaction at $20 to $25 than can be secured in any other ready
made; as complete satisfaction as can be secured in first-class made-to-measure.
This is our promise to all who make a trial of L. A., B. & Co.,
clothes, and we stand ready to redeem that promise to the letter. You
are always welome to drop in.
Lewis and Clark
To be held at Portland,
June I to Oct. 15, 1905.
Through the Williamette,
Umpqua and Rogue River
" Valleys, of Western Oregon,
. pass Mt. Shasta, through
the Sacramento Valley to the
' many famous resorts on the
line of the i
1 For beautitully illustrated
booklets, descriptive (f Cali
- fornia resols; address.
W. h COM AN, Gen. Passr. Agt.
' " rortbnd, Oregon.'
x'. .. .
iaa hub k 01
Cut from the softest, most flexible of
fine calf skin with a smooth, tough
lining, a sole that is made to stand
trouble, arid Just1 the right amount of
style. It's one of the most popular of
KEITH'S KONQIEROR family- and if you
had your shoemaker turn out such a
shoe, he'd tax you not less than $8.00
$3.50 to $5.00
Gordon $3.00 Hat for
Men's .Fancy Hosiery reduced from 75c to 50c
ie Chicaeo
' ' a
Owing to the unseasonable weather this spring we decided to make -
Pongee Suitings 50c a yard for regular 75c and 85c qualities
Pongee Brilliants 50c, " " 75c " 85c
Jacquard Swiss 20c . " " 35c
Lawns and Dimities 15c " " 25c
Lawns and Dimities I2 26 " " 20c
These radical reductions will create a lively interest in thin wash fabrics, so it behooves all who have delayed
their spring purchases to come in early. . , .