a LUMBER 5v RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES L ' Better Lomber'and Cheaper than it io soli in ' . LaGQde. We Deliver y4"" uuiiuu IwUUlULl : ; : PERRY, OREGON. FRESH GREAffiERY BAITER NOW 25; GENTS PER P0&ND Blue Mountain Creamery Company Keep ( If jou have no other way call on the LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. and secure an ' . -." r 1 i Bates end all pricoB will be explained at the office Furious Fighting . "For ieven years," writes Geo. W Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "1 had a ' bitter buttle, with chronic stomach and ' ' liter trouble, bat at last I won, and cored my diseases, by the use of Elea. . trie Bitters. I unhesitatingly rec ' commend them to ajl, and don't intend ' in tbe future to be without them tn the -bouse. Tbey are certainly a wonder- ful medicine, to have cared saoh a bad ."rase as mine." Sold, under aoaran .tee to do the same (or yon, by Newlin Drag Co., druggists, at uOo a bottle. Try them today. . . ; . r .BRICK BK1CK Brick furnislied.tJin any quanity or any style. "No contract too small or too large. - See Samples of oar pressed brick . . GEO. KREIGER La Grande, Oregon. -K r t RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, Phone. 3-5 WM. SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. 'Free delivery to ali parts ef the city. , Mountain trade ' a specialty. Fhone '1961 ., . Horned turned and wagona , bought nd sold it to your Building. fife Cool Electric Fan OREGON FIKE RELIEF ASSOCIATION ; ' J. W. OLIVER, AOKNT. With J. T. Williamson, in Foley Building, La Grande. , y FOR SALE. Ninety acres of the best land in the Grande Ronde Valley, splend- located at Island City. Will sell in small tracts to suit purcheser. Inquire of ? HENRY STERLING. Ronde Valley House. Phone 36 ; J. L. MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material La Grande, Or. Drop a line, naming work, and I wll give the right prioe. COOD PASTURE - UCO aorea fine- pastor, adjoining City, Abundantly watered, Cows in beard $1.60, dry stock and horses 1.2S, per month. Stock delivered on abort aotlc at reae pricea . . -,.. j El EJohes, Phono 1276 ' La Grande WOAAN SHOOTS . ' LAWYER HAYES By Berlpps News Assoolatlon Gold field. Ner. Jan J7-Charles Hsyea, a promlaeot Uwyar, formerly of Mono ooanty, California, was sart oaaly shot and perbape fatally woand ad by Mrs Q 8 Phoenix, the wire of a wealthy real estate and mining - man last aight. Phoenli and hia wife sought to disposers Hsyea from lot tbey bought from him. Daring the wrangle, who la an inralld, told hia wife to shoot. 8he obeyed and Brad three time, one ballet hitting Hajes In the groin, ona tn the hand and tba other on missed. The t woman snr renderad and Is held for an attempt at murder. GENERAL WOOD RETURNS HOME (Py Berlpps News Aasootatlon) Ban Franolsoo, Jnna 27 Oenwal Leonard Wood arrived her today on the Manoharla from Manila and . will will go to Washington, bat j. aayt that hia visit has no aignifloanoe, ant da olarea that the Moros in the Island , of Jolo are aabdaed, and that the condi tio ni in Mlndanoa are Improved. He aays that Dato All, with 25,000 follow re, has gone Into the interior and is making no more trouble. QUIET RESTORED AMOMG RIOTERS ' By Boripps News Association Lodz Poland Rossis. Orler haa ban temporarily restored here and we aitaation appeara Improved. The etreet osra are again ruanlns. It ia estimated that twenty thousand Jews have left Lods slur Saturday, in order to esoape a possible massacre. GERMAN MEMBER IS IMPRISONED (By 8orlppa Newa Association) " Berlin June 27 Herr Launerta, a social democratic member of the Beiob stag, haa been sentenosd to three month imprisonment for insulting tba members of tbe German expedition to Oblna ia 1900, by saying in a speech: "our soldiers deserted the land, plun dered and abused women." - Must be Repaired (By Mcrlpps Nswa Assoolatlon) Nagasaki, Jane 27. -The Great Northern Steamship Company's steam r "Minnesota" arrived today , with her stern poet cracked. Temporary r pairs will be effeoted here, requiring ten days time. ". i -.. Equitable Trustees Meet By Scripps hews Association New Fork, Jane 27. Grover Cleve land, Juitlc O'Brien and George Westlnghoose, trnstees of the Eqult able, met thia afternoon to consider tbe affaire of the Institution. It Is understood that tbey will arrange a plan for the eleotlon of director by policy holders. Tbe board of directors will meet tomorrow. Must Come Back (By Porippa News association) , Montreal, Canada, Jon. . 27 The Hopreme Court of Ottawa today grant ed the application in behalf of the United 8tates, and quashed the appeal of Gaynor and Green with costs. Today's Grain Market By Scripps News Assoolatlon Chicago Jan 16 Tb quotations on tb stock exchange today of tl principal grains war sa follows; wheat f 0.98f , corn opening at f 0.64 and oloeing at fO.5CJ. oavS opening at 102 fi-8 and closing at $0.82. Cement Walk Prices W ar prepared to do your , cement sidewalk at cost selling yon tb cement sand and gravel, or we will do work of the same character as tas been ' don In front of tba Huntingdon property at $75 for a 80 foot lot or good work at 8S. Ik Proebstel is representing os In La Grsnde and yon can glv , him yoor order. -: . . Bom people hav been claiming our cement is not as good Aa Imported. Tb government uses the best cement according to teats and , It uses Ideal almoat exclusively Yoo can write tb engineer at Fort Walla. Valla and ascertain thb fact. 8COTT A KTJUN The laxative effect of Chamberlaln'a Stomach and Liver Tjblele Is ao agree able and so natural that yon do not realize It la the effect of a medicine. For aale by Newlin Drag Co. , ' ; KILLS HIS WIFE ' THEN SUICIDES (By Berlpps Newa A sociatlon) 8eattl Wash June 27 J O Abbott, tb son of a wealthy Bt Louie liquor dealer, thirty five years of age, shot and Instantly killed hi wife ia the Tourist hotel this morning. He thsn shot himself sod will die a a result. Abbott left a letter giving the oao.se of tba shooting, saying thai his wife had entered a life of ebsme, and for this h took both of their livee His wife was a daughter of Edward Thiokaieen of Manoi Iudieoa. INSISTS UPON A CONFERENCE SorippaNews Association . . Berlin June 27 Th a German an swer to tb French not in regard to tb suljeot of Morroocan eonfereno was sent to Paris yesterday. It is sUt d on high authority that Germany tnHiatit An A Annf.MnA. Anfl euM n am a oullio her policy in advanoe cf the J pivgrBui vi too ounierenoe, aa request dby'Franfi. Prosecutor Arrives (By Borippa News Association) Kansas City Mo June 27 M D Far dy tbe special prosecutor from the United States Attorney a offioe In tbe railroad rebate . cases, arrived this morning and immediately went Into eonfereno with district attorney Van Valkenberg. Attorney Purdy said this afternoon that ha wculd fll Information against th Santa F for contempt within a week, and, if th evidenoe justified, would proceed agalnat th officials. Will Celebrate , Mr L Lineberger, the propletor of the Ladd Canyon pleasure resort, Is making preparations for ' the entertainment of large number of gueats on th Fourth of July. All th features of a celebration of th glor lone day of lndepeudenoe will b In evidence, combined with all lb com forts and pleasures of a modern mount, atn resort. There will be refreshments of all kinds served In th usually man ner by Mr Lineberger, Ther, will be muslo danolng and patriotic; speeches by local men of prominano Admires The Defense By Scripps News Association Tokio, Jnnc 27 A repreeeutaUve of Admiral Viscount Ito, chief ' of tb naval ataff. . called on vice-admiral Bojeatvensky at th Base bo hospital and expressed th regret of bia chief ovr the suffering th vie admiral bad undergone and admiration at th desperatenses of tb Russian defense Bojestvensky Is processing well end will atnd thanks to Ito' The Hamburg Wins iBy Borippa Newa Association) Kiel Prussia June 27 In tbe yacht. race today, tbe Hamburg finished two minutes ahead. Itte Meteor 111, sail ed by tb Kaiser, and Prlnoe Henry's 'Oroeo" defeated tb Ailra by ninety seconds, j, ,..-.,,, YOU f ILL 1! SATISFIES ' If ymir tloketa rfd over the Ienver aad Rio Umiicle Railroad, tat Houto Llneol the world" . , v i HEOAUSE I'bere are no many aoenle lf tu-i and -potnuof luterait long thi . - tweea Ocdan and Denver fiat ilu ti )i never Daoonea Uraaome , . ,. . If you are rain ast, write Ifor iifor. -,; ; matlon and (rot a pretty bookllliat will tell you allaboutU W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. ortfard Oresrrt- In the blood causes Rheu niatism.Sciatia.Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout. You can remove the cuise by f wearing one cf our ' REX RHEUMATIC mi m. Manufartured bvlh Hv RhmnwUt . king Co.. HaillorJ, Connecticut, Price $2.00 aotesv J. R. SMITH, PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A L RICHARDSON, . Physician and Surgeon. Cfflosorw HUl'i Drug gtore. , Office none U6 Bealdaeoe Fhoae M N. MOLITOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON doner Adams aveaee ta4 Depot 81 QffleePfaoaeBI BAdasoePlKaU V WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND. SURGEON 1U bmlldlnj, opposite Bomm-v Hoaae Office Boan, 1 to 4, T to I . -, BACON & HALL, , YS ICIAN3 AND SURGEON S Offlee la Foley bnUdlDx. Phone USL 0. T. Bmoo, Baildeaee Pbooe IIS ' M. K. HellJteldeaee SU1 DKS. BIGGERS& BIGGERS! Pbyaiciana and 8urgons O W Blgen, M. D, . Qto, U Blggara, U. D Telepbonea Offioe 1321 Healdenes 1881 qmos Ralitoa Building over J. M, Berry's etore. Rtaiaanos on Madlaoa AVa, eeoood door weatofbrmer realdame. Or. a W. Bigger XMUKA.ND. - . OKKUON ' Profnaonal calls promptly atteaded to dayornlgb.b DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. . ' -. , V. DENTISTS. UOto Homaer Muildlnc - Office Phone 5-1 Raldence Phoa 117 C. B. Cauthorn j DENTIST Offlos Over HIU Drug; Btore La Grande, Oregon ; R. I. LINCOLN i, DENTIST Up sUIn, Oof Adams arenaa and Depot Bt. Fhone yt i VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. V A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON. Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Qrande, Oregon Phone 1361 Kesidence phone 701 j Farmers' line 68 DR. W. T. DDWNE3." VBTKttlNARY 8URQB0N AND ' DKNTIST i JjMT orders at Red CroaiOrug store Residence Cor 6th and I st. " Thirty flr years exparlenot, best of reference ' V- , furnlihed , s-' ' ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD . Attorneys-at-Law LA O RANDS, ORKQON Oftloe tn Foley baildlng. J. W KN0WLE3 - Attorney and Counsellor ' ' 'At Law -v Office in Ralston Baildlng Phone 1M t Qrande Or. H.T. William A.C. WUliamSv WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT.LAW Qffloa ha Balstoa Bulldinf ; , f, PboneiOs La Qrande, or. Fain may go by the nam o( rheum tism, neuralgia, lnmbago, pleura. No matter what nam th , pains ar called, HolUatera Bocky ( Mountain Tea wllldrir them away. ,35 cent, Tea or Tablet. Newlin Drug Co. Lodge Directory. KAQLFH La Urand Alrie in F O K maeU avery HundnT night In K ol P ball at S i m VUitinn bra thorn lOvlUd U, ixi. A. MaWU, W. P. J. K. rolkKlc, W. & i O 0 F La Uranda Ltxlge, No 16 friabta .n Uielr ball CTan Saturday nliiht. Vial luig niam wira cordially Invited to attend. s "- . - Omtery plat can be seen at oflios of City O. W. RoberlMMi, N U ' 2 ' II. B, OoolidKe,Beo. tTARENOAUPMKNT No SI, lvO.O. F, aaeu arery Brat and third Tboradaya In (he oionto. In Odd Kallowa hall. Vlatllnf patrt trcba alwaya welooina I. B Snook, C P. , Kdmowd BoMnaon. Bcrlbe RaSTERN 8TA R OEM Horn Chanter No Umeetalhaaacondandrnortn Wedoeaday o ch month at rM p m in Muonic Teiuula Menie Aldrloh, W It , MaryA Waraick.ac :.: -.j'j. .,- M. W.A La Grande Ua.np Sio. mm ever first and third Wednesday of the mouth at 1. 0. 0. F. Hall. All viiiuig nelrh bura are cordially inyiled to attend. - : ; JohnUali. CUrk. rORBHTBRa; Or AM ERICA -Court Maid ilarion, No 23 meets Mch Thuriday nivhtln K of P lull. Broth ere are Invited to at toad. .. , 18 TillNon, Chief KanitrT, . O a WUIlama, Viu. 8ne Board of Tro Tir.U L Hlutora, John Uail and Uerbcrt Pattuaos i-w T T r oxforb i;:::: JAKES FARQUIttKSCN, F. .p. Ooaaplete aaaortOMut or WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunches snd mixed drfcks a specialty. Fair and , impartial treatment to all.,. Yoq are in vited to call and get acquainted vVWrrrVVVWW.rVWWWj essusss i TT: llint Salobti & CHAS. AU. ,UIST, Propndor. ; WINES. LIOUO US y V AND cigars; Finest collections of stuffed animals on the Pacific fj coast, i -" ; -I-; ;. Blue Front ISafoon 1 E. TH0RS0N. Proprietor. ' ' '; .irawr,?'.,- i,:r WINES, LIQUORS Imported and domestic CIGARS Wa4 nr hnA lunch all hoars JefTcraon Arena Oppoalte Depot Palaco Salor a chas. Anderson. Pro?, ,; 4'; ( i -v ;'' FINE wines.iiquors:;!;. and cigars - "'"TAhrayt on hand-. , JeSersoa ATSnae .. , Opposite Depot .) 4 MB))avaukatsM 1 THE LOUVRE I . CHRIS WHGHT, Prop. 4 . '. f . - , , FINK sii J. 4. WH'E5. LIQU0R5 , Centiemen alwayf Welcoma j- , 1-1 Eaglo Saoin : ULRICH L0TTIS. tiii' wins,iIiqu6rs and CIGARS Lunches are our specialty 'jeflTonoD Arenne, Opposite d'aput mi I J. r. ionomHii.f. bocb. rkop. - FINE WlNE I LIQUORJ, f 1 r Asd the bat . bnntu ot v i Always on hand f Mil Uisau drlnka e epeblalty 'ASlt and ir you don't get It. Thla Is gen- Z Swaioan i raaon ana w4 1 ran aa inoh e - . . :. .r- ... 1 Tom Fleming I BLACKSMITH Horseshoing and ; Waonwork ' ' ' .' ' - : v; NoxthFirStrjetv ke)4beas Many children inherit conatitaUona weaai ana ieeDi, ptners a us a cniia hood troubles. Hollleter.s Bocky Mountain Tea will poettrely our children sad msie'ithin strong 6 3 cents, Tea or Tal 00, ' ; :':i.k: Tablets. NewUn Drug ' fa IEESjI