La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 26, 1905, Image 6

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    !! . .... V
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! ifittl ItBSi t i
All the new things, as well as staples In MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S,
cut as It should fee, made-to fit, sewed with regard to wear rather than cheapness
Net the lowest priced you can buy, but absolutely THE BEST that can be bought at
ths price.
A , A
Hrfiiost Store-
We do all kinds of Repair
Vork and
Second hand Goods
.Telephone Fred Jacobs, Main 67
and we will call.
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Just received a Car
Bed Clover, Timothy,
kinds of Grass tseds.
Seed, Bald Bar!, Rye,
Boys' Suits,
Men's Suits.'
$1.50 to $5.00
- $5.00, $8.50
strong line at
some swell thing at $13.50
1308 - 1810 - 1312 Adams Avenue
M i
watch this.ipact for Suit
John Shu $35
JiM. Sttlnbcc& $25
Suit last Saturday
Two drawings on Sat,
July 1
and Tailor
Load of Alfalfa Seed
Red Top. Ail
Bulk Garden
Wheat and Oats
PHONE .1571
and up
Smallest Prices
Lew! A Crowe ol' the Q B Caih Go
have a new ad in this issue' whieb may
be of interest to moat boose keepere.
Prof. Mania and wile, who bata
been on a viait to Portland and the
fair, returned home thia forenoon.
alias Lola R Loreoie. who has
charge of the Oregon department of
the Idaho Statesmen at Baker City,
arrived in the eity last evening on a
visit to frienda and will retarn to
Baker City this evening.
Mr Leon 8toddard left thia morninc
(or Union where be will remain during
tbe Bummer in charge of the interests
of tbe Stoddard Lumber company t
that plsoe. .
Mr George Buckman and wi'e of
Alioel who have been on an extendi
visit to the exposition at Portland, to
Walla Wslla, Milton and other points
in Washington and Oiegon, returned
to La Grande last night and lefl for
home this morning. ;
Geo. B Day, who has Just completed
his coarse at the Moleinnvllle college,
arrived yesterday mornlpg to spend
the summer with his bi other, Rev. J
Franklin Day, pastor of the Baptist
ohurch of thia eity. In the fall he will
go esat to attend a medioal college.
Cement Walks
We are prepared to do cement aide
walk work in La Grande at cost, fun.
lab all masonry, tools and men. We
desire only to sell tbe cement, sand
and gravel at an agreed prioe.
that will
That is the sort of groceries
we sell Our aim is to
please all of our customers
We realixe thatiu ordet to
do this we must sell only
first Quality Goods
We also know that cor
prices must be right, and
that .oar service must be
correct A child can do
the trading at oar store
A trial order over the tele
phone will con ri nee yen.
We solicit your fctroaagw,
North Fir Street . ..
Misa Gertrude Raliton Is visiting the
fair this week.
The Miasea Edna and Florence Me
Call have returned from P-jrtlaad.
Remember the Commercial Club
meeting tomorrow evenlag. . J
Miaa Maud Blobarda ot Dalon was
visiting In thia city Sunday.-
Mrs C M Batrphreyo, of Elgin fa in
the eity and a guest ot recorder Snook
JatreJ, Hudson and w liber 'Kllpat
riok are visiting trieoda at 8tarkey.
Mr Sherman. Stoll left, today for
Elgin, where be goee to All . a contract
ot lathing,, ... ... , .;
Misa Alice Snook ot Portland, ia in
the city viaiUng the family: other
brother recorder I R Saook. . v ,- i
Mrs Si A Harrieon, of left for Plea
sait Valley where ah eoes on a visit
to bar daughter Mrs G M Elmer today
Mr J Q Blngerland, of Bsker City,
la a bnalneaa visitor In La Grande to
i.- '.) I. ,'tf : '
Mr A P Smith, of Sompter, arrived
ta the city yesterday for tbe purpose
of attending to tome lutereste.. "
Mrs Wood and daughter, ot Clinton
Mo arrived in- the eity veaterda I on
an extended visit to Prof.: TU ' and
wife,': c- "i vJi
Prof Hendrioka, the plan tuner and
musical Inatruotor, left thia morning
menU to fill. : " - ; .
Mra Biahop, ot Salt Lake City. 1 ar
rived here thia ' morning and left on
the Elgin branch for Elgin where be
goee to vlalt her daughter, Mra Chas.
snarl.- ''"-'- "" .;
Mra. HO Weatand little daughter.
Kathleen Kivett, left laat evening for
Weiacr, where they will vlalt tbe fami
ly ot Mra. West's father, Mr. J J Nev-
Mlaa Bertha Roberta, who haa been
visiting trieoda in' the eity for tbe
paat lew daya. left laat evening for her
home at Huntington, j . ,
Mr. Herbert Knox, woo baa been at
work at Elgin for some time, spent
Sunday in thia city with friends and
left this morning tor Pendleton.
After apendlns a few dava at the fair.
(red B turrey. In com Dan r with Col
and Mra. Geo. B Carrey, is visiting in
eeattle. They expect to return about
the Bret ot tbe month.
There will be a special meeting of
the La Grande chapter of Royal Arch
Maeona Tuesday c renins (tomorrow)
and the Koyal Arch degree will be con
ferred upon a team, following . which
there will be a banquet.
There will be a called meeting of tbe
Balance of Power Uaeae held thia
evening tn the Baptist church at eight
o caock. , Members of the executive
committee are earnestly requested to
be present. All others Interested are
also requested to oome.
O O Rockwell, proprietor of the
State and Opera saloons, was arrested
Saturday and brwught before Justice
Hough and placed under $500 bonds to
appear thia evening at 7:31) on the
charge of an as'eult with a deadly
weapon witb inlent to kill on the
son ot Mamie Wfoeman, w ho la mia
treea of a house in the Red Light die
trloC Neither shot took tffcet.
Mrs M V Mallory and daug!tia
Mise Maud and Misa Etbel, YVrnon
and Arya Davit are enroute to 0lifi r
nia where they wi'l remain until time
tor achool to open in September.
The Miasea Young will give a musi
cal concert in the Presbyterian church
next Friday evening, the 30ih Tbe
admission for adolta will be 50 cents,
children 25 centa. Tbe program will
be published UWr.
District attorney Clarence Crawlord
has been spending the past week over
at the Cove power plant 1 1 the Grande
Roads Electrio Co, in which he ia in
terested and it ia expected that every
thing will be in readinese to torn on
tbe water within a very few dejs.
Attorney Turner Oliver, who baa
been as Portland attending the Good
Roade Convention and viewing the
Uir as a aide iseoe. returned home
thie torenooa. Mi Oliver reports that
good work was aooowpIished at the
meeting, and there waa nothing to die
turb tbe peace and harmony except
the dUScnlty tn electing officers.
Operators Consult
Senppe Sews Association ')
Chicago Ills Jane S6 lbe IBinoie
sine operators had a meeting here to
day diseaeaing tbe pn position of the
miners to sabmit their differeoete to
tn arbitration, U tegerd to - ntaltera
arieing over toe abot-firerV bill.
I hrve the roller bearing
Different sizes to select from and prices in proportion
If yon see them you will want one. ,
If your olJ garden hose is worn oui let me send yon
new one. I also have a few lawn mowers left They
are the ball bearing, run-easy kind. Try one. "
CzP not forget about those bee hires and :. hammocks.-
Builders' Hardwtie and Crockery. ,
.Tocferiogj your InJy
friend or yonr wife
r and to secure
the 'best refreshments
ia ' V . .
, -; ! . '5'? IV ; . ,
- The best candy '
The best Ice Cream
The best equpped candy
- i store -
The best Soda Fountain
in Eastern Oregon
If you are languid depreeaed and
incapable for work. It tndioatee that
yonr liver ia out of order. Her bias
will sssist nature to throw t. off head
aohea, rheamatlsm and ailmenta akin
to nervooa and restore the energlea
and vitality of eound and perfect
healh. J J Hubbard, Temule, Texas
writes. March 33, 1901: "I hex a nsed
iferbine tor the the past two years.
It haa done me more good than all the
doctora Wbea I feel bad and have
that tired feeling, I take a dose of
Heroine. It ia the beat medicine;
made tor chills . and fever" bOcta n
Doors Sash, Shingles and
In large quantities direct from factories and mills
at a yearly contract price, and while we pay the
lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford
to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv
ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices
; Received daily.
Fresh vegetables
Every Momin .
w. r aerson o.
kind that ran like a bicycle.
' ' ' enweei
ine nomc
of good cookery ia onr restaurant. It
baa been oar aim to provide tbe public
wt'Ji tbe best of everything and in
thia way we have been very uoceeaful
Provldee for all the meala that are
atrengtbeaini and healthful and when
eating bare reminds one of "homo
oookory.y which always arlkea a
under spot In ton humane heart Tbe
pleasant odor of onr many fine things
la the eating linn arouses the cravings
of the innet man." "When in need of
good and healthful eatins rive ua n
ceil and you'll be aatiafWd. Oar price
ere joet right too.
J. A. AliBUCKLE, Prop.
We sea weakly Meal . ,A
Ttokete Cnah 14-50
Strawberries for Sale
The strawberry crop will eoon be
ready, and tboae wishing Clark Seed
ling atrawbarrlea, phone 2164 or call
on C M Riddle, May Park. JuneSe
Do afcf gfia4 too m, ta
pulvcrisrn ce& kaa an e&
tJrvry ncresft fiee from
the tnaw cofiae rnsaakaeiL