V QLASSiriED; ADVERTISEMENTS WANYE2r-QD eneap . gentl , bora andtw-wbeeled tart. .Apply' to ..OUwlaa Hall, ill WAST2I Work by a competent girl. A lLblp perlerred,' bat will do llgU boaaework. For pwtiealar pply tbl offioo. FOtt t?AJL&$r, rubber ilred baby bof7, Price 10. A bargain. Ap ply SQ8 Adams Athh. LOOT A dark bay Shetland pony with . wait star is forehead, breaded Ton Wft sbouller. , The undersigned will pay liberal Award lor lb return oC tb aalmaj or lor information i v Wading to it return. .FT,, 8auf ord, uova, uregoa. rOS ft2(T Furnished room for lady or gentlemen, with Iitrlo ligbu and bath Mrs L A Baker. i - - - Paoow Mala 811. FOtt BALE Jrlrrt class Jareer, mlkb .;wgfntU treb Apply to C Punt or Tboro'a grooery store WAOTED-Ftrnisbad boom by fee poaslble partle. Address poet office ... box SSi, U Grand. . i , IDS BENT Foai jrootu bouse, balf a block, el land on, elxth afreet, In old Uwa. f laquirs U Ue Fair Star,' La Grand. , ' ullomtsieekcrs Don! forget,, that 0 . U Power Land mea bat iiif Ul' in ! tb of BedlUUtelrouTanaoreof Garden to a S0C9 acre ranoh. All property . aold b; eommltsloa and tltt guaran 'tad "'-::-' v v'm - . .OH Power l Mlaneeote Land Man Mob S3 NoUo la kereby given , that anyone found damping refaae of any kind on any of tb property belonging to tb La Grand Real EataW Association will b vigorously prosoatd. : . "'''Tblt "property Inolade all of tb Blvofidaa4 WlUlamaoa's additions , to J Grand., LA OBANDK REAL ESTATE ABSII ;;: 7.e;3..tti . I Wm, Miller, Pree't. GRAINING AND -, .ART DECORAING Why not get your painting don wall wbea you' ian aaveU ebceper than it . tab fo the avenge dauber to spoil Itf Get used to having ale wood finishing on tb insld of yonr dwell ing. Egg shell and velvet gloss, J "mirror polish to. S O Kinney can ""grain bp yoor old palated room and maktbwood Ilk fin, qoartered oak fornltw 1433 Adam Ave. La Qrande Ore Ileit you will always find the latest atylee, tho best quality and the lowest prices. PAINTS, If.'! ' , , , In this Una i we handle the old reliable SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. Chi-Namel " Varnish stains in all colors for decorations, furniture and floors. STAGliAND & AeLAGHLEN -! G9NTRAGT9RS CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. CX'l" VlaTTa ., -,, .7" ' - 1 , ' Largest Brewing Plant Ask for La . Grande2Beerandigetthel.Best LA GRANDE BEER IS Am 'Isriourj):: HAVE EOS BENT-Two flo honskeeplog room 16 ft. square. On first floor. Only 3 block U W of Poet Offle on Srdet. - - QU POWERS FOBBALE-The loU and building. Nov bringing $50.00 per month rent, la La Grande, only $3000. Barry. . Q H POWERS, Slater Block. FO& RENT Four flu large oufarnish . d room, satiable for offie or house keeping. Inquire of Mrs U Summer at Mrs N 8 Kelley's. NOTICE VT pay highest Market prices for chickens.- Want all .. you have got. At onr Warehouse on Jefferson Are. w . - . - OB Cash Co. Centennial Hotel RATES SI per day " meal 26cU. Hpeolal rates furnished monthly pa trona. t Mr A B Moraheson and Miss O M Garm ' proprietors. No Adam Are. Phono No 1161 . Checks Lost All persons are hereby forbidden to eash check No. 843, drawn by J D btcKeonon on the Farmer & Traders National Bank of La Grand for $51.73 No. 114 L drawn by i T Kyler on the First National of Eauer CHy for $32. Bight draft No. 4721, drawn by Ever- Tbew &eoka and drafts were drawn in favor of tb Bommerville Creamery Association and were lost in tb mail between 8ummervill and La Grande sine Jan 12. loOS. Summervllle Creamery Association. Jnly2 By Wm. Choate, trees. LA - GRANDE SCHOOL OF. MUSIC ; PROF. DAY Principle. : . MKSDAY,.AniUr4 Tbl 1 on of the best mosloal In stitution in the tut. Daring tb ywu 1U04 there were nearly Four thousand leeaons glveo. Tb people ia tbls city and valley are begin log to discover the great advantage of tbl eobool. The.sy.tem used is IL latest and most praotical, and inolade all the latest dlsoovries la tb art of teaching maelo. Tb school is divided Into two depart ment! No, 1 Is for beginners, from 5 years up, and taking in the 1st to 3rd grades. Jn tbl department tmpils com one hoar every day. In No. 2 the grades are from 3 to IS. Her they graduate. Pupil take one or two lessons a week . as they detdre. No scholar will be permitted to remain in this school wto do not study. Opposite the Foley House over tit Candy Store Phons 473. o) OILS,! JinJEastern Oregon MADE IN LA GRANDE $ THh I-kEFERENCE Paper COUNTY iGOURT ' PROCEEDINGS . JU5E TEEM, 1908 Crntlnned from Friday. Tb following bill against the County were allowed. i L J Davis, Defending Chas ! . ArehJbenlt..,..,, ,,M $10 00 Ed Wright, Work in Clerks. . . . Offio...,....,.f.... ....... . .'75 00 Clark E Bnunders, aervioes as.. : , cousty Pbjsioian. 29 10 Clark E Saunders. Exam of 6 P , ; Colli uer, tnsan..,.. 5 00 Wright Mercantile Co Mdee a." ' per bill........:;; . 50 45 O V? Biggeis, M D, Exam Vred ! , M Jones, Insane ..... 5 00 John E Boogh, Exam Lewis. .. u 1 Langvob Voa dsr Hay iusans ' 50 i II McLaobUn Const, do.. ,4 00 5 00 M K Hall, Exam. La Grand Evening Observer,.. Printing a per pyi,, Irwin Hod son, Co, County Warrant........".....;.... Irwin Hod son Co, Rtatloaery a per bill Irwin Hodeon(o Stationary a . , - per bill , Eastern Oie Be publican Print ' log a per bill...... ...... Bed Cross Drug Co, lids as.... per bill... Irwin Hod son Co, Stationery a per bill..'..;... Class & Prudhomm Co lids.. s per bill:......... ....... Irvin Hodson Co, ltd' as par bui.,;..n:..; Grande EondeElee Co, Light. ' si per eontract. i.i. ...... 9o 20 65 00 33 40 . . i. ;;4 50 t. -40 00 J 10 23 00 20 00 "1" 94 en lobn Mabatfy, Salary as Ja<or . : for Apr and May....,;..... Q E Fowler. Wood. V,..;, ;.... Union Eleo.Lfgnt Co, Light for Mar and April..,..'.,...... J T Wi'bamson, Abstraot n- a per bill................ . Union Eleo Light a per l ill May, 1905 Pacific titatea Tel A Tel Co..... ' Phone servlo poor farm . . . Paolflo Statea Tel A Tel (Jo. Bhone Serrioe Clerks offloe.... W L Tucker, Grading Mann ... 120 00 9 00 14 00 17 CO 00 I 00 6 60 6 00 600 8 00 3 00 3 to ( 100 3 10 5 65 soript Edith Heritage, asm.. Bve & J twnder, ,. ..asm Syr Kunn. ..i.aame..... M O Crofntt,' Milage arresting Amon Thompson...'...'..,.. T D Taylor. Milage serving.... subpoena .'. T. ........ " Mra. Peter Gayette, wit J P toart etate vs Gayett...... TG Wilson, J P fee etate vs Thompson J T Jones, oon feea same...... O Land, wit fees asm..; John E Hough, J P fee atat vs Mo Bride J H Molachlin, oon fees same John E Hoogh, J P fee state vs Dellaracoo J H McLaeblln, oon fees earn J F Pike, wit same LRsyburn, same W A Saunders, aame.... ., Union Drng Co mds as per bill Levy Bros., mds as per bill.. Geo. Ulgnao, repairing poor farm 8 M GoS, salary as stock In 20 00 170 7 70 a 10 6 70 6 30 1 70 1 70 170 3 15 85 80 20 23 25 00 4 65 3 50 34 80 18 60 19 25 10 30 C5 75 47 70 spector for May.... 8 M GoS, J P fees, state Danldsoa li a Btoop, oon satns. . , Robt Blumensteln, services as county oomm,... J M Solder, asm.... PaclOo State Tel A Tel Co , ' phone service a per bill. . . ; John E Hough, J P (eea atat vs Vogal J H McLaohlin, oon tees asms EM Sbutt, making arrest in Umatilla county I 'i Persons desiring a correct abstract ot title will do well to call on Ode R. Seitz, in' the Bohnenkamp Building, who has had years of experience in the business, who is prepared to furnish a true and correct abstrct of all titles Abstracts Riht C. R. M A.BSTRj.CTOR f - i. BliaiiffgpiW Dllli Kasdall, eosta,' DUIle HandaU v Union county.. Geo. May, relief for May...... 19 8 15 8 10 uUNeaaoa, same JohaBUderbrand, same Daniel W Sander, sams J U Morton, aseeeeor's fees as per blU. 563 $ Waldo Perry, deputy assessor's fee as per bill 4 50 SI 00 3 00 13 00 t ! 2100 15 DO John Graham, same.... B f Webb, same O D Caff man, aan J W Tattle, dspy astesior's feea i" a per bill ,. ...1 W E Turner, earn V li Bowman, same.. 4 33 G MaaUrton. earns OPMewUmsam .... O L Owsley, asm. A B Soger, earn... B Chancer, same.. ...... ...... Union Drng Co., mds as per 'f -'bin i .....i P H Cbarlton, wit J P ooart -' I tu v 8cr lber and BUvtrs . ' i Continued Tomorrow - 4 60 10 po 30100 2100 . U 5 GO '. (,, 170 Steamer Run Down I errol. Spain, Juo 25-Th Biitlan croleer Carnarvon ran down tb North German. Lloyd steamer Cobiens In. : :4 aens log at a o'clock . tbls morning off Cap , Prior, (on the northwest coast of Spain, tn mile from Ferrol) The Cobiens was badly damafred" sqd sprang a leak. The passengera were tranafered to the cruiser, whloh towed tb liner here. The Injury to the cruiser was trUliny, but the Oeblens will bar to go into dry'dook.1 r The laxative effect of ChamWIafn. Stomach and Liver Table! a la aa bdtm able and so natural that you t do not Malla I. --" . ..." For aaleby Nswlin Drug Oo .. ." IDEAL h ASHING MACHINE; ' Any person wishing to purchase an Idal Washing Machine, please leave word at Seattle Grocery fetor and th agent will call and see yoa promptly. 7 23 . .. ; TH03. 8IEQMUND, agent. WANTED A woman to do Miicht boa work for two, in Old i Town. . ; l: --T . M BAKER EC DAVIS . FrnlOent J H CPILDH Beo. and Treaa. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND CRANITECO. , ; LA.' GRANDE OREGON I . . - Complete aaaortment of fin est marble r and , granit alivays on band. Estimated cheerfully, furnished . upon application, . Headstones and Monuments . A Specialty . ' IN I HURRY? THEN CALL Wfl. The traasfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Wagon always at your nervice. Charges moderate. Day phone 1751, night phone 1863. C00D PASTURE .. t U00 acres fine pasture, adjoining city. Abundantly watered. Cows In heard f 1.50, dry stock and horse 1.25, per month, Stock delivered on abort notice at reas price E. E.Jones, Phone 1276 La Grande Prices Riht eg . SEITZ 4,1 ffff f'trftslHlf Vll'tlPf vHyvltfUMtttrrrvy' 45 00 00 00 00 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 50 00 3 h,' This is about the price range bat, quoting ehlrt pricee prove notning untill yoa SEE OUR' u f '"! Best ehii t ever A CT.T XTLtJll t e e ee e'e e I ii e ee CHICKEN T We Nearly always as we are buying We allow you chickens sold for Grade Rohde Cash: Gqnaiy, Press Lewis Dean Crowe Pkone 1801 New warehouse on'Jeffersou Avenue HAY. GRAIN. COAL. WOOD. ! 'ttf ttttttttttttt fettsseeeeissesittrsMe! LUMBER JD CT A TT WH0EESALE PRICES . Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io' sold in La Grande. We Deliver it to jou? Building. Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PEERT. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Sate and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, . Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Grain and feed. Free delivery to all parts et the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Honea, turn cm and wagons bought and sold A CASH BUSINESS PAYS ! A . jsan ' boslneu pay tb store see a sua aiso id customer, when 70- trade at a cash store yoa know that yen uo-ool aave to pay a part ol some othervuitofner's bill each month, bbort account make Ions friends. We sett for cah ani tberetore cao afford to sell oa a less margin. W either hav tb monay or tb good. Yon can see tbat it la a aefer basinees, and as we take lea risk, w can sail cheaper. Oar line of groceries is complete, and we guarantee satisfaction . Yoor money back If soods ar not to and renre. sen tea. . . 1 SEATTLE GROCERY CO. ZDMDKL a LAWSON. j" ' Tb minut the weather hu a pring-like appearance, that miiiUte yoa begin to think ol negligee ihlrU with the aofl fronts. SUrcbed fronU are all right in winter, but tare and deliver oi from them during the i? H uuiauier. i THE ' . ' SPRING STYLES "ARE READY You'll see many new patterni thai are different from the com mon sort ieen erery where. - 50a $I 00. $L50 to 12.00 see tne shirt. i$A;00 SHIRTS offered for the money gVauaarm WWIIHaWts9 MIU OUTHTER3 see e 1 1 it j o e'eee m e eeteee -DINNERS I have aiupply oa 1 hand and shipping all the time - to take your" pick. "All cash. :1 :il AT OREGON. FOR SALE. Ninety acres of the best land in the Grande Ronde Valley, splend loated at Island; City. Will sell to small tracts to suit purcheser. Inquire of HENRY STERLING, Ronde Valley House. Phone 36 Brick furnishedjn any 'quanity Or any' style. No eoatraet - too small ' or ' too large.' See samples of our pressed brick. lGEO.:lIGER. La Grande, Oregon. 1 '4