La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 26, 1905, Image 2

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    La Grande Evening; Observer
CT iEY URO&, Editors Pr pa
EnUrad at tb Port Offloa at La
Granda, Oragon, as Baoond Claaa
Published daily except Sunday
One year in adrance $6 50
Six months ia adrance. . . .3 60
Per month ...... . v; . . : ... ,65c
Single copy. 6c
Monday, June 26. 1905;
DUpUy A4 rXm ftuuUbw ipoa application
bmlMrtlnff notion ite pr 11m nt bmt
Uon, fe per Una Ibr aach nbMqa.ol lnaar-
Baaotatlooa oooadolenee, ja far Una.
Oaraaaf tbaaka. 6e par llaa, -
It ia reported that petitions
under the referendum law will
soon be circulated to submit
the question of extending the
right of franchise to women at
the next state election in June
1906. As the petition only re
quires eight per cent of the
votes of the state to submit any
law for the people to vote upon
there will be no difficulty in
securing the required number
and there iauo reason why wo
men should not hare the privi
lege of having a voice in the
laws of the state. -
PureBred Poultrv
Parties desiring pure bred
poultry can secure eggs
from the . following well
known breeds at $1 per
setting of fifteen Bar Ply
moth 'Hock, White Wyn
dott, Single Comb . Brown
Leghorn, and Silver Laced
The chief emphasis at the
Eleventh , Mohonk . Conference
.. on International . Arbitration,
held recently, was put upon the
" proposal, introduced in a short
7 speech by ex-presideut Daniel
0 Oilmen, on the first morning,
and ably seconded on the last
: day , by Chancellor MacCracken
in the strongest paper of the
Conference, that systematic
efforts should be made in schools
and colleges, to substitute for
.. the war spirit a general convic
tion in favor of arbitration.
It was pointed out that aohool
- j '" v
, minenoe 10 war as to create the
impression that war is the most
a m ' ' m .a..
gionous torrn oi numan activity
The public squares, it was noted I
intensify the same idea by giv- I
lng more monuments to warriors
than to inventors and philan
";. thropists. The drilling of 827,
. OOft rhnn1 Afii1r1ffn menv . f
"them with real rifles, strength
ens the same error. ,
It was urged by various speak
era that the beneficent, victories
of peace, the nemes and lives of
' men whoia achinvAmnnLa huva
V.1 J IL. l. -1 - 1 11
u wxaneu ia me ecnooircom
Nand in the school books. It
was suggested that May 18th,
the anniversary of the establish
ment of the Hague Court, should
bo in all States, as in Massa
chusetts and Ohio, maid "Peace
Day" in all scheols, and cele
brated bv addresses and nriza
w a-
essays and prise debates, such
as boards of trade have in some
cases provided f ar .
v Dr. MacCracken urged that
in colleges, clubs should be en
couraged representing the goal
far beyond mere arbitration, to
which it leads, "the parliament
of man and federation of the
world," for which the Interpar4
liamentary Union of thirty na
tions is expected to declare in
its World Convention in Brus
sels in August
Christian Herald.
Those - Eastern visitors who
are attending the fair and pre
viously entertained the idea that
it rains continually in this state
are not disappointed. 86 far since
the exposition opened there has
been more xaioy days, than
otherwise: w
The more we consider the
contents of a .communication
which appeared in The Observer
Friday evening -rwith; reference
to Eastern' Oregon' demanding
a representation on the supreme
court of the state, the more we
beleiye that such should be the
case. We certainly have a num
ber of jurists that have the abi-
lity, are thoroughly conversant
with the peculiar conditions of
the Eastern portioa of the state.
It is really much more ' import
ant for this portion of the state
to be represented on the supreme
bench than it is for this portton
of the state to furnish the can
didate for governor. j
Polio ia baraby tiran that tba Dia-
trlot Sobool Board of School Dlatrlot
No. Ona, QTJnloa eoonty, Oregtfn wUI
raselya op w o.olook p m of L.
1909, Malad bids for famishing said
School Dlatriet No. On with 140 oordi
of tour foot split, yellow ploa and ra v
or wood, said wood to bo eat hil
green and not later , tbaa Aon4n
WU6, free from larsa knoU aad aoeaot.
eoio so aald aciiool board. All wood
to be delirered at the, high scbool
balldlng and to be eordad op neatly
ana oioeely where directed br Hoard.
Fifty oof da to be delivered by Jaly 81
ana all on or before September 10, 190$.
mas to be left with school Clerk.
Board renerrea tba rlgbt to reject any
or an bids. AO WILLIAMS.
Jaly 1 . Sobool Clerk
, Found a Cure for Pyspepsla
Mra H TJndaav. nf ftnrt Willi.
Ontario, Canada, who baa suffered
qaite a number of years from dapp
eta end great paina in tba stomach,
waa advised by ber drargtat to take
Chamberlaina" Ktomaoh. and Liver
xaniau. Bne did ao and save, "I find
tnat tbey hate dona ma a graat deal
oi gooa. l nare never had any sntfar
lng ainoe 1 began niing them." If
troubled with dyspepsia or ledigeatioa
why not take tbtie Tableta get well
ana euy weiiT for sale . by Nawlln
umg uo.
The only Exclusive
Undertaking Parlors ;
In La Grande.
Scientific Embalming
Licensed in Oregon and
Montana. Experienced
Lady Assistant
Our office is always open'
Phone 1761
Office in Lewis Building,'
opposite Sommer House
Lewis and Clark
To be held at Portland,
June 1 to Oct. 15, 1905.
Through the Williamette,
Umpqua and Rogue River
Valleys, of Western Oregon,
pass Mt. Shasta, through
; the Sacramento Valley to the
many famous'resorts on the
u; line of the
For beautifully illustrated
booklets, descriptive rf Cali
fornia resorts; address. ; U ,
UViarc building on a perm and nothing is tooopd f or us
Ourrstronlinp js thc;Adlcr, Bros.; & Co., Rochester, made readyTto wear.
These arelbthethat are honest inside as well as attractive outside. L If
Vou bUyahd it proves to be otherwise, your money back without aword.
Better satisfaction at $20 to $25 than can be secured in any other ready-
(madiasrcqmplete satisfaction as can be secured in first-class made-to-measure.
This is our. promise to all who make a trial of L A.rBr&.4 Co.,
clothes, and we stand ready to redeem that promise to the letter. You,
are always vveiome to drop in. f;
: r
Cut from the softest, most flexible of
lining a sole that Is made to stand
trouble; arid lust the right amount of
.style.: It's one of,the most popular; of
KEITH S KONQIIEROR family-and If you
, had your shoemaker turn out' such a
shoe, he'd tax you not less than $8.00
$3.50 to $5.00
Cordon $3.00 Hat for
Men's Fancy Hosiery reduced from 75c to 50c
Owlni to the unseasonable weather this spring we decided to make
Pongee Suitings 50c a yard for regular 75c and 85c qualities
ruuscu Diiiuuillb DUC 75c " 85c
Jacquard Swiss 20c " " 35c "
Lawns and Dimities 15c " " a 25c "
S . . . m.
Ldvviib una uimmes izi 2c " 20c
These radical reductions will create a lively Interest in thin wash Fabrics, so it behooves 'all who have delayed
their spring purchases to come in early.
W. ECOMAN, Geiv to.lAgt,
Island Citv Oregon
l." Portland, Ortgon.