5 TODAY'S NEWS TODAY &bowers totlgbt and ' Tomorrow ir?. 1M NWffl V T :NM ft. Vf tv -1 u u - y r Vj . ii . ' u . VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNH. OREGON MONDAY, JUNE 26. 105 NU-V3ER 103 .-V- I ff I i n AUGUST PEACE : Meeting , ' By 8oiippe Newe Association . , Washington Jane &U.The follow. .- fng statement vu issued Iron tbe .White Hoa-e this afternoon: "Tbe President bat received from both Russia and Japan a statement that i Ibe plenipotentiaries of the two eoun- tries would meet in th United Btatee during the first ten day in August The President expressed to both Gov ernments the wish that tbe ; meeting ' would take place the first of - Angust, t il possible, or tbe earliest date there JEWISH QUARTER IN FULL REVOLT (By Sorippo News Association j ' Bt Petersburg June 26- A message from Warsaw says that the Jewish quarter Is now In full revolt, and it is ' expected tbtt a repetition of the mae- ' saore at Lods will occur in the Polish ? napitol. The streetcars have been overturned to form barrioadee and - thirty four batallions of troops hav 4 been etationed in the city . Bookmaker Arrested (By Bcrlppa Newe Association) ' . 8t Louis Mo June 26Sheriff Her- J pel and deputies this afternoon arrest ed Charles Cella, the only bookmaker doing business on tbe Dalnur track. THE GREAT Offers some of the greatest money saving opportunities of the season, not only in the white goods department alone. Real bargains run rampant in almost every de partment. Space will only permit a mention of a Tew items; but you will feel amply repaid for a visit to our store during this sale, no matter how small your needs. MUSLIN UNDERWHR'aTBETTER' THAN SALE 1 PRICES I8c CORSET COVERS 8c Made of high grade muslio with French filled eeama. - TmI- MftMH ol fine muslin, V and eqaare yoke, with ni- 'iC-. OUC UOrSet V-OVerS broidery and lace trlmminz ' - ZoC SALE PRICE $1.25 SkirtSe .96c j ' - - .These skirts were bought months tgo, special for this sale. They are made of extra fine muslin, with extra wide flounces, trimmed with lace and Swiss em broidery. To sell them quick we place them at the special and additional reduced QZ price of ' OC NOTICE We planned Bnowea auring mis Bate are inaraea ai prices wn icq actually represent a saving of 25 per cent To make this the banner sale in our history we have made a addi tional special reductipn of the actual sale prices. ; Come, and investigate for yourself.. We court comparisons. . A White India Linen, the yard 10c and 15c Laces -25c Swiss embroidery, 8 inch Embroidered Waist Patterns ROY H: MILLER c ' FOUND GUILTY Baker City Jone 26 Tbe jury In the ease of the 8tate vt Roy H Miller brought in a verdict of guilt,' ai 1 :30 8unday. f fa - y ; j r - - fi f , Tbe defendant was charged with cb- Uinlng money under false pretenses, A P Goss of Sumpter was proseeoier la tbe cae. Tbe indictment, tetnrned at Ibe last teraa,'obarged that on Fe-r brasry S3, 1904, Miller represent i to A P Oots that a certified ebeok for 916,000 on the First National bank of Samptor was good. Ooss turned over property to Miller, tsklng the $16,000 check. The latter was iisbon red. "OA Johns acted as attorney for the defense, while Prosecuting Attorney Lome and 8aaitb rt conducted tbe prosecution. The cae; continued three days. The jury Was but tt hours before agreeinz on a verdict of guilt . . i .... r. . . . . i That MM will aMMUMI TM I defendant is well known In Eastern Oregon. ' Muob sympathy ia expressed for htm v i '.(:; WILL CONSIDER Ot' I , THE SITUATION (By Hcrlppa N ewe Association) ' ' Stockholm, Hweden, Jane 26. Ai result of the negotiation between the different groups of the Rlokstag,' it bat been decided that a special committee to consider the Swedish-Norwegian situation be appointed tomorrow, - . .. i i i I, '.I r i f ; Has New Grandson By SoHpps News Ansooiaticn : Paria, Jane 28. A eon was born, to day to Duchess De La Rocbrforeeould, formerly Mies Mettle Mitchell, daogbt er of Senator Mitchell, oi Oregon. IM1SLM. more than 9 for this underwear sale more than JUNE FEW OF MANY ITEMS' OF INTEREST 5c - 5c fl9c 15c Turkish Towels 35c Mercerized Lawn 35c Dress Swiss, black figured a iea !' - f; ouc 5iik urenadine t . K ' , . GENERAL SfRlKE- NOT COMPLETED ill -if - . .. - f - r. Bcrlppa News Association J. ; WsrwrRuMia, June 26 The so ciel democratic party did not succeed to bringing about a general strike ,tOf day.' ' Many of the laoiories'are closed aad some of ,the stores . atf toted, but tbe strike' ie' far 4 from' generaL. The Strikers picketed .the factories, in several instances , shooting men ,wbo started to work. Troops patrol tbe principal s'rettsjwith orders to jtrejpn the slightest provocation, Ho news papers were published today, THROW BOMBS T THE CHIEF fit By 8oripps News Association ; St. Petersburg, Jone 28. At Caen- ;'.. at tbe chief of poltoe as be was enter ing bis carriage, and one officer , and several civilians were injured. - ; PRESIDENT WILL , ; JAKE ; LONG REST (By Forlppe News Asaociatlon) Washington, J one 20. - Tbe President leaves today to the remainder of the summer. Be will start at Ave thirty this anernoon, for Pennsylvania,, ao compan!ed by secretary Loeb and tbe uiual guard of seoret aervioe men. lie will go first to Cambridge to attend tbe Harvard commencement exercises, and from thenoe to Oyster Bay. On Wednesday he will addreee tbe students at Harvard and will reach Oyster Ray Thursday at noon. The President and hi family will remain at Sagamore II111 until (he letter pert of Septem ber. Mrs Kooeeveit and Theodore Jr. left for Oyster Bay tbla morning. r 60c MUSLIN GOWNS 43c Made of high grade mus lin. Vand square yoke of tucks, ruffle, embroidery and lace insertion, trim ming at neck and sleeves WHITE SALE Real $ I Drawers 69c Here are values unsur passed. v Of course this very low price is of absorbing interest, -but wait untill you see them, yen wiil be 'de lighted with their beauty, and general air . of daintiness, made with wide ruffles of em broidery, tucked, and with . fine lace insertion. This special sale, price .r. 0 months ngo, 'and everv item' I2ic 28c 28c 49c 9 ' CZ7 JgMA PROOF i ill) Jill t. 'ST SENATOR By Bcripps Newe Association : PortUod Jabe f 6-f Harry? ; Robert- son, formerly Senator Mitchell's secre tary , wss the star witness l tbe ' pro secution' In' the Mitobelt trial this morning. He stated that he bad seen Kribbs repeatedly la 8enator Mitoh elPs private office, and many times also in Mitchell and Taunsr's office. Me said that be had seen the Senator go over tbe books of the firm oontsin log tbe payments from Kribbs. ': The witness described bis being auopotns ed while In Washington, to appear KlnHi th MmI mciit (m In IWt. land. He said that, before leavingi he had been instrooted by Senator Mitebell to tell the Jury that Tanner had received all the feet received by the firm for praotloe before the Feder al Departments, and that Judge Tea oer would instroet him what to swear as Mitchell said he considered any means justifiable to Ute in his defense. Arthur Orion, a cletk in.', the Mrr ebants National Bank, testified re garding the Mitchell end Tanner, ac count and identified checks and bjoks Judge Tanner was on the staud again and modified the statement made', y s teiday of Mitchell writing hundreds ol letters simile r to . those written in Knbbe ease for bis oonitituente. He qualified the charge as being too liber I ana eaia teal the senator wrote nuinbir oi suob letteis. in the 'owes agiiit Oongressmap J A Williamson, Van Qessoer and Marion R Biggs, who are indioted for conspiracy h ob tain Government lands fraudulently, the demurren were overruled and tbe oaeea set for trial . next Monday." In the ease against Williamson, Mitch ell, Herman and Mays, aooosed of conspiring In the blue mountain! re serve lands, the demurrer ruled. was ; oer- HOMEt-TEAM- AGAIN WINNER y The La Grande and Hoc Lake teama yeateiday played one of tbe faatat and cleanest games of base ball ever seen on La Grande diamond, the borne team winning by a aoore of 4 to il. Both from a spectator's and player's etandpoint it waa as good an ezhlbi tlon of tbe national game as one would ask toeee, j Slats" Taylor for tbe visltora aud Dowllng for La Grande were Invinci ble from tbe first man np until tbe last man was retired in the ninth in ning. " . . I The game was won by tbe f sat work of tbe home bo on theibasee, and tbe way tbey supported Dowllng. not an error being made ; Tbe feature of the game waa three fast doable plays, made by the borne teem, each ot which came just at times wben it looked very - much as If the visitors wsre sure to sec re, ; Although defeated, Hot Lake ie hot dlioouiagad, for! tbey certainly know and play tbe game, and yesterday was their first defea ot tbe season. ' - ' Manager Heianer ' will endeavor to bring" Hot Lake bore for a game nest 8unday ' If I e succeeds in doing so, do doubt one of tbe largeet crowds ever seen on La Grande ball ' field would attend. . ? Tb score by inning. I Grande ' 00030002 x-i Hot Lake 0 0 1 0 0 Q 0 0 0.-1 Batteries, U Grande' Dowllng and Biegrist; : -Hot Lake, Taylor and Trippeer. RIOTERS ATTACK GENERAL'S PALACE ( By Scripps News Association ) Kovno, BuaslsD Poland, J one 46. A mob of a thousand eurrouoded and attacked tbe police station and the Governor General palaoe today and broke nil the windows. Five ; police men were wounded, bat the dragoons AGAIN MORE DRIVERS , TO GO ON STRIKE (By Bortppe News AesociaUon)' ; . Chicago Ills, June' 18 The express and van teamsters today notified their employers taat tbey would , call a strike of their noiqo in this city on lets the express, companies . stopped ojmpelllng anion drivers to dt-livsr goods to the boyootted .bouses. A ihoosand drlwrs have been aft oted Vice-president Weekler, ot the Weck- ler Brick company, was before the grand jury - today denied the oom pany need fund of twenty-five thou sand dollars, ae testified by president Weber of the Rational Brick Com- i 4 iii j i ' hi in. ly,' . ; Condition Improved . By Scripps News AMOoiationf Newborn. N H.vJnae 9ft. The onn- ditlou of Secretary Hay la much better today. Additional aoedloai aid ar rived early this morning from Boston Tbe secretary la suffering much in the same manner as bate - bo - took tbe trip abroad.- ; . - ; Rebels Defeat Germans ' Eorlpps News Association v , Capetown, Afrlcis, June 26. Tbe rebel leader Morenga has attacked and dsfeated a German force on ' Kara'e mountalne In flerman Southwest Afri ca. All the Germen ammanltlon and supplies wereoarrled off by the rebels The lossea are reported as very heavy Murderer Suicides m J Bcripps News' . Aiioeiat'ion . Lewlstoa, Penna Jane 26 El wood Carman, convicted of the murder 1 of William Murry. wss found dead In bis cell at liiiTlintown today. lie killed bimeelf by drinking carbolic add. f .: Fiye Men Killed (By 8crlrpe Newe Aasooiatlon) Wow fork, Jane 20 Five men .were buried in an npartmeut bouee on Wert ISCtb, Street, which collapsed during a storm this afternoon. Tbe firemen and police are at tbe work of reeone. Get Real Perfumes The art of malting perfumes ia so complicated that few master it. It is easy 'o make an odor that will ; seem desirable when smelled from the bottle; but to give the odor permanence and the quality of remain- ' ing sweet and unchanged on the handkerchief re quires skill that few perfumers possess. n It is the' maker's name and not. tbe name of the odor ' that " counts.' j" ' " We narrv a larira aBaortment of the finer crradea of perfumes. They have every quality that good per-, ; . m . mi il tames suouia nave, iney tbe poorer sort. . 1 j NEWLIN DRUG CP-il , j P r t t L i: i i HENRY FUHERiL i LKEt-JED Lady as? istat.t Calls :: Phone J. O. Henry, residence 664 Q J. J. Oarr, residence 386 5 TWENTY CADETS DROWNED : ' By Scrlppe News Association ' Ceptnbs4ea Denmark June J3-Tbe private eadet ship " Qeorjestsge" wu , rammed today by the Britisu , suamsr "A neon a" and sunk. Twenty of tbe cadets aboard were drowned. . , ' Y SANK QUICKLY ' ' The QeoretageM ssnk in one and ous-hall minutes' after ' the colliifon. Tbe carets wsre all in tbe'.r books at tbe time, but fifty-seven were rescued . Only one. bo4y hU ben recoverod. TbeAooonale considerably damaged . and is being held by the authorities peuuiugan investigation. . . WILL PROSECUTE . REBATE CASES ':; Bcrlppa Newe Association V Wasbingoon June 2o The depart ment of justice has announced tbst assistant Attornsy General Fnrdy bad been, placed In charge of the railroad rebate cases, including thai against tbe the Santa FeJ'and that Purdy had left for Kansas City to b'gln prosecu tions in accordance witb the Presi dent's directions. Retains Ducal -Throne - , . i - (By Bcrlppa Newa A aoclatlen) Berlin Jnne 28 The verdict' in the suit regarding the euoceision to "the Grand Ducal, throne of 01deubergwa rendered today against Count .Alex ander Wabburg. Tlie complaint in the aotion was brought against Fredsriok Augustus, tbe reigning Grand Duke. Reserve Men Notified . (By Bcrlppa News Association) St Petersburg, Jane 20 The French army reiarvemen, living In Russia, have received notice to bold theroKlvi s In resdineta to join Ibe colors. cost you no more iuau -t , , 1 17 1- S6 RR blRECTOR5 EMBrlLflERS answered day and night,' No. C2I. : f t ranL6 Oregon t y "tt' ;fj' i .i I ii It I i ia El 1 If dispersed tbe rioters. 2 g&U" km. 31