CLOTHING IS WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS NOW AND CLOTHING IS WHAT WE HAVE All the new things, as well as staples In MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS and CHILDREN'S, cut as It should be, made to fit, sewed with regard to wear rather than cheapness. Not the lowest priced you can buy, but absolutely THE BEST that can be bought at the price. 1 1 Boys Suits, . - - ; $1.50 to $5.00 Men's Suits, $5.00, $8.50 A strong line at - - $10.00 and some swell thing at $13.50 and up r THE GOLDEN' RULE COMPANY 1808-1310-1312 Adams Avenue y Largest Store- Smallest Prices l! 4 Local Item " II I 1 i i- y a . We do all kinds of Repair Work and Cleaning Watch thi f pace for Suit ' winners ' RAHamcd $35 Tom Short S2S Suit last Saturday Two drawing! on Sat. June 24 AL. ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor 4 - --'- ' " ' - - " '"J111- J!.1!'""".'."!."..!1. S" ' c a e 1 I Mr I H Ball, of Ohio surprised bia aiata. Mra Bobert Deal by stepping in the other evening. Thla ia their firat meeting In thirty aeven yeara and ia the only relative Mra Deal haa had tba pleaaure of seeing aiaoe coming to thla coast daring that period. Mta Ulrioh Lot tea ia reported to be very ill and her many friends ate quite uneasy. Win. Gboate, secretary of the Sum merville creamery was a La Grande visitor today Ha atatea the oreimery ia doing a very profitable buBinesa tbia season. Second hand Goods Wanted Telephone Fred Jacobs, INfrain 67 and we will call. The La Grande Pawnbrokers 1 Furious Fighting "For aeven years," writes) Geo. W Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter buttle, with chronic stomach and liver trouble, tut at last I won. and cored my diseases, by the as of Elea. trie . itinera, i unhesitatingly ree oomraend them to all. and don't intend in the futme to be without them in the honse. They are certainly a wonder, ful medicine, to have eared aaob a bad case as mine." Hold, under guaran tee to do the aame for yon, by Newlin vrog vo druggists, at ouo a bottle Try them today. Have You A Cough? A doee of Ballard 'a Horehoand syrup win relieve it. Have yon a oold? A dose of Herbine at bad time and frequent email doaea of Horehoand Hyrap during the day will , remove it. Try it for whooping cough, for asthma, ror consumption, lor bronchitis. Mn Joe MoUrath. 327 F 1st etree. Hatch inson, Kau, writea: "I have used Ballard'a llorehoond. Byrup in my family for 5 year, and And it the best and moat palatable medicine I ever used" 25c, 50c, ll.OO-Newlin UrugUo. 111 SEEDS SEEDS '""""- Wlffll amuauinn.uaijL.iiMiirlf.T Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Bed Olorer, Timolby, Red Top. AH kinds of Grass seeds. Bulk Garden Seedr Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats ; tEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571 THE SORT THAT. WILL-PLEASE That is the sort of groceries we sell Oar aim is io please all of our customers We realize that in ordet to I do this we must sell only 1 First Quality Goods We also know that ' our prices must be right, and that our service must be correct. A child can . do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele phone will convince you. We solicit your patronage. QEDbES BR2J. North Fir Street Uear Goombe Toeaday evening. J H Rlnehart drove in from. Bam merville this forenoo. ' Mr George Blnabart, of Portland, was visitor U the eity yesterday. MA flight across the ocean' for 25c Toeaday evening. A J Bender, of the Union public schools is in the city. JD GUlilanJr of Pendleton epent the day at the p arson are, retaining home thla evening. Mr T J Dry rten returned home this forenoon alter apendlng several daya at the Lewis and Clark fair at. Port land, . Mrs H M Baker, of BittaBsldi Utah, arrived In La Grande tbia morning on a visit to bar daughter, Mra Victor Bean. Engineer Pete Biever, who rone a helper oat of Pleasant Valley, haa been in the eity on a visit and return ed home tbia morning. Evangelist Coombs, who assisted in revival meetlnga In Central Church iaat winter will leotnre neat Tueaday evening. The fnneral of the late Mra J E Rey- nolde will take place tomorrow fore noon at 11 o'clock from the Chrlatian Church. 1 The Urandall Bros., W H Wenham and H Vf Stoner returned today from a flabing trip to Beaver oreek and were quite aucoessful. mra leuieruie uwrw urnvnu iui morning.from t.alifornia to visit her eon Geo L Cleaver, assistant caahler of the La Grande National Bank. The receipts of the beniflt ball game amounted to the snug little earn of $132.06 and the aame waa turned over to Paul Lederle thla afternoon. ' Mr Chaa IS Napper of Pocatello Idaho, died at Hot Lake laat evening, of Jaundice. He was a prominent Flk anl the steward of the Elk'a Hall. Mr B E Heakltt and son, Roy. who have been seeing the sights at the Portland Fair, returned home this morning. They report fine weather at Portland and an enjoyable time. Mr Jamea Forestall and wife, of Bozeman, Montana, who stopped over here on a visit after visiting the Lewie and Clark fair, returned to their home thia morning. We received a communication with reference to the duty of the eity In keeping the public fountain In repair, bat aa it haa been repaired there la no necessity in publishing it. At the election of officers of tbs Union County Pioneer Association, Ben brown waa chosen President, Henry Rimthart rteoretary C E Coch ran Historian. Mr J B Stoddard, president of the Stoddard Lumber Company, left tbia morning on a bnalnesa viait to Union, where the company are stacking a large amount of lumber preparatory to ahlpplng it east. 'All members of tbe Eastern Star sre requested to be present at the chitptor hall Sunday at ten o'cIock in the fore noon in order to make preparations and atte id the funeral eervlcea of Mra J E Reynolds. Professor H.J Hockanberry com menoea his fourth snnutl Hummer school next Monday with the lrKt attendance of tbe series. Professor Hookeuberry is. one of tbe very fast instructors in tbe state and he la be ing recognized aa such. Unanswered Prayere" will be the theme in Central Church tomorrow evening. Everyone welcome. All mem. bera are asked to be present at this service. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated near the doee. M Sorenaon, the agent of the Paclfio Express Company at thia place, after moch effort on his part, haa succeeded in Inducing the company to make free deliveriea in the buaineaa part of the city once each day. Mr Sorenaon de serves pralaa for hla efforts in tbia direction. Tbe anggeation of Mr Honry Lewis, to have a large oil portrait of the late Hon J M Cbnroh plaoed in the city ball is meeting with a heaity response Mr H E Gollidge tbe artiat will execute the work. Thia ia certainly fitting as the laat act of hla Hie wae in the interest of thia county for whtoh he was ever loyal. Mr W U Alstott of this city,' while working with a construction crew on the OB & N, near Huron Thursday morning happened to the misfortune of breaking hla leg. A cave in of a bank oocured and Mr Alstott slipped and fell, the weight of his body break ing his left leg Just above tbe ankle ta the fall. He waa brought home on the first train and ia now resting as well as oould be expected under the eircamitancea. "" BOYS' WAGONS I bsve the roller bearing kind that run like a bicycle. Different sizes to select from and prices In proportion ' If you see fhein you will want one. If your old garden hose is worn oui let me send you a new one. I also have a few lawn mowers left. They are the ball bearing, runeasy kind. Try one. Do not forget about those bee hives and hammocks. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Builders' Hardwaie and Crockery. THE PROPER PLACE To bring your lady friend or your wife and family to secure the best refreshments is ....... SEEDER'S CANDY STORE The best candy ' The best Ice Cream The best equpped candy store The best Soda Fountain in Eastern Oregon That Tired Feeling If you are languid - depressed and incapable for work, it Indicates that yonr liver ia out of order. Herbine will assist nature to throw off head aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervous and restore the energlee and vitality of sound and perfect bealh. J J Hubbard, Temule,' Texat writea, March 33, 1902: "1 haxe need neroine ror ins tne past (wo yaara. It haa donn mn mora onnA than all tm doctors. When I feel bad and have that tired feeling, I take a dose of If Ul T. ... A . ... nwuiu,, xt is in a oees meaioine. made for chills and ' fevor" 60cta a bottle. sfp. " , ill The Home of good cookery Is oar restaurant. It has been oar aim to provide the public wij tne boas oi every miug auti in thla way we have been very anoeaaafal V OUR BILL OF FARE Provides for 'all the meala that are Strengthening and healthful and when eating here reminds one of "home cookery," which always atrlkea a tender spot la the hnmane heart The pleasant odor of our many fine things In the eating line arouses the cravings of the "inner man." When In need of good and healthful eating give aa a call and you'll be satiened. Our prioea are just right too. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN3AY AND NIGHT " We sea weakly Meal . . .A Ttckate Cash $450 Strawberries for Sale The strawberry crop will soon be ready, and those wishing Clark 8eed ling atrawberrlea, phone 2154 or call on C M Riddle, May Park. June24 -WE BUY Doors Sash, Shingles and Lumber In large quantities direct from factories and mills at a yearly contract price, and while we pay the lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices STODDARD LUMBER CO. If3! 31 m f! O HOOD RIVER STRAWBERRIES . Received daily. Fresh vegetables Every Morning. Gc2&a Gcta Coffi Do not grind too tine, as pulverized coffee hs an en tirely different flavor from the same coffee granulated. J. A. roLom c& co. NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE $ -IT.a - Jt uoi. s it ana jenerson ou. u. JKAL8TON, Prop.