l-a Grande Evening Observer rer IEY UEOS., Editor k Pr pa Entered at tha Pott Offlo at La Uranda, Oregon, aa Baoond Claaa Mail Matter. . Published daily except Sunday On year inadTance .$650 Six months in advance.... 3 50 Per month ...65c Single copy , . ,'. ........... ,5c Saturday, June 24.1905. ADVBTiBina rat Diapla? A4 nta ftunUhd pon application ixwai naaiDf notlcca lOe per Um Ont na . tion, 5 per Uaa tor each obMonent luw tkm. ReaolnUon of aoadoleaea, jc per line. Carta of Utaaka, 6e per Una. One of the largest manufac turers of road and street mach inery has actually called In its traveling salesmen and will hereafter sell machinery only by direct order, owing to the disgusting grafting methods practiced by city councils and . other publio bodies in purchas ing supplies of this kind. For the last three or four years, this manufacturer de clares, it has been nrcessary to , add from $300 to $500 to the list of prices of his machines to cover illegitimate "commis sions" exacted by street com mittees and others making pur chases. It has come to be a contest . among the big manufacturers, he further says, to see who will offer the biggest "rake ofl" and so he withdraws from the field in disgust and shame for the American citizens who pose . as hooeRt and respectable business men, yet who are the most dis gnsting parasites in society. No other practice known to civilization is so disgusting and demoralizing as this. It causes brother to rob brother, partner, official to rob the publio aud starts hundreds of decent men downward. It is a burning disgrace on the name of the country to have it said that manufacturers of sup plies for publio corporations must maintain a regular "graft fund." It is a burning disgrace on manhood for publio officials who walk the streets before their fellows as honest citizens, to make a studied profession of demanding a graft fur perform ing the publio duties confided to them by their fellow citizen. If there is one crime which demands the serious considera tion of every town, city, hamlet , and state, it is this disgusting crime of grafting. A lew whole tome examples should be made of polished rascals who pose as good citizens. It would have a beneficial effect. East Oregon -ian. Here is a prophecy of a Cana dian newspaper: "The city home of the future will contain no stoves. - Oooking will be done by powerthe building will be heated from a central plant, elevators will be run from cellar to garret, and breakfast, luuch and dinner will be supplied from a co-op erative center. Not only will the house of the future be clean ed by power but the dust will be removed by a pneumatic exhaust." PureBred Poultry Parties desiring pure bred poultry can secure eggs from the following well known breeds at. $1 per setting of fifteen Bar Ply moth Rock White Wyn dott, Single Oomb Brown Leghorn, and Silver Laced Wyddott. ELI - BA!R. 1 Island City Oregon Field Marshal Oyama is be lieved, in Tokio to have Line vitch almost surrounded. The Russian commander is said to have inaugurated a recent move ment for the -purpose of draw ing off a portion of ' the forces massed upon his flanks, but the Japanese marched ' up an en tirely independent force and put the Russians to flight The Russians themselves are doubt ful about their safety, but they are at a loss to know whether the Japanese commander in tends to del'ver a blow or is maneuvering for ' effect upon the peace conference. One thing is very certain; that is that the Japanese do not -propose to leave the world in doubt about their ability to cispose of the Russian force. Perhaps they can accomplish their purpose by demonstrating toe strength of their position without bringing on a general battle, but it is more hkely it will be necessary for them to crush the enemy to make their control perfectly plain. In connection with the pro position to erect a monument in umbus there is a revival of the old movement among Roman Catholics for his canonization. Cardinal Richelmy of Turiu is chairman of the committee on the monument, which, it is ex pected, will be placed in the Papal On ' May 20, 1900, the fourth centenary of Columbus' death. Regarding the saint ship of Columbus, a writer in the New York Tribune reoalla that at the Vatican council of 1869 many archbishops, bishop petitioned Plus IX. to permit the first steps in the congrega tion of rites. From the Catholic point of view it is said that the evidence for the necessary mir acles is abundant. ,,r-a la ia " .aaaaeeBMam--aVaWaWP'aalSwWPWM'''' ' 'yn m MMM1MMM,MWejpaejBaajBMW i i Iujh J E0f: Ii;"A:RE BHILDlMl 1(6 ; UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS The only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in La Grande, Scientific Embalming Licensed in Oregon and Montana. Experienced 1 Lady Assistant Our of rice is always open Phone 1751 Office in Lewis Building, opposite 8ommer House -VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June 1 to Oct 15, 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, llmpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon, pass Mr. Shasta, through the Sacramento Valley to the ; many famous resorts on the line of the For beautilully illustrated booklets, descriptive of Cali . fornia resets: address. W. E: COM AN, Gen. Fassr. ;Agt. ' Portland, Oregon. - ; We are building on a permanent foundation, and nothing is too good for us. Our strong line is the Adler, Bros. & Co., Rochester, made ready-to-wear. These are clothes that are honest inside as well as attractive outside. If you buy, and it proves to be otherwise, your money back without a word. Better satisfaction at $20 to $25 than can be secured in any other ready made; as complete satisfaction as can be secured in first-class made-to-measure. This is our promise to all who make a trial of L. A., B. & Co., clothes, and we stand ready to redeem that promise to the letter. You are always welome to drop in. mm" irif Xt k,yttvf Xff HERE'S THE VERY SHOE YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR rut ffAm tho ;oft?st, !!?5t f!?x?M? of fine calf skin-with a smooth, tough lining, a sole that is made to stand trouble, and Just the right amount of style! It's one of the most popular of KEITH'S K0NQUER0R family-and If you had your shoemaker turn out such a shoe, he'd tax you not less than $8.00 $3.50 to $5.00 Gordon $3.00 Hat for $2.00 Men's Fancy hosiery reduced from 75c to 50c The Chicago Store SPECIAL PRICES ON FINE COLORED WASH FABRICS Owing to the unseasonable weather this spring we decided to make JULY PRICES IN JUNE Pongee Suitings Pongee Brilliants Jacquard Swiss Lawns and Dimities 15c Lawns and Dimities I2 2c " 50c a yard for regular 75c and 85c qualities aTV j t - - . .. 5UC " " 75c " 85c 2UC " " 35c 25c 20c it it i it it These radical reductions will create a lively interest in thin wash Fabrics, so it behooves all who have delayed their spring purchases to come in early.