I. a Grande Evening Observer ' IEY BROS., Editors tPrpt Entered at, the Post Office at La Grande, Oregon, 'ait Beeond Claes Kail Matter. - - ,.. Published daily excpt Sunday One year in advance...... $6 50 Bix moctha in advance.... 3 60 Pei month , .65c Single copy . . ; ; . 5c Thursday. June ,22, 1905. capitala that the negotiations are progressing satisfactorily, it ia apparent that both govern ments (feel they may yet re sort to the use of the military machines they have stationed along the international - borders. ADVEBTM1MO KATES Dlaplay ad rates fornUbea apoa application Local mtHiDt notice. 10c per Ud flnrt na Hon, jr rr lln. tor each aubaeqaenl Inser- Keeolutloni of condolence, 50 j er Una. 1 Cards of lhaoka, be per Una. They say that beache cares of any old kind are in great de mand today. Cozey'a army would not stand any show whatever with that aggregation that held sway in our city yesterday. :; we need a lew weeks of warm weather, and ne doubt it will arrive in sufficient quantities to cause ua all to be supremely satined. It will be interesting to know what foundation there is for the the report that Japan has or- aered foreign mercbauts to leave Port Arthur, and, if it i true, why the step ha been aken, An explauation will, no doubt show aome wise, mili ary reason, but the case ia bad ly confused up to this time. One year ago ibaight ootne thing happeued in the valley that we all have had occasion to : remember ever since. , That lit tle frost cost this county consid erable in excess of $400,000. That will eoon be a past event, the preset crop will wip out all the losses and then leave a sur plus in most instances. Heretofore we have always entertained a rather hisjh opin ion of our sister town, Baker City,but when that speci il oar of hobots arrived last evening and conducted themselves as such on our prinoiple street, we do not see ,how 1 any,, city can harbor uch a class, and make any pre tense whatever toward tsivili-' cation. I About every two wteks the report of the electrio railroad is most flattering, but so far there are no outward signs confirm ing these reports. However, as none of our citizens are footing the bills which have ruu up into the thousands of dollars, beyond the intense interest of seeing aotual work commence ou the undertaking, we should be pati ent we presume.' . It means ,a a great deal tothis county when that line is completed. There is a great deal of agi tation in Vermont over the proposed .execution of the wo man, Mary Rogers, and . some people seem to have gone daft on the subject. These tak the ground that a omiu sh ould never be execu'ed. It is rather hocking to think of a woman being hug d, but no more so thau to tlnuk that a woman could be guilty of a. brutal crime. - - i Uneasiness on the France German frontier is still reported. Both governments, are vigilant and both governments are mar gin mili'ary ' preparations. While it is explained from both FuxEfcd Pcultiy, Parties desiring ' pure bred poultry can aecare pggs from the "following 'well known breeds at ft per Betting of fifteen Bar Ply moth liock, White, Wyn dott, Single Comb Brown Leghorn, and Silver Laced Wyddott ELI BA.R. " Island Citvtttejfdn" WOOD NOTICE . , Pottae U hereby given that the Dlr triot eobool Board of School DUtrlot No. On, of Union eoantr. Orevon will teoeire np tC4 o.clook p n of July 1, luiuuuiug mini fidhool Outrict No.' On with 140 cord. of four foot split, yellow pin and tV, Br wood, aaid wood to be cot while green and not later than A turn at : l. 1906, free from large knots and aocept- as . . Die to said rcbool board. All wood to be delivered at the high aobobl baildiot end to be corded on neatlv and closely where directed by Hoard; r my cords to be deliver j by July 81 end all on or before September 10, 1005. Hide to be left with sououl Clerk, wu,u iimriM iu rmut (o reject an or all bids. AO WILLIAMS, Joly 1 Sobool Clerk EC DAVIS Frcvldvnl J H CHILDH I tkw. and Trtaa. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE . AND GRANITE CO. LA GRANDE OREGON, Complete Mssortment of fin eat marble and granit always on band. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon applicati n. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty f I . - . i ... K UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS , The only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in La Grande. Scienilfir FmKialminrf y ' Licensed in Oregon and n Montana. Experienced Lady Assistant Our office is always open - Phone 1761 i OflBce in Lewis Building U opposite Sommer House - OREGOIi SllOJLlfil DEPART TimaBphtdul klnu No t Halt Lake, tntr, Kt No 1 ' Mr! Worth, Omaha, Kan- iMtem io aaaClly.Bt. LooU, CUi- No, , 8:30 a.m. oae-oaud Kaau 8j0pm ! Wo i . . . V.' Portland, Dal ha Pea- dlelon, WaiU Wll, v-4 1 iMytun, foiuuroy. vol- M ' i and potuta eral and ' a aurta viaupuknee . I'ortlaad. Dallea, Pen- - dlaton. UaaUlla, Wal- VoS lata, Lewhtoa, CoUai, No Miikuiw, Wallace, r- p. in. ncr, HpokaiM anil other tM a at' pwiiU east and nurth ; - via Htiokane No.fi UlandClty, AiKai, Im- , , lnUji- bier and in. Con- fiotl cepi n tlnaa at kl.u w U Sunday nUiclor poluu la Val- SOpsa, fcUani iowm. , irmmu tMaama between Portland aad, ,1 Han fraoaaoo every Srediya. I JLQiOOBaasea4 -: I r 1 ARE Mmu We arc building on a permanent foundation, and nothing is too good for us. OilStrynlifte Is thfe Ailier, Brbs. &. Co., RdchWer, made ready-to-wear. ttr'dlbthetiiW insiders well 1s attrdctive outside. If you buy, and it proves to be otherwise, your money back without a word; Better satisfaction at $20 to $25 than can be secured in any other ready made; as complete satisfaction as can be secured in first-class made-to-measure. This Is our promise to ail who make a trial of L. A., B. L Co., clothes, arid we stand ready to redeem that promise to the letter. You are alvvays vveloine to drop in. IkiW' I jfer .--met r Ifc: I HERE'S ThE VERY SHOE YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR r.nt from tht snftp.st, mast flexible of fine calf skin - with a smooth, touh lining a sole that is made to stand trouble, and just the right amount of style. It's one of the most popular of KEITH S KONQUEROR family -and if you had your shoemaker turn out such a shoe, he'd tax you not less than $8.00 $3.50 to $5.00 -1 3U. , IV T.J Gordon $3.00 Hat for $2.00 Men's' Fancy Hosiery reduced from 75c to 50c Q niGasro Stor SPECIAL PRICES ON FINE COLORED WASH FABRICS Owing to the unseasonable weather this' spring we decided to make IN JUNE Pongee Suitings 50c a yard for regular 75c and 85c qualities ruiiste Dimming ouc " 75c " 85c 'a ' . jacquara owiss uc " " 35C Lawns and Dimities 15c " 14 25c Lawns and Dimities I2i 2c " 20c " JULY PRICES These radical reductions will create a lively Interest in thin wash Fabrics, so it behooves all who have delayed their spring purchases to come in early. 4