A TODAY'S HOTS TODAY R7 mm. 1 ' 1. " IWV- 1 I f WEATDEIl'"10"0 grande VOLUME IV t LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1905 , , , NUMBER SCI ' i - i i ii i i M ,i i i i. -i . , . t I i 7 'f I LITTLE CHANGE IN SITUATION By 8orippe News Association TVk to June 13 Gener10ytm re port that tbe Japanese repulsed a thonaand Russians in the vicinity of Wankantsean no June Jl, with heavy Iota to the Russians. The Japanese vert attacked by tha Russians on the heights of Naehendsy on the lama day and alio repulsed the enemy. Other wise, be reports, tbeaitaation ia nn ehengen; MINE WORKERS WILL ARBITRATE 8priogfield Jane 23 The mine worker today propoaed to tbe operat or to submit all difference growing ont ol the ahot Brers bill to arbitra lion. Governor Deneen ia to aot as arbitrator and bia deolaion it to be final. . . ' Drowned In Collision - By Scrippa Newa Association Detroit Mich Jan 23--The steamer City of Roma acd Lindon collided In the St Clare opposite Taahmoo Paik thie morning. Both ot the vessels were annk and two of the ere of the Lindon, the cook and bia wife, were drowned. Another Warrant Issued By 8oripps News Association Philadelphia Jane . 23 Another warrant waa issued this morning for the arrest of John.. W Hill, formerly chief or tbe bureau, charged with for gory. Hill ia now uuder eight thoo aand dollar bail for aimllar charge THE GREAT JUNE WHITE SALE Offers some, of the-greatest money saving opportunities of the season, not only in the white goods department alone.' Real bargains run rampant in almost every de partment. Space will only permit a mention of a few items, but vou will feci amniv repaid for a visit to our store during this sale, no matter MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT BETTER THAN SALE PRICES t IOC r. ; CORSET COVERS . 8c Made of high-grade maslin with Freuch filled seams. . 50c Corset. Covers :.'3K lr85, em- 25c $1.25 Skirts, 96c Tbes skirts wore bought' more than 0 m nhs fgo, ppeciul for this sale. ; They are lnado if extra fine muslin, with extra wide flounces, .trimmed with lace and Swiss em broidery. To sell them quick we place them at the special and additional reduced QA price of ,. . . . V OC NOTICE We planned for this underwear sale more than 9 months ago, and ever? item . ,ar showed during this sale are marked at prices which actually represent a' saving of 25 per cent. 1 o make this the banner sale in our history we have made a addi tional special reduction of the actual sale prices. Come and investigate for vouraelf W court comparisons. ' - " ' ; ! . . 3 White India Linen, the yard 10c and 15c Laces 25c Swiss embroidery, 8 inch Embroidered Waist Patterns MORE WITNESSES . ARE EXAMINED - (By Scrippa Newa Association) Michael Donnelly, president ot the botcher a anion and leader of the stock yard's strike, was a witneea before tbe grand jury today ;: on the labor graft investigation. Donnelly waa unable to tell who assaulted him at a meeting three yeara ago, atte." he opposed the plan of a : settlement of the strike, wbioh was offered by John 0 Drisooll B Moffli of Bears Boebuck and Com pany, and E Felsentball, tbe business manager, bad no knowledge of money toing used in the settlement of the t'ike. WILL BOYCOTT AMERICAN FLOUR . (By Soripps News Association) , ' Washington Jane 23 General agent Bennle, of Hong Kong, representing the gteat flour exporting flrine, at Seattle, Taooma and other parts in the Northwest, cabled ", Presldeut Roosevelt that, antes something waa done speedily, In order to - counteract the effect, of the rlgons enforcement of tbe Chinese exi uslon law, a general boycott would surely be declared In China against American floor;' The abject waa discussed . at a cabinet meeting today. ' Norway Sends Note By Scrippa Newa Association Washington, June 23 The Ameri can consul general at Christiana has transmitted a note from tbe Norwegian minister, informing him of the crea tion ol the new nation of Norwaw. No aotion looting towatd the recognition has yet been taken at Washington. . JrTf. I'"-; . . rAJ ffiiS-UNUWrVFi1Km Real $1 Drawers 69c Here ar values nnsarpassed. Of oourse this very low price is of absorbing interest, but wait untillyou see them, yea will be de lighted with their beauty and general air of daintiness, made with wide ruffles of em broidery, tucked, and with. fine lace Q v insertion. Thia special 'sale, price C A FEW Or MANY ITEMS OF INTEREST 5c 5c 19c 78c 15c Turkish Towels 35c Mercerized Lawn . 35c Dress $wiss, black figured 60c Silk Grenadine - '-''-"i NO LOANS UN m - THE WAR XEsASES Bctlppa Newa Association Berlin Juae S3 It is reported that Bossia baa asked several bank for a loan, and that Brussels and otuer Cap itols have been Bounded on tbe aame subject. All tda requests' have been declined, it Is stated, eioepted under the guarantee that tbe war between Bussia and Japan ceases in tbe near future, . v .taj New Flying Squadron By Soripps News Association Berlin, Jane '23. The offloial an nouncement bas been made that Qr many intend to form a flying squsd- c:s:i. 4.a muss powerful and fastest, cruisers , in the Pacific Ocean, eirciltr to the one in the Indian Ocean. The Intimation of Germany ia to increase her. prestige in these waters. , " ' . , .-. Alexieff Relieved Porlppa News A.soolation 8t. Petersburg, J in23. It ia offi cially annouuoed t l Admiral Alexieff i reliered of hi duties aa viceroy in tbe far east, atid will be named aa a member of the imperial council. Chinese Question Bcrlpp New Association . . Washington, June 23. At a close cabinet meeting today, Seotetary Talt, referring to the Chioeae relation', said that it was beginning to look 'like a aerioua ailuaiion. The cabinet reached no conclusion, but It thought that something oould be don, and : it ia saggetted that the Govtroment - be more careful in arresting Chinese ion migrants. how small your needs. " r -4 en- ' MUSLIN COWIVS 43c Mad of high grade mui lin. V and vquare yoke of tucks, ruflje, embroidery and lace insertion, trim ming at neck and sleeves llic 28c 28c 49c - s. i : : m THE TESTIMONY VERY DAMAGING By Boripp Ntwa Association Portland Ore Jane S3 Teaiimon try damaging to Senator Mitchell waa given today by bia former partner, Jndgb A H Tenner in the PVJeral cour.. He ouutinued the history of the partnership concerning tbe accep tance of teea for promoting timber claim to patent He also identified letters, notes and document iuuin between tbe partner: After an extend ed argument, the proeecution won an important point, Judge Dehaven per mitting tbe introduction aa evidence, transaction other th'n those directly involved in the iodic mens, in which Mitchell leoeiwx tz. word before tbe Governments. The evidence waa admissible for the- pur pose or showing Mitchell's knowledie of guilt and relutting the contention of igoornoce by the defense. Follow ing tbe couit' rnling, the third con tract oi Mitchell and Taaaer with fredsricJ Kribba sod the oontrsot with JAB nsiti, of California, were introJuot if as i video os, Stops Publication (By UcrippaNawa Assoolation) Bt r'eter.burg Juoa 23 -Xb miais ler ol the interior h pmhibitsd ibe publication ol tbe tiewspaprtr "Rus" or one month. ' , Post Ofiice Robbed ; The Island City post office was en tend at a Iste hour last evening by burglars and tne knobs oi tba sale were blown off bat they d.d not get Into the money drawer. Thsre is no clew as to whom the party, or parties ware. , Asks For Calmness (By Scrlpps Ns weAssoolation) Moscow, Kussia Jm.e 'JO 1'he Gov. enor bss posted notloes of the forth coming mobilization of troops, in wbioh be axorted the people to be oalm Tba mobilization Is expected to ooea on Jane 29th . At Portland (8urlpps Newt Association) ' Portland, Ore Jane 23 The Con gressional Irrigation committee ar rived here thia morning, and for two days will visit the exposition. They will leave Saturday night for Tacoma. A Check to Peace . .. -' ' ;. ' - . v. .. (ByHcripps News Assoolation) Washington, Jane 23 It is v sUted officially that, ov log to tbe illness ot Count Lamsdorff, the Kasslan foreign minister, there has been a alight chask to peace neotiatlons Assessor's Convention There was a very important meeting held la this city yesterday, being a convention ol a number of assessors to ootislder a uniform valae ol railroad beds in the state, or moia especially to Eastern Oregon. : The question was v.ewed from its many phases, and we will endeavor to give a more extended review of the proceed i igs within a few dsy. Among tlioso prescot were B. D. 8ig ler, of Multnomah; 8..L. Payne, of If alhenr ; rJ. F. Place, of Wallo a; A . J. Sheltou.o: Osiliam; Pete'Applegate. ol Jackson; Otto Peets. of Bberman; Jerry Fleetwood, of Baker; 0. P. 8 train of UmatHls; Asa 0. Stogidell, cf Wasco, and J. II. Morton, of Union. , ENGLAND WILL NOT AID ARMISTICE Washington Jane 22 No assistance is expected from the Londoa govern ment In wLaUver efforts President Roosevelt mar make to briun about an armistice between Russia and Jap an. While tbe London government as aa ally of Japan, bas shown Itself In hearty sympathy with tbe president's policy to bring ithe belligerents into eoaference It feels H cannot undertake to sngnst an armistice at this time WILL CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE! (ScrinDa Nawa luofilatlnn ' ..- - i New Fork Jane 23-Pi.trict Attorney irome anosarad hafnra wmt1. nrr' Jerome appeared before recorder Goff this morning and made a motion at the June term of court, which ends next Thursday, that It be oontlnned Indef initely In order that the public pro secutor have tbe aid of tha court la connection with the proposed inquiry Into the Equitable affairs Jerome stated that ha had arransed with Jnatloa Davy, ot Rochester, to continue! tne June term of tbe criminal branoh of the supreme court tor a similar reason. Be said that he waa not In a position to say whether any crime had been committed, bat in view of the fact that people ol t r-'. were affeoted by tbe Equitable trouble, be felt Imperative to make a toll In vestigation. The motion was granted. Funeral Sunday This oity and vicinity was greatly shocked last evening upon reading of the sadden death ot Mrs J E Rey nolds wbioh occurred yesterday after noon at the family home a few miles southeast of the' city. The funeral will take place Sunday at o'clock from tbe Christian ohuro'i uiuler Uip auspices of the order of tbe Faatem Star of which airs Reynold was au aotive member The deceased was a native daughter o( tjrunde Kuiide valley. He parents were Mr and Mrs Mrs John A ( hilders early pioneers,' bn have proceeded her to tbe other hihore She was loved and respected by a very large acquauta toe. - Fbe always ha I that haipy greeting whlob ia only possible tor those whose bosom beats with that generous love for mankind and vho was ever -will- log to lend tbe helping hand.. She leaves a husband J E Reynolds one ot tba snbetantlal sturdy and respected farmers and and business men cf the - county, scd .six eons who have the deepest sympathy of all In their terrible grief ' . The one happy home Is broken.1 The vacancy cannot be filled oa this earth but tbe b--eavsd can rejoice that their belief a .d ftth is such that they know there will 1 1- another meeting and I he family will tx i.u united never again to be parted;- . . . : j Mr LA Btooo. of Elgin, was In the eity yesterday attending to matters of business. " ' 1 Oct Real Perfumes The art of malting perfumes is so complicated that few master it. It is easy to make an odor that will seem desirable when smelled from the bottle; but to' give the odor permanence aud the quality of remain- ing sweet and unchan ed on the handkerchief re. : quires skill that few perfumers possess. It is the maker's name and not the name of the odor that 7 counts. ' . , . . . - , We carry a large assortment of the finer grades of" f erfuoies. They have every quality that good per- ' a mes should have. They cost you no more than the poorer sort. ; ; H J I NEWLIN DRUG CO. j t i H E N RY PUNERilL LI CEP JED : a Lady aanistaLt Calls - Phone n J. C. Ilenry. residence 664 i J. J. Carr, residence 386 i WILL INVESTIGATE CAUSE OF WRECK n o..i wf ovnji ncn aoiaiion cleTeland, O, Jane 23.-Corone, 8 . . . . . O.Oslstein today begau an Io vest lo tion of the Mentor wrok of the LUe 8 bore Limited. Tha bearing of tba testimony will begin Monday. The coroner of Lake county, in which Mentor Is situated, will take charge o f the Inquest on those who died at the scene of the wreck. Rudolph Cordo, ol Brooklyn, and fireman Gorham nre tha only viotims of the wrtok who re main in the Cleveland hospitaK Ihey will recover. EmPcKOk OOfcS WITH HIS YACHT ( By Pcrlppe Mews Association) Kiel, Prussia, June 23 -The princi pal race In tbe Kiel regatta races be tween be Emperor 'a yacht Meieor and tbe Hamburg started today in a gale ; The Emperor was aboard tbe meteor, lying on deck enveloped In oil sklna. v 12 a tn The Ka'sei'n ynchi B-iIkU d one tnlnnte ahi-id of It rival, the H tnburg ' . ' " .. - v t- ' L . " J' ' IS GPRMAW READY FOR WAR? ! Kcripps Newn Aae' cjation Berlin, June U3 The Varwaetts, the prinoipal organ of tha the tooial do. muvrata, asoeftsthat Prince Von Bul low has asked headquarters 1 of the staff whether or not Germany . Is pre pared to go to war with Frifu.-e In csbo tbe present orisis over the Moroccan qiestion develops unfavorably;' , Federal Jury Adjourns .. (cV-rlppe News Aasooiaticn -Chicago June 33 The federal grand jury Investigating the beef trust ad j'lan ed thia morning until Monday. ' No Indictments have been returned up to the present time. Tbe jury is ezpecUd to complete Its work neat week. It ia believed that a number of true bills will be returned cS6 CA RR DIRECTORS1 1 EflBILn ER5 answered, day and night, - No. 21. ' ; ; ' f La Grande Oregon ;j I h S8 I si j: i e I ! "i ' i an ! Hi , .! I IS! f BBBt ; , i ' J i I J r': i i J'' i ; a. '. ;' - J 1' a.! : . 'ia .'It Is Jot M Sill v oak I ca: i