0 r ! BEST BERRIES AT BAKER BROS. Let us have your order for canning berries Prices will be down to bedrock this week as the supply is very limited. BAKER BRO Adams Avenue Phone 29 IF IF oar responsibility of $137,000.00 is guarantee enough, j IF our rate of interest on certificates of deposits . high enough. . ; ;;; IF the accomodations we afford are satisfactory, , IF yoiTare not aiready .a customer . of this bank, ' ; , - then we invite yoa.to become one, . WE guarantee you absolute iafcty; for yuju? fund" ; ; if intrusted to our care. .. ' A " .HAVING given 14 years of service to the Ad. vancement of the interests of La Grande and Union county we fell Justified in asking for your banking business, and we will extend to ' you ail the accomodations your account will justify at all times. Your loans will ba restricted ' only by the security you offer and the balance yon keep with this bank. ( , -v :'-''"' jti . Respectfullv, ' Uho 3armer& and Uraders Joseph Palmer, J. W. Bceibkk;; G&'Mcut, ' 'President. -..'..ir-Oashier:-,-- Asst. Cashier; The Nurse arxd the Doctor v. . uJ tell ypu that the success of a. prescription de i; peuds on the purityf its i jngredience. There f is as much variety in medicine as in other merchan dise. In our prescrjption-filling "Qulity" is always our fiist con8idjffationiiU ' You can implicity trust your prescription to us quality, accuracy and the right price are the never , fuiling trio upon which we think wej have a right to appeal lor your patronage. ' " ' A. X- Hll-U Registered Pharmacist J Phone, Farmers Line68, Pacific States' 1361? tsj. -n-)-f;iir--ni-jraii-m - lFGRANOEilRON WORKS i "!P" Ctibpletei-Mache Shopj. and Foundry J " General "Blacksmith! Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. M tmT Manufacturer of.The Fitzgera.ld; Rdlter .Feed Mill; M ir d: i m G BRA L. D. I.M - - 1 rii spurious-Fighting r, 1 "For nrea jreart," , write Geo,! W " Hoffman, of Harper. Wash., Ml had a Utter battle, iihbroDltomaol and ' lirer trouble, bat laet I ? won.and cared my disease, ty tbe.neatf Elea. .4 trie Bittr.. ? i nobeettat,iiigly.re commend them to all, and don't IntenJ in the future to be witboot them In the . hooie. They are oertainly m wonder ful medicine, to baw curcd anch.e bad naae aa mine.'! I Sold, nn4efi Roawm ' tee to do the aame for too. by Newlin Drag Co., draietN at Wo a bottle - Try.them today. MILLER ON TRIAL TODAY Boy H Miller, "preeldeat of the de- fonet bank of Bumpier, ia on trial to day in the criminal ooort charged with obtaining money ondn false prteneea. The court room ia crowded with inter ested spectators, and a number of 8ampter people are down ae witnewee. It is expected that the taking of the testimony wilt cousume" two days' time. ' Tbe indictment against ' Miller. which was returned by the laet term grand jnry, charges tbat i n February S3, 1904, in the city ol 8umpter, be frandu'ently and. willfully, represented toA PQotts tbat a eeruin certified check for $16,000 on the First Nation albank of Bumpier, was a good And ?alid cheek and would be honored by tbe Eirst National bank. , With tbess misrepresentations be induced A f Oou to tarn ever to him, Miller, the property of tbe bank ol Samptor in payment for wbioh be gave tbe 915,000 oertlfied check. ; The indictment then cbargee- that at tbe time of making the transfer Miller knew the check wu worthless and that it would not be honored.- Baker City Herald. - - Idle Men PlenUful Over 60 Idle men have arrived la the city within the put week and many of them have scattered .into tbe hay distrlot and many more to tbe grain fields, where bending is now in ytuyimm. rroiu 'aiv apomurauoee'now harvest hands will be plentiful. Most of those arriving now have every ap pearance of being worklngmen East Oregonian. " j I. HARUIS THE MEAT MAN r Is still doing business at the old stand. Will be rfad to see all bis old custmores as well as new tones. - As good prime beef cattle is , now scarce, I have on band a fine selection of enred meats, bams breakfast bacon. About the fifteenth of May, I will have a fine assortment of young prime beef, which are now f fattening. ; Do not for get that I now have as good fresh beet as there is on the market as well as fresh fish and poultry.' Prompt Delivery Phone 1601 JL.MARSr Contractor and Builder DfaJtef ' k .IaiIiiino; Material Drop a liae; naming work, and I wil ,; , y giva tbi right prloe. (e(t4Miiti4SSSsei - comc::igs Wlji.fiitihe and pampadoat, hair f dies aadTUalcS. Hate eoica and eomba. 4 PompdOueonbJ WUlbe at Bonds Vallae-Miaw aallSaturday nlghl, ean apply J kntHii of hair work at homeofSoe, Hertfc Powder, On Box AS J mc a n yiNriRn a r t There are many kiodt of meat, but we sell only tbe best kind.. A trial order will convince you of tbe truth of thia statement 'We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly. Our prices are as low as consisiant with the best quality. Bock &l Thomas Tr' cor 1 Teams wanted to haul An all summer's lab aware: td John Aatlionr, or adJna I . La Grande, Oregon . j; Ul. OLIVER. UNION COUNT Y ABSTRACTS r 1 " ""1 Farm Loans a Specialty OF Are Consolidated ' Chicago, Jane 22 Tbe consolidation of tba National and Interstate ' Tele phone Assooiations were effected at ' wewiuaw ervsava vaa vi ww svigjiuviit eooTentioa in this olty. James Hogs, oi Olefeland, O., was eleoted ; presi- aenc, and jorn vanllew, or Ualtloroia, 'goarantei second Tloe president. " lorire'bPei Preacher The atorf of the torture of Rev. O D Moore, psstor ol the Baptletchnrch, of Harperaville, K VM will lnteieet yon. He says: 'l eufcjrid agonies,. .beoaase ol a peraittent cowxn. retniting from tbe nip. 1 had to k!eep sitUim np in bed. . 1 tried man remedies, without reliaf..aati! I took Dr. Klns's New dis- coTery for Consumption Ooaahs and Uolda, whioa entirely oared my ooogb i auiu nvtu iu iruiu ouuiuumviuu. . a I grand care lor diseased conditions of i Throat and jAngs.. At Nsalio Drag I Co., druggists: price oOo ana fl, w 4a a i I bottle free. The President's Position One day laet Summer Carrie Natloij, of hatobet tame, walked into the quar ters of the Anti-Cigarette League r at Chicago and panohed a hole - In 'tt je the plctare of ' President Roosevelt with her ambrella. ' Bhe declared that. the President chewed and smoked tor baoco and was "no good anyway.! Miss Lacy Page Gaston ' disputed Vita point, and when Carrie Nation said she would pay the . league $60 it H eould be shown that the President did not ase tobacco, Miss Gaston sat down and wrote Seotetery Loeb He promptly replied that the President nerer used tobaooo la any form lu his life. The story doesn't say whether' Mrs Nation made good or not, bat the,i facte about the President are interest Ing and every boy ought ; to know them. The Pilgrim Teacher. ' Card of Thanks J ' We desire to extend oar ' thanks to the many kind friends who assisted as daring tbe sickness snd . death of oar daughter Lottie,--''.'. "' i".'.fc':'"v ' Mr and Mrs Franklin Hyde ' Notice to Water Consumers ' Notice Is bereby eiven to all water consumers that the ' hours for Irriga tion shall be as follows: from 6:30 o'clock p mo 7:30 o'clook p m. Any and all persons found using . water for Irrigation ' purposes at - other times other than herein specified will be fined according to tbe ordinance cover. Ins same. fl C OILMAN. Water Superintendent for the olty of La Grande." Dated June 5: 1905 - tf G. E.1 FOWLER jnkti and Transfer , , Wood and Xoal ; Phone 1611 AU order given prompt attention. : Have You A Cough? . - A dose lot ?; Ballard , Horehoond Syrup will relieve it. Here you a ooldt A dose of Herblne at bed time and freqoent small doses of HoreboOod gyrop during tbe day will remove it. Try it for whooping cough, for asthma, for consumption, for bronchitis. Mrs Joe MoUratb, 327 K 1st street, Hutch inson, Kau, writes:"! have used BaJ lard's Horebound, Syrup in my (itmlly for 5 yeara, and . find it tbe bett and most palatable medicine I ever used' 25c, 50c, ll.OO-Newlin rug;Co. v -.'An Opportunity For (Home Seekers ; !: 700 acres of choice Farm and Orchard Land will be sold ,in large or small tracts to suit purchaser. 1 This farm is only 15 miles from La Grarde, on the Elgin branch of the O. B, & N. Bailroad, and is what is known as the : Henry Rinehart Farm, ' and is located at the Rinebart 8pur. This farm tonchAs the foot hills, and is watered with numerous springs, and. a beautiful spring branch of pnre living wator. Tbe land insy be divided into FORTY OR EIGHTY ACRE TRACTS, very one pf which is supplied with living water; " This splendid tract contains sufficient land to furnish homes for twenty or more families. Remember this farm is , under .cultivation and every foot is a wealth producer. One, tract cow has over ten acres of ' young bearing orchrad, which , is ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM PEST. This farm has a complete railroad and county road con nection, and is located jn a school district .which is free from debt and maintains a good six months school. Address, HENRY RINEHART, SUMMERVILLE, OREGON,, Or call at the (arm (or full particulars Terms and com . v plete description. OREGON FIKE RELIEF ; ASSOQATION " J. W. OUVER, AOINT, V With J. T. Williamsonr in Foley Building, La Grande. Ba&t equipped; abklritwlbr : in union county. Maoy years experiences with the Uniowrunty records : gives rn sl reat advant- aga. It ia' lVjlly to pur- ; chase re&Wtate without " first se6ufea proper : abdacU VAn (abstract ' Mm Jay pffice wU shiw ,r the)itle just as it appears ; oh the ofilcial Vecord. i Lji GRANDE, OREGON RoomWiPommer Bdlg. KTFm-mm 1. t- W ft W AM hi -1 i - to-wear Under-muslinj and Vhlts Aprons An entire new lot ? of Sofa Pillow Tops. Millinery of all kinds. Cloves and Hosiery! E M WELLMAN 3c CO n A SPECIAL BARGAINS New Baby Btt'ggtes L .... $6.60 to $13.50 i : - Regula $10 to $22.60 values Second' Hand Go-Cart . Columbia Graphophone. . . , Mautel Clocks, good ones . Shot Gun................ .Oil Stove i ...... . ......... $3.00 5.00 1.60 1,50! 3.601 Ladu t', M a's and, Bays' Bicycles. (j. j. .$4.00 to $15.00 . Ou weekly payments to responsible parties Bicycles'Repafrf. BiW l'ies and feippllei It Wsf prices. Upholstering. Furniture and Stove Repairing. r - Ol I -J T -T- .i.i.i-si...v-vi,. F; D. HAISTJEN ' '' X .'.. i ttte s : Hi (H Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods , jtT aii)T.lr.ifcji ' . 'nm .. .'- LAWN MOWERS ,Atf Dp ! hose In aLl GRADES B:iy a JapaneseJLawn S riukler and you will not need to stand and hold the hose while watering -your uwiwin; sJ irl I W. H. BOHNENKAMP, FURNITURE. HARDWARE.: Alarm Clocks Repair work; given 'prompt . cQontioupus.bu li, 1 39 in L a -r Grandej-and-still-in- busi- nes. This is the record j to which 1 invite com pari-1 r sou, My. worsts still- my guarantee, as it has been in the pat t. . A complete lioec ' of reliable Jewelry, clocks, ; watches, etc, in fact every-1 thing which is found in a J - a -Jas 1 , attention-'-r i J t "iiaoie leweiry si Old Jewelry made to look Me 6ew "JAf pFADF l storey Clocks taken ear of K '.8. ite ihe . 'he . ch of he vre s re- ll-- . r ' - a le n 5 e . ES3 asa ' i ') , f I Is- is. - i v ! J . 1- . T r ?. 8 5 I 1. ' It : v