THE CO.VCRESSIO.VAL , CQliMlTTEE " ON IRRIGATION WILL PASS THROUGH i TO-NIGHT N'ROUTE -TO rPORTLAM) I r'ffiF' v,ffvrr NEGLIGEE SHIRTS ii J Glassirid j Advertisements WANTEE-One cWp gentle horse aad'a fw wheeled earV-Applv to 'tmowlaawllatl " JV w"ANIJI-Vork by competent girl. . A cierkimp' perftrred. bo I will- do light' "hooseworkV For "partlouhra PPfr a this offio. - - - - fOU BALE-Nw, rabbar kind baby ?buc;:ft:i. i ft'ia. Ap ply 808 Adams Imtt. " LOST A dark bay Shetland pony with ' whit star In forehead, branded T on iaHsiaJJsri Tbe ahderslghed will paf A liberal reward lor tba ratarn ol IbW inlikl' or for' information FOB RENT-Two Una boaskeepiug rooma 16 fit. square. On first floor. Only 3 block B W of Poet Office on 3rd at. Q 1J POWERS FOB BALK Tba loU' and buildings. Nov bringing ISO 00 per month rent, In La Grand, only $3000. Horry. ''OB POWERS, 8!aUr. Block. leading to 1U return, f Cora, Oregon.;- . Banford, IVAATEDCompateat girl to do gen cral bonaawork. For. particular . apply to Mr J E Foley. , .Foley Hotel. . tf FOU SALE Flrat dsaa Jereey, milch .. cow; gatle nearly frb. Apply to 44 rj Flan or JIhoth'i grocer i ator. grocery! VYANTDFsunlshed boat by ponilbla partlea;'1 Addrete port office box 184, La Grande. FOR BENT Foot room bouae, half a "block of landTOn sixth at root, In old K town Grande, i. "'Homeseekcrs Dost forgat' that Q ell .Power the 4 Land man bat an; tblngju Kb shape I Baal KeUta.iroui an acri l Gntn ' to a 9000 acre ranoh All property old on commission and title gnaran teed "V -r- r f - ? ,.. ... . QHFovora FOR RENT Four fine large anfurnish ad room, soluble for office or bouse- keeping. Inquire of Mrs B Sommer at Mrs N 8 KelleyV NOTICE We pay highest Market price for ebfekena.'. want all yoa bare got. At oar Warehouse on Jefferson Are. , GRCashCo. : Centennial Hotel BATES II per dy meals 25c ts. Hpeclal rate famished monthly pa trons. Mr A E MorobeMn and Mis CM Garm proprietor. No Adams At. Phone No 11CI Mch 23tf Minnesota Land Man Checks Lost All persona are hereby forbidden to cash checks No.' 343, drawn by J D MeKennon on tbe Farmers A Traders National Bank of La Grande for 151.75 No. 1441, drawn by J X Fyler on the Fhst National of Baser CI y for 132 8ight draft No. 4721, drawn by Ever ding & Fanell of Portland for 1280. In" favor or ibe Sommerville TJreamery Association and were lott in tbe mall between Bummerville and La Grande since June J2, 7o05. Bummervilli Creamery Asuoclation, Joly2 by Wm. Cheats, treas. F Notice la hereby given that anyone found damptbg rafoseof any kind on any of the property' belonging td the La Grsnde ' Real Estate' Association will be rigorously prosecuted. . 1 , This property inolades all of the Biveralds and Wnilainaonl additions to LA Grande. .:!' LA; GRANDS REAL ESTATE ABS'N Wm. Miller. Prea't. in,.: ,1 II I ii , m t r" GRAINING4 AND. . ART-DECORAIfNG rv, ' ' Why- net gat yoor painting dona well wherTTUtan hra It cheaper than it takel'WtheaVsrsgrTlsaber to spoil It Git'iaad baring -;"nlce " wood finishing on the Inside of your dwell ing. Egg:-ahll and velrat gloss, "mirror polish" oto. 8 D Kinney can grain ob yoar bid painted rooms and :."sMkwirjaitai LA SCHOOL GRANDE OF MUSIC PROF. DAV, Principle. MilS, DAY, AuItUnl This is one of the best masical In stitationa In tbe state. ' Daring the yiei 1901 there were nearly Four thousand lessons glren. The people In this city and valley are begin -ing to discover the great advantage of this school. The system Died Is the latest and most praotlcal, and inolades all the latest discorsrles In tba art ot teaching maslo. Tbs School is divided into two depart-1 mental No. 1 is for beginners, from S years op, and taking in the 1st to 3rd grades; rln thia department yoplls come one hour evary day In No. 3 the grades are from 3 to 16. Here they graduate. PupiK take one or two lessons a week as they deulre. No scholars will be permitted to remain in thia eouooi wto do not study. OrJDOslte the Foley House over tbe Candv Store Phone 473. 14J7 Adams 4 vs. La.Qrande Ore T 7T r 11 VV-Q Paper! Hrf you will always find the latest styles, (the beat quality wad tie loweai prices. r ' " " ( . . . 'ii : ' BbmaVor O. W. FULTON. . K . ' Oregon. . ,' ' it ' ' u h'l :t ' ' ! - - - . -.u lit Sr" ,iSr 1 r II - Frank 'W ;;Mondkll, Skn. Fred T Dubois, it CoDgressman, Wy. ofldaho. J ii -r v- : i - s 5, V, Sen. Francis Newland, tj1 of Nevada. x m ; The minnte the weather has a . apringflike appearance, - that miiiUte yoa begin to think of negligee ehirta with the boft 'fronts.'-Starched fronts arc all right in winter, but save and deliver n from them during the srJiaiaer. v ' ; - " : ; SPRING STYLES ARE READY It a.. as You'll flA manv new natter n a f. that are diff Tent from the om- p4 m. 1 "rfi 50c. $1.00. SL50JO S2.00 This is about the price range bat, quoting shirt prices prove noiuiog aauu yoa. ie.Q tue.BUirit. .SEE , OUR $1.00 iSHIRTS Best shiit ever offered for the money ASH - BROS "RTSmFicr,D w w aitj AaAAAaAiAlilAd4AAig.AaaAi4lieaiiAa,alA , In this line we, handle the old reliable f BllERWIN.WJtLIAMS PAINT. Chi-Namel , YroUh stains In ill' colors for decorations, 3 ftriilfumhrl floors. STAG12AND & MCLAGHLEnI .. i r - PA I ITJ arl arT Firl T' ' -v The oongreMion,! oommittee on ir-', family of the ladVa mother. R.ntJ H rlgation apd reclamatir n 9 irid lands, Alexander,' are also of the party. OaDt Itt i CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. nniTinfiSlPff nf mftmhAH mnnnlaatArl fnm ' the Senate and House nf Repreaenta tives, will pass through this city in a special csr attsohed to No 6, enrbute to Portland. For some time this com mittee has been investigating tbe ir rigation projects and the scenes where artd land may be red timedla Califor nia, Nevada, Arlsona, Colorado and I labo. Senator Cnas W Falton of Oregon passed through tbe city last i ght on NoS to meet the distin guished guests in .Idaho 'and bring H ein into Oregon. The members ol t iie Senate anJ Hiuse committee are i oomptnied by a Congressional party ! n' men well known in the balls of :..ngress,t and' also "well known "for! t :trtir work in regard to Irrigation and the reclamation ol arid lands. Mr O J ItUnchard and wife, tune here. last summer 8ena- Alexauder and wife will join tbe party at this place and proceed with them to Portland. ' 't . ; ' . , Thu Congressional party accompany ing the visitors to the West are as fol lows; ' . Senator F T Dubois Idaho, tor Franois Q Newlands Nevada, Hon Ftfiiondfll MO. Wyoming,! Hon WAReedtr MO, and wife Kansas, Hon A F Cooper M C, aud wife Penn sylvania, Hon W L Jones M C, an I wife Washington, Hon J I Parker and wife Washington DO, Prof, El wood Mead Washington DO, Mr O G Row ley, Jackson Michigan, Mr H J grown e i a a--. mua wue priiana uregon, Mr Artbui Ruhl'New York", Mr 0 J Blanchard and wife Washington. DC, Mr ST Perkins and tfe, M J B Llppinoott who spent some and wife, Prof S Forlier, M O U En ner 'visiting tba1 sign, Mr W H Sanders aud wif,f ,: Have a nice buggy. 0V!n.SVnd;.Angllk SundayssGet MITCHELL, always tbe best and most reliable. A nyTbricaVau want. Sold by Fall in line and enjoy these lonir Any; pric jau want. Graiide Ronde; Cash Company Press Lewis ' 'Dean Crowe - " 1 Phone 1801 . New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue AAAAAAA AAA A Ak.AAAAAAKA-..'- LUMBER AT- 3 Largest Brcwtng " Plant kvEasiern Oregon PORT-ARTiUR Ask for La Grande Beer"landlgetthe! Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE' tv . .TTN. . crrmtr vn Vt ATtX TTJi. L. uCCCDCMrn ' Oho Foo Jona 21 Reliable inform ation states that, previous to the naval battle in the Jara sea, tbe Japanese commandant at Port Arthur ' notified the manager for Kuost & Albers, the most prominent mercantile boose In Pott Arthur, that in case the Japanese won tLe expected naval engagement he most be prepared to close up tbe business and leave Port Arthur. As soon aa toe result of tbs battle became known, all foreigners elf Port Arthur were officially Informed to prepare to depart and remove their merchandise within 40 days.' Tbe Japanese officials gave no explanation '-of' this' action, i Kanst Sc. Albers applied to their head office a Hamburg to intercede for an extension, ot ,tlme. F illog to obtain this the maua'ger prepared to "depart for Shanghai to' make "arrangements for the shipment of his goods He notified the Japanese authorities that he would soon retara but waa inform ed that be could not as ..foreignera would , not be allowed to enter Port Arthur. The manager had to leave an attorney to represent ' him and then departed to arrange transportation. lTha manager forBretasKBlo'ck & Co., who baveliaigf interests J aJrt Ar thur, states that he will not comply with the order to remove hie merchan dise,-' -r Uf!':::') 1 Mrs Jsy Van Boren entertains the KatTe . HJatcb at her homt tomorrow aiternoon. ' ' . : ; RETAILED WHOLESALE. PAIGES Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io sold in La Grande. ' We Deliver it to Vobt BtLin. GrandeRonde .kmher Co. T PERRY, OREGON. QrSSMMeavSS RF.D FRONT, UyERYjaTAR wm. smim, Prop, S Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial traveler, Phone. 3-5 rr W SMITH, ,FEED1 STORE Hay, Gtain and feed. Fi eel delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1061 Boraea, turneaa and wagon bought and sold F0R SALE. 1ytiMnd in the GrandeJRdaley splend located at bland TCity. Wil sell in small tracts to suit purcheser. Inquire of V n j rHRY STERLING, Ronde Valley House. Phone 36 A CASH BUSINESS PA Yd A sn boalneaa paya th store see a ana also l lie customer, when yo- trade at a cash store . you know that yoa do not have to pay a part of some oiner customer s bill eacb month. Bbort accounts make long friends. We sell for cash and therefore can afford to sell on a lees margin. We eithn bare the money or tbe goods. You oan aa that it is a aafer business, and aa we take less risk, we oau sell cheaper.' Our line of groceries la complete, and weansranteesstlstaotlon. Your money back If good! ar not found aa repra atintnd. ' ' m i- SEAFTLE GROCERY CO - ' -ZUNOKL A LAWSON. I Bra Brick furnished4ln any quanity or any style. No .contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick'. 1 i?EO. ;VKSEIG.ER. La Orande Oregon. 1 3 i - i i