TODAY'S NEWS TODAY WEATHER v'""1 Tomorrow VOUIME IV , " l'0'' ' COrcm OREGON THURSDAY. JUNE 22. 1905 , NUMSER 130 FRIGHTFUL OF THE By Bcrippe Newt Association Cleveland Ohio June 22 According (o lata reports, nineteen lift were loet In a wreck of the Twentieth Century limited on the Lake Shore tine at Mentor at. nine twenty last night, and more than a eoore were injured. The record breaking train, traveling at the rate of aovenry mil. e an hoar, etiuck an open iwitoh io front ot tho Mentor elation and r, lunged with frightful momentum into tbe freight Louse several huodred feet die lent and and transformed it into a mate of wreckage whioh caught fi.e. FIGHT FLAMES FOR DK AD Few people in the forward oonbina ticn car escaped death or injury. Tbe . reeoureri wero compelled to fight th. flames to recover the dead and euocor the Injured. Tbe latter were taken so uieve! tnd on a special train and re moved to tbe u aspitels. DEATH L18T Tbe railway offioiala say that the witch waa misplaced by a miscreant with tbe deliberate intention to wreck tbe limited. Tbe dead recognized are Tboe E Morgan, Cleveland Ohio, Jus H Gibson Chicago, Ray L R gere New York, H H Wright Cbioago, J B Ben net New York, Mr Farbaugh Milwau kee, M Walters, baggagrman Ham burg NY, WD Mickey, porter, Chi cago, Henry TJKines barber in buffet ar, F- Brant trainman, Toledo, J A Bradley Akron O, Archibald P Head London, Chas H Wellman Cleveland, Allen Tyler engineer, and five uniden tified dead. $; - WAS 8PEED THE CAUSE? The question is being rked as to THE GREAT JUNE WHITE SALE Offers some of the greatest money saving opportunities of the season, not only in the white goods department alone. Real bargains run rampant in almost every de partment. Space will only permit a mention of a few items, but you will feel amply repaid for a visit to our store during this sale, no matter how small your needs. MUSLIM UNDERWEAR AT BETTER HAN SALE PRICES CORSET COVERS 8c Made of high grade muslin with Freuch filled seams. 50c ;Corset Covers $1.25 Skirts, 96c These rkirts wpre bought ' more - than 9 to ntliB igof pppcii.1 for this sale. They are made -.fxlra fine musliu,, with extra wide flounces, tii in reed with lace and .Swiss em broidery. To sell them quick we place them at the special and additiuual reduced Qln price of a. . . v70C NOTICE Weplanue.3 for ibis underwear s-de more than 9 months ago and everv item . showed during this sale are marked at prices which actually represent a saving of 2i per cent. Io make this the banner sale in our bislory we have made a addi tional special reduction el the actual sale prices. Come and investigate for yourself. We court comparisons.- : . ' .. : i; , ,; :j .,, j .... -s ' ,., , ' ' : Wh'te India Linen, the y;rd 10c and 15c Laces -25c Swiss embroidery, S inch Embroidered Waist Patterns WRECK LIMITED whether tbe limited train waa travel ing so fast that it left the track or ita own momentum, ' Fireman Gorman told General Manager Manhall that both he and tbe engineer law white light on the switch., . Tbe railroad men aay that it was Impossible tor the a witch to show a white light. At the same time the railroad officials bav begun an investigation. There i a- possibility that the eighteen hour train will be discontinued. MORE IDENTIFIED : Otbeis of the dead v bo have teen identifl-d are A A Gorman, fireman from Norfolk and Arthur L Johnson of Cleveland. These were Identified at tbe morgue. L M Erick, manager of the Keith theatre at Cleveland it un accounted for, Two of the bodies at the mnroti an hiO lii'.j thifi; is impossible to determine the sex J H Langdon ol Chicago, ie in a very eritioal condition and may die. '.' WILL INVESTIGATE , Chicago June 22. Vioe -president Brown of the Lake Shore' Railway to day announced that he would bave ar rested all persons suspected, ot being in the plot, which be declares resulted in tbe wreck), g of tbe New York Fly er at Mentor, at an early 'late. Brown said that twa clues had been discover ed. Tbe opsrator states, thai tbe switch set for the main track light was burning a few minutes before the train arrived. After the wreck," tbe witob was found locked for the side track aod tbe ligbt was out. " "r . The late train kept Quite a number, from attending pioneer day who other wise had arranged to go. J2aifiS. Real $ I Drawers 69c Here ara aniarpassed' Of course this very low price is of absorbing interest, but wsituritillyoa pee them, yea will be de lighted with their beauty and general air of daintiness, made with wide ruffles of em broidery, tucked, and with fine laoe ZQ insertion. Thu special sale,"' price V'C A FEW OF MANY ITEMS OP INTEREST 5c . 5c 19c 78c J5c Turkish Towels 35c Mercerized Lawn -35c Dress Swiss,, black figured , 60c Silk Grenadine ".C ?, TO RESTORE. -- 1 THE SCHEDULE ; (By Mcrlppa Sews Association) New York June S3 President New man of the New York Central announced this afternoon that the . schedule of ... tbe Twentieth Century Limited would be restored to twenty hour between New York aod Chicago, as a result of ' tbei Mentor wreok laat nitht. - Race War Continues (By .Scrippa News Association) . Bt Peters burg' Jane 23 A report from the tfrlvan district states that the race war between tbe Armenians and Tar tare . baa broken .out afresh. There ware two hundred end lift casualties in tbe rioting jreaterday. and the troops were powerleee to pre serve order. . sls it Another Bluff? -.'. ... . . .' . ' Chicago. June JlTbe pence nego tlatlona, which aeem to promise an and to tbe teamttera strike in -this city, began today ata meeting between Jobn W Farwell, Jr., lepreaenting the em ployers, and tbe etrlkers', new peaoe committee. The meeting waa evident ly satisfactory as, at the .oloee, ; the labor leaders work for a meeting of the striking teamsters for the purpose ot voting on the proposition of atttle- ment. Contrary to Tradition . Scrippa Newe Association Rome Ital.' Jane 52Th Pani physicians have reoouimended. owing to the condition of baa health, that be abonld spend the eummer in , the caat'eot Gandolfo. and thus break tbe tradition of tha popes not ter leave the Vatican T3 :' 60C. ' , ' MUSLIN' GOWNS 43c Madfl of high grade mas lin. V and fquaro yoke of stucka, rufile, embroidery and laoe insertion, trim ming at neck and sleeves I2ic 28c 28c 49c After Office Grafters (By Scrippa Newa Association) Milwaukee. Wis Jane 12 Tha Dim. trlct Attorney yesterday began pro ceedluge rgalnst tbe graft Inquisitors, appointed by tbe count board, to have them declared in aonUmnt nf oourt for Interfering In the work ot we grand jury. He alleged that tbe board waa seek log to white wash' the members and keen the craft InvnU. gatioa oat ot the bsnda of tbe grand jury;- Tbe District Attcrmv aaid to day that be waa convinced from the tvldenoa presented that nearly hund red ouciaia would ha indicted for grafting, , t - - ; . . Si .' UNEASY ABOUT JAPANESE MOVE ' 8erlpp Mews Assooietion ' i Kt Petersbare: Juee 22 It is sUted on tbe highest entboritj tbst there ie tbe greetett ' ubeuineee in militsrv elrolee on scojant of the ' movement mI k i.-1 - - w '''"-. - y iw WVIHVUN awn Ills repot led the! Gen. Lineviteh has reported to the Cs r (hat be sees no possible vy of checking doner tl Ho'egawa, who rlanned tbo ; Korean move several niou'.hs eeo. and is now at (he bead ol a large detachment and reported moving northward. If Gen Hosegawa hat succeeded in tthetini a junction with Gdoertt Nogl, General LInevitoh says that dlsaoter is inevju able THE FRENCH NOTE NOT SATISFACTORY ' ; 8crippi Newe 'Association - ; ; Btlin June 22 The French note dettuing the attitude of Frenoe on the Moroccan question bsa been received. Thetfflolal of the foreign offloe say that the note-is nnsatislactory. This is tiken to mean that tha situation is critical. ; &v :',-,, . . v,i' 1 ' GOV. DENEEN CHANGES HIS MIND Sorlpps News Association Chicago, June 21M3overnor Deneen yesterday granted Johann Hooh, tha alleged "modern Bluebeard" and convicted for wife-murder, a reprieve (or on week. He was sentenced to die Frldsy. It la estimated tbat the Govenor may eztead tbe atay of the exeoution notU the 1st, if satisfactory reasons are given for such extension. REPRIEVE WITHDRAWN ? i Cbioago Jane 22 Following the re- lusai of states attonu y Healey to agree to giving Jobann Hooh another week in which to raise fundi to appeal bit oase, Governor Deneen today with drew bis order for a stay of the execu tion, and it ie likely tbat the "modern bluebearl" will bang tomorrow.. Uie attorney and- religions adviser at 8pringfleld will make , a' final appeal to tbe Governor. Hoch is in a state of nervous collapse as a result of a withdrawal of tha stay ot the execn lion, -i ,,; ' REPRIEVE REINSTATED ' ', Springfield '. Ills. June 22 2 p m Governor T) ncen granted Hock a re prieve ou i J .1; 28ttt in order to per mlt bim'toHk blicie to tbe an p;e me court pu a writ jof error. : WlliC0)tiflJ5 S'.lff (By Scrlppe News Association Ban FranrUco Cal. June 22 The convention of f inti national 'printing pressiren this morning decided to continue its staff ol organ iis in the field. The remainder of the session will be taken up with routine matters. " Injured By Bomb By 8crfpps Nfws Assoolatioa Warsaw 2usie June 21 A dis patch from Cimstocbow saya that the chief of police was mortally wounded today by the explosion of a bomb thrown at bin by a terrorist' The asssilant is unknown and has mad hieekcape. TANNER TESTIFIES AGAINST (By 8crippe Newa Association) Portland Ore Jane 22 8enator Mitchell today celebrated hie seven tiet. birthday by listening to damag ing evidence aeainst himself civen bv Ibis former law partner, A H Tamer, In Ih. I . !. f .... iui vumpuoity in iue tana Iraude. Mr Tanner testified to tbe employment of the firm of Mitchell A Tanner by Fredeiiok Krebbe, in order that he might expedite timber claims TEAMSTERS STRIKE STILL UNSETTLED s ;.,.. ,. (By Scrippa News Association) Cbioago June 22 The teamaters' ju.u kuuou and the national execn- tive board met today to discuss peaoe plans Word was received fron John Farwell Jr, repealing the atand taken by the employers i. ., that no obang would be made in the terms offered week I ago. ; ' Explosion Kills Four . (By Scrippa Ne we Association) Birmlngbstn Ala June 22 A boiler ol the Curtis Lumber Company explod ed at Telata today, killing lour and wounding another. ' Tha dead are James Watts, Wra Rasaon, GoaCahn and Marion Maddox. WILL IMPEACH FIFTY OFFICIALS (Scrlpps Newa Association) Milwaukee, June 22-W 8 Beidel, Jr, resigned bla offloe today as register of .lead with tha promise to tell all be kn w of tha grafting In county affairs, was a witness before tha grand jm-y Mlay. Edw.f l KHlrausn, who waa cuuvicted of gruf'.iug, was alao a witneaa. Diatrlct attorney Mc Govern promisee ' fllty impeachments aa a reeult of Beidel a testimony. There's no question about the everyday ' usefulness of a feather duster. You can get along without one,1 but7 better with one. Save stooping, reaching and climbing, ' will do some kinds of dusting better than anything elae; t, The time was when the cost made them luxuriona Our prices ought to make them necessities. After vsing " one a while you would as soon think of doing without a ! broom as a duster. Our s'ock of dusters was bought clote and we can afford to sell tbtm iu the same way. 1 FUNER1L licenjed j NEWLIN DRUG GO. 'i 1 '' i " : : . -7 ,f.r u Lady asvistatt Calls answered day and night, l :v' : PhoneNo.21. '::;."; S":"'-'ltj J.O Henry, residence 664 ;V'V"':'.': ';a --;''"'. J. J. Oarr, residence 386 .j : ; , . La Qrande Oregon" vr MITCHEL! to a patent. He stated that Boost r Mitchell received half the retainers paid. He also identified numerous letter written by himself aod by Sen ator Mitchell, in wbicb Ulter Ir-tter. it was stated that Mitchell was doing all in his power to rnb tbe claims Jndge Tanner admitted that, Wl-g the land fraud tri ils Ust aotuwa, Le had erased the "Puter olaima" irom the firm's books so as to eliminate ail connection of the firm witb Puter. Degrees arc Given By Scripts News Association . WilliamntowD, Ma. a June ?2 President Rooanvelt received tbe de gree ol L H D (Doctor of Human Laws) Irom tha William IIoIImw- morning and made an address to the graduates. Joseph Uhoate and Elihu Root received the degreM of L L D. Roosevel waa up early this morning a( the horn - of president Hopkins, where , he spin w . the night. , After breakfast be took a carnaii ride about the village and at eleven was esoorted totheCougregational church w litre the oummeticemeat rxercisea were beld. The President made a brief speech to the town people from a stand in front of the church, then burried to the train and M at thirty for Washington one- Jerome After Equitable Bcripps News Association , , , New York June 2d Diatr'ot Attor ney Jerome has entered Into an invest! gation of the Equitable trouble, today wired aoperlntendmt Uendrloke ask ing him to forward at one all official ooplea of bis report. Jerome mnkea no atatmnnt a to bla Intentions. VNLf, HELP JEROME 'Albany. N Y. June 22-Qovpnor Uipglns annoanoeJ today that he had notified Diatrtot Attorney Jerome thnt he stood ready toco-operate witb him Incase eitflolent evidence should be produced to warrant prosecution of the equitable odloinla. ;Ti' DIRECTORS EfiBfUriERs . tt':'--. ';' f." j Turkey tS Dusters i 1 Ml W mi: tn , ! I : . st-,-i sis 1 Depot IRS i ne. oiu ?v v,' - ,E 5 11 5 bar aa su it soastit oet irte vely Btroj , k-" t """ ' ",!' 1 '. .i.i,,..!...