La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 20, 1905, Image 1

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If MTDill
f 5
... . -
By Soripps Newt Association
f 4
1 I
? Portland, Or., June. 20
C The (rial of Senator Mitchell f.
was opened up this morning
j and the day was taken up In jj
JK the selection of a jury.
eS W v. .
Portland. Ore Jon 20 Today the
first of tbe many Oregon laud fraud
triale besan before United States Dia
trlot Judgs J J Oe liavsnatn tl.e new
courtrooms of the pottoffioe building
In this oity. Tbe caee is that clmrgi -.t
fTniixl HUtna Ranator John II 4. itch
ell with having accepted fee whll
senator of tbe United States for ser
vices rendered to -Frederick, a Kribs,
by which tim-i r land olalms belong
. Ing to the latter were passed tbroogr
tbe general lard office to patent. Sena
tor Mltohell Is represen'ed by Ex
Senator John M Tbartton of Nebraska
and Jadge A 8 Bennett of tbe Dalles
while District Attorney Francis J
firney represents tbs government.
Tbe obarge oo which .Senator Mitch
ell faces trial is regarded by the gov
ernment offioials as tbe strongest of
tne indictments waion nave been re
turned sgaluat him. Tbe evidence Is
largely documentary and is said to
consist In great part of letters, checks
and account books. The alleged trau
saotloniof 3 A D Pater with Senator
Mitchell do not Bgare la this oase.
nor 111 Pater be a witne a.
Confronted with the evidence which
the government bad secured,' Judge
Tanner, himself under indictment for
perjury lor swearing that the bogus
was tbe original partnership agree
ment, and threatened with criminal
proceedings against his son, broke
down and made a full confession .In
open court. He acknowledged that be
bad perjured himself before the grand
jury aod said that the pretended ar
tide of partnership were drawn and
executed in November, 1904, and dated
back to 1901, at Senator Mitchell's re
quest.- ,; s ... .5
Tanner staled also that tbe original
articles provided that Mitchell should
icoelveall tees to ; services rendered
before the departments, and that this
arrangement continued up to the time
nf thm ivraiifl inrv'a InwAaftls.tlnna
" - . -
-iCobeitson had previously testified be
lor the grand jury that be wrote the
oiiglnal articles from dictation la 1901.
He surrendered ts the government the
confidential letter from Mitchell -to
This Is in brief a summary of some
of tbe faoU which bave already 'been
published and wbich will : be brought
oat on the eoming trial The govern
ment ! tmi tn ha In - Doaeession of
oheoks and other documentary proofs
thot Mttt bsU reotlved tbe moneys paid
to the firm by Frederick A Krlbs, and
the firm's books will probably alo be
placed in evidence
When Judge Tanner was called be
fore tbe grand Jury and asked as to
fie natuM of the firm's .transactions
hj slatsd that Sena'or Milohell bad
no interest in 'res for services rendered
by the firm b'lore tbe departments at
Washington, aud in support of Ibis
assertion be piocured a document pur
porting to be tbe original partnership
agreement f xeouted in 1901. In place
of. the clause, already quoted; the fol
lowing clause is alleged to have beer.
"It is agreed that the interest Ol
each of the parties hereto as to all tbe
services tendered,' all moneys leoeiytd
and all business done by the firm, shall
be tbe equal one hall thereof exoepl
that for any seivioes whicb may be
rendered by said John H Mitchell in
tbe supreme court of the United States
shall be bis individual mi' r and all
fees so earned by him in said court
and bis salary as senator shall bv bis
individual property aodtue firm shall
have no interest therein; and .hat for
any and all services which may be
e n la red b y said' Albert H Taa ner M
fore any of the departments at Wash
ington D C, or any ol the branches or
bureans tbereofbr o tbe land depart
ment of the goverament,lsltbir at
Washington D O, or Oregon or else
where, shall be bis. indivldnsj matter,
and all fees so earned by him shall be
1 is individual property, ei d tbe firm
s'uall have no interest therein, and said
John H Mitchell hail not be required
to perform any services therein exoept
such as he might properly do as a sen.
ator In ooogrtts lor aby constituent
.iiku.1 -h. . ... n
W J- Buioa f)t ' aha' ieerei eervios
made an invrsigation which disclosed
that tbe docamooVhad bet prepared
at a very receu1. date. Just at this
juncture HarrS Robertson arrived
from Washington, earry'ng a ooofl
dential Wt-er Senator Mitchell
to Judge Team r Roberteoa ee im
mediately taken Jnifore tbe tiand jury,
a d subjected to vlgo.ous examina
tion. - : : , .
Tbe Indictment charges that con.
t th fadaral laws Senator Mit
chell received lees from ; Frederlrk A
Kribs amoeptinr to 11,760 for nalng his
influence at Wasbh gton to set-are the
patenting of land claims In which
kribs was inter t a I, the money be
ing paid to the law firm of whlob
Mitchell was the senior member. -"
Artloles ol partnership were exeoat
ed between Mitchell 'and Tanner In
1901, and aooorJing to the testimony
of Tanner, bis son, and Harry Robert
son, the document contained tbe fol
lowing provision : i - .
'It Is understood and agreed that
the Interest ol each of tbe parties to
this agreement as to all servloss ren
dered, all moneys received, and all
business done by the firm shall be tbs
squal one halt tbereof.except that' for
any aervlcee which may be rendered by
eald John H Mitchell In the city of
Waahlngton, D C, either la the sa
preme court of tbe United Btates, , the
oourt of claims or before congress or
any of the departments, sball bo ths
U I '.) '(Ill i
4(By 8crlppa KewsAssootation)
Kw taglaion. Cobb ., Juae JO.
There was a beadoa collision of two
FULkUl freight trains near bar this
morning and . three trainmen were
killed while two er : seriously In
jured. The accident was doe to mil-
understanding of orders. The dead
are. fireman (jeorge SchletxoV engineer
Lonis Strattoo and fireman John Gen
ntstew. . Engineer Serbia' will also
die from lniurlee received' in the
(By 8crlpps News Association)
Washington, Jane to, Secretary
Taft's conclusion of tbe liowen- Loomla
controversy, whlob was placed la tbe
hands of ths Preeldent last night, was
H)ii.i ... .
oabinet meeting. The secretary holds
Loom is Innocent of any wrong doing,
but leave it tt the President to de
termine tbe q wstion of dismissing Bo
wen from the dlplomatlo service. An
orQolal announcement Is expected ibis
evening. Boa en had a long talk with
the Presld nt this morning and left
the andlenoe, feeling rather bitterly
tbe fact thai the testimony In the eas
was not taken where all tbodooaments
on his side of the controaersy could bo
obtained. Tbe general opinion is that
the Preeldent has decided to dismiss
Scripps News Association
8U Pstersbarg, June 20. A dispatch
from London to tbe Noveo Vremva
states orr what b declared to be ex
cedent authority that BrltiaS gov
em ment is aavuing japan rgalnst a
conclusion of an armlstioe and adds as
follows: "The Russians are not eon
sldsred sufficiently weakened. Great
Brltlan hopes that General Oyama has
succeeded la destroying the army of
General Llnevitcb, thus relieving . ber
of a nightmare. That army may be
shifted later to tbe borders of Afghan
lstan for operatlo' s against India.",
Scrip ps News Association
Philadelphia, Jane 19. The Repub
lican city campaign committee
afternoon deol'ed to withdraw lite
present oonnty ticket and reform
measures witbin party lines snd sp-
pointed a ro 3i in it tee to confer with the
Union League committee eoncemiig
the makeup of a new tU keL -
Wc'cr Invited
For A New Navy
(ByBorlpps News Association)
fit Petersburg June 20 It I i report
ed that the Russian ship building
works her will be plaoed under tbe
saper.vlsioa of tbe United 8ltee steel
work for a period of ten years During
I klh tlma thm rohnlldinff of the navy
will be carried on- '
Will Remain
By Rctipps Nijws Association . "
8t Peteraburg June 19 It Is sUted
that ambassrdor Casslni who baa been
tnnafered to Madrid, Spain -' will re
in Wa blngton after the eace confer
ence It concluded
Soripps News Association
Trnckse Oat, Jane 20 Mrs Robert
individual matter and claim of said i Burnett attempted suicide- here this
tiuau a aatwiMii, sua iut nn au huuiu
by him la either of said departments,
and his salary as senator, shall be the
individual property of said John H
Mitchell and the firm , shall bave no
interest therein ; but for . all ssrvioes
rendered by tbe firm oceltber member
of it In any other place, save and. ex
cept as above, aball be considered firm
business and the parties equally Inter
ested therein "
morning, shooting herself through the
left long. The loss of her husband
was the canst of tbe deed. In a note
she had written before- the attempt
she requested interment at Baker City
Oregoa. ?J .- , :"
j GREA If r n r
Commences Wednesday Morning .
Watch this Space for Further Particulars
Rule this week in our Millinery
and Ladies' Suit
Ladies' Tailor Suits
Ladies' Jackets'
Ladies' Silk Suits"
Ladies' Lustre' Suits
s All at .extraordinary pric)s
reductions this week
D n't iuil to Examinn our
Shoe !Dajrgairi Ooun teiy
Dropped Dead
Soripps Nsws Association
Chicago III. June 20 N P; Sheer
on of .Indianapolis. . a prominent
politician and a delegate to tbe in
teistate telephone convention, drop
ped dead this morning at the auditor-
him while replying to an address ol
His dsth wss due to apoplexy. He
was ons" of the most prominent la
dependent telaphbne magnates in the
country, and was president ! of the
Indianapolis company and a stock'
bolder in many others and was form
erly eeoretary of the national . demo
cratic extoutive committee. ' Out
respect lor tbe dead man, the eon
vention only transacted Important
basinets and adjourned until tomor
row. ; t .
I . . i
Hiins Reelected
Soripps News Association ,
Sao Franoisoo June 20 Martin
Higgins, of Boston, was this morning
reelected pr widen i nf the inter nation
al printing pressmen s union over
Frank Pmfusb;bf Denver, Edward
Randall', nf Torento, was elected first
vioa-Brts'ulcnt.. John Farrineton
ar'oiud vice-president, Fred
Ranagan ol( Boston third vice-presf-dent,
William -Webb, of New Tone
secret ary and tjeau rer. Pi ttsburg
Peon waa oftoisnias tbe not' meeting
place ol the convention. Tliey will
meet on the third M inday in June of
next year. . '
Soripps News Asaooiation . '
. Washington June SO It te an"
noonoed by the state department this
morning .hat tbit government has re-
oeived an invitation from tbe Morroo
can government to participate in tbe
conference of tbe powers upon the in
ternatiooal sffairs of thnl country. Un
less tbe invitation of all tbe govern
ments is unaniinitnsly accepted,! tbe
United States will berime to panic!.
Russian Riots ;
- Soripps Newt Association
8t Petersburg, Jane 10 Advices
from ths province of Varnotelk at
Khergeu states that during a demon
stratloa by tbe citizens, the Cossacks
charged tbe crowd killing thirty eight
and wounding a great many others.
Had Her Sympathy
', (By ScrlppsNews Association)
Eakersfield, Cel.. June 20 After
being out four hours the Jury brought
In a veidlot of "net guilty" In ths oase
sf ewt Wslker, charged with the
muirlir of Dave Barton a d Jamas
Uagkb r Havllah. After the Jury
had remitted (heir verdict, the widow
of Burton stepped . up to Walker,
warmly shook his bands and . to a re
porter shs said "You may say that 1
am In sympathy with the defense
Does that so and romantic to you?"
Still Seeking Peace
By Soripps News Association
Chicago, June 20. The new ' strike
committee, appointed by tbe teamsters
Joint council last rIght, for the pur-
pote of negotiating with the employers
for a settlement of (he strike, met this
morning and sent the request to John
V Taibell, Jr , asking for a conference.
Little hope Is felt that the .employers :
will consent to nn open discussion of
peace. ; . .- ,
By Soripps Nnws AmoeiaPdn 7
St Joseph Mioh Jane ' 20 daptsin
Lloyd Oiitrk. of the. Uiiitud States
s apply stttion today : wired Q iwrnor
Bell of Varraont a vig i ooi protest
against lu hanging of Mrs Mary R ni-
gtrs at Win Jo-, requttling that,' if
the woman w4 executed, thf picture
of Captain CUrk of - Battleship Ore
goo fame, wh oh hangs io thi. state
Capitol, be turned to the wall. 00
tain Clark ays that be has the con
sent cf his brother to make tbe re-,
qusat. - ' .
There's no. question about the everyday usefulnesa of a
feather duatei . You can get 1 along; without one, but
better with one. Save stooping, reaching and climbing,
will do some kinds of dueling better than anything else.
The time was when the coat made I hem luxurious .
Our prices ought to make them necessities. After using
one a while you would as soon think of doing without a
broom as a duster. Our s ock of dusters was' bought
clove and we can afford to sell them iu the same way.
She, itw!?j
i '.
aw ' wveVjavai
(By Soripps Ntws Association)
Portland, Oie Jena 20 Racblda
Brudo, an' Algerian dan er, was ihot
and fatally wounded on the "Streets
of Cairo" at the exposition by her
husband today. Her busbasd was a
Moorish merchant, who after shootinv
ber pot a bullet through bis own"' head
and la now dying. Jealousy was the
Lady asfistsit Calls answered day and uight,
Phone foMl ji(sii4. ;'
J. 0 Ueory. residence 664
J. J. Oarr, residence 388
La Qrande Oregon