La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 19, 1905, Image 1

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BBBiaaW. . !
1 1 1 " 1 . - ,-. -i
Script Newt Association
Lima, O, Jpne 19. Llgthlng this
momiug (track the tank or the Lima
Oil Company which contained oyer
bitty three thousand barrela of naptba
deslioylng It all. - The loaa ii placed
at a quarter of a million of dollar '.
.Japs Still at It ;
Lidiapupie Mancbnria June 19
The Japanese are advancing from tie
center and westward driv ing the Rus
aiao from their trenehea. The advance
linea are now aooth of Palitum.
Fourteen men as a delegation were
received courteously bv the Caar who
made a abcrt address to the delegation
in whiob he aald be regretted the loaa
o( lite earned by the present war and
declared he waa ant ions to summon
the assembly and that be bo.ed to
esUblish firmer onion between him
elf and the nation.
Charged to Much
8crippa News Association
Washington June 19 The United
States conrt of Commissions have
reoeived complaint from the Paoific
coast Jobbers an I manufacturers asso
ciation against the Southern Pacific
railroad which Intimates the collection
ol, tolls on shipments to 8an Franeieoo.
Compainta over tbis road brought all
(night originating beyond the bound
aries of California and destined to San
Francisco to Oakland and then trans
fered by ferry and charged five cents
per ton toll charges.
Want Former Jobs
(By Pcrlpps Newa Association)
Chicago June 19 Accord inir to ra.
presenUtivea of employer it is assert-
ea mat mete has been a serloos break
la the teamster strike today and that
core of atrikera have applied for
their old position and hundreds mora
will just as soon the strike ia rail,
d off, wbloh la looked for at any time.
Jefferson City Mo June 19 Governor
Folk today tent a let ter to Sheriff Her
pel of 8t Louie coonty directing him
to arrest the race track people who are
operating there in violation of the law.
Th governor concluded :
"If the local facilities are not enough
to enable yon to uphold the authority
of tba state, the executive will furnish
yon snob helpae will effectually sub
tain the reign of law.
; i r.
Warsaw Riots
(By 8crlpps New Association
, Warsaw Jone'19-Two were killed
and thirty six wounded In a conflict
between troops and the social 1st a who
flred upon the soldiers. The oossack
then fired and charged with drawn
swords, disturbances are ezpeoted to
be renewed this afternoon.
Soon Report . v
' ', ' ? I, ? '.? I f 5 ...
( By Scrlppa News Association)
New York Jan 19 United States
insurance superintendent Hendricks
today states his report' on the Eault-
able would be filed at Albany within
the next lew days. A to the content
of the report be would say nothing re
larding the stories here about the bis
depoeitories ol the Equitable Trust
bank. - - v .." s , x ' i ?
Pressmen; Meet
Han Francisco, Jane 19. The an
nual convention ol International Print
ing Pressmena' Union opened bar
this morning. Mayor Sobl.ti, in an
add reus of weloome, took occasion to
criticize by Inference Secretary ' Jaft
for tba letter's stand on the Chinese
exoluslon question. He declared that
Chinese exclusion, will be, fully a Im
portant to the east in the very near
future a it i to the weBt ?at present.
In the nominations of officers tbia
afternoon Indications point to a bard
fight for presidency between Martin
Higgina of Boston, Incumbent, nd
Frank Pampnsb of Denver, w lib . the
chances in Pampush's favor.
f1 ': ' a.
- .' .-v- , f ,
Bomptar, Juae 13 By mutual agree
ment all matter ia controversy be
tweenj W &rlber and ' J B Reed,
truate of th aetata of Roy H Miller,
bankrupt, the Bank of Sonipter, A P
Ooea and all others of tb creditor of
th Bank of tumpter bar been amica
bly and ' absolutely settled, . and f ho
aid J V? . Sort be r baa been 'released
from any and all claim existing
against him or the First National bank
of Sampler by reason. 4 any .business
dene by blm while - president cftha
bank or by Roy H Miller while cashier
Tb payment of a' dividend of 36
cent on the dollar to the creditor of
tb Bank of Bumpier I being made;
' Through, the co operation ol tba of
ficer of the Flrit National bank , an
amicable arrangi meat baa been irade
whieh settles all matters In nnatrover.
ty, and James A I toward, trnste, be
comes the purchaser and owner of tb
bank- of Bumpter building furniture
and fixtures and other asset.
Resignation i -Asked Fqi;
(By rJorlpps News Association)'
Philadelphia Ju; e 19 Director Pot
ter this morning4 a d Tor' tbsf. resig
nation o lsaao Fleming, who is fore
man of tb bureau of city property.,"
- 'a. - - 1
, Will Accept Invitation
' iJf Scrippe News Association i i
There will be Initiatory work at the
K of P lodge thk evening' . All mem
ber are requested to be present.
Dorippe news Asiooiuion
Berlin Jan 19 France is informed
tbt Gertnan v I inottned to accept the
invitation to join la th proposed eon
ft re nee regarding Morooo providing
the two govenimenta can; tear a stla
factory agreeiheti't ' as tc.thV preolae
point to be considered by the oonfer
ence. It le believed her that Franc
and Qermany will be able txr'jeecb an
7MS:Aoore Hostess
The executive committee baa selected
Mr. F E Moor to be hotes a La
Grande dar at the Leal and Ciark
fair, July 6, with power to appoint
such assistants as she mj'eelre. Mr.
Moor will do honor to-the aottitlon. ' "
Mr J O Walker expeota to leave tbis
evening (or Hammond, Oregon to re
main a month. Hammond s near
Aetorla .
i . -
X .it
Commences Wednesday Morning
Waich this Space for Further Particulars
tor rise Prices
Rule this week In our Millinery and Udies'Suit
Depaitment v"'
f Ladies' Tailor Suits
Ladies' Jackets?
Ladies' Silk Suits -
Ladies Lustre Suits '
3i f
All I at 'extraordinary ' price-1
reductions this week ??V
Do n't lail to Examinn our"'
Shoe , Bn rgaiii'""' O&uti tferb "
W ' 'Wi il l S
t - '
t :;....i
L.J).r SConference
The Latter Day . 8sinU held . their
regular quarterly -fcooteience lst
8turday and Buaday jn , this ? City,
msetiogs held at 10 a m and S p m of
each day.. -.The- Saturday meetings
wera attended by as manr neonle aa
their chureb would seat and on Sun
day, atanding room was all taken and
perhaps as many aeoi away uosble
0 get In.
vThe leatur of special interest w.s
tb visit of PresU Francis M Lyman,
Press, of th Qnofnt ot Twelve Apost
les , from Salt Lake City He Is a
man of about W years, robu.t, physi
que, prominent features and impresses
on a a man of strong eharaeter.
Hla remark were of both temperel
and spiritual nature; exorting his
people toT ladasiriouf, economical,'
temperate, honest, virtuous and tolvs
I na(Vt with thai. raUkm
seek to do goo I to all mankind. In
retpective of creed, to reform th
drunkard and modify tb disposition
ol the vioiou. . lie claimed thai the
eduoatiooal standing, tb thrift in-
nstry'and public en tsrwise ol their
People wera' a refutation of lh charge
of ( degrsdAilun and immorally, for
these' things do not g(f harid in ' hand.
Another prominent visitor from
tiU Lake.w Joaaibac Ool.len Kim
bill, ai membr of 'th Erst.Counoil of
Setetty, who spoke moulv aloni
praotical lines; oiling history to,. show
hJ.""VvVgans- tivipii 'revslrt and
love of pleasure had destroyed nations
while frugal habits, plain foods and
dresv, eaaatiiy,anbraUty and; tndutwy
bad developed nations ol World oon-
' Presidents Braro well. -NMvv. and
Jordon of tb local stake advised 1th
people to avoid contracting debts un
lets sure ol being abl maetl them
and especially lor things unnecessary
Urged aheir people to; preach the Qos
pal pf "Peaoe on Esrtbi Good Will to
All Men," by their deeds a well as by
Ibeif words j td. Jtrrva those' Who hate
ttiem,' blesj those who curse them and
do good to every one.
( All the speakers refeired with nrlda
to (be Tabernacle 'they J sre building,
saying that it would stand a a monu
ment to th thrift, indostrr . liberalltv
and ejnoerity of thfhformon" people.
The music lurnisbed, Saturday by
the La Grande Choir and Bundav bv
tb Baker City Choir, waa. of .a vary
high order. i -
The young people held their Con
ference Sunday night at which a very
Interesting programme was rendered.
By 8orippe News iMoolation
Chicago, Jon 19. It Is reported ia
federal circles today that the grand
jury whiob haa been investigating the
alleged beef troit when it convenes
Wedueeday will report on thirty three
Indictments which are . now bolng
drawn np by United Rtates Attorney
Morrison. It la understood In addition
to thee that several prominent packers
employers aod several private car mo
nopolies will b Included in the In
dictments. - . r
Senator Fulton
There wsa much speculation at to
whether or not Senator Fulton, wonld
be permitted to name judge Btitlm-
. . ......
meodalioos were considered thr U
juotoahs for oongrstulttion. It is
oertaily a serious oonditioa , for a ny
state to b In a position that tb
entire national delegation ia In ill re
pute with th administration. Tb
Observer is vary glad that Senator
Fulton ia recognised by tb President
In Utah County
(By Scrlpps New Association)
Salt Lake. June 19. The consress.
lonal Oommlttee on Irrlsatlon 'and re.
clamatlon left this morning for Utah
county to investigate four proposed
project which Involve three hundred
and ninety thousand aoree and which
will requlr th expenditure of eleven
and one half million dollars.' The
committee will leave tomorrow for
Idaho. . .V '
Yacht Race
By Scrippe News Association
Heligoland, Germany June 19 In
the race from Dover England to Heli
goland Germany, for the Kaiser's cup,
tb German schooner 8usann finish
ed first today, the German yawi
Tbreae second, and the nrmtn
schooner Naranoe thud, and the En
glish aohooner Sunshine fourth. The
schooner Suanne finished the course
in forty hours, forty three minute
and forty seconds. The . Amrictn
yacht Atlantic won the auxiUery race
in forty one boors and wentyIz
minute and fortyjhjrfte secood.
f loubIe Expected i
Warsaw .Tune 19 A mysterious con
fidential do! it ment which baa been re
ceived by a. the higher Russian offl
olal at Warsaw 1 ascaueed a sensation.
The officials are directed to report to
General Boyalubow, chief com mlssiar
iat of the department here, where they go luJtna event) pt the siege
et tVarsaw vahd also hoJmaay mem
ber of their families tbeyv will take
with them and what railroad they pro
pose to trevel oo., s-.
Every one I at a lose to understand
the reasona actuating thf se Issuing the
circular, but it 1 known that bands of
rough have warned the Russian offi
ciate to send tber famllie away at
measare of safety. Number of people
ere depeaitjng their jraluabU la the
banks" and are aecuring 'passports In
readlnoe to leave at abort aotio. r
.ft . -
Oregon bank have received node
that a boat of notorious forger are
now coming to the weat and will tr
to operate everywhere thla year, owing
to the Jarge number of strangers In the
WSt,5 ) ' V V: :.i
(8crippa . News Association) .
Chicago Jnn 19 The Investleation
of the fair ot the Continental Finnic -
Ing Company which ia being conducted
by Attorney General 8etad. has devel
oped the tact that the concern which ia
charged with being a "get rich quick"
scheme had more than twenty thousand
subscribers through the country paying
fiom fifty rent to five dollars per
month. The only ' assetts ao far dis
covered I unsecured notes: rhowing a
face vain of thirty four dollars , ...
A.ore Yellow Fever
; " Sciippt News Association
Wbingtou DtJ June 19 Gover-
mw Uvm Mnrt tKmi wmm p.m.
of yellow fover on the i hmosn and
two deaths. All are Am r,ont. Fivs
yellow fnver patients have recovered.
Governor Mteoon was himself taken
ill today with malarial fevor, and th
faot beooming kn wn caused great ex
eitement among the einployies.
Many holding responsible positions
have resigned., ,
Pleads In Person i
By Scrlpps News Association
Portland June 19 8enstor Mitchell
appeared beloie the federal court this
morning aod entered a plea in person
of not guilty of complicity in 'he laud
freid case, In , wbloh he pleaded
thi..iih his attorney last w ek. This
was d tie because thefa, was some
question . i the legality ol th for
mer prooeediv r.
Land commissioner Kiobards and
other witnesses are expected to arrive
tomorrow, , , . ..
Called Upon President
Washington D O June 19 Bi th
the Japanese and Rusrian MtnVters
called upih the President thia after
noon. 5 1 ' v;S' '' ' -; ; j.
Pacific League Disbands
By Soripps News Association ,
Blt Leke June 19 The Paoifio Na
tional Base Ball League v ditbanded
here last night after a m-fl'.ins; ot the
board of directors ' The League con
ftieted ol Snlt Lake, Ogden, Boise aod
Americans Must Go
Obeefoo, June 19. European Amer
ican" firms ' wbloh have eetabllihed
house at Port Arthur hsv been noti
fied: bv the Jananefa that. th mftut
leave town and remove, their wierohan.
dlae. '' . : ' . " ''"
"." - . Dusters
There's no question aboat the everyday usefalneM of a; ' 1
fflathor ' HllatAl' ' Ynil iin nrat olnnn uilKmif vna . kn!V H
, . ' ti O fT.WMVl.ll VUV, VUH
. better with oue. Save stooping, reachiug nod climbing.'
will dn some kinds of dusting better than anything else. .
, The time was when the cost made them luxurious. ,
Our prices ought to maVe them uecepsi.ies. After usiug
one a while you would as soon think of doing without a
broom as a duster. Our s ock of dusters was bought
close and we can afford to ; sell : them in the same way.v
r, J0. Henry, residence 664
(I t f n... : j no a
Lady n&eistaLt Calls answered day and night.-
.rooue no.wzt.
, . ' La Grande Oregon