' COMPANY'S Specials; WORKS OF ' ART. THE GOLDEN RULE Grreat Saturday THERE ARE J ARGAINS EVEN IN THE THJNG IS TO HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY, AND TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT OPPORTUNITY WHEN IT IS PRESENTED TO YOU. 1 y , " ' "...'. - . - - ' i ' ' - ' A short time ago we secured a great birgai in pictures "d offered tbeia to the trade st BAUOAIN PRICES. The result was that many homes in La Grande and vacinity are now adorned wilh these beautiful picture and ALL AT A VERY NOMINAL- J08T. THIS WEEK, SATURDAY 'V Wewillcffer . VI. - ' ' ' A Choice Collection of Hand-Sketched Pillow Tops 75 cts EACH $5 J.-t These are the work of an artist, the price generally asked for such work is from $1.60 to OUR PRICE FOR THIS SALE is there are only 20 in the lot they will be PLACED ON SALE 4T ELEVEN O'CLOCK, none sold before that hour. We have other works of Art also, which we would like .very mush to have you see. , : , ; : '. . . t-u.-j; . Beautiful Silk Dress Skirts, Shirred, knife and box pleatingjatest creations, each $10 and $12.50 Fancy Mohair Skirts, fine knife pleating, i , each . , :t -l $5.50 New Cashmere Skirts, nicely shirred at top and around hips, ; ' each ".'' q3.&5 These are all njw goods received this week. ' " . OTHER SPECIALS FOR SATUEDAY LADIES' WRAPPERS, : MEN'S HATS A small lot, $1 to $1.25 values, each 50c $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 values, each $1,29 See Window Display -J.y :!-:: THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenue Largest Store- . . Smallest Prices J! j3; MitEB j Watch thii ipace for Suit winters C E Rimlg $35 W F Allison the $25 ' ' Suit lust Saturday Two drawings on Sat JI31 THEY HAVE ARRIVED A large asignnieut of the justly celebrated CAR HAKTT BRAND of men's worging clothing. Made in an honorable way or honorable men . We have secured the sole agency for these goods for this section and invite your inspection. A.L. ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor t f f RAILROADS ASK FOR INJUNCTION (by ScrippsNews Assoo ation) Khmfm City J.me 16 E ghteoo r 1 ad.' 'toi'ay atltt-d the Ftd.ral Court 'or an injuno'lon restraining the board of lailwty torn mi loners rrora putiing iuto effect the nmxi mum freight rate lew, which goes in I force today.' The railroads ooiStend that the law is confiscatory. The re ductions ordered average about twenty per cent. A temporary irj motion will probably be granted. Second hand Goods Wanted .... Telephone Fred Jacobs, Main 67 and we will call. The La Grande Pawnbrokers THIRTEEN OHIO BANKER 5"PENNED" Boripps News Association Toledo, Ohio Jane 16 Cyrm M Buroe , president of the Montpelier bank.iudioted by tbe Federal Grand Jury for embezzlement and false en tries, thit mornirg pleaded guilty to one count and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. This now makes thirteen Ohio. bankers In the panlten tiary. Envious of Cuba Mexico City, June 16-Tbe Canadian Moxican Steamship Una will begin operations July 20, when tbe first si t amer of the line subsidized by the tauadlan and Meiican gorernmenta lil sail from Montreal for Mexican p.ris, touciiing at Havana. By terms of the contract with the Mexican gov cr imenc boats may carry oargoea and pa isengers from Canada to Cuba and o goes and passengers both waya be tveen Mexico and Canada. Tbe Mexl u a government objeoted to subsldis i: a line that would be used to build u,. trade between Cuba and " Canada "Mr. O Nibley, of Perry, waa tranaaotlng business in La Grande yea tarday. : Mr. 0 M Humphreys, of Elgin, who baa been visiting in the oity, returned home this morning. - George Ball returned last evening from Portland where be baa bean at tending the fair fur tba past nine daye Mr C U Monford and wife, of Wal lowa, war visitors In the city yesterday..- J, . A daughter of Mr and Mrs Chrlstoff- srson, who resides across the track baa the diphtheria, . :, Mrs J A Cnrlaon, of Hsmela, arrived In the city this morning, for a abort visit to friende. '; Mr W B Boss, of Meacham, la in the city today . attending to , business suiters. '-" . Mr A Pefwln, of Baker City, is visit lag in La Grande today. . Mi M F Sbafer, of Omaha, Ueb. arrived, In the city last evening on a boainess visit. ,,. , . - v . ;, , O W Ellsworth and J C Whitby ar attending court la Pendleton aa wit nesses. '. Attorney Wm Kamaey la In Portland on legal business. 1 C L Tuffs, the president of the anti- saloon league, la working la Umatilla county where be baa organised several new leagued. Adam Frank'a little girl Clara, who waa so ill last week with pneumonia fever, la reported by Dr Moore, tbe osteopath to be about well again. Mis i Marjorle - Snook, j tbe little daughter of Recorder 8nook, left this morning for Elgin for a week's visit to bei aunt, Mrs: O M Humphreys. ' Weather Observer W A Wor.tell re ports that during the bail snd rain storm this afternoon 'the precipitation amounted to eighty five hundredths ot an Inch. , Mr M L MoCormick, of., tbe La Grande f louring Mills, and - bis wire left tble morning for a visit to the l-ewls and Clark exposition at Port land, and while Roue will also visit San Francisco. They will be absent for about two weeks. VY T Cross arrived in the city this morning from Kearney, Nebraska, with ten rare of bogs for the Union Meat Company at Portland. The , ten cara contain nine hundred aad forty head of bogs which average two hundied and eighteon pounds per head. Mr. G W O'Nrtill, who baa had tbe contract for laying the pipes to conduct tbe water to tbe Odd Fellows cemetery. will complete bla work today, and the cemetery will then have plenty of water tor keeping the grass, flowers and shrubs on the gravea and In the yards green. The Odd Fellows have done a great deal of work In improving the cemetery in the past few , weeks, and will thla fall set ont treea. There will be no services at St Peter's oburob on 8unday. The city is doing a great deal of good work now in repairing itreet crossings and sidewalks, tome of wbicb needed tbe work badly. Ooroner Henry began tbe inquest over tbe remains uf tbe unknown man killed near Hilgard Ust Wed nesda-. It it' thought that the in quebt wi'l be completed some time tomorrow. SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Ked Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kinds of. Grass ssuds. Balk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Uye, Wueat and Oats K.iZ.OLJVBR JEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. Russian Strike (By Sorips News Association) St Petersburg June 16 Twelve thou. s nd employees of the Putltoff Iron works struck today. . WILL ASSIST Moscow June 16 The engineers organization decided to cease work this evening and will urge other work men to join In tbe strike. That Tired Feeling ir you are languid depressed and incapable for work. It Indicates that yonr liver ia out ot order. Herbine in assist nature to throw off head acufs, rnehmaiinin and ailments akin w nervous ana restore tbe energies fn .J1 ,"J..or ouml ud PO'foct uiu. j uuuoara, xemnie. Texas writes, March 2, 1901: I base need nerDioe ror ins me past two vaars. j i naa clone me more good thsn all tbe ciociors wneu ifeel bad and have trial tired reeling, I take a dote . of neroine. it is tbe beet medicine made for chills and favor" bOota i bottle. BEE SUPPLIES I have a complete slock of bee supplies such as, hires, smokers, wax, fonndatnm etc- Now is the time to look afrer your tees. -: My Hammocks cannot be beat. Try one, I also have a nice assortment of builders hardware, locks, at all prices. Carpenter tools and blacksmith snppiies to suit any one. , . MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Hardwaie and Cnt Glass. aaKsaswaaiasaesaBSSi Foresters Banquet Tbe social and banquet gives last evening by tfee Foresters was one ol the most f ntereeti sg social events of tbe season. Tbe entertainment was held in tbe Enlgbts of Pythias ball, and a special musical program was arranged and ' executed. Among tbe notable Incidents waa tbe production of tbe L D B quartette, who were f resent. A magnificent supper was served to all present and there was a dance that all participated in, the musio being rendered by Thomas orchestra. These who were present pronounce tbe event tbe most enjoyable one of the season, and tbe most peifectly oarrled out. Menace to Health By Boripps News Asrooiation . Grand Rapids, Mich., Jane 16. The decaying debris left by tbe flood of last week seriously menaces the health ot tbe West Side. The board of health and the council are aotively oombatt- ing tbe danger and a foroe of men are now at work removing the debris. WA TED-Com potent girl to do gen- , iral housework. .For particulars apply to Mrs J Foley. Foley Hotel. tt WANTED Girl or woman wan ted to - do general bousewwk. Email family Inquire at tLls office. No cbiMren In household. June 20 t Ruraj Deliveries On May 1. 1905, there were in Ore gon, Washington. Idaho and Montana 306 rural fieu delivery routes, being 93 more than there were oa May 1. 1904 Oregon had on May 1, 156 rural rontes, h gain of 30 for the year Washington on the first of May last year had 110 rural postal routes, and bad on May 1 this year 154, a gain of 44 in the year. Al Stephens waa attending conrt in Pendleton yesterday as a witness. Amidst Pleasant Surroundings and in tbe beart ot the business sect ions of the city Is our resturant locat ed. Here the business men and ladiea otn partake of good wholesome food. Our cookery ia of the beat, and tba eervlce quick, neat and courteous. Our Bill Of Fare comprises many appetising dishes, and ia changed dally, so that yon'U nave a variety of food In tbem. - Variety ot foods te'ida to ooaki ua enthusiastic with onr meals, and la really necessary to proper health The same food over and over attain makea oa 'tired of eating' Call at our restnranl aad test the merits of onr dishes. . MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN.DAY AND NIGHT We sen weekly Meal ( Tickets unRh lU50 Praise From France P.ris June 16 President Roose velt's success in opening a way for peace negotiations between Rossis and Japan is the absorbing theme bere and France bas forgotten ber own troubles ith Germany over Moiocoo to join in tntbusiaetio approval ot the American initiative. Portraits of President 1 Roosevelt, Ambieeador Meyer, Minis terTakahiia and Ambassador Cacsini appear in all the journals, with pic tnres of the White House as tbe scene of the historic foreign peace move meat. Without exception, comment o President Roosevelt's action is favor able with tba esoeption of a slight tense of dissapolotment that France, as the ally ol Russia, bas not taken a more prominent part in ftVetiog tbe preliminaries. , WE BUY Doors Sash, Shingles Lumber and In large quantities direct from factories and mills at a yearly contract price, and while we pay the lowest price, we get the best goods, and cad afford to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the beneGt of wholesale puces 1 STODDARD LUMBER CO. I ... - ..: .. HOOD RIVER .STRAWBERRIES Received daily. Offers St Paul (By Boripps News Association) 8t Paul, Mion June 15 Governor Johnston today wired tbe President, inviting the peace commission to meet at tbe new Minnesota cupi'o'; and suggested that St Paul . oul.l be a eool enough spot for I pi I GoMen Gcte Coffee 0 I I Do not grind too fine, as I pulvcrited coffee hss an en- Y I tircljr different flavor from ? R the same coffee granulated. ? I J. A. rOLGKK tn CO. A 1 . tSsusi Fraaeiaco V sigglll T 4 Fresh vegetables Every Morning. NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Hoi. t ir ud JeBenun Sla. a RALSTON. lrn r V - the peso, envoys, j , - ;O0O0OO