me- a : t : ; 7 t e a e) Witch this space for Suit wmneri E E Rcmij $35 W FAlli.on the J25 Suit Ust Saturday Two drawings on Sat v THEY HAVE ARRIVED A large asignment of the justly celebrated CAR HARTT BRAND of men's worging elothing Made in an honorable way for honorable men. We have secured the sole agency for these goods for this section and invite yonr inspection. A.L. A.N DREWS Haberdasher and Tailor Second hand Goods Vantcd Telephone Fred Jacobs, Main 67 anrj ur will rail. The La Grande Pawnbrokers SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kinds of Grass iseds. Balk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats M-V. OLIVER JEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. WE BUY it? Doors Sash, Shingles and Lumber i 0 In large quantities direct from factories and mills at a yearly contract price, and while we pay the lowest price, we get the best goods, and cap afford to soil at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices BE g 1 is STODDARD I IIMRFR Cft Everything you want want for that SUNDAY WINNER Is Awaiting Your Order at CJ- RALSTON'S NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE iJoi. lir and Jefferson Sta. OUR 8PE0IALTY Fall Line'Terferred Stock Oanred Goods. SHOES Good School Shoes a specialty j Local Item? ej jj III i iH Baas Booth la among thoes attend ing court. . - Mr Tbos Fresher arritod ia the city tbia aaoniiag from bia bom at Union on a biulneee flail Btahop Wella ot Spokane will preach tonight at fti Pak ri chore b at 8 o'clwk Everybody invited. Seymora Bell ona of Sanipter'a wide awke citixena ia in La Grande dr. Jay Brooka arrirod thlt morning from bif borne at 8aata Bote. Califor nia, to look after hU baiineaa iotereita. lira. 8 B Haworlb baa returned from ber blpin Oalifornia, on her way borne abe viaited Portland frien a eeveral weeka. T W Davidson, one of tbe promo ters of tbe Electrio Railroad Company ia bare from New York City where be baa teen for aeveral months. S O Sweckhemmer, Tom Braaier, Sam Purael, Ntli Behoonover and Jer ry Tbompaon, of Union, are attending court today. H 0 Montgomery returned tbia afternoon to fail mines' on Limber Jim where be baa been ataying linos March. He expects . the water to last an til about Angual 10. Mill Boae Foulea of Dayton Wash ington arrived in the city last evenind to visit her aister, Mn J A Tbromon. Uisa Tou tee ia a teaoher and bolda a Ufa Hinlnma and hu aiwtnUtd a, nnai- Tbe Epwortb League Juoiora are preparing to give a White eooial on the ttOtb of tbia month. Bee announce ments later. . K Rcdrfqaez le op from Union today on a business vialt to tbe oonaty eeat, Mr Joseph Lore, of Union, la la tbe city today on a bnainees tlalt. Messrs, James Hutoblnaoa and W B Cline are op from Union today on buaineaa ia the Circuit Court. E 8 MoOomua. the min'ng promoter from Union, arrived in the olty thla morning. Parties from Lower Cove were In the olty today and they etate that tbe rain 8anday waa general la tnat aee tlon. Connty Treaaurer Frawley on 8at niday diaposed of the 113,000 snbool bonds at Ave per oent and received a premium of 1187.50. Mr Albert Hlndman, of Dnrkae, Ore who. haa been in tbe city several days for medical treatment, returned to hia home thla moralog greatly Improved. Prof. II J Hockenberry and Geo. L Cleaver left early tbia morning for a filhlnff trio to to fnnklna nu.i K. I low Elttin. Thev sr. n.0id hom- "OB P "o'. tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Davia, of Lead City, Sooth Dakota, are here visiting! aa ' Mre Wm Agnew, after closing a very auooeesful kindergarten term, leaves today for Chicago, tbeooe to Northern Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alllaon, who are .Michigan to spend tue Bummer with former frienda. They will go on to, her daughter and son-in-law, Dr and Portland in a fe days. . !Mrs C E Haaan. ak their snmmnr borne Bay View. She returna in Sep tember to reopen th kindergarten. Tbe date will be given out later. Mrs. O W McNair, of Omaha, Ne braska, arrived In the olty lait week to vialt her eon, Yardmaater T EBuehler. Mra. MoNair, after visiting here, will proceed to Portland 'where ahe will visit the exposition Weather observer W- A Woratell statea that the amount of rainfall for the past twenty fonr honra amounted to forty four hnndretha ot an inoh Mr Charley Owaley, of the country left yesterday for Portland to attend tbe fair. He will be gone about ten da'ye. Dr. R B Meyers, a former Grande Ronde boy who baa been praotlclna dentiaty In Baker City for a number of yeara, has departed for Alaska where he will make bla borne. Sunday afternoon tbia valley waa visited with another copious shower. It matters little whether we have any more rain thia season or not. Cropa of all kinda are now made and the wheat and beet cropa promiae to be record breakera. Dr and Mrs.F E Mooie left this forenoon for a vialt to Baker City, and while there they will attend the wed ding and tbe wedding reoeptloa of Mr Edward Blackburn and Mias Kettle Ereck. ! BEE SUPPLIES I have a complete stock of bee supplies inch as, hires, smokers, wax, foundatum etc. Now is the time to' look after your bees. My Hammocks cannot be beat. Try one. I also have a nice assortment of builders hardware, locks, at all prices. Carpenter tools and blacksmith snppiies to suit any one. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Hardwue and Cnt Class. SWtS98IBSIBBBgaBBBaBBai Mr C E Sherman of Union arrived in tbe city tbia morning for tbe pur pose of being a witness in a ease now pending in tbe Circuit Court. All Oregon is growing aa is evidenc ed by tbe ioorease of business aa re flected in tbe variona post offices gen erally. Mr J E Bateman wbo haa ben on an extended business visit throughout tue Faoiuu uun'uwwi, reiucucu Lutu last evening. Rov Smith of Elgin wbo filled the pulpit in the Methodist eburcb yae terday'during tbe abteuoe of Bev Gil- tilan, was greeted with good audienoee and preached two able eermoaa He returned home thia morning. A portion of tbe rails for tbe logging road which the Grande Bonde Lum btr Company ia to build haa arrived aod the work of construction will toon commence. Tbia road will tap a large timber belt, that ia inaooesi- ible under present conditions. Grandpa Andua has been fouad. lie we found Satnrdav evening near Kamela and bia aon waa notified and had him brought to tbia city, The old gentleman simply wandered, i ff ana striking toe railroad followed it. He aeema ncne the woise for hia long jaunt , and givea no reason for hia I disappearance. A Quick Lunch Can le had b re which will aot do harm to anyone. If yon want' a good aatlafaotcry meal and have plenty of time to eat It, yon eaa stoare that here too. We make It a point to aatla tveryone and with tnle in view we have everything cooked juat aa well aa poaoible We aerve tbe food aa qolok ly aa it can be served aad oar charges are very reasonable. We believe in treating on eo wall that yoa will eome again at the drat opportunity, and we hope yoa will soon give this place a trial MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPENDAT AND NIGHT Wa aeil weakly Meal . .A Tickets Cash . 54.50 CAN YOU PUT THE RMT HAT ON MOT A oMi MAN? Wc can, and put money in your pocket at the Same Time This is no slight-of-hand, simply good business judgement. Enow ing values when you see them. Have just received a large ship ment of men's hats, the new shapes and shades as well as staples. Regular $1.50 and $2 valuer, purchased after pounding the manufacturer down to the right price: In order to move them quickly oud give our frienda some rare good bargains we have decided to let the entire lot go at i EACH Window Display THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 13C8-1 310-1312 Adams Avenne Largest Store Smallest Prices i 1 id i fa i