La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 10, 1905, Image 5

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f- ! r- i . - v .
We we now receiving daily tbipmeata of berries from
II.xkI liver, The quality is finer than ever. Don't
take inferior berries when you can get the . ,v, -
Just as cheap at
Adams Avenue
4 vi'r
V IV i
Phone; 29
yi y
A decided BOTeltr in railway bwm-
mt eaalDment la about toba InUoduo-
ad by tha Dearer k Bio Oraada rail.
road company, la Colorado, and will
aadqabUdly ereata widespread eom
ment. The company la now preparing
to Install hi obeerratioa eart, entire
ly without . tope and with , aldea only
high eoaugb to, prevent ;.peeengere
from lallloc from them. ,Tbata. open
ton . obaarratloa care., ea ., tbsr -are
ealied, ara now ' being bollt tor tha
Bio urenae ana wm oe ibmom aar
log tha laminar months to tbe daylight
tralna running through' the t Royal
Gorge,' Oanon of tha Grund River and
tha Black Canon of tba Gunnlaori.
They wilt be Oosb plated and placed In
servlee not later than Jon 10th ol thla
year. --. -,' . 1
Tbaat eart ara ol modal construction
and bare a seating capacity of 78 par
sons. They will hare low. aldea but
no tops, being entirely open and giving
a free and onobstraoted ' flew of the
scenery. No charge la to bo made for
seats In thaae cars, and they will ba
pat a the train dating th day at
Canon Glty and will be ran probably
toSallda and return. The earns .ar-
ramramanta will be made at the en
trance and exits of the other canons of
the road " ''. ''
' IF our responsibility 61 $137,000.00 ia guarantee '
enough, . ,,i-.v.J :
IP oar rate of interest on certificates of deposits
high enough
IF our rate of.inlerest on loans low enough,
IP the accomodations we afford are satisfactory,
, lP you ar.e not aiready a customer , of this' bank;
- then we invite you to become, one,
. WE guarantee you absolute safety 'for your funds
if intrusted to our care. " , , "
" HAVING given 14 yars of service to Hhe Ad.
vancement of the interests of La Grande' and
, ..Union county we, fell Justified in askiUg',for
, your banking buBiness;' and we wiH exteild to
you all the accomodations your account " will
justify at all times. Tour loans will be restricted
only by the security you offer and the balance
you keep with thii bank. . ,
. . Respectfully,
Vhe farmers arid Zraeers
yjationat SSankt
h , f 4 . W . V 1 i. . '
Joseph Palmek, ' J. Vf! SceIbeb f G. E. McCuiiT,
: PrkiinL 1 i Cashier. Asst. Cashier.
f - - A " ;, r
- r 'J .V ' 5
. f M 4 N rf
of Xa SranjjPffon.
The Nurse A tiie Boctor
X ." fl !: '' :i -' -'I ' i
; t i .. ' i . 1 1 ' - . - ''. ii
i.. tell you that the success of a prescription ae
peuds on the purity of its ingredience. There is
as much variety in medicine as in other merchan-
diae. 4n our prescriptioh-filling "Qulity" is always
'Vour fiist" consideration. i''.'X vl-'C .r-
You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and. the right pricer-are tho never ,
foiling trio upon which we think w have a right to
appeal for your patronage. 5 . ; '
a -r lj I
I . lis a
Registered Pharmacist
Phone, Farmers Line6'8
Pacific States 1361 " V La Grande 'Or.
Chloago Jane 10- Wireless telegrams
bare yeateruay aent to and from tba
klton limited train when running at a
fata of a mile a minute, from bre to
fit Lonla. Bo Satisfactory was tha
est that Pieildent Felton has decided
hat all paaeangsr trains on the Chicago
t Alton r railroad ahall bo equipped to
iend and receive wlreleaa meessgea..
P Today .wireless meesageawill be ex-
ibanged between tha Alton limited
trains, north bound and south bound,
while both are running at tall speed.
L atandlnK still and when both trains
jukTO Stopped." Wireless messages will
Kbe sent tobdtn trains worn unioago,
Ingfleld and 8t Loals and from the
train while at tbeee-clUee. -t
The main object of the Alton road in
equipping fasten ger j trains with wire-
ess la ts etu . luriDer atoreaea sne
lak.oJaoolent,, " ti-'vi " th-i u ...
The. Home Fruit Co wanta berry
pickers about June 10th. For particu
lar call on or address. J E LANTZ,
It. 8ee Home Pratt Co., Cote Ore.
London Jane 10 Yesterday was tha
last day of King Alfonso's stay tn
London. His majesty spent thla morn
ing In witnessing a drill of the Are
brigade, inspecting tha national
galery of piotures and tn seeing the
tooloffloal aardene. where be Joined
other youthful visitors in feeding the
(It i M At - 1 1 .
monaeys wiin nuu ana un eiepueuva
with ' bleoulte. '6nbseausntly ' the
yoaug king, aooompanied by King Ed
ward, want to Windsor. . A state bau
at Buckingham palace wound up tha
program for King Alfonso's entertain
. Tor Exchange
i . v t' v " v v ' - "
t k m hAnovered hack wtlrb f
desire to exebanee ft-r a" lighter rne
1 : ; :
Truck and
v Trarv$fer V ; '
Wood and Coal ,;
' . , Phone 1611 .
,!AU order sglven'prompt, (
attention;' ' t '
Ready for Business !
The undersigned have '
formed a co-partnership
and are tow ready to take ;
contracts for all kinds of
. . ' t
i . . - . . ' 1
' Plastering. Bricklaying
'and Concrete worK " ;
J Oar work is guaranteed, 1
J and we will .cneerruiiy rur-
nieh -estimates. .We hsye
Z had years of experience in
i the building line and are
I capable ol Handling any
f sort : of ' contracts from4
j building a chimney, or
mending a break: in a
nlaatered wall. to. build in e
e - i : 1.1 -1. A
I share of your patronage;
X solicited.
Woodard & Ir win,")
' . m ' mm m -
(Jan be found at Mrs. 1. JN. t
Murnv's hardware store..!
' Farm Loansi Specialty t
v - - ...
A Musical Treat
Tito La Grande School of llusle
Thursdav afternoon opened their ale
(rant new suite Of rooms for the re
ception of 160 Invited guests to witness
a musical contest given by 15 of tha
pnpila. Tba friends and relatlvea
brooaht so many flowers that the rooms
were beautifully decorated.' There
ware Ore from each grade, and three
grades. The , pnpils rendered their
elections so beautifully that nine of
them reoetved gold medals. 5 i '
Mrs. Rnckmari and Connera assisted
In entertaining. The .Judges were
Mrs. Nell and Prof. Day and wife'.
The names ol tboae receiving medals
were Miss Parker. Catherine Thomas.
Lena Hoffmire, ; Edna Taylor, El vie
Gasket, Oolda Hopper,; Jennie Sher
wood, Hitnel uonners ana Kain uasm.
Still In Business
Anyone having second hand goods
to'dispoM of will still and' me in Vurl
ness, as I have opened an office on tba
corner near my original place of busi
ness, where 1 will be pleased to meet
the public. . Call or phone main .
- i.l , i. VRED JACOBS
There are many kinds of meat;
but we sell ofilv the hest kind. A
trial order will convince you of
the truth of this statement. We
kill only thp best specimensand
kilUt correctly. ; uw ( i ,
Our Dricea .are as low:as
consistant with the best quality.
Bock & Thomas
t t,t
Notice ia hereby 'aiven that there will
be; a meeting of stockholders, of tha
Rnnit Artesian Well do . at
ilicel; Union bounty, Oregon, on June
21, at 1 o'clock p m, for the ourpose ol
electing officers and any other business
that Bisv Drooerlr come before this
meeting . S L BROOKS, Pres.
peter Mcdonald, so.
Contractor and Builder
IJeilef iu'tuiidino; Material
La Grande, Or.
limn e line, nsmina work, and I wil
i 1-i 1 give the right prloe.i
Cmplete Machine ShopsTand Foundry , (
General Blacksmith Horse SboeWandjWagon JVolk,
, 1?;,nAral.l Rnllor FfPrt Mill W-
Manuiaciurer ui m i n.
r-x c-'i T V 'tR A L D.
HiV You A Cough?
A dose tot Ballard a Horehoond
and freautnt imui r.,
Byrupurlogtbedsy will remov lt
lor whoopiog eougb, for thm,
for consDroptloVfor 25lU,Ilfi?,
Joe MoGratn. ZX f. lt Butoh
Inaon, Kau, writes: "I have neei
Ullard'a Uorebound Syrup my
lamily for 5 years, end find It tba
best and moat palatable medicine I
Furious Fighting
L-w un Ara vritaa Rao W
Uoffmso, of Harper. Afasb., 'Ihad a
bitter buttle, witn enronic etotnacn ana
liver trouble, but at laat I won, and
cored my diseases, by the ose of Eles.
trie Bitters. I nnheelUttogly res
kmnMnl thom tn all aai doa'b inSen 1
in tbe fotore to be without thcn la the.
house. "They are certain lr wonder
ful medicine, to have cored such a bed
case as mino." Sold, under, guaran
tee to do the same for you, by Newlin
Drug Co., druggists, at 60o a bottle.
An Opportunity r Fof Home v Seekers
700 acres of choice Farm and Orchard, Land will be sold
in large or small tracts to suit purchaser. -
K 1
This farm is only' 16 miles from La Qrarde, on the Elgin
biAnch bfiheO.H.&NjKailroad,and is what is known
as the Henry jfRinebart'i Farm, and . is located at the
Etnehart 8pur. This faym touches the foot hills; and is
watered with numerous springs, and a beautiful spring
k.nK nf nun liwinnr waiar. Thfl lan. I TT1BV be divided
w'atAr. .This ablendrd tract
' Tf IIIVU ( VUS'iiw we wm & .-' ,r- i .
WtiffinigsAi :'.at.tV in fiirninh linrufifl forlweutv or
UUMlUa BIVSAVfVa W Siaaaa, " " - 1 . ' 1
more fsmilies. Remember this farm le-under 'cultivation
and every foot is a wealth producer. One tract cow has
..vr Iah ncrea of voun? bearioc orchrad, which is
ThU farm has a comolete railroad and county road ecu
n.tinn and ia InratAd in n Bchool district which is free
from debt and maintains a good six months school.
Vf' A&rt'ss, HENRY RINErfARr T
Or call at the farm for full particulars, Terms and
' plete description. ,
j i sis'-Ivl r ci v ? f
' Best equipped abstracter
in Union county. Many
ryeara txperjftnces i.h
the Union oounty records
'gives me a great ad van t-
pm. it is foiiv to Dur-
chase reals state without
first securing . a proper .n
abstraot. An .abstract
from my office will show
the title just as it appesra
; J)U the; vopcis4 j recora.
v . i -
We are having a sale of Children's Ready-to-wear
Under-muslin? and White Aprons
.; . is ;.: iff.'l -, j"- I
An entire new lot of Sofa Pillow Tops.
Millinery of all kinds. , Gloves and Hosiery. -
r? 'if inrct T M A MflYirt c
JL.a Grande 5 - Oregon!
watch for Bargains
11 second hand bed room suits. $9.00 to $17.50
1 . " ranges . . . . 16.00
2 " '" folding beds J.S... . . 2.60 to 8X0
9 new bs by buggies . ..-.;rr..V.i. . 6.50 to 13.50..'
Z5 fice canvass trunks 4.00 to 12.60
6 Ironbeds.. 1.50 to" 8.00
Bicycles ............. 5.00 to -15.00
Bike 8Uj'rl;-)a and all kinds of repairs. Repair work , , ;
done at rdrv low prices. Upholstering".' Furniture "
and stove rc; iring. Carpets cleaned and laid
. V jbone 2051 ; w
We buy and -sell .second hand Goods
St .' -
Curtain Sale
A heavy discjunt on all I , , 4and j ortiers 'J
" doors
rmcen? xcars
i 'Vw 4f' -a MijasV
Continuous busiue u ia La
VJI 1 auur auu ovist iu uuai-
nes. This is the record
to which i invite compari
son. ' Mv word is still mv
guarantee, as it has been in
i the pa'fct.YA complete line
" . ' " " " J I "
watches, etc, in fact every-
"vM VWUW ... ,,i , . i - ,
Repair work given prompt
attention. i .
Old Jewelry made to look Ilka new , ;
Clocks taken oare ot
. vs-l!7s
Alarm Clocks
a 1 1 tr- a r r
J. II. rLrlKLi
V l..t
,j,v yjifc iA'tV sfft-w