- i ! 'i 4 III a t mmk ! ' sea I ;5 -if - i f ; CARHAWTT'S J I j y i m 11 I i ri Watch this (pact (or Suit winner, . E E Rem! i . S35 WF Allison the $25 Suit lid Saturday Tw drawings orr Sat JunlO? THEY HAVE ARRIVED A Urge alignment of the justly celebrated CAR HABTT BRAND of men's worging clothing. Made in an honorable way for honorable 'men. We have ecored the aole agency for these goods for this section and invite your inspection. AXi. .AJN DREWS Haberdasher and Tailor mrCxMi i mi i .mi Second hand Goods Wanted Telephone Fred Jacobs, Main 67 , and we will call. ail Local Itasj II Mr. William We a ham and daughter left this morning for a visit to Portland. ProfaMr Hendricka. the piano tonar, Ult this forenoon for baalnees vlalt toIaUod Cltr. Mr.Y W Fleer and wife, of Portland, ara flatting In the elty. Mr. H O Weat left . this forenoon lor Baker City to atUnd the oloaing exercises at 8t, Franoie' Academy. Mr. HQ Pitt, of Butte, Mont., ar- rirea in ine city tnis morning on a bnaineea visit. The box sheet snows thai there will be a good attendanoe at the Sateen jammer Picnic tonight. Remember the data of the Rnmmage tale, 12th, 13 th and 14th, and the place li be Slater building neit Raleton'a urocery store. Tell your friends so they can come. - ' George II Powers yesterday sold the L V Uroat froit tract near the La Grande Flooring mill to Frederick A Olton, who recently arrived from Little Falls, Minn. uapt. Bowmen was tn the city y s- The La Grande Pawnbrokers y SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Red 'Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kinds of Grass Bawds. Balk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats K.y.oLiyER TEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. ... ........ I UMINIHg officers of Co. L At BnntlDgton Taeeoay. the 6 year old eon of Mr and Mr O W Portrr fell Into a tab of scalding hot water which resulted la death. 3 X Bomlg who has been at the Hot Lake for some time la reported to be slowly reeoverlna from a Terr severe attack of rhaamatiam. Owing to the fart that the Katxn- jammer pionle la being presented under the aaapioes of the Commercial Olab tne regalar Friday evening busi nessmen's meeting will be postponed. Mr Frank Oonley and wife. Mrs George Gray, Mrs George Jatper, Mr Frank Miller and Mr Geo Pockett and wife, who have been . attending tne Lewis ana Clark exposition, re turned borne this lorenoon. They ez- preaa tbemaelvos as having had a de lightfal time. DrMK Hall and Or G L Riggers went to Baker City yerterday to at-, tend the fourth annual meeting of the meeting of the Eastern Oregon DUtrlot Medical Bociety, which convened there yeaterday. Quite a lengthy program me was arranged and carried out, In which were many learned diacuaalona of questions of great importance. A county that requires a train every other Jay In the yeer to transport onr products to the world's markets, abonld make a aenaation in the way of repre- ting Union oouoty day on the fifth of July at tne lair, flow let eome one with dlplomatio lngennity eome to our reacue with the necessary suggestions Mr Clair Glllllan has secured .HlltMll. t.MM OAMlf 0 . (Put phone Company to get out a directory for the La Grande, Island City and Farmers ezohauge, and will visit the I merchants this week to soliolt adver- BEE SUPPLIES I have a complete slock of bee supplies such as, hiyes, smokers, wax, foundatnm etc. Now is the time to look after your bees. My Hammocks cannot be beat. Try one. I also hare a nice tssortraent of builders hardware, locks, at all prices. Carpenter tools and blacksmith enppiiea to suit any one. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Hardware and Cnt Glass. This waa the Cap tain's Brat visit to this elty snd he was delighted with the evidences of pros perity on every hand. Ladies of M E church will have their tlssmenU from them. The directory rnmmage sale next week, Monday, contain the name and number of Tuesday and Wednesday, beginning on oI the bnndred and fifty Monday afternoon tn the Slater balld-lmmb 0,tn Monange. tag, one door north of Balaton's grocery' The cenftas enumeration la practi store Come early and eecure good bargains. Stoll Bros, and Relaland yeaterday reoeived their machine for making ce ment blocks, and the same baa been taken to the A P Davis place where they will build a realdenoe for Mr, Oavla. The maohlne weighs four thooaand pounds, and with It any kind of block needed can be made. Mr. John MoKllvie and family ar rived in thlt city yeaterday from New Zealand and expect to make thia valley their future home. Mr.' McKllvie is a farmer and expects to purchase a farm here. He says that from what be has seen of this valley he is well pleased and has fully concluded to locate bare. WE BUY p. Doors Sash, Shingles and Lumber oally completed, but aa It will be several days yet until the reports of the country districts are la, before the books are closed. It would be well If any one who has not been enumerated would call at tne aeeeeeor's offloe and have 'heir names or family properly teoordad. The figures now . filed will place the population slinhtly in exoea of four thousand one hundred. Bark in Danger By SorippsNewe Association Astoria Oregon June it The German bark Henrietta Is drifting on North Beach and in danger of total loss Tngs are endeavoring to save her. ' , Bev D 8 Smith of Elgin will preach at the Methodist churob morning and evening, 8unday. , Lois Given, the four year old daugh ter of Mr and Mrs 8 L Givon, who tell from the loft of a barn Wednesday and broke ber ankle is getting along very nicely today. Mr. L E Jeffries, of Payette, Idaho, vtw4 l th this mAfnlnr. . . t - a- 1 W Faulk met with a serious acci dent at noon to lay while working on the residence of Mrs. 8 C Zuber. He was using a heavy 13 lb. stone hammer and while In the aot of making a heavy atroke, his hammer caught on the porch and struck him on the bead with snob force that It felled him. He arose and went to the office of Blggers & Blggers and bad the wound dressed wbiob was a scalp wound about two tnohes wide by fonr in length. It la fortunate that It la no worse. FOli SALE-New, rubber tired baby buggy. Owner going to leave. A ' bargain. Apply 906 Adams Avenue. J18 LOST One female Llewellen setter, black ears and blaok ticked. A re ward will be paid for the return of aame to the Brunswick Haloons. f 13 tOUNU Un the depot platform, a Yale padlock key. The loser may have same by calling at this office and paying for thia ad. A Quick Lunch Can be had b. re which will aot do harm to anyone. If yoa want a good aatlafaoicry meal and have plenty of time to eat it, yoa can atoure that here too. We make It a point to eatle- everyone and with this in view we have everything cooked just as well as possible . We serve the food aa quick ly as it can be served acd oar charges are very reasonable. We believe in treating joo so well that yoa will eome again at the first opportunity, and we hope yoa will soon give this place a trial MODE L RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. open;dat and night We tSii weakly Meal Ticket Cash ... $4.50 YOU PUT THE KMT HAT ON A Hill HAH? is li IE 01 g rj I! a IIeIIIILIIII In large quantities direct from factories and mills at a yearly contract price, and while we pay the lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices STODDARD LUMBER GO. Everything you want want lor that SUNDAY WINNER Is Awaiting Your Order at U. RALSTON'8 NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE - 0oi. hit and Jefferson Sta. OUR 8PE0IALTY Foil Line "1'erf erred Stock" " " Oanred Goods.- SHOES Good 8chool Shoes J a specialty t We can, and put money in your pocket at the Same Time This is no slight-ofhand, simply good business judgement. Know ing values when you see them. Have just received a large ship ment of men's hats, the new shapes and shades as well as staples. Regular $1.50 and $2 values, purchased after pounding the manufacturer down to the right price: In order to move them quickly ond give our friends some rare good bargains we have decided to let the entire lot ga at " . ' 8 m W ridow jJiSDiav 4 THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, , r 13C8-1310-1312 Adams Avenue) Largest Store Smallest Prices v.. I I at