i1 I.H i , ... , i :(pL'ASSlTO ! MnmcrJ- ' i' ' i , , im,- t i -v n V A 7 39 II. . ' fl II bTbp m Jk If ' 9 IS a i 4 4: FOR BALE Single boggy and btrxMi 'ed freeh mlleb cow, afoot 40 han ' boos lualttNt for tight j room, ; partly Mw.( 241i 3rd street Phone v !, OPUOODALL lOit 8AL Bemlagtoo Typewriter, nearly near, at a .-. bargain. Call at County Clw It's office and sea machine VOU &AL$-tFreaa milch: ; oow, throoghly broken will be sold cbaap for oasbvio" jiMUenbartV" Island City m 17, J 17, d Ott ;4KtiX;VlrabJr, J furu,lhad houaekeeplof rpoma on ground floor . HfJaofgeBall: -t H Id XI, FOR KVNT-FaraUbad room for lady or gentlemen, with- aleotrle lights ' and bath-Mrs LA Baker, . ; Phone Maine 811 .BESS MAK1HG-Ldie'i, Ulsace)' and Children', dress making, Mr W8 Wlaee,' corner' of Depot and ' U Btrcets, Phone No 2078 (A 201 FOB KENT T6 " furnished "rooms, teetriatlhUnd1eUi.1 InQulre at 701 Itala street, or phono 811. t UIRL, WANTKO-To do light bona keeplpg .for two, Inquire . of M. add war i.i ii . r . . .... m a' do gsnsial 'bouse wbrk. Becom mendatlpns required. Apply Room 7 Foley1 Hotsli1 ' - IODNO-On the street near Bomuier jHotel,'ijuirrtwiermey hare . same by calling" allhls oflfloe and paying lor tbl notloe. 1 T DIRT FOR SALE Jt Klesland wUl'Ubcgiof.MisoaT f for the Corps building, nsit to the post Office end persons desiring dlit can secara same by an angle g with bin Homeseekers Dontorget QtQ H Powers tba Land man nai any thing la Khs shape of Real Estate Irom an acre of Garden to a 2000 acre ranoh. All property sold on liomiailoa and titles gaaran Q H Powers Minnesot Land Man Mob 23 tf IN 'HURRT? THEN CALL -:Wn:RCT0DLD5 Fh traaafertnan. Ht will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time than it lakes to tell it Wagon always at your service. Charges moderate. Day phone 1751, night phone .186. I Ilere you will always fiud best quality and the lowest -PAINTS, o A7q CAJLJL In this line we haudle the old reliable t? it finPPUIH WTIT.THfQ waaMM Vf A W " V A SJM1 ea AVSkJ j A iaa al UUI'il CfclAAUA t Sj Varnish, ttaios in all colors for decorations, (i furniture and floors. STA&ftND MC'LAGHLEN QIXY BREWERYf JliLiUS ROESCH, Proprietor. f Largest Brewing Plant Ask, for La GrandclBecr andlgettheBest j-A;grand .beer is ANLT -SHOULD HAVE FOR BENT Two flna boaikaeplng room ' 13 ft. square. On first floor. Only 3 block U W of Post Office on Srdst. ' - ' G U POWERS FOB BALE The lota and buildings. Nov bringing 150.00 per month rent, In La Grande, only $3000 Harry. G H POWERS, Blater Block. FOR RENT Four floe large unfurnish ad room, callable for office or bouse keeping Inquire of Mrs B Sommer at Mr N 8 Kelley's NOTICE Wa pay highest Market prloee for chickens.' Want all yon have got. At oar Warehouse on Jefferson Are. . G R Cash Co. Centennial, Hotel - RATES f 1 per day meals 25cts. Hpeoial rates fnroiehed monthly pa trona. Mrs A K Morcheson and Miss O M Garni proprietors. No Adams Are.' Phone No 1161 ' . ' ' PAST U RE I have leased the Silk pas tare for the season and am therefors in position to care fos all kinds t of stock, and especially the "town . cow" at rates which are just, I will guarantee first class treatment, , good feed and water. Address E. E.Jones, Phone 1276 La Grande The Silk pasture wmnlsU of over MOO acre and im divided Into nit aeparata loU ilma aod tattle will nov rua tt(ethar LA GRANDE SCHOOL " OF MUSIC PROP. DAY, Principle. ' MRS, DAY, AuliUnt This one of the best masioal In itiation In the state. During the ybar lflOa there were nearly Foor thousand lessons given. lbs people in this city and valley are begin log to discover the great advantage of this school. Tbesyttem nied is ILa latest and most practical, and include all tba latest disoovsrls in the art o( teaching mnilo. The D suhool la divided into two depart mental No, 1 la for beginners, from 6 years bp, and taking In the 1st to 3rd grades. In this department pupils come one hour evwy , day. In No. 2 tba grades are ..from 3 to IS. Here they graduate. Pupil take one or two lessona a week as they deirire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school wto do not study, -, Opposite the Foley Uoose over the Candy Store . l'tione 473. the latest styles, the prices. OTT.S-S 1 (o PATVT ni.S.TST.. l inJEastern Oregon made IN LA GRANDE f THh r KEFERENCE Paper 5 FOR TTiE NEXT a t . v . i AT Specials that talk. Facts, and figures speak for themselves. Bear in mind these are not inferior lines of goods, but perfect. in every detail, and the season's styles., Every article guaranteed as represented br money refunded. Just note the cot priced below and see how much a little will buy. " r ; c Suits, regular price D i'fi. -. Your u H D D! 4DDDDDDHDQDDDqBPaaDQnDDQDDn O DO C Pacific Coast League; V STANDING OF THU CLUBS w l Pet. Taooma .34 20 .607 Oakland '.. 31 30 . 608 Baa Frsncisco.' ...........33 30 .616 Portland ..27 t!8 .491 Los Angeles...... 428 . 609 Seattle;.;.;.............. 33 .400 PORTLAND SHOT OUT Los Angeles June Portland wss unabla to hit 0sy, getting but three hits in nine innings. Score : v4 . , . r . . R H E Los Ang'ele. 1 10 1 Portland... 0 3 0 Batteries Gray and Spies; Jones and McLean. Umpire firay. OAKLAND FORFEITS San Franclsoo Jnne 7 Umpire Davis called the game in the flttb, dat taring that Oakland was unnecessarily pro longing the oooteat. lie t awarded the game to San Franoisoo making the score 9 to 0. , , . ( - VICTORY FOR TACOMA Tacooia June 7 Taconca bit the ball hard and won without an effort. Three successive singles saved the vis Itors from a shut out. Tt s home team made nine two-baggers and Norkj ka scored a home run. The fielding ) was fact on both sides. Score: R II E Seattle. 17 2 Taooma 4, i..i...U 14 1 UaMeries Miller and Daahwood; Fitzpatrlo and Graham. - Umpire, Psrrine. Off for Home By Soripps News Assoolatlon Queenstown. Eng.. June 8. Seore- tary Uay sailed for the United States this morning, w .: ' : . li t 1. 1 Special Fair Rates The O B A N Co has m ade the follow i g rates from this city to Portland lo nler that as many as possible may attend the Lewis and Clark fair. Prom May 29 to October 5, inoluilve, i'ortland and return, $12 18. Good f r thirty days. Party ticket, 19.15 ih. This paity ticket prorldea that ion or more person shall travel on a t inula ticket. Two halt fair tlckata count as one ticket. Limited to ten il ys. An Individual late of $9.15 tor ti e round trip, for organized parties t one hundred or more. Limited to s. ren daye. The above special rates a' ply to tbe date from Msy 29, to October 6th Inclusive.4 . GRAINING AND , ART DECORAING Wby not get your painting done well when you isn have It cheaper than it takes for the arerago dauber to spoil Itf Get need to having nice wood finishing on the Inside of your dwell ing. 'Eit shell and velvet gloss, "mirror polish" eto. 8 U Kinney can grain up your old painted . rooms and make the wood Ilka floe, quartered oak furnitnie i . . . t . i . ; v A. . . 1413 Adams Ave. La Grande Ore cOUSALK-An up-to-date Gdiaon moving picture machice at a bargain. Inquire at thbioflioa."' " " tt-13 UlLfl U U MilJU ttil A GREAT HSR For Every SEVENFIVE cents you now spend $(0.0Q now $7.50 ''' '': Suits, regular price . -. ' Dollars will have more value at Glothiers and Outii . Notice to Water Consumers ' Notice Is hereby (Uvea to all water consumers that the hours for irriga tion sball be as follows: from 6:30 o'clock p m to 7:30 o'clock p m. Any and all persons found using water (or Irrigation purposes at other times other r than herein specified will be lined according to the ordinance cover. Ingsame. fl O OILMAN, Water Superintendent for the oity of LaOiande. y ; .. . ' Dated June 6, 1905. tf Many people who are neglectiaf symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping wk will wear away," are drifting; towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble la one of Its worst forms. tops, Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and buildi urn the. wara-out tissues of the kid neys so. they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strata out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them1. Dliesied kidneys do not. and the poisonous waste matter Is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dixsineis, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, Irregular heart action, etc. " . If vfla haw anv of XTlAmmm. or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB at once, as it will cure a slight dis order In a few davs and nrevent a fatal maladv. It ia nloan take and benefits the whole syttesa. slow to Find Out. 1 Yoa can eaallv detwmlnn If mm via. ays are out of order by setting aside lor 24 hours a bottle al the urine paseed Mi arialnv. If nnnn mmlfi.H.. 1. Is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust eodltnent or small particles float about EJturmr.kMneY!L. diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB uJm k. taken at once. LB. Barbaao TeatlHee Altar n . i Feap Yeare. C a Bhwm efosrlbl CeMer. L V. erlrM "About four rear Mt I wreu jm trnWn Dm I Bad bea entlralr mud of a i..Tli. ireabM br taklay toM Uiaa two botUwof TtHr jWnf Cure. Ia eattraif topp4 the brlok Snt MtC!mnt and ila aod annptoaMofkldaav aueM ataapiwaTM. I am Had to m.r taat I kBflrkdaiwiani of an of tfcoM trmo. an4 I ana arldMi) eoni to uy rd7aDJ barnr romo3 roley 1 KMney Omi M aaa aae uSerlne' from kloaay er bladSa MeeMaT7 fonr veara ikai r , Tare isee, BOe aa4 IOO. v AT HILL, Druggist aire MEM (j H L THIRTY I3A.YS g DISC.Oy:NT QF m you get A DOLUR'S WORTH Suits, regular price $I5.Q0 now $JI.25 o ' O $20.00 now $!5.00 ' this sale than that fixed by Uncle .: . 4 . n i ' ; ; i i 1 1 i ' . ; BUGGY Have a nice buggy. . Fall in line and enjoy these Jong evenings and bright Sundays.. Get a MITCHELL, a'ways the best and. moft reliable. , Any prico you want Sold by Grande Rondc rress Liewis ; Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue LUMBER RETAILED AT WIJPIESALE Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io sold in 'La Grande. We Deliver it to your Building. Grande Ronde Lumber, Go. PERRY. OREGON. red(fr6ntlivrybarn;1 Wm'SmithProD. ;,I Safe aod reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, - . Phone. 8-6 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Gi ain aod feed. Fiee deliverv to all parts ef tbe city. Mountain, trade a specialty.'. 'Phone 1961 1 r Boraea, baracaa and wagon , Doug-lil aod aold -- Here is a Bargain " Ebt 'You.v ii. Kightjr acre of landla Malbeur oounty, with ood water rljfht, sood bouse and ootbuildipgaC .r Kver. foed of thie plaue la in cultivation, Will raise from 8 to 11 tons o( alfalfa per acre. Tbe valie of litis property way be en ti mated from th tM ih.t u annoally for 110 per note and r renter paa tba taxes Ibis place nan be rented lor tire vpara llnnnar at ki. Erioe. Uere Is an Inveetment ttat eats ten per oent. . For sale on aaav terms. .. Write to C, T. McDANIEL OuUtio Oregon. A1 vfcj s-4tMAr-s a a n U a OF CLOTHING ' Sam. iters rrci ixm Gash Company, j Dean Crowe FOR SALE. Ninety acres of the best . land in the Grande Rondt Vatley. splend located at bland City. "Will sell n small tracts to suit -purcheser. Inquire of HENRY STERLING. Ronde Valley rtouse. Phone 36 I Brick . furnished . .Jm any r quanity or any stylel' No contract too 'asnaU' or too large. See samples of oar pressed brick, " M3Ea. KREIGER; La Grande, Oregon. PRICES 4