Everything you want want for that PROTEST AGAINST T.1ETRIBAL TAX SUNDAY WINNER Is Awaiting Your Order at i.'; RALSTON'S NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Uoi-'ir tad Jefferaun 8ta. OUU SPECIALTY -Fall Lire Te rierred Stock", fknreJ floods. , SHOES Good School Shoes a specialty. A. d. C. i J i STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE j La Granie, . I85X Oregon. Should come wKan in - YOU NEED WASHING to. out .7 ..j of anything from smile to clean liueo I.ttundry a pleasant is oar basiness (Scrlppe News Association) Washington Jane 8 A delegation ot aaerebauta from Mnekogee, I. T. ar rived here today to protest to the President and the Secretary ot tbe In Urlor against the collection ol the tribal Ux assessed sgalDst tbe . white men -lolog business iv the Territory. They ask a delay ot tha collection in Older to take the case to the Supreme Court. GRAVE RUMORS OF - COAPUCATION PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS WE DO IT RIGHT : ............ . Hotel bommer IJIRODX BRQ. LeeBB M WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL TRADE1 ROOMS WITH BATh STEAM HEAT All Modem Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon, r : f Keep Cool If jou have no other way call on the LA GRANDEiUGHT ANDIPOWER GO. and secure an ' New Ministers (8crlpps News Aasociation) Chriatiaoa Jone S M Lae viand baa been appointed minister o( foreign affairs (or tbe new Government. All the officer of the army and nary to day took tha oath ofaUegtance. Tha Norwegian . diplomatic offioera at 8tookholn have been recalled. Frld jot Naasen was appointed ambassador to Eaylaod and former Premier Hag top was appointed ambassador to Berlin. - Want Conference (Scrlppa News Association) -V London Jane 8 Germany bai sent tbe Identical note to all the powers signatory of tha Madrid contention proposing an international conference on the question ot Morocco. It is understood that none of the powers bare yet replied. Oscar Refuses - Boripps News Association Stockholm 6weeden Jane 8 King 0m bat refuted to receive the '" depu tation appointed by he present Nor wegian Storthings. Hs wired ''At I do not reoognize tha revolotlonaiy steps whieh the Btortbings ' in viola tion of the oonititution and ' aol' of onioD, and in revolt against its king, have unfortunately taken, I deoline to receive the delegation. . Ihe K'og is receiving many telegrams from all parts of the kingdom expressing sympathy and devotion. Tbe Coun cil of state has derided to call an extra teition of the Bwedlth Dtrlia- ment to deal with tbe situation. Submarine Explodes (By Sorlppt News Association) Plymouth, England Jane i While the submarine.' 'A-8" was ncanonvet Ing off the port this mornlog, three explosions occurred and tbe ' boat sank. Of eighteen men aboard the vessel, only four were resoued. Divers are-at work on the sunk veasel. ' : The submarine lies in eight fa thoms. Tbe first intimation of tbe disaster earns when tbe submarine could not come to the aarfaoe. The signal received shortly before noon taid "all right." Up to , the present time those saved were standing in the vicinity of the conning tower at the time of tbe disaster and were picked op by a pttsing trawler. ? ' .' The sot vivors were unable to explain the cause of the aocldent. They said that tbe submarine suddenly tipped while the batches were open, Im med lately filled and sank - The laxative effect of ChamUrl!lna Stomaoh and Liver Tablet a Is so agree able and so natural that yon, do not realize it ie the effect of a - medicine. ror aale by Nswlin Drag Oo Bates and all prices will be explained at . the office .. , Electric Fan l' tbxT: hom oj vnrox. To our Customers ? 'v ' We are anxious to have you all know that. Vinql ...is a new form of a very old and valuable, remedy. It is a Cod Liver Oil preparation, because it contains all the medioinal elements actually taken from fresh' Cods Livers. J: By .a new process L we are able to make" it without oil or grease and give youTa real Cod Liver Oil preparation as delicious to the taste as a fresh orange. Respectfully, LA GRANDE DRUG CO. ' ' f If yon are troubled wltb indigesti oa constipation, sour etomacb, or any other pain. Uolllster's Bocky Mount aln Tea will make yoo well and Z keep you well. 35centeTee of Tablets. -? 'fewltn Drug Oo. "jj Pain may go by tbe name of rheama tism, neuralgia, lnmbago, plea ray, No matter wbat name tbe paint are crJled, Hollitter'a Rocky MoanUIn Tea will drive them away. 35 cent. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Drag Co Scrlppa Newe Aaaoclatlon New York June 8 The sailing of a I squadron to France to bring home tbe body of John Panl Jones baa been indefinitely postponed by orders of the war department. Report are current that the delay it doe to "grave foreign complications," one of which, it it said, ia the ditoovery that Ger many has eeoured a stragetic bare in the Carrlbeen Bea for a coaling it a. lion and water on the island of 8 1. Thomaa, throat b tbe medium of , tbe Hamburg American line. Tha trouble over the Internment of tbe Russian cruUers at Manila ia also given as a cease ot tbe postponement of the sail ing of the vessels. Admiral Bigsbee Is still in Washington. TREASURER'S CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS ' Notice Is hereby given that there are now lands on band to pay all out standing warrants Issued on General Fund ol La Grande City, np to and lnolading, No. 4071 endorsed October 17th, 1903. Interest on all war rant a on General Fund from No. 4373 to No. 4561 in olosive, oeawe from tbia date. There are alao lands In tbe treasury to pay all warrants Issued agalnat Water Fund of La Grande City, np to and Including No. 5204 endorsed For, 4, ItHK. Interest on nil warrants on Water Fond from No. 6158 to No. 5264 lnolaslvs. ceases from date of thie call. La Grande, Oregon, June 8th, 1905 -' J WALSH, City Treasurer. DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Lfflo over BUI'S Drag Store. BaldaePaaaeHl Office rbone tass N. MOUTOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adams swans end Depot fia Office Phe Sit Rw Ideo Pboasta WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN ANDJ SURGEON ... Fbone.ru Levis ballding, opposite Bommor Bo Offlee Hoars, 1 to 4, T to S BACON & HALL, M ICIAN3 AtO SUitGEON S Offlee la Foley balldlac, Fboae U9L C. T. Baooa, BaddeaeePbooe IU1 M. K. Hall, Rceldcaee SUU DKS. BIGGERS & B1GGERS Puyaiciana and Sargeona Q W Blggon, M. U. Qeo, L. Blfgera, il. Telaphona OflloelSl BesldeoeelSU ilBe& RsIiitoB Balldlnf ovec 1. M. Berry's Btore. RaBldenoa on lltdlaoa AVa, second door west of 'ornisr ntldanoe, Dr. a W.BIctcn UQXANUS - - 0KKUON ProfekiMtua Mils promptly eUeadcd to . . dayoralghu '' : THE OXFORD PIU JAMES FARQLK ARSON. Prop. Cowplte cm mint of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold laoibee end mixed drink a apeolalty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. Yon are in vlted to call and get acquainted vVVrVVrVVVVVvWWvVWvi DENTISTS In Mid Chase Millione ruah in mad chaae after health, from one extreme of faddlam to another, when, il the would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular wltb ur. King's Mew Life Fills, tneir troubles would ail pasa away. Prompt relief and qui' k oure for liver and stomach trouble.- 35o at Newlln Drug Co., drag store; guaranteed. THE SORT THflTVILl PLEASE Thai ia the sort of groceries we sell - ' Our aim is to please all of our customers We realize that in ordet to do this we must sell only First Quality Goods We also know that our prices must be right, and that our service must be M . Il correct, a cnua can uo the trading at our store A trial order over the tele phone will convince, yon. We solicit your patronage. -.l!afcVa-l3a aU North Fir Street i - An Opportunity For Home . Seekers 700 acres of choice Farm and Orchard Lani will be sold in large or small tracts to suit purchaser. . , Tins farm is only 15 miles from La Grarde, on the Elgin branch of the 0. R, & N. Railroad, and is what is known as the Henry Riuehart Farm, and is located at the Rinehart 8pur. .This farm touches the foot hills; and is watered with numerous springs, and a beautiful spring branch of pure living water. Tbe land may be divided iuto FORTY OR EIGHTY ACRE TRACTS, every one of which is supplied with living water. This splendid tract contains sufficient land to furnish i homes for twenty or more families. Remember this farm is under cultivation and eyery footis a wealth producer. One tract cow has over ten acres of young bearing orchrad. which is ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM PEST. This farm has a complete railroad and county road con nection, and is located in ' a school district which is free from debt and maintains a good six months school. -, Address. HENRY RINEHART. SUMMERVILLE. OREGON. Or call at the farm for full particularsTerms and com .:' plete description. rp av5 BP.OS. 1 l DENTISTS. " ' Offlo. Bummer Ballding ' : Offloe Phone S I Rasldenee Phone U7 Ilint Salooa CHAS, ML 'JttT, ropridor, , TONES, LIOUORH AND CIGARS Finest collections of stuffed W animals , on tha . Panifln il coast. a I.t,,AH,,A. - M. a m m. ffffllllffT fff VtTVW WW TTTWV Blue Front Saloon ; E. THOION, Proprietor. .... -( ' riKKST WINES, LIQUORS ' '. Imported and domestic - a : C. aCauthorn DENTIST Offlos Over HtU Drug 8 tor La Grande, Oregon Hot or cold lunch all hours Jeffcreoa Avaaaa Opposite Depot ' Mil m R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST " Up italn, Oor Adams avenua aad Depot HL Phone 5-S e Palaco Saloca Z . .......-,; 4 CHAi. ANDERSON. Prop. VETERINARY SURQEON Dr. F A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURQEON. Office -AT Hill'a Drue Store jua ira e, uregon f bone 1361 KeBidence phone 701 . - Farmers' line 68 i DR. W. T, D JWNE3. VBTBRT.Na.RY. stjrqbon UBNTIST . :and? 1 . iMve ordat at Red Betldenee Cor CronDras store. 6U aad I at : t Thirty flv yean experience, beet of reference 1 1 lumliibed WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ' Always on hand - e JeOersoa ATeaoe t l asiaSM f Oppoelte Depot miiiiiinr ATI ORM Y3 CPAWFORD & CXVWFORD Attoraeys-at-Law IA GRANDE, OREGON Oflloe In Foley ballding. '. J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law - ' Office ia Ralston Balldlnf Phone 166 l Grande Or. H.T.WUUnma A.C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS- AT-L, AW QrBoe In Balatoa Bulldlnc FuoneiOsS La Grande, Or. Store Front v Two seotlons of glass (tore front lit 15 feet. A suap. Alao one Ore proof safe, weight 2300 at a bargain. Call or write, La Grande Pawn Broker, La Grande Oregon. Phone 168L gpsouftai tflBEBESSEUUUlf, tBSSSHWSHSSZM JESSE,"? IT11E LOUVRE " CHRIS WKIGhT. Prop. .; VIHE5, LIQUORS 625 CIQ1R5 - Gentlemen always Welcome . . S a - . - Eaglo Sao)n f ULRJCH LOTUS, Prop. - WINES, LIQtiORS and CIGARS Lunches are our speoialty '.' Jeffereon reqne, Opoeite depot y Lodge Directory. (CAOLKH 1 Uranda Airie ia F O K meeU every Hunday night In IC ol V hall t I u in VUitlnK brathero Invited to itti'4. I A. MutoU, W, P. J. B. Pollock, W.8. i O 0 VtA Grande Lodge, Mo is meu J .heir ball every Haturday niKht VlalUug luem ten cordially lavitcd to ettand. Uemlery plat can be aeon at otlioe of City Recorder. . G. W. Bobertaon, N U . U. K, Ooolidfe, Hec STAB RNOAMPMUNT No 81, I. O. a P, jmwu every Sret and third Thuredaye In the nontu In Odd rellowe ball. Vlaltln patrl ruhe alwaye welcome I. U. auook, C f. ttdjoond KoWneon. Bnrlbe IU8TRRR8TAB OKH Hope Chapter No U meets the eccoad and bianb WedDceduy ol ach month at rM p m in Masonic Templa Mertie Aldrlou, W at 1 1 Harjr A Warnick. flee . " M. W.A. La Ornodc iMitp No. 7703 men every 11 rot and third Wednesday of the monin at 1. u. . r. Hall. -All viiltina nelvh bura are cordially Invited to attend, , John Hall, Clerk. KOREHTfcRa OP All ERICA Uonrt Maid larion. No 23 meet eaoh Vhunday night In iv nan. jjruuiera are invited 10 atiena. 'I U Till 1 1 L. I r. . ' OH WlllUroa, Kin. Bee Board of Trustee Dr.Q L, blggera, John Wall p afw)SIw)9w'e)al j. r. 10B111 mi j.f . kood, r.or. 4 FINE WIHE5 ? Aad the beat brands ol i C1QAH5 r.'i Always on band . . -.j ; - a.'. .ft.'fV - MUeu drinks a speoialty Ask and sec If yon don't get IU This Is a gen tlemen's reauri and' w ill be rue. as such Tom y Fleming BLACKSMITH " HnreetKAinrt anrl ' WagonwcrK North Fir'Street Many eblidren Inherit coastltatioDA weak and feeble, others dtie to ohtld hood troubles. Hollister.s Bocky; Mono tain Tea will poetlfery , our children and ma&e them' atrong 5 S' oentsnTea,,or Tablets. Newlla . Dreg Co, .. " " . "V'; l i lit I crs rw( ne, j s. y.lt. tt