La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 07, 1905, Image 6

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Watch thb ipact for Suit
C C Romi $35
WF All-son the J25
Suit ht Saturday
Two drawings on Sat
June 3
A. Urge asignment of tbo justly celebrated OAR
HARTT BRAND of wen's worging clothing Made in
an honorable way for honorable men. We have
secured the sole agency for tbeae goods for this section
and invite your inspection.
. , Haberdasher and Tailor
A New Departure at
The La Grande Drug Go.
Now 25 and 50 cents per box
hand Goods
Telephone Fred Jacobs, Main 67
and we will call.
The La Grande Pawnbrokers 1
Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed
Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All
kinds of Graas sseda. Balk Garden
Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wbeat and Oats
Sash, Shingles
In large quantities direct from factories and-mills
at a yearly contract price, and while we pay 'the
lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford
. to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv
ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices
J j . , Local Ifcem Jj
Mr Dan Rotumere of Elgin is flatting
io the city today.
Mlaa Mjrrtlo Olaoa, of Elgin, U is
tbo city visiting friends.
Mlaa Laalla Cary, a moabor of tba
senior claai of Stanford University, la
In the city flatting bar alitor Mrs J J
Can Mlaa Cary resides at 8ioo Oregon.
8obool Superintendent S Bragg
left tbia morolng to bo preeent at and
participate in. tbo commencement
xarolaos of tbo aobool at North Pow
der. ' .' ' ' "-. ,
It ia aaid that oomploxioaa are moat
ly deatroyod ia hot weather. Yoa can
keep yonrs yoong aa ever by heading
1 be bint In tbo ad of Newlin Drag Co.,
on flrat page, tbia laaaa.
MUa Basel Small, daughter' of Geo.
Small, editor ot the Baker City Demo
orat, arrlred tn the city laat evenlna
and ia tba gaeat ot Mr aad Mrs J 0
Henry. '
Prof H J Hockenberry left tbia
morning to attend the eommonoement
ezerolaea at North Powder to night,
where he will deliver the 00m me nee
meal addreao. Ho carried with blm
bis ashing tackle, and says that ho
diaoiplo of Issao Walton aboold on a
day like tbia. -
County Commlaalonera Blumenstein
of Elgin and Seldera of tbo Core are
here attending the regular Jane meet
ins of the ennnt. nnnrt It tnmtm
much more time and attention to (
financially handle a oounty the also ol
Union county than many realise, who
do not come In contact with the varl
oua problema that are oonetantly beloz
: La Grande ia becoming a oity of large
atocko of merchandlae. Tbia baa been
tbo case for a number of years in the
generid llnea but the oauae of this
paragraph wal the result ot a visit to
the agricultural Impliment bouae of
Frank Kllparrio and the large stock of
boggiea carried. Wo may be mistaken
but we do. not believe that there ia-a
similar stock of light running vehicles
carried In Eastern Oregon. Grande
Rondo ie an ideal looallty for their nee
and on every farm are to be fonnd two
or three ol such rigs.
The ptyioll at the brick yard ol
Geo Kreiger ia socb that would sur
prise the average citizen who baa not
visited tbalaiteof stir and activity.
Tbe I OTU will hold a meeting
Thursday aJternooo at the Kaptiet
oburchat two tM-ty o'clock. After
the baelnees meeting a reception will
be tendered the new and prospective
members. - . . . . j
James Murphy will on aeit 8undy
morning beoome tbe landlord of tba
Hotel 8ocamer. He haa engaged
Grandma Maura to take complete
obareg of tbe dining room. ,
Circuit Court
The esse of Thorn peon charged with
obtaining mooey under false pretense,
waa diamiaaed yesterday for want of
sufficient evidence and Thompson was
dismissed from custody, but before be
had many oiioutes of freedom be was
sgfin arrested upon tbo charge of
bigamy. The warrant for hia second
arrest waa ieauel upon the complaint
ot Lis wife number one woo accompa
nied the prisoner and deputy sheriff
Tom Johnson to Wallowa where tbe
victim of his second matiimonial ven
ture residee. Il will be remembered
thai Tbompeon' married a Wallowa
girl a few days before be waa arrested
upon the charge upon which he was
The jury whloh haa been out in the
oaae ot M Sohloasher k Uo. vs Thorn p
son k Bra m well, alnc flv Ut v.
nlog, was unable to agree and waa dis
charged thla morning at ten o'clock.
3IMsT Brl fatty
Flag Day
' June th 14th next, Wednesday, will
be the 138th anniversary of tbe ad ip
Moo of tbo star spangled banner as
tbe flag of the United ' States, Thla
day ia obaerved in many plaoea by
gatherings by the people, and appro
priate ceremonies and patrlotio dem
onstrations; but Oregon for some rea
son, or rather without any reason, haa
never paid muoh attention to it. It
will be obaerved in Spokane, Wash.
Why not in La Grande? -
Great Time
(By Scrips News Association)
London Jane 7 King Alfonso ia a
gueat today and was received by tbe
Lord Mayor and corporations of Gild
Hall. Tbe route to the hall was lined
with troops. The King met with a
hearty reception from the crowd.
I have a complete slock of bee supplies such as, hiyea,
smokers, wax, foundatum etc. Now is the time to
look after your bees. - :
My Hammocks cannot be beat. Try one,
I also hare a nice assortment of builders hardware,
locks, at all prices. Carpenter tools and blacksmith
supplies to suit any one.
, Hardwaie and Cnt Glass.
Capt Paul the mining promoter left
tbia forenoon for a business visit to
Baker City.
Mr M D Giffin of the fiim of Giffin
k Hogan left Ibis forenoon for a busi
ness visit to Union.
Have you secured your seats for the
Katzenjammer picuio which la to bo
given in the Opera House Friday even
Mr J H Wilton and wile of Wallov a'
returned to La Grande this morning
after being present at tbe opening of
tbe Lewis and Clark exposition.
Both express themselves aa delighted
with their visit and say they would
not have missed it for anything. They
left for home on tbe Elgin branoh ebis
morniug. .
Fred Jaoobs haa secured a two years
lease on the J L Mars building on
Adama Avenue and the same is to be
completed within tha next twenty
days thia building haa a frontage of
about aixty feet, and Mr Jaoobs ex
pects to be ready for business by the
time the building can be plaoed ready
for occupancy.
The La Grande School ot Muaic has
inoreaaed so rapidly that Prof. Day
haa been obliged to rent the cuMre
aenond floor of the Fiaber building
opposite the Foley Hotel over the
randy atore, which ho has secured for
I three yeara. . June 0
1 n A y
Our Coffee Mart
la an expert. Hie ooffee alrays haa that
delicious fragrance and rioh flavor that
denote perfection. Taken In the morn
ing auoh ooffee le a .preparation for
tbe days work. Then
At Lunch
It la a tonlo for mind and body.
Taken at nlgbt It Is a fitting finish to
a good dinner. And coffee isn't the
only good thing we have.. One bill ot
fare will reveal many equal as appetiz
ing. MODE L
Wo eot weakly Meal ,
Tickets Cash
We can, and put money in your pocket at the Same Time
This is no slight-of-hand, simply good business judgement. Know
ing values when you see them. Have just received a large ship
ment of men's hats, the new shapes and shades as well as staples.
Regular $1.50 and $2 values, purchased after pounding the
manufacturer down tp the right price: '
In order to move them quickly ond give oar friends some rare good bargains we have decided to
let the entire lot ga at
ow Display
1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenne
est Store Smallest Prices