La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 03, 1905, Image 1

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I TODAfS NWS TOMV i . ' ' -Cv' ; '. I wfitiifii
i - II lidiliLill Saoday Fair Warmer
8k Petersburg Jane S It is stated
upon Ibe highest authority that tbe
war council bold the opinion that
Buaeia bad better epeod milliona to
keep op tbe war, rather than pay tbe
indemnity which it is believed Japan
would demand aa the price of peace
Public opinion generally favors a ee
aition ot hostilities but tbe ehanoee of
peace are email. . '
Manila June S Rear admiral En
quiat, commander of . the heavy
tquadron of the Russian fleet at rived
bere last night at nine o'clock on
. board of tbe ting suip, pruwuUJ crui
aer Aurora, accompanied by the crul
aera Oleg and Jemtobug. ' - .'
Toklo, June S Adm'.ral Rojeetven
sky, who was wonnded while com
manding the R"ilan squadron in the
battle of the 27th and 28th . and waa
captured by the Jepaneee, ia resting
well. -There are no dangerous aym
toms and his speedy recovery eeema
certain. "
Noted Burglar Dead
New York June 5 Jimmy Hope,
leader of tbe band which robbed tbe
Manhattan bank in tbia city of nearly
$3,000,000 in money and eeouritiee 30
yeara ago, ia dead at hie home bere,
aged 69 yeara. Hig wife today said be
died of grief, broken hearted becauae
of the poblloity which oonatantly kept
bia record alive.
No Lives Lost
Sorippa News Association
New Orleans June 3 No lives were
loat aa a result of the sinking of the
steam boat R McCarter at Alexander
laat night, aa reported. All the crew
auoot eded in reaching abore before the
va sal sink.
We make the statement "you will pay less if you Trade' at THE FAIR" s
. . - ' - ' .:.
CHEAP goods a a low price MAY be economy (?) but GOOD goods at REASONABLE
prices has bt en proven more satisfactory and much less expensive in , the end. Cheap
trashy goods are rot allowed on our counters and shelves at any price -DBPENDABTE
GOODS at REASONABLE PRICES is our watchword. The knowing ones trade here be
cause they judge values by their intrinsic worth. AU can safely taade here, because we
guarantee cur prices as well as satisfaction in our goods.
this; week
These beautiful and servi cable suits are
marked in oor stock at $9 60 and, our 'word
for it, a comparison will prove them equal
to $10 to $12 suits elsewhere, Special $6.98.
$2.00 SKIRTS
This "Week
There is just 15 of these tkirts." They are
regular $2 skirts in our st k If you can
find their c qoal for less than
anywhere . outside of ou' store. - We will
cheerlully refund your mtney, f iA
This weekv....... .... KHy
Wf HI . IB !
Vice President Fairbanks and party
passed through the city this afternoon
on the delayed train. When tbe .train
stopped be stepped off bia oar and
was met by Win Miller. President of
tbe Commercial Club, and a bo 'intro
duced him to these standing on the pia
lorm ioe vioe president,' asked a
number of questions regarding tbe
town and products of the v iler, J W
Knowles anawered that "the products
of this valley is principally .Republi
cans" Mr Fairbanks answered that
is good, it is best to be a good . repub
lican, nest beat to be a good democrat
and better than all is to be a eood
American" He then started to make
a short address, and bad just time to
begin bie remarks with the following.
story which bo finished jnst as (.the
train started. "Ladies and gentle
men : Addressing you tbns Jreminas
me of the gentleman who undertook to
lead a yearling calf through the streets
of his home town, and in order that
there might be no possibility of the
oalf getting away, be tied a rope a
ronnd its neck to bis own arm ; Tbe
calf became frightened, and dragged
Mr Calf owner through tbe street tn
no gentle manner , One of bis friends
asked him where be was going , and
ths gentleman answered "1 dont know
and besides I havent time tq chat with
yon now.' Just as he ' finished the
train started and the Vioe President
bad no time to chat " 1 "
y , , -
, 8cripps News Association
. 8tooktoo Cal Jnne 3 Jim Baroni
who is alleged to -. have blown up ths
Angels quarts mine at: Angeles, baa
Settled Forever
By 8crippa Newa Association
Butte Mont Jnne 3 The supreme
Court today denied tbe .application
of the Amalgamated attorney for re
hearing in the Minnie Haley case.
This forever disposes of the qneation
of title to tbe miue and givea ileinze
in iaputablo possession.
$1.25 waist $.83
65c and
A large assortment of this spring's beet
offerings are included lu this lot at S9c
25 Handkerchiefs for 25 cent
$2.25 or $2 50 j
-La Grande-Day
At the business mens meeting bald
but evening at tbe Commercial Club J
tbe proposition of La Grande arrang
ing to be properly represented at tbe
Fair on tbe day alioted which is June
13th, was disousaed at length.
There are eeveral reasons why this
date is net satisfactory to tbe county,
and if tbe county bad bad an oppor
tunity of selecting a date, the middle
of Jnne wonld m-vsr have been aelect
ed. Cironlt qnon will be in aeaaioo at
ibis time, which, will prevent many of
our prominent business men from at
tending. Again f Union county made
an effort to capture tbe fair for one day
we would natnrslly take pride in our
county exhibit there, and would make
it one of tbe day. '. Now, on June 13
we will have nalruits to exhibit, no
berries, eheniea or anything, but what
baa been kept over ia jars from' last
MMin. This mailt r was thoroughly
discussed laat even lug and It waa prac
tically decided that we did not now
have time to arouse au interest to se
cure a creditable representation for
this date. Mr Halktk ires' present,
representing tbe Lewis and Clark fair,
and stated that it was Im possible to se
cure a change of date and spoke of the
advantagee of mak iig a I howiog ao
oordiog to tbe official, program. A
committee vu appointed to visit the
people of tbe city and ascertain it they
thought it possible to arrange at this
late day lor auoh a showing as Union
ooonty could make if the circumstan
ces were favorable. , , . c-
There is no question but that if this
bonnty could get tbia date postponed,
that the county would arrange for a
Union county day; and would godown
there in force, and the way. we l'beei
pullers" would set a pace for our web
footed brethern would not be alow.
- This Fair offers aa opportunity for
ome first Class advertising, but to be
effective it will require some careful
preparation, and if given time we can
do it with credit to our aunty and
Mra Turner 01 v-r is giving a re
ception to the fri nds'of Mr H W
Dwight and daughter M aa Hattie,
who are bet guests, prior to taking
their departure for California.
2.00 " 1.49
2.25 " 1.59
2.50 1.73
5.00 " 3.49
75c Belts
B Bcrlpps Nsw Association
ChloaffO, Juoa3. A aetUamant of
tb dapartmant atora drirara, who are
on a atrike, is hollared to ba near at
nana, independent ot wbaUrer action
lb other teamatara mar tala. A
commit tea of Ova labor Iradera ap
pointed by tbe taamstera julat council
today mat Edward Hlllmao la an
effort to arranga for a oonfaranoa com
mlttM with state afreet atxa manKga
ina laoor oommlttae la foJljr empower- j
ed to affect a atttlement without re-
ferring back to tbe joint ooanoil Fur
ther conferences are being bald tbia
afternoon. Charges of wboleaala vio
lations are made l-i s,d lltion to tbe
tLttj aeren caaaa now before Jadge
Koblaaet. --, )
Eepreaentatlvea of the team owners
and teamatara reanmad. tneir euniu-
enca before Mayor Donna this after-
noon. The owner asked to have
tbe union leaders hare the truck drir
ara vote next Toeeday evening upon
the proposition and the strikers ax
pro eed the opinion that a larce nia-
Jorit would teturn to work. .J '
Last' Sfike Driven ;
By Soripa Naws Aasooiation)
The Dallea, Jone3.-The laat eplke
oompleting the Portage railroad, waa
drlren this afternoon. Tbia act onltea
tbe entire interior with the western
coast r water. The exerclaea Includ
ed addreaaaa by Qovernora Chamber
lam ol Oregon, Meade of Washington,
Uoodlng of Idaho, and Pardee of Call
fornia. Members ot tbe rongreaslonal
party.: visiting the exposition, and
members of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, were aleo present The
Portage railroad is aine and a half
miles long and extends from Celilo to
Biggs, and waa constructed . br the
aUte of Oregon to bandl the freight
around the Colombia cascade nendlns
ths completion of tbe proposed canal.
It is expected to greatly reduce tbe
rrelgnt rates from the Interior points
Equitable Fight
- Sorippa Newa Aasooiation
New fork, Jnne 3. Following a
conference today Alexander and Hyde
reported tbat the two faotlons would
combine anil select Robert T Lincoln
of Chicago, chairman of tb directors.
Btats manager Dwlggina, and two
hundred agents left tbe com can r to
day and allied themselves to the Cen
tral ur of Oea Moines.
Death List Increases
By Sorippa Newa Aasooiation .
Durban. Natal. Jans 3 -Ths death
roll caused by tbs reservoir cataatro-
pby now. rsaobes 660 Including fifty
Europeans. :
(By Sorippa Newa Association)
Toklo. Jnne 3. HI arm- tllUul ' n4
seventy wounded in an earthquake
which destroyed thirtv three hanima
at Hlrosbina yesterday.
Police Charged
By Soripps News Aaaooiation
8t. Pstersburg, Jons 8. Daring a
dsmonstratioa wherein flfuen thoas
and worklngmon, Cossacks, took part,
tbs police charged oa tbe mob and
fifty workingmen and fifteen police
were injured.
Rose Day
, ; By Sorippa Newa Association .
Portland Jane 8 Today Is Rose
day at tbe Exposition tan thousand
rosea are displayed in tbe audiioriun
for which prises art offered. This it
also Childrena Day and not withstand
ing ths rainy weather whioh baa krpt
down the sttendanos the ' little ' folks
have flocked there by tbs thousand, t
Trainer Arrives V
, p. 'By BcrippaNswa Association ';
- BaltLike Jane; 8-HugA Kslly
Vitssimmons trainer nd bia pet
UcVarrived here tbU..Baoruing sod
traiufng will commend-. Monday for
tbs 8check fight wbieb will taks place
JlT4. .. ... .': rl:u
(By Sorippa News A escalation )
. Waabin'cton D O June S Th fnl.
lowing sUtement regarding tbe visit
to lbs White Rouse of Count Caesini
waa Issued this morning from tbe
white bouse. "KegarJing tbe viatl
of Count Oastloi to tbe white house,
as the oaae of a visit 'rora avary Am
bassador, no statement d reot or , in
direct, baa been made from the white
houss. ' Tbe president baa not talked
to anyone about it and any statement
appearing ie witboot slightest warrant
of authority."
Friends Uneasy
' By Scrlpps News Asiooiatmn
' New York Joue 3 Frienia cl Ed-
mond Randolph, owner of the brk-
nggea euxuiiMjr ymvui ,"A.icii" ;r?
beginlng to espreaa feaia of the yachts
safety ss nothing baa been berd of
her ainoe tbe 22d of May.
Sensational Divorce
(By8crippa News Aasooiation) -New
York June SBrodie L Duke,
tbs lobacoo magnate today, b rugbt
suit for a divorce from Al oe Webb
Duke who was married to Daks Tatt
December. Tbia is tbe beginlcg ' of
atnsational litigation. The auit waa
brought on statutory grounds.
Charges Of Speculation
- By Boripps Newa Association
Trinidad Col June 3 Reporta ol
arreata are likely to follow -the dosing
of tbs American Savings bank hers
Thursday. Tbe liabilitiea are expected
to reach $250,1)00. It ia alleged tbat
the offioers of ths bank overdrew thetr
personal aooounts and it is openly
obarged that , one official wsa on tbe
rong aide of tbe market in the n cent
Gates wheat corner. .
The tate of H L Buel, who died io
E imkut Sunday, was off. red in tro
bato starday, Ibe tetste ia va'urd
at twenty igkl thousand dollars.
People get
more practical
every day
And, as a result more writing tablets are uied.
People who care little r prevailing styles in cor
respondence papers, but who insist only on good
quality of stationery, find the tablet form a time
saying convince. We have a complete stock
of tablet papers flue, medium aud "ordinary. Some
of them with envelopes to match.
Alarm Clocks
Reptir work given prompt
Old Jewelry mads to look Ilka new
luooas waen oars or
JUNE 23rd.
Sorippa News Aaaooiation ; -Chicsgo
Jnne 8 J ad are Kerlen
today sentenced Jobsnn Hocb, t
man ot many wires, to hang June ti
for the murder ot Mr Maris Wilker
Hocb. When tbs sentence waa im
posed Hocb In a statement denied bie
guilt and declared that he held no ill
will toward any of the prosecution,
and closed with "God forgive you all '
. Protesting ! v
' (Sorippa Newa Association s :
Bmton June 3 Prominent businr ss
men are protesting against tbs course
taken by the immigration official in
excluding a Chinese of high rank and
W'll take the matt' r to the president.
i :
':v '-'-': '
. - .' : , ;,; ,v '.
. To briug f .' your laJy
friend or your wife
and family n secure ;
the beat refreshments V
'" is 1 ,' ' , ' V'j' .: ".",'.. ;
- :" v y : .-.
The best candy , . ; .-:
' Tim best Ice Cream
. The best equpped candy
-v ,. store ;;; J.
The best Soda Fountain
v in Eastern Oregon
7 v
Fifteen ? Years
Continuous business in l a
Grand, and still iu buei
Qts. Ibis is the record
to whitb 1 invite compari
son, My word is still my
guarantee, as it has letn iu
the patt. A complete line
of reliable Jewelry, clocks,
. watches, etc, in fact every
thing which is found in a
reliable jewelry store.'
J. I. :V.
' -