qBHdrfii ii tin q$f 0J-ASSIRIED pyERTlSCnENTS M tXJd . - VP - A a A LUX p . rah- m t : I V I 1 If- 11 I 4 ! ( !; i , , J : - 3 if' i ; 1 .LI I it ' u .? 'Mi . 11 Til 11 ' noj : 111 tva pus n r FOB BlLES-8IhrlKgtf and htrvets ' g6odfm!f tntloh Ww; bbttS4aJwm, bottle 101111 tdr' etgM "rooms, partly mw. 1411 3rd atrseT. Pbone 707. OP OOODALL FOB BALE Remlntton-. Typewriter, MVl new, at .a . bargain.,. .Call at County Clerk's oAfo and tee tn"ma y'dtt BAfirsh'! 'inikh'' 'cow, ' tfirongily,broleo"wlO UWIdcbeap for cash. O Moellenborr;, . Island City mrf, J 17, a ' JfOtt KKWT Desirable furnished ;' housekeeping roomi on ground floor . ' 1 ' toorga Ball 1-M M U. FOB llFrarilflbod, room for Udj or gentlemen, wfth electric light and bath Mrs L A Baker. .RES3MAKJNa-Udta'ii MUim' nd tajfiaWt k artta 1 maWog, Mrt W B Winee, corner of Depot and U Btreela." rboit!d 2078 ' U 901 FOB BNT Two" furnished ' rooma, lectrlo lights and bath. Inquire at 701 Main ttrtet, or phone 811. t Don forget tiel O H Powerl the Land man hat any thing In U shape of Real Estate Itroni ah' aore of Garden to a 3000 acre ranph. All property old on oommlaaloo and tltlee gaaran Ued j , r Minneaota Land Man iicha3u " "' NoUcmVatlrtoruumer ' Notice la hereby siren to all - water consumers'tBat Wore you begin to usefelty'tCattr lorTrrlgitloil purposes you are "all requested to make written applloatma Tbwpef tlaakt for same will be furnlthed you by the Reoorder at the offloa of the City Reoorder of the city of LlrtTrandt. lBq)j'.! application mnst bo made aa ordinance No 258 Becir.' so Jrertd BaiJ" ordinance proridea that a floe of one dollar shall be Imposed upon oaehand every per ton found uilng'efty water withbut baring flritlniadh' Mcl'-wpplioatlon. Notiot it hereby given that , said "or dinance will U'atrlolir Idforced. ' H (1 Oilman. Water flupt. tf i IN HURRT? V THEN CALL Wi;; RBTHQLD5 He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it ii C t '. r t ; n u- n t Wtgoilralvrays at yoti'r set Vice. ChafgeS inederAter Day phone 1751, night phone 1863. i Here you will always find the latent styles, the host quality and the lowest prices. PAINTS, OILS Si In this line we .handle the old reliable " ' . SHERWIN.WILLIAM8' PAINT. Chi-Namel & Varnish stains in all colors for decorations, fi $ ' furniture' and flbors.' jSTAGl2AND & nekAGHLEN V ' "'" GB'flTRAGTSRS I CITY BREWERY , jijfftjQ ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Askfor Ca; Grande A GRANDE BEER IS AND SHdUr.D HAE FOit RENT Two fine bouskeeplug rooms 16 ft. square. On first floor. Only 3 block H W of Post Offlco on . Srd at. . QU POWERS FOB BALE-Tht lota and buildings. Now bringing 150 00 per month rant, In La'9rande,'only $3000: ' Harry. . , OB POWERS, Slater Block.' NOTICE All persona knowing themteWea in debted to the undersigned past due, will pleats Call at the office of John B Iloogb, a jobtloe of the peace, and aettle, as 1 need the money tf LA GBANUE PAWN BROKER FOR RENT Four fine large unfornish ed rooms, soluble for office or house keeping! Inquire of Mrs B Sommer at Mrs N 8 Kelley's IODNDOc the street near Sommer Hotel, a quirt, Owner- may hare tHmt by calling at this office and paying for this notice. PAST U R EL I have leased the Silk pas tare for the season and cm therefore in position to care fos all kinds' of stock, and especially the "town' cow" at rates which are just. I will guarantee firtt class treatment good feed and water.- Address . E. E.JoneS Phone 1276 La Grande The 811k pailnreconNlRUoforeraPOacre ud is divided Into alz separate lota Huruaaod cattle will out run tog the LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROP. DAYt Principle. : MRS, DAY, AitttUnt ThU one of the best musical In stitutions In the ttatt. Daring ttie year 1801 there were nearly Four thousand leseoni given. The people itt this city and valley are begin ing to discover the groat advantage of tb is anbool . The .ty item n sed It lit latest and moat practical, and includes all the latest discoveries in the art of .teaching muslo. The school Is divided into two depart ments No. 1 la for beginners, from Q yean up, and taking in the lit to 3rd grades. In this department opilt come one hour ' evary day. In No.' 3 the grades are ..from 3 to IX) Hera they graduate. Pupil take one or two teeeona a week ai they desire. No scholars will bv permitted to remain in this aobooi wto do not Ku"djl Opposite the Foley Honae over tb Canctrtore Fhone 473.. av S Beer and get1 the Best MADE IN LA GRANDE THH ' PkEFERENCE Paper a 5TTOR THE'NEXT D U AT 1 Specials that talk. Fact and figures speak for. themselves. Bear in mip.i these arenoUnferioj linwfff goods, but perfect in every detail, and, the season's styles. , Every article guaranteed aa represented or 'money refunded. Just note the cpt'pnces below and see bow mncb a little will buy. - c Suits, regular price Your pb a o p'a a d i Hilgard Items The weather it beautiful for the first time this spring.- '' . Postmaster G N Lewis, who was taken seriously 111 Sunday 'nigt'i t, ' It Improving fait nnder the care of Dr. Uacon. Mrs. William Low left Mondav eve ning for Pendleton where aha Will visit ' her parental : '' ' ,i MIri Maud Morton of La, Grande spent Sunday in Hilgard visiting, her friend Mist Frankie Uerftage . ' ' Walter fonng, eldest, eon of Lee Young, waa shot by accident Tuesday afternoon while but with bis twenty two, bat the1 wound it Only e' flesh wound and no terions resnltt are an. tloipated. , Mrt. Lee Young, who has been bed fast for the past three months, is Im proving fait. " Mist Edith Hiritage arrived on No. & Tuesday Evening on a - visit to ' her eiater, Frankie, and a host'ol ' Hilgard friends. MUl Edith taught the Hil gard school some threw fears ago, end was loved by all her pupils'. - ' , Mist Julia Toomey hka arrived from Ireland on a' visit tb her cousini, 3 D Casey and Jerry Crlmmlns. Miss Julia will remain during the snmmeh J W Riley lost a valuable horse Sat urday night. - The horse waa sick dur ing the day jtnd a Veterlnarg ,iargeon wat summoned from La Grande but could not do anythtug to save the animal. . .... . . - ' I .. Mason Butler with hit family baa arrived In Hlfgard to spend the' sum. mri - -,. -.-. .-..t :y t Miti Olive Crawford of Kamela vlait ed Hilgard frienda Sunday, the guest of Mra. J O Hart, ; - Mr. Ben Robbt of La Grande , came up from La Grind Saturday ' night and spent Snndiy with hit niece.' Mrt1. Laura ilawea. Mr. James Holmes visited his parents in Pendleton the last of the week. The daaoe Saturday nlght given ' by :lll Banks and Joe Oliver waa well at tended and everyone bad aa enjoyable anie. Another will be given' One Week Trom Saturday night. PUG Buckley Prompted i M J Buckley yesterday waa ; mad general tuperlntendent of the O K A N Company to incoeed general manager J P O'Brien of the Harrlnan lines in the north weet. , Mr. Buckley "t many friends In thla city will be pleased to learn ct hie daserved promotion. He baa been 1 lentlfled with the O R A N for'nlani years and personally knowa the ne cessities. Iu all former positions be has measured Qp to the' expectation! of the responsiltlilka and hit step by step of promotion ie the jost reoognj tion of hit Mrvicet: Oregou it oer talnly fortunate at this time in bavins suoh thorough railroad toea at the bead: of this'compauy who understand our vvuviisivu wan uwust Proved Fatal Sciipps News Aseooiation ' " Vienna, June ; a Baron libyaeburg, lieutenant general, who aaved the Australri legation in China during tf a Boxer eeige, by a tingle banded, aortie in which he reoeived wounda on the bead which' caused bis'death. Clothie A GREAT For Every SEVENTY-FIVE cents you now spend $10.00; now; $7.50 Suib, regular, price . . Dollars will have more value at rs and Ontii i 4p p p p p a n n a gpq bp aa a o c a I THE SORT TH1T WILL PL EASE That is the sort of groceries, we sell Our aim is to please all of our customers. we realize that m ordet to do this' we , must sell only I First Quality Goods We also know that . our prices must be right, and that our service must be correct. A child can do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele ' phobe will convince you. We solicit your patronage. QEDDEJ mJ North Fir Street COMING SOON Auspices of fhe Commercial Club' THK: Directed by Edna Louise Thompson : -: Steward's Opera House . Popular prices. : . ew tons, clever tpeclalties, catchy ma lie, novel dancers, grand egyptlaa bajiet " ' ;:vv , I t.ome and laugh. Two hours of fun. Just a big boooh of fun. Sure cure for the bidet -" -; " " ' Centennial l.otel RATE8 ti, per day ' meals 35cta. Hpeclal rales furoiahed monthly pa trona. Mrt A E Marcheson and Mist O M Garni proprietor!. No AdamtAve. Phone No 1161 G. L FOWLER Trupk and Transfer Wodd, and Coal , 5 Phone 1611 !. A.ll-order given prmpt u attention.-: . . THIRTY DAYS DISCOUNT OF you $et A DOLLAR'S WORTH Snitsegular price$15.09 JioII25 n $20.00 now $15:00 this sale than that fixed, by Uncle BUGGY i Have a nice buggy. Fall in line and enjoy these 1od 'eveningsl andj bright Sundays.' Get m MiTdHElL, always the best and mc9t reliable. Any price you want. Soldi by : Gra nde Ronde Press Lewis Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse cm Jefferson Avenue . -e)eeeeeweeeereeeeeetJttewee LUMBER RiiTAlLED s AD C WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io sold in . La Grande, We Deliver it to your- Building, , , Grande ; Ronde, Notice To The Public May 21 1905. Owing to the raise in freight rates the' price of eial will be eight dollars (8 00) per ton until farther notioe. Q E i-owler O R Cah Co Obstinate oonatipation. Indigestion and stomaohe disorders are permanent ly and positively cured by taking Hol ifiter't Rookey Moanuiir' Tea. SS cents, Tea or Tablets. Newlia Ding Co. Baby eleepe and growa while mammy rests it lloliister's Rocky Mountain Tea is given. It is the greatest baby medicine ever offered icvina mothers 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Urng Uo. RED FRONT UVERY BARN ' 'Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs turn, at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, ." Phone. 8-5 WM. SMITH FEED STORE jEIay, Giain and feed. Fee delivery to all parts' ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Hone harness sad wagooe bougbl and aold OF. CLOTHING a a a j Sam, , t ei& a oqnu db Cash Company; 1 Luier Co. FOR SALE. Ninety acres of the best land in the Grande Ronde Valley, splend. lottted at island City. Will sell in smsll tracts to suit, purcheser. Inquire of HENRY; STERLING, Ronde Valley House. - Phone 36 Brick furnished in any ;quanityor any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. ' GEO. KREIGER, .I L Grande, Oregon. a n U a n -rf.