La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 02, 1905, Image 1

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    -J4 at, a
Fair and cooler tonigbt
Friday fair
AT vi
London June 2 A report from
Tokio states tbat tbe Russian admiral,
Rcjettvensky surrendered to two of
Admiral Togo's relatives, one of tbem
a cousin and tbe other hie brother-in-lw,
both mere boys. To tbem be save
his psrole
Toklo; June 3 Admiral Togo'a re
port asys "No Russian ship la between
Toiljlma and Shanghai. Rear admiral
Sbimamura reports that hie flagship
cannonaded trie Russian vessel Zelnts
ehng vigorously for 'three thousand
meter on the afternoon of the XI and
undoubtedly sank her,
Report that Jeintchuc sank in ouei
minute. During the engagement fire
broke out and the smoke concealed
tbe bill. Coon que ntly the remainder
of the fleet was unable to seethe ship.
Et Petersburg June it The papers
today strongly advise tbe calling of
the national assembly to deolde the
question of i eaoe or war. All censor
ship of tbe press has been removed
and the people . are horr fled at tbe
stories of tbe slaughter aboard the
Russian ships. The Admirality,
(which is the war department) have
issued reports which lodloate over ten
thousand Russians slain. Requiem
masses for the dead are being celebrat
d in all the churches. '
Washington June 2 The navy de
partment denlea the report that the
Russian orulsier Lena has been granted
permission to return' to the. Asiatic
London. Jane A dispatch to the
Exchange-Telegraph, this from St.
Petersburg, states tbe Liberal Associa
tions this. morning oalled for a demon
strations in favor of peace. The dem
oostratlon is to be held neit Sunday
Hundred Drowned
By 8oiipps News Association
unrmsn atai june z over one
hundred coolies Iwere drowned today
by the bursting of a reservoir. :
We make the statement-' 'you will pay lesi if you Trade at THE FAIR '
CHEAP goods at a low price MaY be economy (?) bat GOOD goods at -REASONABLE
prices has bten proven more satisfactory and much, less expensive .in the end. Cheap
trashy goods are cot allowed on our counters and shelves at any price DEPENDABLE
GOODS at REASONABLE PRICES is our watchword. . The knowing ones trade here be
cause they judge values by their intrinsic worth. All can safely taade here, because we
guarantee our prices as well as satisfaction in our goods. .
These beautiful and : servi cable suits are
marked in our stock at $9 50 and, our word
for it, a comparison will prove them equal
to $10 to $12 suits elsewhere, Special $6.93.
$2.00 SKIRTS
This Week
There is just 15 of these, skirts. r They are
regular $2 skirts in our sk k If you can
find their rqual for less than $2.25 or $2 50
anywhere outside or our
cheerlully refund your money.
This week .... ...............
! imiii
Another Theatre Fire
Pittaburg, Jane 3. I p m-A Geaer
al alarm of fire has been turned in
from the grand Opera House this after '
noon, where a matinee is in progress.
The people are rusbtng to the entrano
ee panic stricken, while smoke aad
flames art pouring from the windows
:OS-lt looks as if tbe audience will
reach the streets safely.. The flames
appear confined to the upper part of
tbe building. . When tbe Are was dis
covered, tbe manager stepped to tbe
footlights, saying. "Will (he audience
please psss oat quietly and promptly.'
The audience arose eomasae and
passed out through the" exlta. Tbe
building le doomed. - The flamea ate
bursting through every wlodow. The
fire is said to have been oaueed by
crossed rlectrlo light wires.
The fire was discovered In the gall.
ery and la tbe second within two weeks
2r;t b?!n nnr the stage
Thousands are watching the mostjel,n 0.dook lhU morning to cod-
spectacular fire tbat has ocoured in
this city for years, ;
435 Roof collapsed at four thirty.
A number of firemen were injured by
falling debris. The building le a total
loei and is valued at asvsn hundred
thousand. '
Eroneous Reports
Scripps News Association .
Paris June 2 Tbe following official
noe was isaued this afternoon. "M
Bompart is still in Paris. It is not
true tbat he has been summoned to
St Petersburg. It is equally Incor
rect tbst France has ' issued an id
dreas appealing to the powers with a
view of consulting with them on the
war situation." ' " . ' .
Pleasure Jaunt
Scripps News Association
Washington June 3 Seoretary of
war today seleoted Lieut.' General
Chaffee Brig. Gen J Franklin Bell and
William Crosier to represent tbe
United States at the French army
maneuvers to be held next September.
New Ruling.
(By Scripps News Association) ?
Washington J one 2 The department
of the Interior has ruled tbat no in
dividual here after may enter over
320 acres of non mineral lands
$1.25 waist $ .83
65c and
store, we win
25 Handkcrchiefr for 25 cents
i eras i Trsmriri
$. y -
By Scripps News Association
Portland Jnne X--An interacting
feature of the Exposition today was
the dedication eervioe of tbe Wash
ington state building. The oeremoa
ieswere impressive and approriate.
J J 8ocith of the Washington Com
mission deliv reJ the fir! address
Gov. Meade tb re sooepted tL build
itg by U 8 Senator Piles, Vice- presi
dent Fairbanks Piesident 11 W Goode
and speaktr Cannon. '
Hold Consultation.
(ByScrlpp News association
New fork June 2 -The board of
iiMMtnreof the . Equitable met at
alder the Frioke report previous to the
meeting of the board! The morning
conference waa between the members
of the various faotlons. . While i this
meeting was in progress ' Alexander
and Hyde vara cloeetel With their; at
torneys. It is reported that the Alex
ander and Hyde f actons will Join
forces to defeat the adoption of i tha
Fricke report.
. Tha board took a recess at noon till
one thirty. Mellville B Ingalls, a
prominent director stated that the
boaid listened to statements by both
Alexander and Hyde, but did not take
any aot on. U., . " ..,
The directors adjourned this even
ing at four-forty-five lngallis is very
angry, and said 'i Everything . baa
gone Hydes way" Fricket is to angry
and disturbed in mind that be re
fuses to speak except to say that he
had resigned as director. It U , prac
tloally certain that Frickes report baa
been turns 1 down. ,
Paul Jones Body
(By Scripps News Association)
Washington Juna S At a cabinet
meeting today the prospects of pesos
in tha far east was diacufsed.
"" It was decided that the body o' John
Paul Jones bs brought direct to An
napolis from Erauoe. . It i the desire
of the president that tbe b.xly arrive
on tbe Fourth of July. .
75c Belts QQq
A large assortment of this spring's beet
offerings are included iu this lot at " 39c
"JMHWp sjsjswssjasss
(By Scrips Neve AssooUtlon) .
Chiosgo June 1 PreaidsDl 8bea.
of the teamsters sod other labor lead
-re met a committee of teem owoeri
aseooialirb et the Mayors office fthla
morning. The teamatere srere esked
edrfloita enswer regard. og their will
iognees to submit to srbitrstion, the
right of team owners tu deliver, mer-
ehsndise to the strike bound, firms.
a.f(ra prelimioary disoussioa the
ooalerenoe sdjurned until four o'olook
Ibis afternoon It is expected that
tbe teamsters will refu-e to arbitrate
tbequeetioo et issue aid If the team
owners stteupt to erry out their
tbrtat to toree delivsrieo, there will be
a wide extension of tbe striits.
President Bbea was today summon
ed before the giaeJ jury to give forth !
er testimony ir garding the alleged at
tempts of the business concerns to
bribe union leaders. Prominent busi
nefsmeu will be summoned to give
tbeir aide of the story. '
President supplemented his
erft ebarg's hj- declaring that an et
mptol bribery bad been made by
p g proksrs duriotj the progress of ths
stock yards strike. Ed Buckley. Jerv
McCarthy, Hugh McGee end W J Otb.
boos, labor lsaders, and president k J
Donnell of the meat cutters, were also
before the grand Jury: r "
EobTt J Thorne, o( tbe Montgom
ery Ward Co , was before tbe grand
jury to tell what he knew about the
alleged attempts on the psrt of the
employers to bribe the labor leaders.
Thotne told the jury that there was no
truth Ih. the statement made against
him by Bbea and Young.
Four hundred tesmsters of the Par
male Bosh Company today asked ht
an Increase in psy and shorter hours.
The company refused and say they
will employ non-union men if tbe
employees go out on a strike.;'
i .
i Appeal Granted
V .By Scripps News Association
Chicago Jane 3 Judge Urotscap, of
the ; Federal court Cof appeals todav
granted an appeal in the oases Involv
ing the terms of tha Chicago Traotion
Franchise. The case will now so to
the United States supreme court. '
'The case in vol red tbe right of the
state of New York to tax franchises
and public service corporations trie
same as real estate. . ,V
What Are They; V
, By Scripps News Association ; ,
Manila June 2 Three warships were
sighted at three o'clock this morning
and three more at three o'clock this
afternoon steaming -slowly in the
direction of gulf Of Lingsyen. They
are all bf different typs. and are
painted lead oolor. -
i Spanish Anarchist
By Bcripps News Association I:
Paris Jona 2 Tha police are now
thoroughly convinced tbat tbe Spanish
anarchist Fame was the perpertrator
of tha attempted outrage on tha King
of Spain Alfonso, and are making del-
llgent search for him. Tha king
continued oa his tour with president
Loubit and vfsitad national military
academy where tha cadets were review
ed. , After luncboon they started for
Versailles. On their return In . the
afternoon they will witness a balben
race and an automobile fete.
By Scripps Naws Association. ' '
Vsghlngton, D C , Jane 2. Ao
cording to arrangement. Ambassador
Casslnl called upon the President this
afternoon, and it Is understood that
thaPtesideut made known to him the
Infmrmatlon laid before him by Minis
ter Takahira re8ardlriB;' Japan's alti
tude with reference to possible peaoe
negotiations " between Russia and
Jspan. It Is also stated upon tbe best
authority that tha '-President stated
that he tan3e ready to mediate if so
requested to do by both bellgerents.
Boys Find $180
Observer Special '
Hilgsrd JoneS Two children who
were too young to realise the value of
their discovery, found In an old tin
can, gold coin to tbe value of $180.
There ie considerable exoitement over
fiod, and so far no clus as to who the
owner msyte. From the age of the
coins it Is presumed that it haa been
in hiding for the past fifteen year.''
Valuable Jewels
, By 8orippe News- Association
New York June 1 Five sets of jew
els originally belonging to queen Isa
bella of Spain, being a portion jrjf th
collection of gems bequeathed by Mrs
Stanfprd to tbe Stanford university j
will be sold bere soon at auction. Tbeee
with others to be eold are valu d at
ton,' a neioe of Mia Stanford, sid only
a few of Mrs Stanford's most inumete
friends krftw that she owned the jewels
and none knew bow she secured them.
Masher Missing
Soripps Naws Association
New York June 2 Hullord Martin.
a young wealthy AmejlcanoJ Rye, N.
xH wnose motaer waa reoently
married to Dr Valsbof r5sn Francisco,
is reported as- mysteriously mUsing at
Brighton England where be is visiting
his mother. He was isst seen on the
pier with a chorus gin on April 28th.
Tbe girl says she left him there. The
police are oonduotlng the search.
Los Angeles Election
By Boripps News Association :
- Los Angeles June 2 Tha ' speolal
eleotion 'or referendum . or ordera to
oloaa the saloons is being held here to
day At noon both "drya and wets"
were greatly dlapolnted at tbe. small -neea
ef tha vote. It would seem as
if not half of tha registered s vote Is
going to turn out. One feature of the
election Is all day prayer meetings
which are being beld In one hundred
churches Id the city. All meetings
begun at tha time the polls opened
and all pray upon the same, subject
and cbange subjects esoh liour . i
1 People get
more practical
; every day
And, as a result more writing tablets are uted. ,
People who care, little Sir prevailing styles in cor
respondence papers, but who insist only on good'
quality of stationery, find tbe tablet form a time
saving couv'ence. We have ; a complete stock
of tablet papers fine, medium and ordinary. Some
or tbem with envelopes to
Alarm Clocks
'RaOnftl WArV sY? VAtl tMrstVTaV
attention. j
. Old Jewelry made to look like new
Clocks taken care of . j
' ' ' '. . ' ' ',' t '''..- .t. . . v
Fire At Union
Observer Special
Unioo June 3 Fire this mcrnirg
destroyed property in .bh place to tl.
estimated value of thne thousand dol
lars. Tbe fire waa di.oovsred at two
o'clock this ooornRr., end bejoie i
ooum oe shd3Uki vjne uorum(icil
Livery Buble, , the Sullivan building
in which ie looaited the Perkine saloon
and the Wilson building were totally
desjapyed. Tbe loeies ere; live ry sta
ble five hundred dollars, fully insured.
Sullivan balding and salooa stock.
flftoan hundred ddllirs, no insurance .
Wilson building , Doe thousand d. Yarn
no insurance- Tbr fire is thought to
have been of incendiary origin. '
Smallpox Aboard '
. By Scripps News Association ,
Waahiogtoo Juns 2 General Car hi a
rcporie u. .u. ;..ii;rr; r
arrived at Venlla last night with
several cases of smallpox aboard. .
To bring 'your j.Jy
, friend 5 or yoar . ife;
and family to' secure
tbe best refreshments
is V '.-'V-.
The best candy ;
Tim best Ice Cream
The best equpped candy
. .j store . .
The best Soda Fountain "
' - in Eastern Oregon
' .J V
Continuous business in La
Grande, and still in buei
nes. This is the record
' to which I invite compari
son, , My word is ' still my
guarantee, as it baa letn in
the patt. A complete line
of reliable Jewelry, clock s,
: watches, etc, in fact every
thing.which is found in a
reliable Jewelry tvtore, f
' sm :
I :
' i e
". t:
l z
v :