f ! Everything you want want tor that SUNDAY-WINNER la Awaiting Your Order at O. RAL8TON'8 NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE jjUot. Mr and Jefferson 8la. 1 W OUU 8PRIHALTY Full Line'Terferred Stock" Oanred Goods. SHOES Good School Shoes a specialty A . B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE a X8S1 La Grande. Oregon. ! YOU I NR t r V W Should come to oar Laundry when in of anything from a pleasant mile to olean linen ED ASHING I our business we IX RIGHT Hotel Sommer WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL TRADE ROOMS WITH BATh ISTEAM HEAT: All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. Keep Cool If jou have no other way call on the . LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. and aeoure an Bates and all prices will be explained at the office Electric Pan i f J . . .. Notary fuUUo vtT BARGAINS .if In Improved City Property in uood Location WM. GRANT, Agcn mummnmm ? M kASURE Ml ."it . CM ain Wd;by the Cord 128 cubic feat to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood 3 pero-.rd. This is eheaper than by th . load. Yoo pay for what yoo get aad get what you pay for. Phone 57i Neighborhood Cub The regular meeting of tbs Neigh borhood Glob u held at the elnb parlors y.teiday afternoon. After a hort business meeting tbe ladies i ro oeeded to elect officers for Ike coming ew. The following officer wet duly elected and installed. President Mrs Oeo Csrpy Vice-presidentMis Ed Kiddle Secretary Mrs Simmons Oor dec Mrs Geo H Ourrey Cri'ic let term lire O.burr. Director Mrs Oavan Librsriao Mrs Worstell At tbe conclusion of tbe election a rising rote of thanks wai tendered tbe retiring president Mrs J D Slater for the faithful and offioient manner in which she hal conducted tbe office during the past year. Opening Ceremonies RO FES8IONAL No October Session ( By Scrips New Association ) Washington June 1 It is officially announced that tbe Presldt nt's south era trip will begin October 17th., nd will ocoupy twelve days. Tbe extra esaion of Congress will not therefore be called on October 16 aa was expect-ed. Ihistie Crosses Line (By Horlppa Maws Association) Lizard June 1st Tbe yeah Thistle crossed the lino at twelve forty (our thie afternoon. Tbta accounts for all of tbe racing yachts except the Apache, which alone la unsighted. H. W. NIBLEY asaa-aaansaaanjmty ECONOMY OF OSTEOPATAY Measured by results which are tb sole standard for judging tbe value of medical treatment osteopathic treat ment is highly economical. When one is benefited or cured by this me thod the Improvement is usually per manent, because it is not built upon an artificial foundation. That is to ay, relapses are the exception after one has completed osteopathic treat ment. Then, too, there are ao prescrip tions to be filled, and not often are an expensive rest and ohaage of cli mate ordered. This one faot that patients can stay right at home and go on with rcntina business pr social duties while under 'he oars of an Os teopath is in itself a significant item of economy. Another thing: Osteopathic treat ment is economical from the stand point of conserving one's vitality. It never injures one organ or system by etrong and dangcrtus drugs, adminis tered with tbe bope ol helping anoth er. This will be appreciated by those who bave lost digestion from drug treatments to "cure" rheumatism Lastly, it is usually tbe oase that one gets much of general gord from osteopathic treatment, whether the main ill ths t has been under treat ment has proven curable or not. One patient with an old Incurable fibrous goitre, for instance, was much delight I'd to find he bad recovered hearing in one ear that had been useless from oatarrbal deafness for teu years. A patient who is being treated for "ner vousness," too, will be almost certain to find digestion helped, the bowels regulated and circulati ;n improved. Thus, one can scarcely take a course oi osteopaimo treatment without re ceiving substantial benefits; and we submit tbat, aa medical and surgical praolioe goes, Osteopathy is justly en titled to be known as "the most ecu o on' ion I of treatments ." Centennial Motel KATES tl par day meals aficta special rates ruroisned monthly pa trons. Mrs A K Marc be so a and Miss O M Garni proprietors. No Adams Ave. Phone No 1161 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE J, 187a NOIICB FOR PUBLICATION U. 8. Und Oroce, La Urauda, Oregon Notice In hereby given that In oomplUuioe will) th provisions oftba utor H T ... June a. I87H. eutltl.d "An act for ttaraale timber land to she Mtete oCalif a-oJa. O icon, NeTnita. and Washington TeSltoVr" extended to all the I ublto Land Stales by art I or August 4. isus. Uortrude J Uudd jf iirfwS County of crow wing, 8tu or MUn. " w . ' luis tuls dayljlled In th is office br sworn slat machinery of the exposition. seated, and IS have erect! handsome buildings. Tbe following are the state represented : Oregon, Washington, California, Utah, New York, fdaasa cnaeetta, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Anion, Miaaouri, lllinoise, Wiacon sin, Nort Dakota, Idaho, Montana. Probably the most interesting of any of tbe state buildings is that of 01 tfornia, a replica of four of tbe Fran at scan missions, aroqnd which are efostered so much of historical sign ificance The structure is planned In tbe form of a Greek cross, the facade of each wing representing on of tbe old missions for which the state la renowned. ZZZZtWM ATHLETIC GAM ICS Atbltie games in general bave been ariauged for tbe exposition period. Tbe game will be national in charact er embracing foot bail, base ball. Held and track, swimming,' fencing, wrestling, boxing, etc. Athletes from all over tb United States will compete. Btoekraieers of the United States, Canada and Mexico bave taken a lively interest in tbe show and aome of the best breads la the world will he on exhibition. A notable series of conference! has been arranged for the exposition, em bracing religion, education, civics, oharltle and correction, labor, science history and woman's work, the doml- J MM4 1UKN '.IM H. WM, m SMM W U M all the foroea which have been mater- 1 ial in the development of Western j Amerioa, Notable men and women j from all parts of the world will de liver addresses. On Sundays there will be undenominational servioea ad dressed by leading preachers of all denomlnatione. More than 40 national, conventions. bringing as many thousand delegates will meet in the auditorium at tbe exposition during tbe summer. THE BUILDINGS All of tbe main esbibit palaces are in tbe style of tbe Spanish renaissance except oue, the Forestry Buil ting, which is of true American type being Constructed of hewn logs in their vir gin stats, thus exemplifying in Ibis condition the limber resources of the Pacific coast. In its construction two miles of five and six foot fir logs, eight miles of poles and tons of shakes and cedar shingles were used. It is 206 ft in length by 102 It in width and its extreme height is 70 ft. One of tbe largest logs contains enough timber to build a one story cottage 40x40 feet in stse. The program as rendered in full was as follows: Overture, "Festival" (Weber), lines' band. Assemblage called to order by th president of tbe exposition at 13 o'clock noon. Divine invocation by t be Rev David 11 Moor, D. D., B. 8. D., bishop of tbe Methodist Eplspocal church, re sic ing In Portland, Oregon. March, "Imerlal Oregon," Innes (Dedicated to th memory of Captains Lewis and Olark and inscribed to the people of Oregon. ) Address by H W Good, president of the Lewis and Clark centennial expos ition. Address by George E Chamberlin, governor of Oregon. Meats, Address by Jefferson Myers, presi dent Lewis and Clark centennial expos ltlon commission for tbe etate of Oregon. ' Music Address by George H Williams, mayor of Portland Music. Addreo by Clarence D Clark, United States senator, representing the United State senate. . Music, Address by James A Tawrey, M C, representing tb United Slates honse of representatives. Address by 11 A Taylor, first assist ant secretary of tbe treasury and chair man United States government board Music. Address by Joseph U Cannon, speak er of the honse of representative of the United States Address by Charles Warren Fair banks, vice president of the United States and personal 'representative of the President. Presidential salute of Si guns Notification by wire to President of the United States of the exposition management's readiness to leoalve signal to open the exposition. President Roosevelt toaohis golden key st White House in Washington transmitting electrical energy which rings chimes in the - United States governnieut building and starts PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. c ats over Hill's Drg Store. 1 MSce p h on 14 CARDS ! Jeoey Caea Patsjtl f bdr tvery sacft guerartteca Dy nomij & SI a jt.es. I have a ""'MtiEstiy stit? N. MOLITOR. Mi D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oowmt AdMM avesev a4 pepet ex. OSVw Pbons XM Baaldaoec Fboas Ml WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND; SURGEON Phot 711 Leads betiding, opposite Hommar H Offlo. Hour.. I to 4.7 to 8 BACON & HALL, YS ICfANl AN) SURGEONS Ofltm la Kotay building, hos USL C.T. Bacon, SJsJaMSjSS Pbooe IIM H. K. Hall, XU1 DKS. BIGGCRS & BIG0CRS Physicians and Burgeon U W Ulggers, It. D. Oeo, U Btggsrs, M. U Telephones Offlos 1XU ' Beatdaaee Ml Qfflee Kalaton Building over J. M, Store. Rasldenoe 00 lladlaon AVa, door west of 'oriuer resldenoe, Or. U. W. lllggtrs 1m OKANDK - OKBUON Professional calls promptly atlcndnl to day or ntght. Saddle Sale number fit aaJdles ire iHUiMMMffUewill fsieVSoae. to clsse o ccemphaH eubtomerv ttTeepiye the benefit. $80 valves for $24 $85 values for $27 60 $45 values for $84 IS order. E CHRIST0FFERSON "I Mint Saloon! OIAS, MELQUBT, Proprist or WINKS, JiimWi AND CIOAILS I Finest collection! of' Huffed animals on tbe Pacific I coast. I Ik mammasaaamsaamm mi s. t t DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Offloe Hommer Building ltesldence I'hou. in Office Phone 5-1 t Blue Front Saloon i " L THORSON. Proprittor. pikkbt C. B. Cauttiorn DENTIST Offlos Over Hill Drug; Store La Grande, Oregon W UvESs LLOUOll Imported end domestic g CIGARS Hot or cold lunch all hours Jeflhreoa Arenas Opposite Depot R. I. LINCOLN DENTIST Up sUIrs, Cor Adams arenue and Depot at. PhoneyS VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store i-a I MB le, Oregon Fhoue 1361 xaosidenee phone 701 Farmers' line 58 OR. W. T. DJWNE8. VKTKKf NAKY SURG BON AND DKNTI8T beave orders at Red KMtdsMe Cor Cross Drag store 6Uiaadlst Thirty five years experience, best of reference I . furnished MSIMI lit e Palace Salo CHAV ANDERSON, Prop !8 KINB WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand Avonnc Opposite Depot ATTORNEYS CKAWI OKI) & AftWFORD Attoiueys-at-Law LA ORANDBi OBKOOJt OOtoe In Foley building. J. W KN0WLE8 Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office ia Ralston Building Pbooe 166 I orande Or. U. T. Williams a C. WUllams WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Office In Halstoa Building Pbone 1O5S La Orande, Or. Store Front , ( Two sections of glaaa store front Ma li) feet. A snap. Also on Are prout eafe, weight 2900 at a bargain. Call or write, La Grande Pawn Broker, La Grande Oregon. Phone 1581. w.SSffta5 No! And will orrer proof to show that the land ruSfe than fu?or" TJ"blp llHber or eatabllsh her tteaiatoraod Heectver or thte offiaTat ll yjandejOregon, oa Monday, tbe Utn day ot Hhe names a wllnessaa.' Peter J Walters. John T 8anborn. Marth. S Bean and Mary I Un.nh. .ilnfltUli " ' ' ... ...... my IMMWIU. M,M&. Any and all rami Ui .I...-. . dearrHnd lands r their eUlntala tblaotOosoa ia uay 01 June, 1W. tV.iMt tag adversely 1 er before s Sir President Qoode then declares the Lewi aad Clark centennial exposition formally opened to the world. "Ta Star Spangled Banner", by tbe massed bauds with artillery acoonvantmeuts ami cathedral ohtmes. Divin benedlUon by tb Most, Rev. Alexander Christie, O. O , archbishop of Oregon. Tb national anthem, Ii nee' band. Centennial Salute of 100 gone Lodge Directory. CAOLKB 1 UranOe Atrio u K O fe, Ok every Sunday night In K ul r ball t g 1, rawosM oreiaeru inviiea u. alien .. 1. A. MaloU, W. P. J . K. Pouock, W. B. 1 0 O r La Orande Lde, He meaw .a iheirbadl every Saturday Bight Visiting mean isra eweteUy titvlted to sStead. C eatery plat can he seen at office of City Keeorder. ,. li. W. Boberteoo, N U H. K. Ooolidge, Bee, "TAR RNCAMPMKNT No at, I. O. O. P nwjr.sn'Urr truhs always weieoBse I. H. Saoofc, ul'. BMiiuooa aqwnem. womm BASTERM8TAB O KH Hope Cbaptsr Mo tlmeers thesccoaid aud fourth Wednesday of ach month at ;M p ia in Itaioaie Temple . Startle Aldrlch, w M 1 Wary A WaTBKA. See every first and third Wednesday of the month at I. O. O. P. Hall. AM vislung nelch-. bm are cordially ioTited to attend. Joan H.I., dera, V.a THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop, PINK i WINES. LIQUORS WARS Gentlemen sJwiyt Welcome Fir Street Eagle Sa'oon ULRICH LOTUS. Prep. KINK WINES. LIQTiQRS and CIGARS Lunehos are our spntialt; leOsrson Avenue, Opposite depot J. r. nkur a kooi. nor. , ssssssi : : e ! FINE WINES 2 LIQU0RJ Aad the best brands 01 CIQIR5 Always on hand Mixed drinks a specialty Ask at er If you don't get It. This Is a ge tie men's resort and will be run aa an . .aaaaa. WUtllBTf rVJ LU VI a avrva InrlsUtd Ia stt.MH 1 8 Tlilaoo, t.lilel KaaMir? Board of Trutte -ad U fatnasaSi iboo, uaiet Ranger. U 8 WUIlama. iHn u. Or.U L Diggers, John Kail Tom Pleminj BLACKSMITH Horseshoing and Wagonwcrk North Fir Street s i