WDffS NEWS TODAY a' KV ITflPf) Tonight and Tomorrow UMliiLiil Sboweraeoi TUml.-t V.-ni. mo Li "3 VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON WEDNESDAY. MAY 31. 1905 . NUASEE 132 nm emu in) (Crr M y a. f i . t fcag 4JsQ U 0 v ! if r i V f 4 RUSSIAN DEFEAT IS COMPLETE THE SOLDIERS DEMAND PEACE Bcilppa Newt Association Paris May 51 A report from 8l Petersburg sayt thai Kami more has engaged the remnant of tbe Busaian fleet and that fighting is still io pro greet. WILL NOT 6UE FOB PEACE Glasgow May 31 A correspondent of tbe Herald at 8 Petersburg wirea that the Cxw la obstinately set agaiott ; aueing for peace. - CONGRATULATES TOGO Toklo, May 31. Admiral Yaumato, Miniater of the Nary, today wired the following ooDgratolatioat to Admiral Togo: The enemiee, the aeoond and third Rnaalan annadiona. annMwwfnll "overcoming tbe difficulties "attending the voyage eastward, showed them selves no mean power, bat your squad run, intercepting them tn advanoe of their destination, pat them la confus ion and destroyed or captured nearly all their vessels. Tour victory doea not an J here, yon captured the enemy's commander In chief. It la moat grat ifying for our national cause that you aohleted inch Tlotory. We aend congratulations, take . oooasion to praise tbe virtue of the Emperor, to thank you and those under you for the wonderoua serf ice eitendiag over' eo many month, and to express aym patby for the killed and wounded." RELEASED ON PAROLE 1 Tokio May 31 Admiral Togo has authorized vice-admiral Nebogatoff to submit to the Czar a report of the na val battle and a list of tbe Ruatiao killed and wounded, and prieonera 'The surrendered offioert of tbe Nicho las, Orel, Apragina and 8 uiravin will be released on parole. FLIES JAPANESE FLAG Kobe May 81 The captured Rut' lian battleship, Orel, arrived at Mai xuru today flying tbe Japanese flag There will be great rejoicing bre to- l, ... !,... , andwL lmr IT tory and the town will be illuminated, WITHOUT We make the statemenU"you will pay less if you Trade at THE FAIRf' - , . " ' y-' '' -. ..." '.' ' .. .i " ' - '" .' " CHEAP goods at alow price MaY be economy (?) but GOOD goods -at- REASONABLE prices has bten proven more iwtiafactory and much less expensive in the end. Cheap trashy goods are rot allowed on our counters and shelves' at any price DEPENDABLE GOODS at REASONABLE PRICES is our watchword. The knowing ones trade here be cause they judge values by their intrinsic worth. All can safely taade here, beeause we cnarantea nur nrinea an wall n antiafantmn in nnr crnnA , BRILLIANTINE Lusir. STAR J LING WAIST SHIRTWAIST SUITS BARGAINS THI3 WEEK- 1 :i '--i1'- s $1.25 waist $ ;83 .'; $ 2.00 1.49 : K:. J: . . 2.25 " 1.50 These beautiful aud servicable suits are marked in our stock at $9 50 and, our word , 2.50 11 73 . .'' ; for it, a comparison will prove them equal : . to $10 to $12 suits elsewhere, Special $6.93. 5.00 " . 3.49 s?rsw!s?i.49 mQQQ There is just 15 of these ekirts. Tdey are j A large assortment of this spring's best regular $2 skirts in our stock . If you can offerings are included itt this lot at 89c fiad their equal for less than $2.25 or $2 50 ; ..' "- -' . ;. . . : -, anywhere outside of our store. We will : , . " . ,. .y. cw.h.uj ?Iona . j 4p 25 Handkerchief for 25 cents rrr . ir tyt-Hw-' RUSSIAN SOLDIERS REVOLT St Petersburg May SI General Linevitch, commander in-chief of the Russian army ia Manchuria, wires tbe Caar today that newt of the defeat of Rojeetveneky haJ spread through the army in Mancharia, and thai tbe sol diers are now in open revolt, and de clare thtt tbe war matt bo coded General Linevitch points out that, under such oonditiona, the continua tion of the war it Impossible. RULERS. DENOUNCED St Petersburg May SI All Ruttia ia in a ferment over the newt of tbe completeness of the disaster. All the ships not sunk have been captured, tbe Alamax alone having bjen saved . Crowds surround the bulletin boards listening to the pitiful details. Every, where the present regime ia denounced. The Noveo Vremi n publishes editor ials demtnding that tbe people take the affairs of tbe state In their own hanit. Grand AleiiefTi organ, the Slovoux, says that Russia hat bad ca lamities . enough , and demands a change of regime that will 'bring tbe country pe.4w. , ; GREATER THAN DISCLOSED New York, May 31-Marqula I'o to day cabled banker Clews as follows: Thanks for your telegram of congra tulations. Tba enemy's damage la ac tually greater than hitherto officially pnbliabed." : ? ; ' - CAPTURE PROVISIONS -T " " J , a St Petersburg May 31 General Linevitch reports that tba cavalry, on May 24 tn , captured a Japanese pro- vlston transport near Gngowt.i. ' II ' - G HOMO 60 1 NOT 8UNE St Petersburg May 31 The Admir alty denies the report t bat the Grom oboi was tank off Vladivostok : l wireless measage waa received from tbe cruiser laat night. It la reported in I ""c " Austrian namea verzeiiut, Petersburg that Admiral SrydloffUleged to hava planned the .....sin J u.j . I vi ,,,, . cruiser laat night. It la reported In uau icyuriwu iruiu luo urumODOI. ' FEAR OF CONTRADICTION S JAPiNESE LOSSES Washington May 31 M'nislei Grls- oom wires tbe Btat Depaclmenl from Toklo that BiI-.tvenky'f skull was tractuied w quiring an operation, but that it waa not dangerous, and that the total Japanese losses to data ara three torpedo boats sunk, ' three offi cers killed and b tut two hundred men killed and disabled. MAY DEMAND GUARANTEE Waahlngton.'Mar 31.-H la atated la high diplomatic authority that, . be fore ptaoe ia oonclu Jed, Japan will de mand from tba powers guarantee that Boania will f .ilflll all the con dltlona Impoaad. . ' -w.', : CZAR MAY ABDICATE Rumors are spreading that tha Czar intends to abdicate. Tba Grand Dokea will hold a meet Ins tonight. and a conference of tiie ministers, aren- erale and admirals Interviewed today aay that Ruaala has I at her tea ' power for half a oentoi r to -coma. The think that peaoa will come Immediate ly, that England and America will help modify tba damanda of Japan and internal reforms, and will brlna about tha regeneration of Ratals. ; I Retires In July Kcrippa Newt Association -Washington May 31 Seoretsry of Navy Morton announced thla after noon definitely, that be would retiis from bit office on July 1st 2906, .'. : Tbe Seoretsry announced that he would move to New York and be A it mO AHAAtfcijbt With TtlASMaafl faaaw in tbe construction of a system of I I a . k- uDuor-oanu fspia inni.. lines. Would Kill King (By Scripps Newa Association Paris May 31 The police are on the i ai , a. v viu aiyuuuiu wuiie ia raris. ; ' ; -;J ' im.iii1a.. ' - Another Water Spout s Observer Special Heppner May 81 As a reauU of oloud burst wbiohoocuired near here about three o'olock yesterday after noon four persona are dead and m.. siderable property ia destioyed. Tbe a-saare Mrs James Munnamker, and two small ohlldren. and the thir ten year old daufbtsr ol Mr and Mra 0 J Cox. Tho accident ocnnrwl on Rhea creek, about twelve miles southwest of Heppntr Mre Muona- maker taw tbe storm eomioB- and an. deavored to take her children ami lavs tbf house and get on high ground, but tba flood struck her and her little ones before she could reach a point of safety. ' Had she remained in tbe house the would hare been aafa at the flood diJ not reach tbe - house. Just bow tba Cox g rl wat caught in the flood ft not known. TWENTY SEVEN . ARE ENTOMBED (By Hrrlpps NswsAsaoclatlon) ' Montroee, Colo May 31 Tha rescue party axpeotcd to reach tha twenty teven entombed workmen ia tile Gunnl eon tunnel at ten o'clcck thlt morning. It is believed that several ara dead. Tha body of an unknown workman waa discovered In tho tunnel thla morn ing, but. before be cool J be removed. another cava In burled it. Two work- men cangbt in the tlmbera ware heard calling for help. The antomud man are three hundred and thirty three teet from tbe mouth of tba tunnel and directly under the bed of Cedar creek. Tbelr namet ara unknown . 1 p m The rescue tbaft, reached the entombed minen at noon today and twenty-one were hoisted out alive Edward Sohuler, and, Floy 8 Wood ruff wars dead. There are four inlur- I1 ia h tao I, "aSBMl1tsMiiBtjjBjai Defends Rockefeller By Scrlppi New Attosolatioo ; New Tork, May 31 Dr. Bobert MaoArtbur, pastor of the Calvary Bap tit', church, In tbs ; Baptist Examiner publlahsl. tomorrow, defends Bouke. feller and ssys. "The coarse, cruel criticisms against Rockefeller malign tha entire baptist denomination." Ha protests agalnat what he oalla coward ly ana unjust attaoks." He aald that hs investigated tbs aliened Ulesal transactions and finds them in accord anoe with the highest standards,' and tnai Knoketellar Is a Christian gentle man. .- : '. SWOLLEN STREAMS CREATE DAMAGE By Scripps News Association i El Paso. Tex.. May Sl.-Tha Bio Grande river ia higher in 1 Paso to day than it has been for several years, and railroad tiafflo is badlv demoral tzed. Tbs town of Anthony. N M . la practically eobmerged, end crops throogbout the Measila valley ara ruined The property damage, In eluding tbs valley crops, is estimated at half a million dollars. : Tho city of 1 Paso la in no immediate danger. " English Yacht Sighted By Sorlpps News Association " SoiUv Ialand. May 31 At eleven forty this morning tha English vaoht Valhalla was sighted, twentr mllee 8outhwest of thla place. There is a Southwesterly breeze. , BCSSIAN YACHT FOUBTH ' 4 p ns Tbe Buasian vaoht Endv mion was sighted south of here at four o'clock this afternoon. . She will be a doea fourth in tbs yacht race for the Kaiser's eup. -. ; '. tLate) Tha V.lhalU. at th. 'this afternoon, wss sixteen 8outbVTsst or Lisnds una . Writ Is Denied - (By Scrips News Association) ' Montpelier Msy SI Chief Justice Bowell of the Supreme Court this morning denied lbs . petition of the sttorneys of Mrs Bogera for a writ of error. - Governor Bell decided to grsnt a reprieve in order to permit tbs writ of .rror to be tilled in the state So- prtms Court,. -i "rj.., -m.'. i-ft..! ?:. INDICATIONS OF GREATER SPREAD (By Scripps News Association) In addition to tba Grand Jurv and tke Master ol Chancery iavestiga. lions in the teamsters' strike todav. a conference of the labor leaders it sche duled, at which peace plant will pro. oabiy be ditoutsed. It is reported that the excutlve committee of . the Inter national brotherhood of teamsters mav decide to take a referendum vote for a continuanca of the strike. STRIKE BREAKER KIDNAPPED President Shea exnraaaos Mmuii u favor of continuing the etrur!a. ho eaia tost powerful peace forest were Oppotlng him. James gpennar. a atrlk. oreater, waa kidnapped thla morning, ana was taken to tba South SH, aarlouBly wounded. Two thousand policemen were detailed this morning to guard the wegona, leaving only tlx uMMwnwa v Kvaiti sua our. Two Hon- dred of these were sent to the lomber alstrlota. Tbe emnlovere annoanna that they will send out three thousand wagons today. MAT GROW WORSE Preldeiit Cohen, of the ttaU Knd. eration of Labor, today Intimated that unless tne strike waa apeedlly settled, the result weald be a seoeral walk out of tha teamaten. " .TEAMSTERS DISCHARGED The teamaten of the Weaver Cot Company tblt morning refused to de liver ooal to the boyoottad concerns, and wars thereupon discharged. VICE-PRESIDENT IS IN PORTLAND By Sorlppt Newt Association Portland May 31 Vioe-Pree'dent and Mrs Fatrbankt and the Congrss sional party, who will participate io the opaning ' of ; th'ere monies at f the Lewit and Cltrk exposition, arrived on a special train at nine o'clock tblt morning no the Northern Paoiflo railroad They re manied aboard the train until they wars met by tbe Fair oflijm! and e.. carted through the streets by tlie Fourth Cavalry to the home of presi dent II W Goode, of the fair commis sion, where the vice-president and wifs will be enterleinid during their stay. .: .:;,. ' .. . ... ,... : Break With Gompers ; By Scripps Newt Association Salt Lake May 31 By an overwhelm' ing vote todav, tha Wsatern Federation of : Miners Indorsed tbs Induttrlal Union and will tend delegate! to the convention at Chicago on June 27. Thlt repudiates both Gompers and Mitchell, making a complete break with the executive ' council of the Ameriosn Federation of labor. . f sg ,. ' People get; more practical every day And, as a result more writing tablets are utd. People who care Utile far prevailing styles in cor respondence papers, but who insist only on good quality of stationery; find the tablet , form a time saving convince. JVe have a .complete stock of tablet papers fine, medium and ordinary. Some of them with envelopes to match NEWLIN ' Directors Meet ( By Kcrlpps News Association) New York May 31 The directore tf the Equitable met at eleven ocKck today to consider the report of tio Frlck committee. It is learned from a reliable source that tha report cen sures the society for mismanagement This strike ia hardest to Alexander. It la not expectel that any bighomoi ala will be removed. Ia it considered thHt the report will not ' be finished today. Tbe meeting adjourned at one intrty until three. Nont of the direo tors will talk. el THE SORT 1 TH AT VTFII n l 1 IIM 1 W1L.1L. P L E fI S E Thatia the sort of grocerh we sell Our aim is to please all of our customers We realize thatia ordtjt to do this we must sell only First Quality Goods We also know that our prices must be riglit, aud that our ' service must be coirect. , A child do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele phone will convince you. We solicit your patronage. ; - North Fir Street ... " UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL; DIRECTORS The only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in La Grande , '1 Scientific Embalming Licensed In Oregon and Montana. . Experienced Lady Assistant Our office b always open Phone 1761 Office in Lewis Building, opposite Soramer IJcnse S yu.. ( DRUG CO. IGIFFIN (6 ilOGAN lit I i 3 II fe ll