j E3 :R9 Mr J the nit; Portia Colom leton, bnaine Men who hi ' Into Grand will M their i Mr j troubt (or e abol try tit plact . Aa tbe ei , and dlotot o far bat t Bomel . who count 6000.: v S Ii wh moi wit elai 1 lur arr rat din req dil Grande Evening Observer r?- CEY HUOa Editor Prp Entered at the (PoetLOfflo at La Grande, Oregon, a fieoond Claa ! ail Matter. i i t I A c n a fi .Published daily except Sunday Od year in advance...... $8 50 Six month ia advance... .3 50 .Pei month '...65c Single copy... ........5c Saturday, M.iy 27. 1905. , ADVERTISING BATES Display AS ratoi rarntah4 ipon application LMainaaiagnouMflmparuaeimt . naar ttun, je par lint fur mch iutMqunl Inur- Uoa. tteaolatknMereoadoiiiea,5e(rUD. Cares o thanks. 6e per Hoe. PIONEERS RESPONSIBILITY. The latent wealth in the toil, tbe hidden treasure's of the mines, the poientealitie of ' water falls, advantageous geo ' ; grapical : positions , ,. may all abound in vicinage aud yet i would be horoeseekers pass through it to other localities, i . The why of is not bard to find. Jfeople, wno are nunting homes in a country that has been reU - tied by the whites ai long ' as Oregon, may be divided into .'two classes: lrt-Those who have some means, and are able to purchase a small farm, or . invest in some business. 2nd- Tbose who have little meaus, '' A' 1 1 1 " ie.-- 4' out are Meeting a locality wnere their aptitude for, and willing : nessto labor gives them a rea sonable hope that in a few years f. , they can become to be possessors of a home of their own. The majority of both these classes are practical good-sensed . . level head persons, who when they reach a locality 'that bus been settled for thirty or forty years, will look about them and largely form their opinion of. its capabilities of what th"old set tlers" Lave von from its pris tine possibilities by way of home com forts . The home seeker judges of the possibilities of making a pleasaut home by the success of the pioneers. Few of the new comers are so egotis tic that they are willing to in vest the price of the home they old in some state east of the Rocky mountains aud experi ment in a locality of dowdy farms, ramshackle towns, poor schools and bad roads, in the belief that they can . do better than others have doue. The "old settlers" in any lo cality, by the way they have developed its natural resources, give character to it in the est i mation of new comers and when they fail to see evidences of praotical -development, no mount of riieloric will convince them that it is a safe bubiueas proposition to invest or cast their lot there. , , To ill ustrate thisThere are probab ly a huudred valleys in Oregon that will " I ice as fins ' fruits as Hood river, but the fact has not been demonstrated. Hood I. HARRIS r THE MEAT MAN Is still doing business : at tbe old stand. Will be glad . to see all his old custmores as well as new ones. ' As good prime beef cattle is now scarce, I have on hand a fine selection of cured meats. hams breakfast bacon. About the fifteenth of May, I will have a fine ' assottment of young piime beef, which are now- fattening. Do not for get that I now hate as good fresh beet as there is on-the market a well as fresh fish and poultry. ' Prompt Deliver Phonei river fruits stand at the head of tbe list of all fruit in the world, and men are not afraid to " pro cure a home there. There h no quebtion but if Mr Coe and hia wife,-who settled in Ilood river valley in the fifties and by their intelligent labor and skiU pro duced for the Dalles and Port laud market superior butter and frail, the chief product ...of that valley today would be, cord wood and ties, and no new com-j er cpuli be made to believe that fruit could be crown there in light of Mt Uood'a- eternal glac-l lers of ice, but a few miles away An agitation his been in pio-j gress iii I'oriland for some timeM against a neat of saloons gather! ther e ex i beet , bul a I ed about the eg tranoe to the position. The council has asked to revoke the licjoae, J refuse to take aotion the initiative and referendum i being invoked. The council to be asked to submit an ordi oancete popular vote doting the objeclionale places. If that fails, the the members of the council should be obliged u , B.w.,r. j -i mg the fair bearing upon theu backs a Discard like this: "W are responsible fur permitting this disgrace to be visited upon the city." Statesman Son Lost Mother u,Coneamption ran In our familyi and through It 1 lost my Mother'! write Eb Held, of Harmony, , Me u or mm past or rear. However,' on the alighted in of a Cough or Cold, I bare taken Dr King' New Discovery for Conaamotion. whii h has aavul tna from aerioa lanv trouble Mis mother's death a a sad loae for Mr Reib. bat he learned tbat Ions trouble i i : M A X s muat not be neglected, and bow to cur tl Quickest relief and car ' for ooash and cold. Prloe 50o and tl .Qo : guaranteed at Newlin Drag Co. Trial bottle free. - j. L. MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material La Grande, Or. . Z Drop a line, naming work,, and I wll giv tb right prioe. . ' La. GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor, Oomplote assortent.of .fin est marble and granit always on hand. Estimates! cheerfully furnished upon " applicatim. , ' ! Headstone$nd Monuments'l . r IA Speciifty ; E M 9 A. Y There are many kinda of meat, s L vuh we ami oniy me oesi kind. A trial order will convince you of the truth of this statement j We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly. ; ? , Our prices are as low as consistant with the best quality. Bock! & Thomas G. E. FOWLER! Truck and; ! Transfer ; 1 Wood and Coal : V Ploue 1611 v All ordergiven pr?impir' attention. ' Hi . it This tore Closes M 6t30 p. m. except I V A fa t 'J i r vi S iv 1111 : - - iii " 1 - i IVI : . . I T 'PT rri- n 250 DISCOUNT ,S51o DDisconnt Ladies Kid Gloves Vou cau get as ; good for $1.00,' l 50 aur .00 a i pair, and to match , jo'ir lress, too, good as the prce qn l.uy in the U, ;&.e right here t the Chicago Store t Hosiery . Nico fine, teal J isle hose; plain, lace ..emboidcred, ect, extra good lor f: tha ' : price, . at I the ChicaKO Store. , ,.' 1 ABitfor the iNeck :S Lota of the newest and prettiest of turn-over collars, Stocks, etc 15o to $1.50 eich. Abo vready 1 to use lace aud tucked lawn Veetees, Yokes, Etc. Or a shirt waist, a veil, a . belt, a Petticoat or afly such furnishing, . There's one i thing sure, the price will be right if it' to ,be ,had at the Chicago Store, i U C - 1 srf f-y - j r 1 U : .. E ' nil "mi. minim ..ni.... i i..ii .iniiti i i" i - - ' J - '' "'ll'-- , Saturday eries of Extraordinary Sales DISCOUNT 251, A NOTABLE Clothing To n-duce our entirely too large stock of clothing we offer ' the 1 unrestricted - choice of any suit-at ' AI . For ono week commencing, Monday May 22, and ending May 27. ; " ; Gordon .$3.00 Hat for $2.00 : ' DURING THIS SALE All Suits Excepting Waci VStiits . Reduced 25 per cent for one . week, Commencing . MondayrMay .22, and ending on . -Saturday.;May . 27, 25$ BblSCOUWT All Shoes aren't Alikel r I There's as - much differ ence in tloes i tut re is in candy or , cigars, or Panama .. hats. Unless you're an expert in - shoe values i Jo the wise thing.; . .And that is buy Keith's .KonquerorV They're as ; staple as Lowney's candy, or a: May villa's Best or a Paul's Perfecto Uigar. - ; - i; i$350 to.$5.00X ; : ; 'SPECIAL -NOTICE All Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention DISCOUNT rVr TTiT I 1 251, Opp ortumty S5o Discount arid Goats iHIRTl. lEurope and Ytnkce Land! are ransacked a with a dne-tootbsd oomb by tha maker of "MAJESTIC" Shlrtai to get; the ntweat and flneBt; .fabric lor their prgdaotlona. - I fa "? laorlt anerrlng taate In el-loo and trained aklll In makinti' and yon have tha aerret of the Shirt that "FIT FOR A KINd " .MAJE8TIJ,, Nlnht Rnh--iii"in boa Into pleasant dream;' Uhey woo '$1.00 to $2.50 tShlrU IVI: .IJ s I 1 A r m 'i E M A Y ! s A 1 . fol L M Y: ' ' ft s L E