La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 27, 1905, Image 1

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riMTrjn Probably shower and cGir l-..a!fcM.
I Lifi 1 Bund; partly cloud;.
NU'.CER 179
By 8orfpps N-w Association .
Tokio, May 27. General Oyama re
port : On May 25 our cavalry la driv
ing a body of Buuian cavalry la a
northeasterly direction, and have uo
onpled Ueumen-Cherijr, eighteen mile
north ol Cbangta. Otherwise with the
exception o( small collisions betweea
detached pari lea, the situation Is nn-
changed." '-
Shanghai, May 27. Tbe Baasian war
vessels that were off Ssddle Island
last night, hare left the vicinity.
Hong Kong, China, Msy 27. The
British steamer Baiot Kllda arrived
her today and reports that the sighted
early Wednesday morning, forty five
- Rnaalan war vmmIs. one hundmd and
forty mile southeast 6t Had die Islands.
The Russians were stationary when
: aighted, bat subsequently steamed
Nagasaka, Japan, May 27. There i
report here that tha. Russian fleet
was paaslng Tsuhima Islands, Straits
of Korea, at noon today.
8aigon May 27 Retnrning Coll ar
r port t'uat the Bauian fleet arrived
off Saddle Islands on the 24 ol May,
and then prooeebed in the direotion of
the Straita of Korea. .
King Oscar Refuses
( Bcripp New Ass oclation
Copenhagen, Denmark, May 27. It
Is reported from Uhrlitjjna that King
Oaoar has refused to sanotion a law
providing for a separata consular aer
vice for Norway, and that the Nor
wegian members of the government
have resigned.
Defaulting Banker
(By Hcripp Newa Association)
Cleveland. Ohio, May 27 A private
Dam, ran oy joeepn inzo ana jg
nazlo. rrantsnelll, olaoed today
Warrants have been issued for the
two banker, with whom thoaaanda of
dollar were deposited by Italian
and fancy worsted
prices range from
and fancy worsteds, single
" : With Boy's Suit worth $3 and over : " ; -.
Af Bays your chice of our $12J50 silk suits THIS WEEK, thtse suits are special
4yeyO values at regular pricesyoa will find them equal to regular $15.00 Jf AjC
suits elsewhere. There is nothing clinp about the suits except the price. . . . , 4""
C7 fLMtUl
By Bcrlpps News Assooiatioo
Washington, May 27. The Presi
dent la aericasiy considering the post
pontment of the date nromiaed for the
era sesaion of (longreaj, from the
middle of October until a month laUr.
Senator Cnllom, who called on the
(resident this morning, said that be
did not believe there wonld be n ax.
tra session of Congress until after the
fall elections, if at all. ,
Finish Investigation
.: By Soripp Newt Association.
Omaha, Neb., May 27.-The Federal
Grand Jory today completed the ex
amination of the witneases In the beef
trust Investigation. This evidence
will M iurwaiuwu u Ciiiuamu tur
there. . . "'
Postpones Hearing
By Soripp Newa Assooiation
Philadelphia, May 27 Oat of res
pect to late Jostle Dean, who.
funeral takes place , Monday,, tth
Common Plea court has continued the
the hearing of the Injunotion - argu
ment on the cause of the deposed dir
ectors sgalost the mayor and the new
appointee until Wednesday
Coanoilman Edward Orier today
announced that he would support the
mayor's vote of the gas grab bill Ed
wards held out until be was waited up
on by a committee of several hundred
oitltens He informed the mayor
this morning of bis change of heart.
Assembly Adjourns v
. .
By Sorippa News Association
Winona. Lake, Ind. May 27 The
Presbyterian General Assembly ended
at noon today The lawyera named to
prevent legal entanglement in the
consolidation with the Cumberland
Branch Include Jostlo Harlan, Jodg
Canning, of New Jersey, and Jndge
Molnvalo, of Washington.
L D MoKennon ia . Improving his
horn by the addition of a large com
modious porch. , .
If you have uot visited our boys' suit ' department this spring, w
promise you a sut prise both ia point of large assortment and
reasonableness in priee. " . .' . ;.
Good Serviceable suits, $1.50 and $2.00.
j? TH For this price we
tt' - have a large assort
ment in the newest styles, in
pleasing patterns, values equal
to regular 3 00 suits. , " .
sizes from age 10 to .20, in' tweeds,
and double breasted cuts, : h
.... .". ........ .... .... . . . . ......... .4,t w lv nS9jj
Air Silk Suits " at ;J Reduced
No Exceptions.
..... 8ripp News Association
8t Louis Uo May 17 Offlciele ol
the Frlaoo railroad have received a
message stating that , a tornado had
sUook Potter, I TUoday, killing Be
persons and wrecking a number ol
building. The Frieoo station was
rated and eli the vires are reported
down. .
; More Lenient Laws
" Sciippa Newa Association
Pekln May 7 Minister Rookhill,
in an address be'or the Chinese
chamber of con) meroe, declared that
the usw American Chinee exclusion
law wonld be mire lenient than the
old law. He said that il would aim
woiy o oar oi n ana it wuuiu
have no reference to other clasae of
Betnesaber that M L Grand and
Baker City b'aae ball team will play
bell tomorrow afternoon Tber it
every reason to believe th t U will be
n goo J game. .
Following 1 th lineap: j
Baker La Grand
Oropp ; . p Cotner Commers
Bamberger ' H Siegrlat
Smith lb . VanBuren
Well 2b firookler
Pierc 3b - Cbllder
Holly; f . a - ' Crawford
Aller ; , . rt W Siegrlat
F-ernald of Williams
Brown . If ' Ray
Substitute, Gray, Tollman and Me
soar, for Baker Oity. Altstott, MoKay
La Urrnd
fMust Hang
. - (By Bcripp Nwe Assooiation)
MontpelierVt May 27 The Su
preme const today denied the applica
tion' of 'a ' new trial 'for Mra Rogers,
who was convicted of the murder oi
her husband. 8he will hang on Jnn
2nd. .. ' '.
this price we
show, this spring,
some values which we -never
have been able to offer at less
than $3.60 to $4.00. We have
them in Cheviots and tweeds,
neat and dressy and built to
wear. .
cheviot", serges and pluiu
By BorippaNcw Aasoclatlon
Chicago May 27 The action of tha
building and trades assooiation to quit
living nelp the teamsters strike fund
is regarded a a serious blow to the
teamsters, in the conduct of the strike
The withdrawal of support Is said to
b due to the controversy between
th teamatar are in the habit of hand
ling Iron after delivery, whan It
should be turned over to their Union
Aside from a few small conoerna, there
1 no material extention of th atrika
today. .
Th attorney for th anion are
preparing to ask for a writ of habeas
corpu for James 11 Donahue and Ber
nard Mulligan, two union workmen
aantenced to jail for refusing to answer
dent Shea was continued . before the
Master of Chancery Sherman, nntll
Monday. There seem to be uo signs
of settlement. '
A'toroey Levy Mayer, representing
i be employer, left today for New York
i buitnes uneoted with the striM
It is rprrted r.n g"od autboalty that
Mayer rwa auainunej by Senator
Piatt, and thai the move presages a
determined campaign against tb
anion expreas driver by tb rzpreat
oompanie. Tb emplofer ol tb
teaming oompanie and th State
Street department (tore wer today
notified by Chief of Police O'Neill that
be would refuse to accept any mora
negrO policemen as guards for th wa
gons, as th negroes draw th attack
of the mobs. Toe chief has deoided
to bar colored men hereafter. '
By Hcripp News Association
New York May 27 James Daly
rimple, superintendent of tb munl-
eipal trainway of Glasgow, arrived to
day on lha liner Uampaoia on far
way to Cbioago wber b will adis
with mayor Dunn on the city owner,
bip aod operation of street railway.
There will be a reception for Daly,
rimple at the Hoffman House this
vening. ,
No Hopes
(Byficrlpp News Association
, Stockton, Cal May 27-Cashler Louis
Kahn, of th bank of Oak dale, ia
worse this morning, !Physlclans now
say that there Is ho hope for him.
Th bank commlaalonar or today
going over th book of til bank. It
will not be known bow great th fall
or i nntll tonight. .
A Good Decision;
By Soripp New Association
Chicago May 27 -In ' the caaa of
Holme agalnat the .Chicago Undei
writers Association today, Judj
Brantano handed down a deolslon.
branding a detrimental to oablla Io
ta reU, any attempt of an Insurance
association to oreate a monopoly or
nbano' price " j "ir
Th Grand Aimy of tb RepuLlio
and tbe Women Belief Corps will
meet at tb I O O 7 ball at 12 o'clock
harp Tuesday May 30 and all child
ren and other intending to tsk part
are requested to meet at tin same
place at 1 :30 when tb line of orc-
cession will be formed for the march
to tbe cemetery. All that' poiaib'y
can brine flower. Thor who cannot
go to th cemetery are requested' to
t " "
Pioneer Meeting ?
Tb Union County Pioneer A ac ocla
tion mettnl afternoon and deoided to
bold th next anaaal meeting at Un
ion, Thursday, Jan the twenty second
Tber was a alight effort mad by , tbe
plonaer of Elgin to ateure tbe meet
ing for that city, but owing to tbe fact
batElgln did not have a representa
tive at tbe meeting, it waa thought
beat to give tb mtatlng tj Union. ,
The seoond and last night of the La
Grande High School Commencement
exercises took plsoe last evening at
Steward's opera house, and wat at
tended by a Urge and appreciative
audieooe of people from the city,
county and other part from th out
aid?. Tbe enrtaia rose upon a stage
beautifully decorated with flower and
green bough, while overhead and
around tbe side ol tbe atage war in
tertwined the cla&s color, . orange and
black. These decoration and atase
etting made a splendid frame for the
beautiful girl graduate with their
white gown, and the young mon witb
their Intelligent faces. In large letters
of snowy white, covering tbi entire
breadth of tha stage, was th oioilo ol
sue ciata w iwuo "km possible is U rv
American . Tbe xeroie were ouec-
ed by the male quartette in that en-
loyable song, 'Btara of tbe Bummer
Night." Following , this came the
alutatcry essay on "Little Things" by
Miss Sachet Turner, which was deliv
ered witb swtet grace, ending witb a
welcome to all present. 1 he e.say
"Jack and Jill" by Madge Tbomason,
waa delivered with , Inmitable 1 u nor
and loroe. Then cam a niano aolo
'.Alpine Storm" which was exo llentli
tendered by Mis Gertrude Balaton, io
realistio Ibst on could bear tb tbun
dura on tbe height. Th oration of
J Elton Jackion oa u Darkness and
Dawn" was a good lesson, showing us
that though tber be darkness, vet tbe
dawn is sure to follow, and though tbe
way em dark, tb light i at the
nd ol lb way. Mia Marie O'Connor
delivered delightful German teoita
tion Dei Bchloas am Mer" first in
German and then In a tranilatioi s to
Knglish. Miss Nell Young read ' an
ay on "Oases" which wa 'tl of
sweet thought and deacription ol tbe
oaid In the desert of everwUy life.
The vocal solo of Miss Eil.el Davis,
-The Mkld of Norwich", waa .rendered
in a sweet and true voice and wss
greatly appreciated by tlie andiei ce
hiss jane uam delivmd' an essay
entitled f Butter Sid I) wn", wbicb
msde many think ol their ora xper
ienoes In the up and downs of life
Mr Byron G joduil io an oration payed
a glowing tribute to bit classmate
after which e desoribed some of th
characterittioi ol aaoh, which brought
mile to the face of thoto who wer
intimately acquainted with them. Th
literary program wa here interrupted
by a beautiful piano olo by Mis' Ivy
Long. Mr Herman Clark then deliv
ered the Valediotory address, paying
tribute to the prinoipal ol the icbool ,
th teachers and th graduating clas,
aod expounding at length rupon the
initio of the claaa "Impossible i un
Amerioan". Foiling this w the jr.
'otation of diploma to tbe graduate,
which -office was performed' by Mr
Frank Kilpalrlck, who, in a few well
. Tackle
That Tickles
It does a fithermau good y 10 look over
our flue line of fishing tackle, this yrar
it is larger and better than ever. It; t
contains a number of brand new things ..
that you will want to add to your quip. ' ;
ment as soon as you see them aud it 1
doesn't oost much to add them when
you get them here. Our stock of reels, '
flies, lines andVods afford an oppor
tunity fo every one to tit . up a good
outfit at a very reasonable cost.
Wheather you think of , buying or
not we will be glad to have you see
what is new in the way of' anglers'
' goods. ' . ' '"' . " -
choen words, -exprtaaed tLe aent
ment of the director f the .choc I
board, the teachers and tbe people of
L Grande In sayirg that all were
proud of tbe olaas of 1905. "A chorm
rendered by the ciats and other pu i.
oi tbe High School ended the nereis
Rev J Franklin Day who baa Iweu
Eaat attending the lJaptlst Nat
ional Association at St Louie, return
ed last evening and will occupy his
pulpit la tbe morning, subject, A new
vision There will be no services in
th Baptist church In tbe evening
H 01
The only Exclusive
Undertaking Parlors
in La Grande
Scientific Embalming
.Licensed in Oregon and
Montana. Experienced
Lady Assistant
Our office is always open
Thone 17&1
Office in Lewis JJuildin,
opposite Somiuer House '
That is the sort of groceries
we sell Our aim ia to
tnlAaan fill tt mil : imilnman
We realize thatiu ordet tol
do this we must sell only
First Quality Goods
We also : know that oar
prices mast be right, and
that our service must be
coirec.. A child can do
the trading at our Btore
A trial order over the tele
phone will . convince you.
We solicit your patronage.
North Fir Street .
! j 1 wwaviiiiiwwiiaiaaiisiuisjiw wmtiiiiimiiif-
.Bt"tr ti i---k-t it,, kl lt , .....tjr -