11 I d npntitirliiti iitiuaunnnci: L'ij Liii b u a a a a n a u u d c a c n ; 0L ASSiriED bVERTlSCMENTS T T-r lt(f iM US Mi l ! - 1 II Fill u i k ;f SB 8A1.E-Sing!ebugy and harness ' ood; fresh milch cow, about 40 hens, loos furniture' for eight ' rooms, partly oew, 2411 3rd street. Phone j07i r O POOODAIA R BA.tE1 will aril my driving are, Btudebaker baggy, harness nd comolete outfit cheap, for cash. if sold at onoe. For particulars ap ply iu J L Christian, Arcade Saloon. y 5 V . , . ., ; .. ; -", VR SALE Remington Typewriter. nearly new, at bargain. Call at Comity Clerk's office and see maohlne WANTED A position aVwaitereis or cook, in the city or toon try. la . quire at Blue Mountain House 2t K)K j HALE-Fiesn , inllrh; joow, tnrpugiiiy broken will be sold cbeap for cash 0 Moellenbarg' Island City m 17, J 17, d UK' KENT-Dealrable furnished housekeeping rooms on ground floor I f . George Ball ' M U tf . .'OR RFNT-Furnished room for lady or gentlemen, with eleotrlc lights and bath Mrs L A Baker. " L, . Phone Maine 811 FOR ' KENT Five room furnished house, for housekeeping.. Inquire of Jlrs. W M James, the dressmaker. , ,FOI4 BENT-Forniuhed , rooms for J liht housekeeping, apply at 1617 4th ' ...f Hish Art Painting Persons desiring fine work in the line of , interior finishing, ' such as graining to match ' the furniture, woodfiUiog to match the wills, and all the flat finishes or glosses, should call op or address Sanford D Kiuney, 1431 Adams Avenue,' corner Greenwood St, La Grande, Oregon, , , , . , . ' , Homeseekcrs Dont forget . that G H Powers the Land man has any thing In tha shape of Real Estate from nn aore of Garden to a .2000. acre ranch. All . property sold on commission and titles guaran teed. V - - , - - ti II Powers ' - Minnesota Land Man Men 23 tf TP FTTH NEXT THIRTY DAYS F03 KENT Front , furnished room with bath connection. Apply corner Third and Park streets. -t FCkt RENT Two furnished rooms, s electric lights and bath. Inquire at 701 Main street, or phoue 811. t j.iiaS MAKING Ladie's, . Misses' naS Children's dress making, Mrs ? S Wines,' corner of Depot and TJ Streets.' Phone No 2078 A 201 W ?.1TED Lumber, Lime, and in fact ' k kinds ol bnilding material want d at once, by J L Mars, contractor jind builder. .: The tnaaf who cn furnish the material the qnlokest and at the lowest prices, gets the oon . tract. Cash cn delivery. PASTURE I have leased the Silk pas tare for the seasoo aa4 am H.crcf:rc iz ro?;;'?" r .Jos all kinds of stock, and .especially the' "town cow" at rates which are just. I will guarantee first class treatment,' Wood feed and water. Address i : . E; El. Jones, Phone 1276 iLa.Qrande The Silk pasture consist of over 800 acres nud in divided Into six separata lota Uorasa and Cattle will pod run together a a a.:-,:. a:: D AT A : . !- nn !- s life GREAT DISCOUNT OF 11 tt For Eve SEVENTV-FiVE 'unit you now spend yb'it et A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF CLOTKINO ??.i,l.,t?lk.'.--?rcta nd fi8urM pwk for theinaelves".' Bear ia mind these are not inferior lines but perfect in every'delail jand the eeason'a styles. , Every article guarauteed as represented! oV none? Jast note the cot prices below a&A'iei how Much'a liitle will' buy, i . .) , . ., s . . f i : ' ... : WM of goods, refunded - a " a a n U a &:Suitvre ! ;Suils. reitiilir price $15.0bfhdV $li5ta p": ; $15.00' a Your boilarr will hayeore value at thil sale than that fixed by Uncle Sam. ' r i.' ! , , - . ! . f . .t . i 1 " Olotniers ;Br?OF4.. d Outdttors. a a i .fl-OTqiia'HP pop PQ'Oo on or p on p a nap tiqp.o pp cd LpST-On Mav 14, 1905, on the road from La Giande to ,the IJake Itart aeaa plsoe on Rock creek, a pocket-book containing 2 ten' dollar' bills, 1 five dollar bill, some , sn ail obanne ain silver', and a few cards with my Tname. Finder please leave at 2114 -tfrd st.eet or phone 707. GRACE OOODALL. . .. , s, . , LOSIX-Ladles solid gold, small broach vFirider will phaae return to rosid ince of Dr A L Richardson, and : re- ceive reward si. :.,)". AialiUnt LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC , , . . . PROF. DAY, Principle, ' ' MRS, Thi s one of the.bestmasicaljln stitutlons lo the state.' Daring the ytar 190 there were nearly Four thousand lessons given. Ths pepple in.thls city and . valley are . beln ing to discover the great advantage of this school. The.system used Is toe latest and most practical, and Includes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching musio . .The school is divided .into , two depart ments; No, 1 is for beginners, from 5 yean up, and taking in the 1st to 3rd grades. In this department pupils come one hour evary " day .' In No. 2 the grades are '.from 3 to 15." Here they- graduate. -Pupil take one or two lessons , week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this, school wco do not study." for., McLean; Hogan vv mi ,? LOST-Ladles 4Tegi!e from Paris containing some money, jewelry and . visiting cards, "".Wiis lost on, road lw tween La Grande' and Alice! ' Liberal reward paid for information leading to its return. Return to thia ollloe or to the Sheriffs office. dw M 17 tf I t:v J, Paperf 'Here y'on will always fiud the latest etylea,- the best quality and the lowest prices. In this line we handle, the old, reliable. 8HERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT, Cbi-Namel Vemieh stains in all colors for decorations, furniture and floors. ? ; . , . . :.. v; -r ;ST7Gl2 ANDiS Met AGH ITEN j Pacific Coast ' League I HOME RUN SAVES. PORTLAND j Portls nd, May 25-With MoCrsdiel Portland's tight"" field er on second base in the. eighth inning ; ..of to Jay's game with Oakland, -First ' Baseman Mitobell knocked a home ran; scoring two fans and winning the . gatae the local team, ..The game unUUben 3 ad been slow,- Neither - Uogan norl ones wss at bis best. - I oriiana...... ................ ...3 7 8 Oakland . .'. . ..... , , JJatteries-John 4 and Lehman. Umpire Klopbf. ; ''-.-'' ; -" SEATTLE SHUT OUT Ban Franolsoo, May 25 By scoring One rnn in the ninth San Francisco won today and shut out1 pjaUle.') t In fl.ldlnj W.ldroh's bunt Sh'leli threw t.A fltas - TKsn rnnnaf tiilr mAfrA jon another bad throw;' got to. thlid on Bpenoer's bunt and came home on Hildbbraod's long bit to center. In the fifth it looked as" though Beat tie would soore but a perfect ' thrj 'by Sporer headed off Houti at the ' plate Motiler will be out of the game tor some time, ' Mcliale '. having collided with him in gestlng back' td .second and Injuring his bruised 'shoulder. , , . ' R II B San Franolsoo.. ....... 1 6 1 Heattie ' .;.l.r.::.:.:jt v 2 Batteries whaleV. aud Wilson! Shields and 'Dunwobl; " ' ' M r NATIONAL LEAGUE " "'. ! At Philadelphia-Chicago 9 : Phila delphia 4,",'f' ' ti-i At Boston Boston 6 Pittsburg 2. ' At Brooklyn-St Louis 3 J Brooklyn ,.At New fork-Cincinnati 5; New York i. . p. ".;;,." AMERICAN LEAGUE ' ;' " - i ,.: . -.1 ii.. ... ( mm it , At St Louis St j Louis . Washington game postponed:, rain a ; , .!h At Cleveland Cleveland .9: New fork 1, i;tt ii i ...! i,t'i J i.;: '') . At Detroit-Philadelphia 9; Detroit '1 tHl',3 rtj M iepman Yatch fa 1 CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. ; Ahead Sortpps NewAtsooiation. New York Mar 2ft The steamer darpatnla rriveoi' . here tcilay abd reports , receiving a . wireless metsage rem the American liner! '8t Louis" f, bound Iom i New. Yorlc. to but bamp jof on JMky 82nd; statins; that she bad rf$L PiB,itl7,ob Hamburg l seven nity tbat morning nine bun red and fifty" miles" eal of Rand v obk. t.The 'order in whioh'tbe 1ead- rsk w'nfofitiwiVrsignteU1 bow tends is the Hamburg: first, the Atlsn- o second.'! the kndynioin third and toe ansa lourjn. I JU8T NEW, Ladies' Neckvckr : Stationery! ; Lcwij and Clark Shopping Bait mi TJNERY Ladies' and : Chlldrcn's Hats, Ornamental i f nd Useful Delta Combs. Purses and Fans, E Tl WELLMANT& (30 'La Grrtthatf - Oiteeron tern, RJE 1GN ' OR TERt6 R'i i IN VALHYNIA 1 . By SorippsNews Association , . ( Bt Petersburg. May 7 26 Ai . new reign of terror has broken' out. In the provino of VplbyDia,' where the Jews were recently attacked by the cbrlat lans. To Jews were killed' in the conflict and both f aotions are : now arming. Fresh attacks are very likely SPANISH ; WAR VESSELS Died J4 GRAVS-At the home of her danght er, Mrs.. Fill Brad en, at Ladd Can yon. May 25, 1905, Mrs. Margerate Graves, aged eighty one years. The funeral will take place at the family home, Batorday at two o'clock, the Kev. J D QlUilan, pastor of the . M church of La Grand., officiating, . The deceased, wa a ntlve .of : the staU of New York. She leaves three children, two daughters and a son. The daughters ars Mrs. H E Braden; at whose home she' dlsid Mrs." 8 - A Crossen of Spokane, the son Mr. E . W Graves who resides in Missouri. The family has the sympathy of the entire community at this time of their bereavement. ; By $6ripVNewi Association Madrid," May 26 Tbs Spanish cabi net today, King Alfonso "J. presiding, approved of a plan to build eight war" ships, two training ships and five crui sers tor the 8psnieb. navy. All of theee vtsasls will be built in Spanish yards, and they are to be completed within six years.-;. .-i '. ': Largest Brewing Plant in Easiern Oregon AskTjfof'.La Grande Beer andget the Best LA GRANDE BEERS;:SiW'LA GRANDE SHOULD HAVE 1 on rtvii AND - v v ; v 1 'v r.':, Exposure - To cold draughts of air. to keen and and cutting winds sudden changes of temperature, scanty olothing, undue exposure of the throat and neokl niter poblie speaking and singing, bring on coughs and colds. Ballard's . U ore- bound Syrup Is tbs best care, "'""vi Mrs. A Hair, H niton, Texas, wrilea jn. 31, 'Awx: "Une bottle 01 ailara Uorenouud bprnp oared me of a very bad eoairh. - It la verv oleaaant to take." 25o, 60c, fl. Bold by Newlin ! tion, eto. Drug Co.' ... Co; 25a. ri 1 it HENRY &, CARR FUHERilL 7 DIRECTORS LICEHJEb Ef1D1LI1ER5- Lady absfaikLt; Calls aujwered day and uSght, Phone No. 21. J. 0. Henry, residence 684 J. J. Oarr, residence S8S La Grande Oregon UK' . '...v .. . Htrbine ; ...,Ju;:.'i Will overcome Indigestion and : dys-i neDsia: resttiar ue boweis ana: care liver and kidney eomplaints.' It . Is the best blood enrloher and invlgcraU or in thsrworld. It l purely vegeU- bit. uerfectlr harmless, and should you be a sufferer from disease, yon will ose it tx yon ere wise. Mm 4.1 AUUlf SAMlWt atuu JUr., vw- eoa and Rockledge Mews, (Joooa. rla.', writes: VI nave used your uerune in my family, and find it a moat excellent medietas. - Its effects upon myself have been a marked benefit, I recom mend it unhesitatingly." fiOo. Bold bf Newlin lrug Co. . iu . . r jw am Alarm Clooo Repair work given prompt attention. rittccn Years Continuous business in La Grande, and still in bus! nes. This is the record to which I invite compari son, My word is still my guarantee, as it has teen in the past A 'complete line of reliable JewelryV dock s, watches, etc, in fact every thing which is fouridm a reliable jewelry; store, ; Old Jewelry made to look like new Clocks taken care of J. H. PEARE, I j ' A Piptrom Calamity It is a disastrous ealamlty. wheo fott lose your health, because iodise' lion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be bad tn Ur King's New Life Pills. They build up your dlge tlve organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colic, sonatina Guaranteed at Newlin Drug LAOB Curtain Sale A heavy disojuut on all lace curtains ana or tiers W. H: BOH NENK AMP V " J DOORS , - r : " CATl' OF BniNGLE3IN TODAY