La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 26, 1905, Image 4

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    A New Departure at
The, La Grande Drug Co.
Now 25 and 50 cents
; ; Have a nice buggj. Fall in line and enjoy these long
1 , evenings and bright Sundays. Get a MITCHELL,
! ! always the best and most reliable. Any price yon want.
, Press Lewis . . Dean Crowe ;
Phone 1801 . . New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue
Jdst received a Car
Red . Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All
kindi of Qrass seeds. Balk Garden
Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats
When you ', want GOOD PRINTING
Call Phon No. 1371
Read The Daily Observer
per box
Load of Alfalfa Seed
ajphere is a difference
" between printing
that "will do" and tha
which is the kind yon
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasing, as we have
the equipment with
which to produce . good
printiug and printers
who understand the art
of printing
There is no order too
small or too large to
receive our carelul
We print anything
lrom posters to visiting
Mr H U Cotaer, of this city, returned
Sunday night from trip to bis mines
la Baker county near 8aiiger, where
bstook a petty of men to do do
vsloptuent work. Mr Ootoer expresses
himself aa well pletaad with mining
prospects in that retlnity. On their
trip to the mines, on of the pack
boisea fell oyer a blaff and rolled
down Into the rirer a dljtance of one
hundred and eighty feet. Miraculous
tossy, the horse was rescued slire,
and bat rery little the worse for wear
ezoept a few serere bruises . The pack
on the animal saved It from Instant
death, and It was resoned by Mr Frank
Steward, a miner from Baker City.
Bet little of the goods In the paok
wsre lost. He Informs ns that Mr L
U Russell, merchant at 6anger, is
sathorily for the statement that Cox
and Anderson, Baker City mining men,
have struok hody of ore three miles
below Sanger on Goose Creek Ihst la
one of tbe best ledges in Eastern
Oregon. They neve ran In one hun
dred sixty Are feet, and hare made
several drifts, white the ore proves
oontinooos without any waste or gang
matter whatever. The lowest asssys
obtained from this ore are five dollars
per ton, and Mr Russell thinks it will
prove to be tbe biggest mine In
Not only is tbe work being pushed
rapidly on this mine, bat many others
In that Taolnity are being operated.
Tbe Basin mine, wbloh was formerly
owned by Mr Joseph Palmer of this
city nod others, now bss seven men at
1T" TL .Mwiy luiiif wiiiuii iiaa not
been operated for some time. Is now
being pat In condition, and will soon
be ready to receive the iloh ores iht
ths mins produces This mill is a five
stsmp mill, and Is in such good con
dition that It will n t take very long
to get it in readiness. Mr W J Lind
say, formerly muter mechanic at La
Grande for the O B A N, is foreman at
these mines. Mr Bussell has purchssed
nine claims east of Copper creek,
and is now ready to let oat a thousand
dollars worth of tunnel work. The
eld placer mines between the Basin
minss and Copper creek are now being
reopened and worked with profit.
Mr Cotner seems to think thst Union
county lost Its most valuable mineral
belt when the pan-handle" was
annexed to Baker county.
Diamond Robbery
Aberdeen, Wash., Msy 28. The
residenoe of A O Ennis was entered by
burglars Mondsy night mu1 several
hundred dollars, worth of jewelry, In
eluding some fine diamonds, sad a
handsome gold watch, wero taken.
There is no olue to tbe robbers. '
Queen Presides
Lond May 26 s Q leen insndra
presided yesterday at the opening of
tbe great historical bzaar in Deau's
Yard Westminitter for which prepare
tions have been going forward for
many weeki. Tbe aftVr is one of the
most elaborate of it kind attempted
in recent years. It is intended to il
lustrate the manners and oostumet ot
all the perlodi of English history from
the reign of William tbs Conqueror to
that of King Edward. VII.
Special Fair Rates
The O K 4 N Co bai made he follow,
lug rates from this city to Portland In
order that as msny as possible may
attend the Lewis and Clark fair.
From May 29 to October 6, inolurive,
Portland and return, $12 13. Good
for thirty days Party ticket, $9.15
each. This party ticket provides thst
ten or more persons ihall travel on a
single ticket. Two half fair tickets
count ss one ticket. L'mited to ten
days. An Individual tate ot $9.15 for
ths round trip, for organised parties
ot one hundred or more. ; Limited to
seven days. The above special rates
apply to the dates from . Mar 29. in
I October 6th inclusive, .
a W
While a bilious attack Is decidedly
nnpleaaant it is quickly ;over when
Chamberlain's Stomscb and Liver
Tablete are used. For sale by Newlin
Drug Co
Growing Aches and Pains
Mrs. Joale Summer, Bremond, Tex
as, writes. April 15, 1903: "1 have used
Ballard's Snow Liniment la my family
for three yesrs. 1 would not be with'
oat It in the house. I have need it on
mv little girl for growing pains snd
sobes in her. knees. It cared her
right ewav. I bare also ased it for
host bitten feet, with good eaoress
It is the best liniment I ever ased ' n
28o, 60o, $1, Newlin Drag Co.
A Positive Necessary
Having;to lsy upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg. I
only found relief when 1 need a bottle
ot Ballard's Bnow Liniment. 1 can
cheerfully reoommei.d it as the beet
medicine for bruieee ever sent to the
stflcted. It bss now become a posi
tive necessary upon myself. D R
eyrnea, siercfiant. Uoverevllle, Texas.
25a, fife, II. Hold by Newlii Drag
. New Law
Tbe law relating to the . sale of
liquor to minor females provides a
fine of $100 to 1000 punishment for
any person who shall ssll or givs in toil
eating liquors to a female coder 21
years of age." Tbe same ' penalty Is
provided for sny proprietor or employe
of any liquor: selling establishment
who shall permit minor female to re
main In any place where Intoxicating
liquors are eold or served. This does
not apply to a female accompanied by
her parent or husband or to any open
and publlo rest ursn tor dining room.
The lew for the ponisbmeut of mso
quereau provides that if auy person
shall live with a ' prostitute or live
wholly or In part off of her earning or
shall sollolt fur her. be shall be guilty
of a felony and shall be punlebed by
imprisonment in the penitentiary oae
to Ave years or fine of 11000 to $5000.
Will Turn Banker
Chioago, Msy 20 Close friends of
Psul Morton, secretary of the treasury,
express the conviction thst the vice
president of the Santa Fa will go into
tbe banking baslneas whan hs retires
from ths cabinet. Danking snd finance
are said to bsve a peculiar fascination
for Morton . Goesip says thst he bss
, been offered tbe residency of one oi
; tbe largest trust companies lu New
York City and that be is Inclined to
I accept it in preference to offers made
j him by vsrious railroad companies
was no even preiera it to sue pmsi
dency of the Gould system of roads,
whers his executive ability would find
wide opportunity.
Senator Clark Wins
.'Butte Mcot May S6 According to
advioea received in this city yesterday,
tbe circa t couit of appeals at San
Franoisoo tht'ie banded down a deci
sion in the case o' the United States
againit Senator W A Clark, appealed
lrom the federal court for tbe district
ot Montana, involving title to lands
The court finds thst tbe title to tbe
lends in question is vslid snd that bit
patents stand.
It was alleged thai fraud had been
committed by entrymen, but this the
government failed to prove, no fraud
or irregularity whatever being shown
in the transactions whereby Stnatnr
Clark earns into possession of tbe
lands. The decision is very import
ant. -
Prince Unveils Tablet
London, Msy 26 -The Prince of
Weles yesterdsy attended the unveil
ing of a tablet ereoted in 8 Psnl's
cathedral in memory of the colonial
officers snd men who fell during the
South Afrioan wsr. .
(By Hcrlpps News Association)
Panama Msy 26 Chsrlet E Ma.
goon, tha new Governor of the canal
one, was insngursted todsy. Judge
Ginger administered tbe oath oi office
in tbe presence ot the canal and Is
thmian officers.
Will Help Miners
(By Pcripps News association)
Salt Lake, ;Maj- 26-The Western
federation of Miners today passed re
solutions of sympathy for tbe locked
ut strikers in Seattle. The resola.
tions plsdged both moral and financial
assistance, and called upon organised
labor irrespective of local and national
affiliation, to assist tbe Seattle stri kers
Wants New Trial
Scrippe News Association
Cheyenne, Wyo., May 26. Attor
neys for "Buffalo Bill" . todsy pre
sented sn argument before Judge 8cott
for a new trial in tha divorce rau
Judge Scott took the motion under ad
visement, but will probably overrule
it. Mr. Cody will appeal to the Su
prome court if tbe motim is over
rated. 2 p m The motion for a new trisl
in the Cody divorce ease wst overruled
by Judge 8ooti.
To Drive Last Spike
Portland Msy 26 General Manager
Worthington of the Harriniau linn
hss tendered snd tha open river com
mittee hat accepted tha use of a tps
cisl train tor carrying tbs Portland
dele geiioo to The Dalles to attend the
opening exercises and driving
of tbs last tpike of the Celilo
portage road June 3. The commit
tee received the eourtesv at mt.
ing yesterday sfternoon, through a '
letter Iron Mi Woithington snd im-J
mediately penned a cordial acceptance.
LOSC- J O Smith has lost the setting
to bis ring, being an elk head with
Urge diamond. Anyone finding
ame will be liberally rewarded. 3t
Moving Picture Show
: Marvelous moving pictures snd il
lustrated songs in a big tent at the
corner of Sixth sod Q streets Msy zo
and 27 Illustrated sonars as follows:
-Tbs Star and Flower, "When We
Were Two Llitle Boys", "My Little
Georgia Boss", "Day by Day", "Stay
in Your Own Back Yard". f'Wbere
the Silver? Colorado Wends its Way",
and others. Msoy moving pictures to
the please tbe eye. Pnoe of admission
sdults 25 cents, children 15 cents
Come one snd all. A royal entertain
ment is promistd. .
Yours Respectfully,
Miss Wisdom the shorthand teacher
hat removed to tbe Berry boarding
house and those wishing to fit them
selves for steaographio positions
should call and see ber, or telephone
3G5. All students! must enter before
June 5. .
The only Exclusive
'Undertaking Parlors
in La Grande
Scientific Embalming
Licensed in Oregon and
Montana. Experienced
Lady Assistant
Our office is always open
Phone 1751
Office in Lewis Building,
opposite Sommer House
any case of
that is
not beyond
the reach
of medicine
can do more,
tvansvtUe. lad., wrwesi Mrormu2
years I was troubled with kidney oaf
bladder affections which caused nanoS
pain and worry. I tost flesh and vasal
run down, and a year ago had ta
abandon tmrk ntlmlo t v.a
the best physicians whs did aa aw good
t . . Pr-l"-uT grren up ss Ola.
Foley's Kidney Curs was recommended
and the flrmt ttottla mm i i ttm
and after taking tha second bottle I wai
adtalv caiwd
nro ixzn, io aid tin,
iclb la Kc:z2ca n
A T HILL, Druggist
Son Lost Mother .
'Consumption runs In oar family
and through it I lost my , Mother J
writes B Held, of Ilaraionv. JJ
"For the past fiva years, however, or
the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold
I bave taken Dr Klug'a New Discover,
for Consumption, which hss saved m
from serious lunv trouble." HI
mother's death was a sad loss for M
Reib. bnt he learned that lung troab
must not be neglected, and how lo cut
tl Quickest relief and cure f f
oonghs and colds. Pries 50o and 11 .0
guaranteed at flewiin Drug Co. Tri
bouie iree. - .
Don't Borrow Trouble
It Is a bad habit to borrow anything
but the woee thing you can possibly
borrow, Is troubls. When sick, sorf,
heavy, weary and worn-out by the,
pains and poisons of dyei-epsis, bilious 4
ness, Bright's disease, and similar it
ternal disorders, don't ait down sn I
brood over your symptoms but fly f t
relief to Elejtrlo Bitters. Here you'i
will find sure and permanent forgeti
fullness of all your troubles, and yuur
body will not be burdene t by a lond ol
debt disease At Newlin Drug Co ut ug'
tore, rrioe uuo. uuarunieea.
Health Is Youth
Disease and tiickness Bring Old Age
Heroine, taken every morning before
breakfast will keep you in robust henlh
fit you to ward off disesse. It, cures
eonHLinaiion munnanAiin. niaiutm a
fever, skin, lives snd kidney complain
ts. It purifies the blood and clears
the oomplexfun Mrs' D W Smith
Whitney. Texas writea April 3 ItHW:
"I have used llerbine and find it ia
the best medicine for conteipation tind
liver troubles. It does all you claim
for it lean hlhjy reoommend it.
50ots bcttle Nelln Drug Co
I mine ' QiiI ' ( qtI
4l .WW srwwww - ";r
xsu a as
To be held at Portland,
June 1 to Oct. !5t 1905;
Through the Williamette,
llmnnin onrl Vnmta D!.. -
Valleys, of Western Oregon,
pass Mt. Shasta, through
the Sacramento Valley to'the
many famous resorts on the
line of the
For beautifully .illustrated , "
booklets, descripfive f Tali
fornia resorts: address.
W. E! CuMAN, Gen. Passr. Agt.
Tortland, Oregon.
alJMGii Rati
Time Bchedul
8:sU (i m
No 6
H:i a. m,
Halt Lake, Denier, Ft.
. Not
60 a rn
Mo 5
;50.p m
wortu, umatia, Kan
aka Citv. St. Louu. i i.i.
oago aud Emu.
Portland. Dallea. Piti.
dleton. Wall Walla,
liuylon, romro7, -'oi-fax.
Moaoow. Hmlin..
No 2
tSfi p ru
60 am.
and points erat and
norlii via dpokace
illeton, Umntilla, Wal-
6H6 p. m.
loia. tWLsion, collai,
Moscow, WallMce, V r
nor, Hpokanc aud other
8;:0 a in
hIiiU east aud nortli
via rpoBane
Now 12
Dally cx
8:15 am
laland Cllv. .n:. Im.
bier and Igin. Con
ne tiuna at V.licD w tl.
6)30 pm
iH-r tor poinu In V V
Urean Hteamera between I'orllaud aud
Baa FranoiaooeverrBvediya.
&.O.HUCSK. Aeoet.
If yvr lli-kota iad oyer the Denver
and Klo HiHinie Railroad, t je -Hcenlo '
Line ol tbe world" 7
I'bere are ao many acenlo alturl nn n(i
polntaof intereat ..loiiK lb" ne
tween Oaden and Dcnwr lial ilutili)
never beoomea lireaome ,
If ronaneolns east, write Ifor .Kntw
W C McBRIDE, Agent,
. . 124 Third St.
Portlard Oregc ;