la Grande Evening Observer C lEY iJROS., Editor A Pr p Entered at tbj rPoettOCce at La Grand, Oregon, aa Beoond Claee UU Matter. Published daily except Sunday Qoe yar in advance 1650 m mx moctns in aavance.. . .3 50 Per month 65c Single copy. 6c Friday, May 26,. 1905. ADVERTISING BATES Display Ad rate rarnUliad annn annlbmUan . Ixxml redini notloea 10c oar Una flrat naa " lion. a Der Una Ajr auth anbttanumit i Uoo. - RcaolQUou of eoodolenea, je m Una. ' f j Card of thank, to per tin. The opening of tbe Columbia river at Celilo is an event that is attracting a great deal of atten ; tion by. the residsnts of those 7 communities mostly benefited! The fact is thousands will he in- directly benefited who have scarcely given the matter more than passing thought. Grand Ronde might be iucluded in the : latter class. , ' I Railroad rates have much ; more to do with the progress of ; com man i lies than thm nrdtnarv ; cilizon realizes or rather proper ly appreciates. This is due . ; largely to the fact that few real t91 iz their powers to regulate tbe II injustices that are apparent in Hi every community. ' Keep posted upon the good road movement. Good roads mean much to this county, and the time is near when we will ; be called upon to make some Ha radical changes in our system of eve toaj improvement Keep abreast alw of the times in order that when the time arrives . wheu these changes are made, that we will be able to secure the best and (jj thereby be relieved of useless , experiment. Pko i ' The 1905 graduating class is the largest ever turned out from j the La Grande public schools and the 1908 now " promices to S; be still larger. This is natural from various sources. La Grande ON i growing and again it can be said without the least possibility of contradixtiou that the public Ext school uudei- the superintend Rocl denoy of 1IJ Hockenterrv have T- a Burt "tguwr Biauuaru man Iron oeen. 'U8taQe within the rje(j past fifteen years. Matt ' ' i - Pilhi Fr year" Lft Grand6 Las Cam! ken askiug 'or cheap power, Cupt an( il uaa ofttu been stated, and f with good reason, that manufac T,t turing planta would soon IqIIow the power. We now have the - ; power in sight, and while it is R' true that the manufacturing I S plants will follow in time, we certainly can hurry matters somewhat by making the proper effort to interest manufacturers. It is all proper enough to : exer cise a considerable amount of patieuoe.but it is not beet to de I. HARRIS i THE MEAT MAN Is still doing business at the ; old stand. Will be p-lad to see all his old custmores as well as new ones.. As good prime oeet cattle is now scarce, I have on hand a fine selection of cured meats, hams breakfast bacon. About the fifteenth of May, I will have a fine assortment of young piime beef, which are now fattening. Do not for get that I now have as good SJ sCxns&ii Just ad: iresh beet as there isWu thdj market a v well, as fresh fish! and poultry. Prompt Delivery Phon U it r element of man a composition, and if we wish to reap eome of the benefits of this long desired power while the present genera tion is atill young enough to en joy the benefits, La Grande business men will do well to ex ercise a little : impatience and rustle op some thing which will put this pent up energy to prac tical use, and there by furnish employment to an additional hundred or ; two : working men and women. Thre has been more or less complaint by stock men for some time regarding the loss of stoek, and it begins to :ook now as if there was some sort of or ganixed gang of "rustler" op erating in . this coun'y. The officers are working on several gooa ciews and unless all signs fail Some startling developments will soon be made public. Tbe Stockmen's Protective Associa tion is lendirg its support to the officers and the combined c-ffort should accomplish satisfactory results. : ' .: a ... How To Ward Off Old Ase Tbe moat lacce'ifal warding off the approach of old age leto maintain ; a by eating only food salted to jonr age ana ocoapuon, ana wjteo any . Ileord : er of tbe etomaoh disappear ake i dose of Chamberlaio'a . Stoma, h an LUer Tablets to correct It. If yoa have a vaalr atninanh OP tat ft PAtlKlaail with Indigestion, you will find i tbete iBDieia io ne just wqai yoa Dee '. t or tela by Newlln Drug Co Notice Any one wishing to porcbae One bird dogs can bare tbair 1 wants lull- tilled by calling on J F Jaokson. fie Is very ma oh interested In tbli Indue. try, baring on handi at present twenty seven. i J. L. MARS, Contractor: and 'Builder i-Pfaler. in Building Material La Grande, Or. pend altogether upon thisworihy Y S A L E Drop aline, naming work, and give tbe right prloe. I wll Cash HERE We fully realize tbe value of mooer and therefore sell cheap for cash. We carry a fall and complete line of fresh groceries, bay, feed and produce. Highest market prices paid for farm produoe We have oar own deliver wagon, and guarantee prompt delivery. Your money back it goods are not found satisfactory SEATTLE GROCERY CO. ZUNDKL A LAWSON. ' Counts M A Y S A L E There are many, kinds of meat, but we sell only the best kind. A trial order will convince you of the truth of this statement. We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly, ; Our prices are as low as consistant with the beat quality, Bock & Thomas G. EL FOWLER Truck and; Transfer Wood and Coal MeJ6U - Alkrder"given pnimpt ; I! , attention. This Store Qoses at 6:30 p. m, except Second in a tw ;4 ..if - 25!o DISCOUNT 25!o Discount Ladies except Kid Gloves - You can get as good for $1.00, $1 50 and $i00 a pair, and to match your dress, too, good as the price can buy in the U. S. right here ti the Chicago Store Hosiery Nice fine, real lisle hose;' plain, lace embroidered, ect, extra good for J;the price, at the Chicago Store. A Bit for ! the Neck Lots of the newest and prettiest of turn-over collars, Stocks, etc. 15c to $1.50 eAch; Also "ready to use lace and tucked lawn Vebtees, Yokes, Etc. Or a shirt waist, a veil, a belt, a Petticoat or any such furnishing, There's one thing sore, the , price will be right if it'j to be had at the Chicago Store, i A. - I! " . .1- " 11 Saturday Series of DISCOUNT 251 A NOTABLE Clothing To reduce our entirely too large stock of clothing wo iiffer, the nurestricted choice of any euit at ;25l For ono week commencing, Monday May 22, and ending May 27. . Gordon $3500 Hat for $2.00 'jU - during this sale I :v"- 'yi .' All Suits and Suits Reduced 25 per cent for one week, Commencing Monday, May 22, . ; and ending ion Saturday. May 27, : 25!o DISC0UWT AllShoes aren't Alikel There's as much differ ence iu . bI.ops t'lero is in candy or cigars, or, Panama : hats. Unless yoii'ro an expert in shoe values Jo the wise hing And that is . buy . Keith's Kbnquerbrs They 're as f staple as! , Lowney's candy, or a May ville's Best or a Paul's Perfecto Cigar. T " I $3 50 to $5,00. ,v .i W ' r-rW' .' y-v , ; 1 SPECIAL NOTICE All Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Extraordinary Sales DISCOUNT 25 Opportu nity DISCOUNT S50 Discount Coats I II ilHIRTf'. Europe and Yankee Land -. are ransacked ae with a flne-tootbrd ioomb by tbe makers of "MAJEbTlC" Ishirta to get the newest and finest Ifsbrtca tor their productions.-, t&aa io one labrlca. onerring taste in election and trained skill In making nd rou have tbe secret ot the Shin hat's "FIT FOR A K1NU. I MAJESTIo" Night RobeOriUTulI IVOU into Dlaillnt firoimi bleep. ' .V"? EaSiESI,o"$l.00to $2.50 A Y 1 i l M A 1 I i L M A Y S A E