TODAY'S NEWS TODAY WEATHER Fair Tonight with light frost Thursday fair and warmer 11 GRANDE LA EVENING OBSE1.IE A-'-:. 1 7 t X n VOLUME IV WAR SITUATION . IS VERY TENSE Borlppa News Association M Petersburg May 24-Tbere is no confirmation bar tn official elrelM of the report from London to tba affect that 'bo Japanese bad oat tba railroad to Vlarllvstock. It la consid ered as impossible Ithat a sofflcient force of Japanese should be able to reach the railroad, which la securely guarded bjr the Russian skirmish lines JAPS DISLODGED SL Petersburg, May 24.-General LInevltcb reports that on May 21 ' a lussian detaobment approaohed Chan Ufa, and, attar a spirited fight, the Japanese were dislodged from their in trenohments on the north side of the a'atlon 8ITUAIION TENSE Gunihu Ling, Hay 24 Tha situa tion here is very tense at the present i . . . . i " - - 4M MMUJ eeema likely. . Both of the oommand ers are keeping close watch on the movements of the other. Genera! Oyama baa made no decisive move yet. , A bold reoonnaisance br the troops of General Kennenkampf met with a loss of several hundred killed and wounded. BANK OFFICIAL IS ARRESTED Sorippa News Association San Francisoo May 11 J B Young, president of the defunct GoldfieM bank and Francis Burton, closely associated with the bank's affairs, were arrested here last eight. They agreed- this morning to return to Goldfield with out a requisition. Later on, friends demanded their release but is waa re fused. Habeas corpus proceedings may be Instituted. There is no question but what La Grande within the next six weeks will have cheap power and plenty of it. Now the thing to do is to reach out and secure industries that will me this power. For herein lies the possibilities of pay rolls. LONG PANTS SUITS, in and fancy worsteds, sipgle prices range from ..' BASE BALL AND BAT FREE ... . With Boy's Suit worth $3 and over GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS $9-95 Buys your chice t.Iiiiii at Mnnlar suits elsewhere LA JAPS OUTBREAK . IS UNQUELLED (By 8cripps News Association) Honolulu, May 24-Tbe absence of news from Labaina, where a second ootbreak of the Japanese labors . la feared, leads to the belief that the Japanese have tampered with the wlrelesa telegraph apparatus. Thf reinforcements that it was deemed neoeraary to , send to Lahaina laat night on the advices received then, are still being held here, but will start for the Island ol Maunl the mom ent help la asked. The last message from Labaina waa to. the effect that fifty citizens, sworn in aa extra p ollce and tba malitia arete auellimr the disorders. Whether or not the com bined forces started to march on the camps of the Japanese last even ing, aa the message aald la not yet known. ' ... 8HER1FF TAKES CHARGE 1 e m-A I nnnn rtiA received a message from the sheriff at Labaina saying that the Japanese bad been ordered to repair to tta planta tion headquarters, receive their wages and vacate the premises, or return to work. The sheriff added that all matters had been turned oyer to him by the plantation manager and that he expected to have everything settled one way or the other this afternoon. - Corn Advances I ' (By Pcrirps News association) ' Chicago May 24 A corner in May eorn came to light today when that cereal advaooed witb a rush from fifty eight to sixty five cenfs per bushel, with a lively scramble on the part of the shorts. James A Patten, Frank Fraxier and William H Bartlett aie in control of the market. It is declsr ed that they will be long twelve mil lion bushels with a profit of fifteen to twenty cents per bushel. - ( Case Continued . ( By Scripps News Association) Jefferson City Mo May 24 Judge Davia this morning granted a contin uance of the perjury case of formrr Lieutenant Governor John A Lee, and it is set tor trial June 14. Extraordinary Values in BOYS' SUITS if you have not visited our boys' suit department this sprint', wo promise you a bui prise both in point of large assortment aud reasonableness in priee. , Good Serviceable suits, $1.50 and $2.00. $2.50 For this price we have a large assort ment in the newest styles, in pleasing patterns, values equal to regular $3 00 suits. sizes from age 10 to 20, in tweeds cheviot, serges and plain and double breasted cuts, tf J CO .itZ ff . .............,.......$4 3V 10 J)ID.UU of our $12.50 silk suits THIS WEEK, thf se suits are, special nrii4 vntl trill find inn.l In tic rn - ar , - " - -w miw a ;vviai values at regular prices, ynw will find them equal to regular $15 00 &( (r ere. There is nothing cheap about the suits except the price. . . . . . Py.V All Silk Suits ot Prices this Week. No No Exceptions. 2m GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 1905 SECRETARY TAFT GIVES OPINIONS By 8crippeNewe Association Columbia Ohio, May 24 In accept ing the chairmanship of the Jhlo re publloan convention, Secretary Taft talked of Rocsevelt'a .railroad rate policy, the treasury ' deficit in the Pbllipplnea aud the Big Stick" The secretary said that n hoped that Con gress would respond to the popular demand for rate legislation. Be said that W J Bryan waa now formulating plan of campaign based on Govern ment ownership of railroad, against whlob proposition, the speaker said, ha was confident the republican party would set ita face like flint. Ha coun seled the party to take all reasonable steps to remedr the evil of the rail road rates, and pleaded for a reduction of tariff on goods coming from tiie Philippines to the United States. He expressed confidence that Congress would mete ont this measure of jnatice . m.w tjM.un MHiuu, huu ani! mat we would bold the Philippines certain ly for a generation, and that we mast not maintain high tariff wall between us and the Island. Quarter Million Suit . Koripps News Association New York May 24 The breach of promise suit of Mrs Katherine Pool! Ion against VV Gould Brokawa, the millionaire club man, btgao this afternoon before Justice Donliog of the 8upreme Court Mrs Pouillon asks a quarter of a million dollars for her lacerkted feelings. Both parties to the suit were present and sense lional testimony is expected. A Double Tragedy . Korippt News Association Butte Moot., May 24VrV Hag. gerty, a miner, in a ilrmkn rage this morning, shot an I fatally wound ed his wife and then blew ou his own brains, eleven year old sn m nl a dee perate attempt to pr.iiect hn m nber. Ohio Fire By Bcripps Ntws Association Mansfield Ohio May 24 The Ohio Brass Works was deslr jy. d by fire this morning. Loss estinute I at $150,000. $3.00 1, this price we iw. Ibis Fprini'. stfme vitlues which we never have been able to offer at less than $3.50 to $4 00. We have them in Cheviots and tweeds, neat and dressy and built to wear. Reduced Reserves, By Borlppa News Association Chicago May Sa-Tbe lumber eupply in Chicago waa praotioaily tied op toda- when eleven additior al lirms were placed on -he list o( strike affect ed yarda. The luminrmen's assila. tlon has affiliated with . ... B V employers1 association and are debating the qnestlon of turning over Us haul ing to tba employe . The teamlni and ooal companies art placing non union men on their wagons. WILL STOP BUILDING " V Secretary Hooper of the lumber men said today that ninety aiirht nar oent of the lumber business in Chicago was crippled, and ttmt it would only be matter of a short time nntll ih shortage in lumber would stop build ing industries ana tie an the f notaries. The' strike situation this morning showed little indication that MtW uk usawaiera or employers were mak ing any concessions that would lead to peace. : ; SHEA IS DEFIANT President Sba Is defiant tddav In "piteoftl routinued spread of the lumber drivers strike and the oroa- ptot of mitrlfal law In Chicaso. il said today: "We intend to fight thla thing ont to the bitter end. It Is on ly the employers who can extend the strike. The teamttera are not ex tending it except as the employers force It." Preoident Shea farther said that he would welcome the troops as they would keep peaoe. , DEMANDS REJECTED Attorney Meyer, representing the employers' association and the express oompanles, In a statement issued toils said : "All-the demands of tha nnlnm. particularly of the expressmen's locals. had been permanently reiacUd " Tha labor leaders declare that United States Senator Piatt and vice-president Fair banks are coming to Chicago to try to settle the strike. SIIEKIFf'8 PROCLAMATION Sheriff Uarrett issued a proolama tlon thla afternoon, advUIr.g all oitl zena to keep cool and avoid being carried a ay by the excitement of the moment. He declared that. If the local authorities were unable to pre aerva peace, the state and Federal troops, if necessary, would be sum moned. WILL NOT AN8WER ' . President Shea, of the teamsters, has been notified : to appear before Master of Chancery Sherman at two o'clock thla afternoon to answer' the questions Indicted by Jadge Koblsaat. It is understood that gbea will refase to answer, and be will probably be sent to jail for contempt. A habeas corpus haa already been prepared for tbia event. If Shea has a Ions term in jail, the strike management will de volve anon the remaining fourteen members ot the strike committee.' Foreign Missions (By ficripps News Association Winona Lke Ind., May 24 The morning session of the Presbyterian General Assembly was devoted to the discussion of foreign mleaion. The sddre-s of the day was delivered by Rev Woodruff Halsey. secretary of the board of foreign mission, who has just returned from Africa. ADOPT REPORT The majority report of the oommlttra ravoring tba appointment of a com mittee to confer with the Presbvtar at Washington regarding Jattice Har lan s project for a oatbodral at the capital, was adopted by tba assembly. Starts Fof Portland (By Scrips News Association) Indianapolis. Ind.. May 24 Viae President Fairbanks leaves tonight for Chicago, enrouta to Portland, Ore gon, to make the opening speech at the Lewis and Clark exposition. He will travel on (he Great Northern from Chicago, leavicg there Saturday nlgbt Utawna Sighted ! (By Scripps News Association) New fork, May 24 -The steamer "Lacamplne" on the afternoon of May 20th sighted a schooner yacht, whiob is believed to be the "Utawa" five hundred and forty miles due east ot Sandy Hook. KILLS HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN By Scripps News Association 8ao Rafael, Cel. May 24 Crazed by illness and basinesa troubles, J C Stephens a rancher living near Kent, field, this morning shot and killsd hU wife and five children. He also shot John Sammerfield, a ranon band, ana seriously woanted two otter children. After committing theee atricloas crimes, he killed himself. Summer field is not expected to recov er. . Stephens had been showing signs of insanity for some time, but gave no Indications that bis dementia woald result In today's horrible tragedy. Ha aroae ahortly before six o'olook, quiet ly secured a gon and started on bis bloody mission. DETA ILH OS TRAG EDY The first victim was hia wife, whem he ahot, killing hr Imrr -hiatal- Freniled by the . sight of blood, he rushed throogh the house like a msd man, ahootlng one after another of the fear oraaed children. After firing a ballet Into the eighth child, he ran down the road where he met Sammer field, who bad been attraoted to tba house by the ahots. Stephens fired without -topping and Bommerfleld fell to the ground. Running a few rode farther, Stephens stopped, placing the revolver to bis own bead, fired and dropped dead. LATER REPORT (Later) Stephen shot himself twice, once In the breast and once in the head. Tha children that ha abot ranged In yeara from twelve to one. The faot that he had ahot his wife and children was not known until soma time after Stephen's body was found A number of men on the way to the depot ploked up tbe corpse and cariied it Into the house where they foond a faith care preaoher praying over the dead and the dying. CORRECTIONS MALE . ; p m Five - children it. e l were sbot, three of whom were k.lltd and tbe ether two oan not recover. Bum merfield was shot at twice luit was not hurt. Stephens' wife and children were in bed when they a r(!angKa ed, four being in bed witb tao mother and tbe baby in the crib beside tba bed. Tbe sbot tbat killed the mother aroused tbe children, but unmoved by their ones tbe murderer continued shooting, placing tbe revolver against the head of each of his li.-vioiims and firing. After the fourth cuild ws shot he turned totbeorib, lifted the baby out, placed it on the floor, put tbe revolver in its faoe and fired, tear ing Its head to pieces. Stephens wss formerly a book agent for a San Fran cisco bouse. New Governor Today Scripps News Association Panama, May 24-CharLs Ma good, tbe new Governor of the canal zona has arrived and was received by a re presentative of President Obaldia at Colon. Tackle That Tickles r It does a flibertnan good to look over our fine line of fiohing tackle, this year it is larger and better than ever. It contains a number of brand new things that you will want to add to your equip, ment as soon as you see themand it doesn't cost much to add them when you get them here . Our stock of reels, flies, lines and rods afford an oppor tunity for everyone to nt up a good outfit at a very reasonable cost. Wheather you think of buying or not we will be glad to have . you see what is new in the way of anglers' goods. NEWLIN , Ai!Iionaire Dead (By Bcripps Newe Association) Stanford Con May 24 Wm Z.igU.r, the millionaire baking powder man and who waa a finanioal backet In several Polar eaplditlona died IMs morning at bis borne on Great Inlxrd at tbe age of 62. He was injured In .n accident laat October and haa been In 111 health ever sinoe. Last 8nnday ;be suffered a stroke ot apoplexy from which he never recovered, THE SORT THAT WILL PL EASE Tbat 19 Ibe groceries W8 . - Dim tim in please all of our customers We realize tbat iii ordet to do this we must sell only First Quality Goods We also know that our i prices mast be right, i, auu that our service roust be correct. A child can do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele- pboue will convince you. We solicit your patronage. IbbSJ North Fir Street TT7 yu do not use La Grande made flour , WE want you to, the next time you buy have a ' TALK with your grocer about it, be will tell you TO try it at his expense, if not satisfactory ; YOUR money cheerfully refunded, If your WIFE has some nice white : ' bread -THAT'S when things are cheerlul at borne. OUR flour will surely pleose you, it's our BUSINESS to bavo you try this flour SO you can judge for your selves. , . v DONT you know that all the BLAME will be end not on on yu, US if you try any other makes? , Be sure it reads U Grande Milling Co. on every sack Made right here at Home DRUG CO. I MaBBBWBBBMBBaBBBBBaBBBaSSJBHBBaBaaBBBBbi 7 1