La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 20, 1905, Image 1

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    . mm mm today
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fJ IVPATnyR BhowewdolJertor.V-t, '
I " llMIliliil Tomorrow partly tloai. j
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The attendance et tut nights busi
ness men's meeting was net what it
bould bave been, however much busi
neee of great importance wu consider
Tnroer Olfter spoke several minutes
of the advantagea of good roada end
described the meeting held in Pendle
ton a few daya ago, ha being prawn t,
and among othrr thin e ttated thai in
the latter part 0 June the -National!
ujcviiuk wuuia uQ. Belli la
Portland, and advietd that th Club
iMue a lettrr informing every road au
perviaor and member of the. eoiraty
' court in tbia county, of the dale pi
thia meeting and auggeet thai they he
Mr Oliver alto aUted thai anon an
attendance would practically aeoure
the fall meeting for La Grande. A
committee wai appointed to carry out
the aqggeiition
' 'Mr EdwsrdsUteil fuel be under.
atood the club waa deeiroua of adopt
ing some novel acbeme of advertising
u vuuvt; utulug tLi i..! iZizci
a plan which be bad carried out in
ibe middle weatern atatee, and bat
Was the distribution of literature from
a minature carriage drawn by four
white goat. Mr J ward offered a
very reasonable propoeition for the
'distribution of 10,000 piece of liter,
ture, but the club waa confronted with
. the tad condition that they were abut
of the literature. However, a commit
tee waa appointed to investigate how
much 20,000 illustrated photographs
would cost. The club took cognisance
' of the published statement in the Ob
server a few daya ago, which stated
that from the estimate then made oi
lha ceneua enumerative now being
madr, thai the total figure for La
tvrande would be about 3,500. Nearly
all present thought that" waa entirely
. too low, and the clnb proviJcd that a
committee of five be appointeJ to care
fully examine the enumeration, and if
necessary, assial in seeing that no
one waa miased. '.
These state enumerations . are of
much value, as our representative in
Abe legislature is based upon the po
pulation of the state census. -
Lewis and Clark
Centennial Exposition
Opens June I.
Many of yea will be there on
opening day aod many more
from time to time. To be
equipped with COMFORT
ESSENTIAL, if you would
thoroughly enjoy yourself.
To assure yourtelf FOOT
COMFORT- buy your shoes
NOW and break them in be
fore you go. You can buy
the latest styles as cheaply
here and we daresay cheaper.
You may rest assured that
Portland merchants are not
gjingto make special price
concessions because you are
from La Grande. .
Likeness of the Lewis and
Clark Dollars.
8orippa News Aseoolrt Ion
Gansha Peas May 20 A geoarel en.
fagement between the Japan and
Russian 1 sow Imminent General
Oyama is deploying heay foreea
agaloat the Russian left, and la coo
centrating his troops along the centre.
Howeverjhia baee opposite the right
of General Line vitch. II. ia Dot yet
clear whloh wing ia making the demon
stratfon or which will deliver -. the
main blow. It ia evident from the
preparationa bt General Lloevltch that
be Intents to accept a decisive battle.
Pays a Big Debt
By Borippa News Association
Washington Hay 20 Secretary At
klnaon, of the Territory of Hawaii,
who has been here for a conference
with the various departments, has
just cloaed negotiations in New York
lor the refunding of eight hundred
thousand dollars of the territorial debt
Breaks the Record 1
(Hy Scrlpps Newa Association)
Morria Fark Race Track N Y Kay 20
In the opening meet of the Motor
Racing Club this afternoon, - Louie
Chevrolet, io a ninety horse power
Flat, lowered tho mile record from
fifty two and four fifths The former
record waa held by Oldfleld. - V ... ":.
Transport Floated
By Scrlpps Newa Association
Washington, Msy 20 General Cor
bin, commanding la the Philippines,
haa cabled the war department that
the Transport Buford, recently ground'
ed . near MaUbang, Mindanao, was
floated on May . It. The ahip eua
taiued but alight damage.
Another Inspection
By ScrippeNews Association '
Saigon" May 20 Admiral Dejon
quirea sailed today on the cruiser Goy
ohen. It ia understood that he will
make another inspection of the coast
to see if the French neutrality is being
It gives comfort, pre
sei ves the shape, adds
to looks and prolongs
the wear by bringing
the strain where pro
visions are made for it
$3.00 Shoe
is made on the lines of
the human foot, in
variety sufficient to fit
every foot and we
give this important
lntail niir nnnninl
attention. Men's Diamond Special $3.50
LET US PROVE IT Cascade Shoe, 2.f0
Leather Suit Cases
These are indeed special values These cases are well,
made, well lined, and are better than anything we ever'
offered for 46.50. Special price at The Fair... $5.00
Regular $10 Steamer Trunks
$8.00 J
These trunks Art), very convenient, aud ate especially suit
able for ladies' use-dress skirts can be carried in these
trunks and come out in perfect condition and ready for
immediate use. Ses our trunks. Prices from $6 50 to $22.50
" (By Borippa Newa Association) '
Fort Worth Tex.. Msy 200 J
Lowden,' O W Steffins and W B
Thompson, respectUely president,
vice-president nd cashier of the in
erioan National Bank of Abilene,
have been indicted by the Federal
Grand Jury for embattling bank funds
Tho amount of money embessled Is
estimated at one huudred and forty
five thousand dollars. 1 bey were al
so iudicted tor making false returns to
the comptroller of the currency. It la
alleged that the money waa need in
cotton peculation. Lowden wis the
republican candidate lor Governor ia
the last campaign. ,
French Fear Japanese
Paris May 20 M Deloncle, deputy
fop Indo China, baa submitted to a
special parllamentry . committee on
naval affairs a remarkable report on
the orgent necessity for atrengthenlng
the defenses of Indo-China against the
peril of a Japanese Invasion. -
"Indo China, " be aaya. "has only
two enemiea, namely, japan atoue ur
China encouraged and aapported by
Japan. The former, constitutes the
real danger, for Japan haa much to
gain and little to flak" ' '
The report cont-lodes with aseertlng
It would be puerile to disregard the
gravity of the situation and nrgea the
neoeaalty for making large eaeilflcea
to plaoe Indo-China in readiness.
McArdle Is President
jSoripps Newa Association
Detroit Mich May 20-P T MoArdle
of Mnnoie, Indiana, waa today eleoUd
president of the Amalgamated Asso
ciated Iron, Steel and Tin workew,
defeating Theodore Bbsfifcr. -
Marble Workers Strike
Borippa Newa . Association
New York May 20 A atrike of aev
eral hundred employees has led to
the closing of the doors of a number
of the largest marble yards In the eity
The strikers demand both a rednotion
in the number of hours they shall
work and an inoresse In wages.
jr : - 1
. $3.00
Fine soft vici, opera toe," patent
tip, opera heol.
(Bj Hcrlppe Newa Association) ,
Cblcaga. Uav 20- "JTba strikers
have accepted oar terms and will go
baok to work as we want them to,"
annooooed attorney Levy Mav-r. the
counsel and apokesman for tlie em-
piorers association this mornlna This
statement waa made ImmediaUlj after
a oonfereno with the labor lenders at
bis offlc; Tbia la the employers . of
ficlal announcement pending the atrtka
wmcn waa predioted yesterday. Tba
terms proposed to the strikers were
tba reinstatement of tba anion rren as
aooo as possible and eipedlent.
tba smplojere claim a complete
victory; bat tba nnlona make different
elaima. They declare tht a settle
meat Is practically an read noon, bnt
that the aooeptance of the employer
terma oy tna tesmster'a oommlttea
will be repudiated by tba referedam
vote of the anions after tba teamster's
jomt council baa passed upon the
proportion There seems little pro
babtnty of such opposition , to the
aettlemant. '.
Speaking for the employers, attorney
Merer tanner said; iom uioaus u
beglnnlni of the and of the Dower of
organized labor nnlona In Chicago.
Having vanaulahed tba alaota of the
anions, the employers an now . ready
tor tba pigmies, and they t will be
treated ia tba . aama manner'. This
statement confirms tho report recently
oinjolated to the effect that tba busi
ness interests in Chioago bad deter,
mined to crush out all unions, '
, At noon twelve members of the am.
I ploy era asaoolatlon were oloaed In th
IVffiA ftf .ttn. U.. l.k I J .
KDea ana . Hfteen : members of the
sulke oommlttea. It la understood
Mbat the deUilaof the strike settlement
are oeing nnaiiy aetarmtnaa and that
tna agreement la being signed.
The teamsters' strlko began on April
wn as reeuls of the lockout of aevsn
teen garment workers In .the employ
or llontgomary Ward and comnaa.
Tba total number of atrlkera Involved
was thirty seven thousand seven hun-
dred and seventy two. Eight deaths
resulted during tba ribta and there
vers one hundred and fifty persons
injured aocording to the polios reports.
Five thousrtnd three hundred extra
nolloa and dannt harltr. K.t7. k..
on atrike duty at a coat of seventy
r J rmmmm mmwm w WU U
thousand ddlara to the city and
1 C08T Of STRIKE -The
cost to tba teamsters, in wages
and assessments, Is estimated at three
quarters of a million dollars. It is
estimated thai the cost to the em
ployers, including tbe loss of business.
is twelve million dollars. v
At the oonoluiion of tbe oonference
between tbe labor leaders aud tbe era
ployers this afternoon at ons o'oioolc,
it was announced Ibat the proposed
plan fo. tbe strike settlement would
be formal! submitted to ' t o teams-
ters" joiat con noil for their ratifica
tion at eight o'clock tonight. It ia
understood that this coarse was taken
to order to permit the anion to sot
officially upon the terms and make
tbe announcement to their me ubers.
Tbe united employers association of
wood industries and the feed dealers
association this afternoon began pre
parations for a . full resumption of
their deliveries Monday, on tbe as
sumption that the Hrike ia now off
Policeman Patrick, E Black wjII
died tbia morning as a result of a
fraotured akull received during the
atrike riot on May lOtb, and police.
man Joseph H Cough is dead as a re
sult of exposure while on strike duty.
These two make ten deatba attributed
to tbe strike. '
One Racer Sighted
Scrlpps News Association
New York May 20 The steamer
"Princess Alice" arrive I ' hre today
and reports sighting the American
yatch Apache yesterday sixty seven.
m ies east of tbe Nantucket light ship.
The yatch was running due east at tbe
time, and every stitch of canvas wa
(Observer Special)
Enterprise Or May 20-After belna
ont nearly twenty four hoars tbe jury
oroucDt in a verdict .of murder In the
second degree against J II McBaln for
the murder of Cbaa. and Theodora
Trost near Grossman, last April.
It is reported that the first ballot
atood 10 to 2 for murder la the first
degree and ballot, after ballot, until
long alter midnight etod eight to
four, until finally at 9 o'oljck this
morning tbe jury agreed on tbe second
asgrae. Hentenoe will be paaaed next
Monday. Tbe jury In the case waa
composed of tbe following wall known
oltisens of tbia oounty : Polk Maya, J
U McCoIly, George Gowlng, Robert
cow, Wayne Wade? Wm Cook. Riley
Cook, Gua Bchleur, Jaa Haroro
rrank wrignt, John Rankin and J D
wood. . ,
Orders War Vessels
By Borippa Nws Association)
Vienna, Austria, May 20.-Aostrla
has ordered six torpedo-boat destroy
era anji tea torpeeo boeta to be built
.- w-Stl 4,1, a
such veasela to be built in Hungary!
Tba cost will be three million dollars.
. Our Population
Today at noon an Observer, repre
aentatlve secured the following figures
from the census enumerators, who are
taking the oenaus of this olty and tbe
totals will reach about 3700. Tho bun
prias comes In the Increased popula
tion in ward 4, north of the railroad.
Chas. Owsley is taking warde 1 and i,
Adna Rogers No. 3, and Chester New
tin No. 8. The figures given at noon
today. which are estimated, for No. I,
aa Mr. Owsley considers that be ia
just about halt through and now - has
625 and estimites tbe total of this ward
at 1100 atrong On this basis we have:
Ward 1, Old Town........ .. 600
Nov. 2 1000
No.3 poo
No. 4. HOD
; '; '"-,'3650
The government census in 1900 gave
La Grande 2991 It the above figures
are correct, and tbey must be about
right, for the canvas In No 1 Is com
pleted, and wards 2 and 3 are nearly
so, this will give us a gain during tbe
past five years oi 650, equal to about 22
per oent.
Can't be Taxed
( By Pcrlpps News A saoolatlr n )
San Francisco, May 29. Io an opin
ion rendered at the instance of tbe as
sessor, city attorney Long stated today
that the f 180,000,000 bonds to be issued
by the Southern Paolflc, under consol
idation three years ago In whloh all
the lines In this state and those pre
vlously incorporated uuder the laws of
Arixona and New Mexloo, were inoor
pointed under the laws ,of California
and oadnot bo taxed, aa a direct tax Is
paid upon tbe lines In thU state and
In the t,wo teirltoriea In which they
That Tickles
It does a Hibernian good (o look over
our flue line of fhhing tackle, this yrar
it is larger and better than ever. It
contains a number of brand new things
that you will want to add to your equip
ment as soon as you see them aDd it
doesn't cost much to add them wben
you get them hare. Our stock of reels,
flies, lines and rods afford an oppor
tunity for everyone io tit up a gpod
outfit at a very reasonable cost. . '
Wheather you think of buying or,
not we will be glad to have ; you see
what is new in the way of anglers'
, '; Soripps News Association
Belgrade, Msy 20 The town of
Quillone, Macedonia, is beaeiged by a
force of two thousand Albanians.
Eight hundred soldiers took refuge ia
ibe town and tba residents defended
tbem from the Albanians. A relief
forcjB bss been dispatched to the be
leagured city.
The only Exclusive
Undertaking Parlors
in La Grande
Scientific Embalming
Licensed in Oregon and
Montana. Experienced
Lady Assistant
Our office is always open
Phone 1751 ; V
Office in Lewis Building,"
opposite Sooiiucr House
To briog your uJy
friend or your wife
and family to secure
tbe best refreshments
t -
The best candy
The best Ice Cream
' The best equpped candy
The best Soda Fountain V
in Eastern Oregon
m .... w .
if- jr '-" i
5 '.' rs
i &
set. .' ,, .
" w. Of
.... v. . .