QLASSiriCD fO& SALE Single baggy and bar seas good fresh ballon cow, about 40 bens, bona furniture for eight rooms, .partly Daw. ? UU 3rd street. Phone 707. . HOP OQODALL IfOB 8ALE-I will aU my driving mare,'8tndebekr baggy, 'barnee ' . and oomolsta ootfit cheap, for cash, if sold at onoe. Kor parUoolara ap . ply to J L Christ laa, Arcade Saloon. May IS , ' .- - rtJU BALK Bemlagton Typewriter, ; nearly new, at ; Obargala.) Call at . County Clark's offioa and see machine FOB BALK A ehaap Typawriter la good oonditlon. ' E C Jerraen 1701 first Bt M 16 tf yOS 8ALE Fresh . , inlluh oow, throughly broken will ba aold cheap for eaah. O If oelleoborg, laland City. . .. . . ml7, J 17, 4. kOJtt RENSVFurnisbed , room for : light ' hocMkaepfng. ' Ioqolra of Mrs. A E Jonas. Corner 3rd and . ' Adams Avenna. ' -'" ."1 wk FOB BENT-Dealrable forulahad housekeeping rooma on groond floor . i v: Bi mwu, FOR XFNT Furnished room for lady , or gentlemen, with alaotrio llghta ancLbath-Mrs X A Baksr. . " " - -'-Phon Malna 811 FOR BENTFlve room i foraiahad ! boose, (or housekeeping. Inqnlra of ' Mrs. W M James, the dressmaker. Ga nanawHonaekaeping rooms, also new St room 'eottago. Apply 11 rs. Shaarnr, oppoelt Star Grocery. FOB &NTFfcrhbhed rooma for light housekeeping, apply at 1617 4th Street i . .- ;. , ... . - . FOB ,BENT Front farnUbed room with btb connection. Apply eorner . bird and Park streets.' ' " FOB BKNT One new large flvo room ; ad booaa on First Street. Has a ' good cellar. : Apply to F.Hynborst. (WA) FOB BENTTwo famished rooma, aleetrle light and bath. Inqnlra at 701 Main a tremor phone 811. ' t DRESS WAKISG-Ladls'i, Misses' and Children's .dress mtklog, Mrs W 8 Winaa, eorner of Depot and'U HtraeU. iv PhooaNo2078.' (A 201 ; nAN Mtu Linmuar, ume, ana in fact all kinds of botlding material want ed at once, by J L Mara", contractor and bonder. The man- who can famish ths material tba qnlokast and at ibw lowest, prloea, gets tha oon Cmcp dsiiwy; i l LOST-Ladlea 'Pgg! from Parte" containing some' money, Jewelry and visiting cards. Waa lost on road be tween La Grande'and Alioel Liberal reward paid tot Information leading to! Its return; Ketnrn to this btfloa or to I At. fihMllV ..AHA 1 ' .1 mm i Ail HivBimiuiwiffi! 4tw mm II w 1 Wall Paper Hm you will always find the late t styles, 4he test quality and the lowest prices. FAINTS, T il!. I! in m una we nauaie tne old reliable fif SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. Chi-Nainel J Varoish stains in all i colors for decoration?, (i : furniture and floors. 5 STAGbAND & I ....... . g eeTRAGTQRS - h f r!TTV RR '- mMmf WW J IV X f JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brcwuig Plant AskJor.La .Grande Beer andtget the Best. LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh PREFERENCE DVERriSCnCNTS Homeseckcrs Dont forget that G II Powen tba Land man bai any tblog In tba abapa of Baal Estate from an aora of Garden to a 2000 aora ranch. All property aold on commission and tttlea gaaran taad -'..--: Gil Powera Minnesota Land Man Mch23tf LA GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C DAVIS, Proprietor, Complote nssortmeatjof.fin est marble and gr'anit always on hand. Estimates cheerfully . furnished upon application. ' Headstones'and Monuments A Specialty PAST U R E I have leased the Silk pas tare for the season and am therefors in position to care fos all kinds of stock, and especially the "town cow" at rates which are just, I Trill. urulo urn class treatment, good feed and water. t Address . ' .' E. E.Jonesr Phone 1276 La Grande The Bilk rMlareoonnliiUof ova-HOO acres and is divided Into ill Mpartta lou Home end cattle will not run together LA GRANDE SCHOOL ' OF MUSIC PROP. DAY, Principle. MRS DAY,AulsUr4 Thl is one of thebestJmnsloalilD ititotlons la the state Daring the rear 1904 there were nearlr Four thousand lasaoDs given. Tba people In.this city and valley an begin ! Ing to dJaoorer tha treat adrantsae of this school. Tbo.aystem need Is tba latest and most practical, and includes all tha latest discoveries la tha art of teaching mosio. Ths enool Is divided into two depart mental No. Is for beginners, from S yean up, and taking la tte 1st to 3rd grades. In this department pnpila coma one hoar ovary day. In NO. 3 tha oradea ar I mm 3 tr. IS. 'JUre they graduata. Pupils case one or iwo lessons a week as they deuire. , No scholars will be permitted to remain in this aouooi who do not study. OILS,! .. .... ' V MeLAGHLEN ? tSs RWRP V in Eastern Oregon i u ndbDoao SPiUHL d FOR TTIE NEXT a AT - m m n il ii a Specials that talk. Facta and figures spesk for themselves. Bear in mind these are not inferior lines of goods, but perfect in every deUil, and the season's styles. Every article guaranteed as represented or monev refunded. Just note the cut prices helow and 8eeow much a little will buy. ' D r Suits, regular price Your . it .. n a a o a a u a 4 Wealth of Uenry Claws has tnsda an estlmata ot tba wanltli of a, numbar of tba roill ionalra captalliU ot tha United Statsa, lo whioh bb places Joba D Rookefellar flist and Andrew Carnegia saoond. This la the Ubls ha baa formulated : ? John ORookorsllrr... $500,000,000 Audrew Catnegie 5150,000,003 wuuam w Astor (eblefl in real estate) John Jacob Astor 200,000,000 75,000,000 Gould family (of whioh George J Gould's per sonal fortune repre ' aents $35,000X ......... Marshal Field 160,000,000 lr,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 80,000,000 70,000,000 75,000,000 60,000,000 60,000,000 60,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 Blair estate..... W K Vanderbllt. Bassell Base ... DO Mills William Kocketoller J P Morgan James J Hill... Henry II Rogers Henry Pbinrs John O Arohbold Henry M Flauler. James R Haggln James Uenry Smith. W il TUford James Btillman........ George F Baker.. 15,000000 Mr Clews admits that his ll.t l h no meana complete, but says that it unJoubtedlr eonUina tha Tery richest men. Prominent among the well known capitalists not inolud ed are the members ot the so ealliuk "Rook laland crowd" Wllll.m H .nl J 11 Moore, D G Raid and W Leeds nor aoea ne name Senator W A Oliwk. UU Frilk. J W Galas. Nnrm.n Ream, the William C Whitn ijit. PAR Weiuuer, tha younger Vender. ohm, urs Hetty Greene, nor any ot the other notably rich women of the country. . A New Law. Oregon becomes a Door field for dead beats as a result of tha UhL'a I.. passed by the lest legislature, and a. a ... wnicn weni into effect tsday. The law makes one hall the earning i th debtor subjnot to execution proceed- i . . k ... ings ii me aett ba for family expenses. As com' rued bv thaennrt. ih. iM , . w "family expenses inoludet provisions, tuei, rent, lurniture, wearing apparel, pianos, iewelrr. uedinal akunilni and numerous other items. For the best and whitest bread use Jersey Cream Flour. OR 3ALK-I resb dairy cows for aala at Bean'a ranoh, in Old Town.' LUSr- J u 8mltb baa lost tba setting to his ring, being an elk head with a large diamond. Anyone Boding eauie will be liberally, rewarded. ' St Wealthy I Men! boo no'oanonD cloth A GREAT . . IV ' 'ffl: 111 IV 1 Fr Every SEVENTY-FIVE cents you now spend $10.00 now $7.50 Suits, Tegular price Dollars will have more value at Ciotliioiss and Outiitters qa n a o n a p q a D0 EXPLODES AND KILLS TEN. (By Boripps News Association) Monastir. Tnrkev. Ma &Th. plosion of a bomb here h death of ten persons. Numerous ar retU have followed the explosion of tha bomb, search Ms been made and other bombs haTe been 'discovered ' Elk Reported Killed Pendleton ' May 19-Complaint has reached Deputy Qame and Fish War den, Joe Nolf that aome rlk have been killed In Southern Union bounty, near North Posrder, and ths matter la being investigated. It is forbidden bylaw to kill elk In Oregon under any oircum alancea, and the penalty for doing so Is a heavy Una or Imprisonment. Bryan Was Speaker Wlnoaa Ind., May 17 Several hun dred commissioners to the IVa.h.uri.n general assembly arrived Tonight a large number attended the general missionary meeting t which nryan spoke. New Suar Plants Salt Lake May 19 General Mana ger T & Cutler of the Utah A Idaho sugar obmpaoiee has returned from a visit to the Pajette and Boise valley districts in Idaho, wbere the new com. pa'ny to be known as the Westorn Ida. ho 8ugar company will build two fao tories next year. For the location of the Payette plant land has bsen bought two miles south of Payette on the Oregon Short Line. The site of the Nempa plant hae not been definitely fixed. Mr Cutler stat ed that it will be necessary to incor porate the company tbout June 1, with a capital of two million dollars instead ot a millicn and a half, owing lo the decision ' to build laiger plants than had been originally contemplated. ings Leased ; Dr O II Bingham has leased his pr pular Bioghsm (Springs rexurt to M E Foley, formerly of the Rochester hotel in Tasoma, an experienord summer retort hotel man who will greatly im prove the hotel and make it the lead log resort in Umatilla oui.ty. Plague At Harbin Landon, May 19 According to a correspondent, at Tokio of the Daily Telegraph a severe epldemio of plague has broken ont at Harbin and the deaths resulting tbete frum its average 300 daily. : High ' Art Painting Persona desirlog fine work in the line of ibterior ' flnlshloir. ' each aa graining to match the farnltora, wood- nuing to melon tba walla, and all tha Oat flntshes or aloeaea. ahonM rail on or wddrass Senford D Kiuuey, 1131 Adama Avenua, eorner Greenwood street. La Grande, Oregon. ' i. canQaananodaaflonDDaLianD THIRTY DISCOUNT OF . . ' , lit J Ol I you get A DOLLAR'S WORTH H antaiBV Suits, regular price $15.00 now $11.25 $20.00 now $15.00 this sale than that fixed by Uncle P-nnDDDnnQaan no a a nana JUST Ladies' Neckwear Stationery Lewis, and Clark Shopping Baskets MIT UNBRY Ladies' and Childr n's Hats, Ornamental tnd Useful Belts Combs. Purses tnd Fans. . E M WELLMAN & c6 La Grunde - Oregon D HENRY & CARR PUNCRIL DIRECTORS LICEtUED Ef1BILriER5 Lady aBii8tai.t, Callsanswered day and night, ? ( Phone No. 21. J. O. Henry, residence 664 s J. J. Carr, residence 386 La Grande Oregon Old Jewelry made to look like new Clocks taken care of LACE Curtain A heavy disc junt on all lace curtains and lortiers W. H. BOHNENKAMP, HARDWARE, FURNITURE, SASH AND DOORS. CAR OF 8H INGLES IN TODAY n a a a BAYS OF CLOTHING n a M Sam. D NEW WEKNOl JUiT MAT IS NEEDED, AND KNOW JUST HOW TO ADMIN. ISTER THE DOSE Bring it to the store and we will give it the required repairs. If it is past fixing we will tell you bo, and stop the expense. If we tan fix it we will do eo at a moderate cost. Watch re pairing - is ; oar : specialty. J.H. PEARE, Sale .'V, "t 1 . .. ..