' a m il i Si it H lit AW tv:V';...-:v,- V'' . ; Just Arrived - New shipment of . HAN AN SHOES Also Walkover stock now complete AL ANDREWS, Haberdasher and Tailor Wateh this ipact for Suit winnes Dr. A. I- Richardson $35 Joe Conncn the $25 Suit last Saturday Two drawing on Sat. May 20 . A New Departure at The La Grande Drug Co. F. F. HARADON & SON, FAMOUS CHOCOLATES Now 25 and 50 cents per box Vi ' 1 .' Local Itsm p il! li . 1 1 .1 .- in -M Dr G O Eahelman of Portland U lo tbe city. Mr and Mrs 8 O Hwaokhammer of Union spent tba day la the city. David Hay la detained at bom on account of an attaok of billlonenecs. Mr and Mra II O Rioebart drove up from Bummsrvllle today flatting frieoda la tba city '1 he Grande Sonde Cash Co baa add Sixty Days bjbyspvvmkbbss , Aa Italian wandarar failed In a gat rich quick aebama and was given alzty days lo the county jail. Aa Engineer Frank Pike earns la on bia angina laat alaht about alavaa o'rlock, ha dropped bia eoat on tba ground while ba made e final Inspection of bia engine before; tarniag it over, and wbea be got back, I la eoat vaa ntieelng. Ba Immediate ly want ont on a tour of Impaction aad within e aburt time found bia coat oa the ontaide of the abofe mentioned Ifallaa whom ba prooaeded to take in ebarge and placed bia In care of depu ty marahal F P Childera. Thia morn ing be waa arraigned before Justice Hough . " ed the SUrer and Walker Una of arl- M)Wlff llrfar I lTt tt ta and bogglee. I J cultural implements i Saturdav the KuUrn oM.. ffui a Genevieve Cbriatoff-rsoo Meet will Uke place at linker City. ,Tillie Banning' I be La Grande bora are preparing to Klein ! SEED GR AI NT I OA.TS, "WHEAT, Bfuesteam and Club BEARDLESS BARLEY BLUE BARLEY, MILLEEED Baied Alfalfa, Wild and Timothy H y COAL and WOOD I Gra:ide Rondc Cash Company, -Press Lewie Dean Crowe Pkone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue WILSON-CHAMBER-In thia oity yealerday evening, Wedneeeay May 17 100S, Mr J Henry Wllaon and Misa Cora Chambers by Justice John F Hough. Both of this city. 8IEFERT HAQLY In $la city thia forenooa ot tba oiflce of Juatics John E Ilough Mr Vernla fleifert end Mine Alios Jtaicly. They will leave on tba craning train for Baker City which ia their home. eeetMeeeeeeeeeeeeaeseweeee NOTICE We stretch bed springs We buy second had goods. We buy wagons. We boy wood. We bay stoves, We pay csh. We sell cheap. We sell furniture. We run our own business. We have our furniture van. We move furniture. We undersell others. We can show you if you come in. We do business on the square. Call or phone 1581, The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams tcflmentDer we euu buy and aell alii kinda of Second Hand Goodajl j . . j Phone 1581 oonteat for a number of flrat placea. Uow to inereaas the payrolls ot La Grande la the theme to ba dlaooasad at the bualneaa mena meeting at tba Commercial Club next Friday ntgbt Coma out. Mra. B W Giandy left tbla morning for Edmentoo, Alberta county, Cana da, where ebe will vlalt her daughter, Mra. J 8 Mil a, and family, for three montha. The women ot Woodcraft are requeet ed to meet tomorrow afternoon at tba borne of Mra T J Urnrond Busineee of iuipottance. By order of the Guard ian Neighbor. . The heavy wind did aoma II lie graud atand, but Manager Beianer baa every thing In abapa again . and the game between ;L Grande and Peudleton will oome off aooording to program next Sunday afternoon. The game will ba s good one and the fana will ct-rtaluiy receive all that ia com ing. ' Cora Harding Mable Btaoey Bylil Eldridge May Lilly Queenio Bbilliag -Marguerite Noble The abovo ataremeot abowa tending of the conteatanta at time the votea were counted laat even ing. Mi a Blanch Ooffiuao haa with dr wo from the oonteat. . 4H 389 353 31S 267 220 140 122 2 tbe the Married New Laws Many of tba new lawa passed by the laat l.glalature go Into effect today ai d lomnr-A-. T --.pt. - .-S; ai- obarter, it la mors thanlikely that the oooncil will elect two oounoilmen to represent tbe Fourth wttrd. For The Mines Maaara Neppla & Ward, the partial who bars bonded tha Mulr property up Grande Sonde river left today with a four boras load of supplies and will Immediately begin to develope the mine.' Born TIFFANY la this oity. Thursday May 18, 1905, to Mr. and. Mra. Al bert H Tiffany, an eight pound son. F1TZGEBALD In this oity. Tours day. May 18, 1905, to Mr. and Mra. David Fitzgerald, a nins pound son. SHINGLES I can furnish yon any quantity. ' They are extra Star A. Star and first class. Try them. Just recelred a car of doors, windows and screen doors, let Us flgare with you, quality guaranteed, lata showing m fine assortment of fishing tackle, the kind that catches the fish, try them. Do not forget about our bee supplies. ; MRS. T. N. MURPHY, . Hardware and sporting Goods. Mr 8 V Beibert of Baker City arrived in La Grande thia morning on s abort buiineaa wlair. Mr, R A Hunt of Baker Oity il vis iting in the city today. A few more daya like theee and ell ooDtagioua .dleeaei which are now prevalent In many aeotlona of the state will be a thing of the paat. Warm sunli(ht la a terror to nearly all germr. Unrie Jimmy Hood, probably the oldest man in Walla Walla county ia still leading the strenuous life. He ia oloae to a hundred years of age and de rives a small income. aa a mounted sneepberder Walla Walla Union. Wm Mulr who sold his Golden Stai groups to J 0 Nepple of Bker Oil) and Jamea Words of Nevada, will re turn to Grands Sonde mines tomorrow and commence developing the Silver 3ter mine which he has owned for a number ef years. Mr Mulr baa spent twelve yeara in thia district and has great faith in the miniug future of up per Grande Bonde river minea. Homer Davenport has started for the Lewlu and Clark fair with Ma collection of birds, horns and othr animals, where they will bs exhibit .1. tOR BLE-Iresh dairy cows for sale as Bean s rnnon, in uia Town. ATTRACTIVE SURROUNDINGS Add to the enjoyment of eating. Our reataurant la run on this principle aad our tables, not to speak of our employ ees, are attractive to tba sve. 8nowy linen, shining silver and glittering glass wars make an appetlxin prepar ation for the good food we serve. And than la . NO DISAPPOINTMENT ,, whln It la nlaMul halnva vnn naifantlw cooked snd In generous proportions How we manage to serve snob msale at ucn moaea pncea - is a myeiery . to every housekeeper In town. LVL UJJ Jii Li RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPIN DAY AND NIGHT U50 We aail weekly Meal , Tiea-ete uan MONEY SAVERS If OR HOUSE CIMK TIE Th e First bright Days of Spring remind the housewife of the ever recurring season when the home must be renovated and brightened up for the summer. There are always some new things in house furnishings needed for this, and some expense must be incurred, SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed .Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. AH kinds of Grass seeds. Bulk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats H-V. OLIVER 'JEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. The Golden Rule Co. As usual have some EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES in these lines and CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Curtain swiss, per yard " 10c lo 45c Table Oil Cloth, per yard . 20c Nottingham Lace Curtains, per pair 60c to $2.50 Window Shades, complete with fixtures 35c Ruffled " " " 75c to $2.15 Wire cloth, all widths, per foot 4c to 61 Babbinet .. - $1.65 to $4-75 An entire new line of Glassware, beautiful patterns Panel Curtains, each 50c to 75c Everything in Granitware and Cooking Utensels Bed Spreads, each 85c to $2.50 Everything in Dishes Mosquito Net, per bolt 50c THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, ' ISO -1310-1312 Adams Av tie Largest Store . Smallest Prices