La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 18, 1905, Image 1

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R Showers end cooler tonight
Tbursdsy fati
4E El x!
3 '
. VULUAIC IV ' -: . v..-:" .'. r.v: -
(By Scrippt Newa Asfociatlon)
Siagon May 18 Tbe junction of
Rojeetvensky'a and Nebogatoff'a fleets
waa affected off tbla port ootalda of
the terrltorlak watere May 8th. . Tbe
combined fleet remained In tuevloini
ty until May 17 wben it started sea
ward la aa eaaterly direction.
Feoaan May 18 The railway connect
ing Port Arthur and Harbin baa been
restored aa far north aaTie Linn and ii
beiog operated to that point. Tempo
rary bridges have been erected in place
of the onea dnetroyed by tbe Russians
The work of repairing tbe road north
of Tie Ling ia belug poshed .
Biogapoie, May lit The aieamer
Begovla reporU that on Mar 1& aha
passed forty two veaaela of the Haltio
fleet forty mill from ' Car VamlU
The fleet waa atevnlng north.
8t. Petersburg, May 18. The report
that the plague had broken oat among
tbe aoldiera at Harhin ia denied here
liong Kong, May 18. A fleet of one
hundred and fifty juuka waa elglited
off St. Johna Island, May 10.. The
fleet la eridently nnder the direct con
trol of tbe Russians aa they carried no
lights. The junka are aaid to be load
ed with provisions for the Baltic fleet
8t Peterabnrg, May 18-The Minist
er of Marine today authorized tbe
statement that Rojistvensky had nrt
applied to be releived from command,
through the admirals health bowerer
still remains a source of great anxiety
and a result Admiral filrlloQ will be
Bent to Vladivastock to ' take over
supreme oommand of the Raaalan
naval foroea.
Wiped Cut The Band
By Bcrippi Newa Association '
Manila May 18 Gen Wood reports
. that Pala, the out-law Moro cheif who
haa been panned by Gen Wood 'a
command was killed on the ialand of
Jolo. He also reperta that In a battle
with tbe aoldiera the greater number
of the out-lawe band which numbered
nearly six hundred were also killed.
Lewis and Clark
Centennial Exposition
Opens June 1.
Many of you will be there on
opening day and many more
from time to time. To be
equipped with COMFORT
ESSENTIAL, ii you would
thoroughly enjoy yourself.
To assure yourself FOOT
COMFORT buy your shoes
NOW and break them in be
fore you - go. You can buy
the latest styles as cheaply
here and we daresay cheaper.
You may rest assured that
Portland merchants - are not
gjingto make special price
concessions because you are
from La Grande.
: Likeness of the Lewis and
Clark Dollars. .
Senator Piles Worried
Kcrippa News Association; -'
8tUe My la United States sena
tor Piles who haa been bitterly assail
ed for appearing .as an attorney for
local packing bonsea publioally stated
last nigbt that if the criticisms did not
cease he would resign and leave the
itete. He djolered that because be
had been honored by publio office, that
waa no reason why hia family abound
- Reduces Amount
Borippt News Association
Wash in? ton Mi. 18 The Inter
Slate com mn C3 ocm mis ion tbia after
noon rendered a dtciiion in tbe ques
tion of freight differential,) on goods
from interior points for export in the
United States recognising tbe validity
of differential in favor of Baltimore
and PhilHdnlnhia rlnt V y.v
and Boston, but rednoes the amount.
To The Jury
By Soripps News Association
Chicago May 18 The ease of Jo
hann Hoch who ia now on trial lor the
murder ot his wife, . waa closed this
afternoon and ia now tn the handa o!
tbe jury.
Fleet Sighted Again
(by Scrlpps Newa Association)
Blgapore, May 18 The British Hong
Van reporta sighting the lialtio Fleet
in latitude thirteen north latitude and
11 :30 east, about one hundred and
twenty milea northeaat ot Cape Varel
la the morning of May 18.
"Open Shop"
Bcrlppa News Association ;
Atlanta, May 18 Victor E Metcalf,
aecretary of Concmeroa and Labor, la
oonflned to hia room" in the hotel.
having been aeiaed by an attack of
malaria. He waa tbe principal speaker
before the National Convention of
Manufacturers and hopes to be able to
address the association thia evening.
D A Parry, of Indianapolis, waa
re-elected president and tbe convention
adopted a' resolution endorsing tha
Open Hhop,"
It gives comfort, pre
set ves the shape, adds
to looks and prolongs
the wear by briogiug
tbe strain where pro
visions are made for it
$3.00 Shoe
is made on the lines of
the human foot, in
variety sufficient to fit
every footand we
sire this important
detail out ; special " .
attention. Men $ Diamond Special $3.50
LET US PROVE IT Cascade Shoe, wMd 2.50
Leather Suit Cases
These are indeed special values These cases are well
made, well lined.' and are better than anything we ever
offered for $6.60. Special price at The Fair .$5.00
Pw p gular $10 Steamer Trunks
'V $8.00 ; -
These trunks are very convenient, and ate especially anit
able for ladies' use dre?s skirts can be carried in these
trunks and come out in perfect condition - and ready for
immediate use. See our trunks. Prices from $6 50 to $22.60
The Usual Ending
By Soripps Newt Association ... "
New York May 18 Herbert Kepler,
who la aaid to be the son of a wealthy
pbysiolaneeldlog at Delaod, Florida,
died In a room at the Susan hotel In
thia city tbia morning from morphine
poisoning. With him waa a woman
who ia said to be Mra Dona Mill a,
with whom, the police any, he eloped
from Florida and for whom he left
hia wife and children.
Husbands be good
By Scrlpps News Association
Portland May 18 The - atate . whip
ping law providing that a man . oon
vloted for beating hia wife may be
given ' twenty lasbea administ
ered by the sheriff or constable ba
cornea effective .today. 8heriff - Tom
Word annouocea that ha will give .the
abused wivea the privilege of admla
jlnterlng the they ao
aeaira ,; :: j, : :
Change of Officers
(By Mcrlppa Newa Aaaooiatlon)
New York Mav; 18 At r the annual
meeting ot tha Northern Pacific today
all the protnlneut representatives of
the Harriman holdings and aomaot
the Morgan interests droppe I from tha
board. It la understood that an airrea.
mant baa been arrived at by erstwhile
rival interesfa. The dlrectora reelect
ed are John B Kennedy, D Willis
James, 1) F Barker, LS Lamont, W T
Clopgh and Charles Steel The new
members are John Haloatne, Robert
Bacon, Lewla Cass Ledyard, Oeorge W
Ferkina. Jaa N Hill. Amoa French.
Alexander 8 Cochran . and Payne
By Scripps News Association
Oakland, Cel., May 18 Jim Jeffries
and Billy Oelaney arrived from the
Eaxt this morning. Delaney announc
es that the champion baa not yet re
tired but will keep his former promise
to fight again If a suitable opponent
can be found before July 1 Jeffries
wll go to Los Angeles to vlait hia
home for a few days.
... OV . .
7fA W 2
Fine soft vici. opera toe, pate nt
tip, opera heol.
Soripps News Association '
Chicaga.May 18-Peaoe talk la rife
among tha teamsters coatroverey to
day. Arbitration questions in oVepnts
between the teamstera and tl a tam
ownera have been agreed upon. Thia
ia the first tangible result ao far (rained
by the peace advocates in the b'g
strike. The teamstera and team own
era meet today to appoint delesatea to
the board' which ? will arbitrate "tha
question of making deliveiies to tbe
boycotted houses. President (tampers
this morning Laid a coaferenre with
president Shea ot tha teamstera anion.
and O V Shanley of the atate board ol
arbitration with whom ba disouased
a general plan of arbitration. later In
the day be met attorney Mayer who
represented the employera to try and
And tome common ground upon which
to aettle the aenaral strike lean
President Oompers leavea for Dayton
thia evening.
A conference of all concerned In tha
strike with the exception of labor . in
teresta, was held thia morning In the
office of the mayor, which included
repreaentatives of team ownera and
employera of the Aldermanlo com
mlttee. Out of this meeting it ia ex
peoted that some definite plana ot
settlement will be laid before Gompera
this afternoon. ' f r .
The bearing in the Injunotlonal auita
before Master ot ( banoery Sherman
waa rttttponed today because of the
absence of attorneys at various peace
conferences.- .... .
Preaident Shea, of the Teamsters
Union waa called before Maater ot
Chanoery Sherman today and took ad
vantage ot his privilege to refnae to
answer ail qneatlona ooncerning hia
connection with the strike. Ue de
ollned to answer on the grounds that
his answers might inorlminate him.
In an Interview thia afternoon he said
( the atrikers could not agree with the
ruling of the board ot arbitration which
required them to deliver goods to boy
cotted houses Thia atatement la re
garded aa another serious obstacle in
the way of an amicable adjustment ot
the atrike. - One hundred more atrika
breakera arrived thia morning.
Two men who attempted to stop U S
ezpresa wagon thia afternoon . were
arrested. A large crowd (lathered
while the police were making the
arrest, bnt no shots were fired. Mrs
J Gudgeon this mornlntr identified
Edward Qordon, colored, aa the man
who abot Enoch Carlson, tha elsht vaar
old boy who was shot while jeering at
tbe atrike breakera. The funeral of
the little Carlson boy i aa held today.
Bishops Suspended
By Soripps News Association
Rome. Mar 18. It ia announced
from the Vatican today that bishopa of
Syracuse and Montreal have been sus
pended for failing to enforce the rnle
of celibacy, thereby creatiog scandal in
their dioceses. The bishw of Sardinia
has been deposed for the same reaaon.
Tbe Pope la determined to stamp out
tbla evil at any coat.
By Bcrlppa Newa Association
Chrlatiana. Norway May 18 Pari la-
ment today unanimously adopted a
bin providing for a separate consular
servioe for Norway Independent of the
joint consular servioe which haa been
maintained by Sweden and Norway.
Confessed Embezzler
(Sorippa News Association)
Des Moines Mav 19 Following an
alleged confession to stealing 112,000
in order to pay for medical treatment
for his aon, Carl Spencer, a . trusted
employee ot the Des Molnea National
bank waa indicted for embezzlement
and making falaeentriee.
Grange Meeting
The Blue Mountain Grange baa
postponed - their reiular meeting
for thia week which would have taken
place Saturday, until next Wedneaday
wben there will be an open meeting
and the public generally are Invited to
be present. This will be f lorist Day
and Flora will have charge of the pro
gram which; we can aasut e all ' will be
very Interesting and entertaining. Tbe
exercises will commence at one o'olock.
" ,v - ' V '..'.-V "j,''.-.'-: i
Singers From Norway
New York Mav IS In tha Branding.
vian steamer United States which ar
rived yesterday aa a party ot 62 stu
dents from tbe University of Norway.
They form the aingfng chorua of the
university, nnder the leadership of
Protestor Graetendabl and were aent
t thia country by the crown prince
of Norway and Sweden. They will
alve a aeries ot ooocerta through tbe
country, but the purpose of their
patron la not this so muoh aa to get
the atodenta to make a etuHv of
American waya and methods' Tby
Will Vlait tha leading nnlveraitlaa. Th.
prooeeda ot the eonoerte will be . do-
natfa to Boanatnavlan charities in the
United Statee
Choose Memphis
Portland Ore May 18-Memnhla.
Tenn , waa ee'ecled aa the coiivwn.lun
city lor tbe Order of Hallway Conduo-
torsiwoyeara hence altera spirited
contest, In whloh Boston, Mass , waa
tbe principle competitor of Memphla.
ine oonduolora also decided tbat when
a member withdraws from the order
hia benefit Inauranoe ceases. The oon
ventlon concluded lta work of chooolnir
officers which wai bgun yesterday by
electing J W Crocker, Portland, Ore ,
grand Inside sentinel; O L Rolf, Mon
days, Met., grand outside aentinel; 3
a archer, uonston, Texaa ir ember of
the executive committee,, and W J
Durbin, Milwaukee Wis , and W 11
Uudd, Cleveland, O., members of the
insurance committee The order, ad
journed alne die today, and the mem
ben will leave for their homea.
Never Told Him
: By Soripps Nwi AsHOOiatiou
New York, May 18. Abe Levy, who
defended Nan Patteraon, today denied
that he had ever admitted that Nan
Patterson had told him' lliat aha had
the revolver In her hand when the ahot
was Bred which killed Young. "It la a
barefaced, malicious lie", said Levy.
The Chadwick Home
Soripps News association
Cleveland MayI8Mrs Chadwick's
home wis sold today by bankruptcy
trustee for thirty five thousand dollars
to tbe Elmlra Savings Trust Company
which had a claim against the pro
perty. -
Foul Play Suspected
(By fieri ppe Newa Association)
El Reno Okla May 18 Lieut Gran
ville Chapman n, stationed at Port Re
no, was shot io the baok and instantly
killed today while assisting in maneu
vers of six companies in running fight.
roul play is suspected.
Chicago Wheat
(By Scrips Newa Association)
Chicago May 18. -Wheat opened at
Ojc and oloaed at 97. Corn advanced
from 63o to 5 to. Oats slipped to 31)6
from 31). ( "
That Tickles
It does a Gaherman good to look over
our fine Hue of fishing tackle, this yrar
it is larger and better than ever. It
cantsina a number of brand new things
that you will want to add to your equip
ment as Boon as you see themand it
doesn't cost much to add them when
you get them here. Our stock of reels,
flies, lines and rods afford an oppor
tunity for everyone to tit up a good
outfit at a very reasonable cost. . ,
Wheather you think of buying or
not we will be glad to have you see
what is new in the way of anglers'
''iV-r " i;'rf ":f --.j
Presbyterian Assembly
By Scrlpps Ntws'Aeooiat.n'
Winona Lake Imi Mav 18 With
nearly all ot the 700 commissioners in
tuetr seat, the general assembly of "
the Presbyterian cburob waa opened
this morning with a sermon bv the re
tiring Moderator, Rev J A Henry.
The dIegtioos are now b tog lined
for the election whiob takes nlace to
day for Mo lerator. The only eandi
dates being Rev J D Motf tl of Wash
ington Pa., and Rev John P Hardy of
Jefferson City Mo. Moffatt will most
likely win.- :.. ;
: li
mend or yo ir , wife
and family to secure
the beat refreshments?
is . . . . . v. :
The beat .candy :
The best Ice Crenm
The beat quj ped candy '
- atore :
The best Soda Fountain
in Eastern Oregon
The only Exclusive
Undertaking Parlors
in La Grande
Scientific Embalming
licensed in ' Oregon and
Montana. , Experienced
Lady Assistant
Our office b always open
Phone 1751
Office in Lewis Building,
opposite Bornmer House