1 TODiFS NEWS TODAY i " " " -'-.-:7:"Z7.'s.:.z- - - "FfP I Til !7 Ynsiowe nnd'cooier ton l u .. : - - i - - - - -.,. . i t r 11 n i 1 1 i k o - ANOTIIEI-VESSEt STRUCK A MINE (By. 8crippa News i Asaooiatloli) A moyTMay 17. IT I reported r here tbat the Japanese fleet a taking a po Itlon below Formosa where the battle with the Russian fleet will probebly be looght. Following declaration ot martial law at .Formoea, the 'women, etd childreo ot Peeoadore island have been removed to the former island : STRUCK ANOTHER MINE" Tokio May I7-flW steamer . Cbuy. eetasrk struek a mine near MUo Is lands io the guTilFVechnTTrev TL me teasel was beached at Elliott is ' land." ; GERMANS LANDED- ? AT HIAGCHU ' . '.-'v i x V, REP02T CONFIRMED Paris May 17 A dispatch to the Reuters this moroing affirmed the re. port that three hundred Germans had landed at Hiaobu despite tbe denisl. The landing took place on the 12tb of May. --.! " - ' : Plucky Girls These ; Salt Lake May 17 Two young ladies of this city, Mis Vera Lynn and Miss Ln Chamberlio, are preparing to start on a tour ol tbe world on a wager of $20,ftX)7 Toe eonditfonV of the wsger are tbat the young ladies most earn their own expenses', during the tour, must travel first olas and must return to the city within 700 days. As means of securing an income the young ladies have published a paper entitled. The Tonr of tbe World," and it is their intention" to get oat an edition of tbe paper in esch "'argeoity they visit In the United Suits. ; The Sslt Lake edition ol the 'paper contains the following articles by local writers: "A Fortnight in.Tourraine," by Mrs Eugene" Lewis, "Ramblss Through England," by Glen Miller, "Hints to Travelers,". "byMiss.Msry Lcnise Anderson, "The Colliseum o Rome," by Dean Eddy," an4 "Modern Science," by Prof R V Chamberlin. PLAN TO Z Lewis and ClarkN Centennial Exposition 0p( ens June f. - Many of you will be there on opening day and many more from time to time. To be equipped with COMFORT ABLE FOOTWEAR 13 ESSENTIAL, . il you would thoroughly enjoy yourself. t To assure yourself FOOT COMFORT buy your shoes NOW and break them in be fore you go. You can buy the IsteBt styles as cheaply bereand we daresay cheaper. You may rest acsured that Portland merchants are not gMng to make special price concessions because you are from La fjrande. LEWIS AND CLARK TIES HANDKERCHIEFS, HAT BANDS" ttidwX Tie pins y37osSI Likeness of the Lewis '-and Clark Dollars. - 4 -25c ::vovj -0 i A ! LA GRANDE. UNlbN COUNTY; ORECON DNESDAY MAY f7. I90S rCj..,: V..' r .,.. v i.iuiorwiwcour,IFfcRS-V LLr- Bound Over 8orjppe NewssocUUoal 4 Higblshds VJjtijjj Aneight knot breeie and clew weatker made Jgfgfgpl-tbe Kaisers eup raoa at noon today, tbs sea was fairly smooth and everything seemed favorable for a splendid raeeTpIunttsgton. It was Immediately lak Ibe Fleur De Lis was bok at nhnrA sgs this moroiug with all repairs made and ready for the start. At tan tfSTock the breeze was a tittle south oYrnrat and had strengthened and wae rated at Jen knots.''" - ..After two hours sailing the Ameri ctn bo.t,' Atlajjiio, is a good quarter of a mile ahead of all others. At tGw ti ue tbe fog has settled around, the boats and it is impossible to wtch the raoa auyJinger. Saved theCrevy By 8cripps News Association Long jUranbnVir Y , :May J17 -The Danish bark Bertba went ashore last nii(u as landed nsaof the breeches baoy. GomezSicrV By Scripps News Association. Havana. May 17. The- condition of General Maiimb Homei today is so sertons tbat 'all plans for removing him from Santiago to Havana Is given "P. i Returning Home One of tbe specials bearing the del egates and visitors home from the 80th biennial convention of the Order of Railway conductors passed trough tbe city today at 11:45. The passenger seemed as happy and jovial as oonid possibly be, and it appeared that their trip to Ores on has done them an immense amount ot good- They were all well and deeply impressed with their short visit In Oregon, as peoially with the' many kindneesee and courtesies shown tbem by the people, -Another special will - pass 'thronch the city this evening at nine "o'clock' carrying another train, load of Eastern people back to their - homesH One of the specials which came over ' the Northern Pacific to Portland tot .the convention peases back this way. BE GQnFORl ABLE IS "JUST 'A a"-" T T "W It gives comfort pre-1 selves the.sbepeddi to looks and prolongs the wear by briogiug the strain where pro visions are made for it. OUR DIAMOND SPECIAL $3.00 Shoe is made on lhe lines of the human foot, in variety sufficient to fit every footand we give this important .... :i ; Fine - . atfentioor j. -iMtn Piapond Special $3.50 LET US PROVE IT Cascade Shoe, '2 2.50 Leather Suit Cases: Thfse are indeed, special values These cases are , well made, well lined.- and arelbetter r)han".any thing we ever offered for $6.50. Special price at The Fair..... $5.00 Rogular $10 SteatQer TruliKs These trunks are very convenient, and 'are especially -suit; able for ladies' use dress; skirts . can he tarried in "these trunks and come out in perfect condition and .ready for immediate use. See our trunks. Prices from $C 60 to $22.60 " . I -"- . " i - - i . . . The cssoltn motor ear. whink. has been going throngh;tb txperlmentai pnnntjsii turn wDunkiwipwaaiia Uenrouteto Portland to te "tested thars, arxiied In thla cltT this fore noon atta6T3 to"de westPuuud vueiA enger train-, baring broke down at en to the machine shops for repaliVaod will toon proceed on iu ionrnrJt iaite H complicated peloe ofmachlavj ery acajrlll nndonUedly prove a suc cess and wiu aaa greatly to tne acoom saodation of the local iraveliog pabje wuoraiM wpantiva. t is qaue prop able tbat 'after it is demonstrated to bfeuoe wUhprominent eaiplojr. and it a soccees. their use wllllwffenaral and one wllibe opera(er" onfhe Elgin prancn. Nan Ajgain By 'icrlppsTew'ATsoseTafioiPN N.w Yorkr Ma 17MmCwar f onnar. tbe widow of the Bookmaker. aalled today for Enrone. John Millen. formerly fonng's partuer, and Mrs" Young's mother, Area also ajQoagth oassenffera. , I'um mul '.- - are iBBrtledmt this la denied by Mrs! Young's alster. , . J District attorney Jerome and assist- ant attorney Jtand both refuse, either to stnrm or deny the statement that Is current that Nan Patterson will be cut off trial for the fourth time. . No .Russian Vessels - Bcripps News Association Tokio, May 17. Tbe Frenoh Gov ernment hae notl fled- UteapAnaHUdr: mlral De Jonquirea of the reported orulee along tbe coast at Annan, on the 13th and 14th for the purpose -of " or dering all Roaalan ships to leave , this coast should they And any id Frenoh waters but they did not observe single Russian vessel. ' landslide ;By Scrippa News Association Dalles Oi May 17 A landslide oo ourred Tuesday afternoon on tbe new extension being built to 8alem, Falls City and Wrston railway, above Falls City mountain . - One man was buried and another's shootder broken. Tbe deadJs Arthur Montgomery, wounded A D Gee... v'- . " MSBj iiiiiir AS IMPORTANT 'UNI a s I 9 w-. ml Kiissaci ; ST.IOU3. DIAMOND SPECIAL A tS.00 ; . soft viei. opera toe, pate nt C tip, opera heol. $5.00 - SEE EMPLOYERS i L .; U t.i -(J8yjorlpe News Association) "ChlcsgtrMay 17--TlepDOe of tbe President of tbe American Krd re. Uonxl Labor Introduced a fiiihtiug faotor io the strike today. It j- hoptd that the visit of tbe natioiul labor iadetrwill cause the inauguration of a peace measure. Following the meet ing with the local labor leadum TP resident damnArCTn uuk V iS believed will h anthnrUn! .Ilc.u.. Trn oonceltlons'Ttirfs Ibeen made as inducements, to submit the whole dis pute to arbitration. G ampere Insists that be is not in Chlcsgo to supercede tbTlocal leaders in tbe conduct of the strike, but simply to aid in the adjust ment of some difficulties whiohToon fronted the eieoutive board. ' i ! TbeJelegMion Irowrbe teamsters brotherhood arrived this morning to tend their ''ca'u'osel to' the strikers. While the peace committee apjiiuu by tbs mayor from the city conncil did all In their power to i advance a settlement. Jessie fiallenser. - and James Jones, both colored were ar rested this rooming cb treed with tbe murder of Enoch Charlton aged eight years, who was shot and killed last evening in front of his home.Jfouog Carlson was shot while deriding the two colored men for being" strike breakers. 7 THE EKO-W-810HT : il developed today tbat before Gom psrsleft Washington, ho set in motion the maohinery of tbe national Civic Federation in an effort to briug about an adjustment of tbe Chicago strike trouble. Through eastern members of tbe tederation he made arrangements to reach, ptdnatflenrOhioagoane vrtio are in positions to bring influence to bear epon tbe employers. 7 ) CALLS ON MAYOR. President Qompers oalled on Mayor Dunne at noon and held a short con ference on ,the strike situation. The mayor asked Gomperi to use bis in fluence to ' prevent a spread of the strike and if possible to bring about a settlement. Qompers made no pro mises, bnt said be was here tdLeid set tiement in any way he could, bnt the initiative however, was with the local labor leaders. Cases Disposed Of Judge Knkln has handed In-bis de cision to the foiloflng cases r AEEatonvs M A Harrison, dis missed st plaintiff's , costs. This at one time was one of the most interest ing eases -la- the-" wuoty, - being the oounty seat case James Noah was granted' a divorce from Lixzle Noah. r , : r - . " Ulricb Lottes vs John Anthony, set tled and dismissed. " ; ; Henry Bader vs Addle Hal'gartb,' Admrx. Ordered that certain proper ty be told and tbe nrooeeds to the amount of $7-8 be paid plaintiff. Cora Swttzer was granted a divorce from Esmond Swltzer, and the custody 01 tbe minor Child, ' - S W Mile vs Aohnrcb and nam mack. Judgment in favor of plaintiff, and order of tale of property to satisfy judgment. 3 he Amalgamated Sugar Co.. vs A A Ball, settled without prejudice. ; t Rojestyerisky III Scripps News Association -Petersburg' ' May 17 Reports St have reaobed here that Admiral Ko- jestveniky v the" commander of tbe Russian Fleet is ill and has telegrsnh ed tbe Emporer that it will be Imnoe sible for bim to proceed. The icpcri isnnconflrmed.' : Gov. Doiiiglas Referee By Beripps News Association - . Boston May 17--DougUss as referee decided that the-' fall River teitile works are not entitled to va dividend ol flve'per'cent on wagea earned fr-m the time of the .Qtrika Keettiement in January to April. Tbiseffecte 25,000 operators. Y A men Thompeon who is well known in Union, Umatilla and Baker conn- ties was arrested in the Cove Sunday night for obtaining money under mis. representation, be having sold Oscar Lond planer nod accepted a pay vrt oj $100 and the macbine.has not Mrtved, .He appeared . before justice Wilson, waived examination and was b nn.d over in the sunt of S50O, in de Unit of which be is now la Jail, It is eitremely 'bumiliating 10 the young m owing to the ' fact tbaf be was married to . young ladjf In ' Waljowi county a few days' ago. Thompson wss interviewed this j morning by, an Observer repeeeentstir, ,, and stat ed that ' on ' last " Thursday " at Wallow - poetoffioe ; be purchased money order in favor of the Brown Machinery Co of St LouTii""lori wl'h tbe order for this planer and that In due time il will arrive." If Thompson's story is correct; (and tbs, facts are easily obtained be either bought this money order or be did not. and if he did. It is as easily ascetained whether or not there is sued a tnaouiuerr ww pany) , there is not . much ot case agsinst him , in either ease his young wife Is to be pitied. He is not. for be should lavs known, better. MayHJriife ( By Sorfppt ,JJ wa Asoqjation ) Can Franoitwo Cat. May, 17 Dele gates -to the conference of the Cum berland , Presbyteriae r. chnrch , wbiob opens tomorrow, fasting until tbe 28ih began to arrive today. , The majority of , the , delegates now . hniM lnnUra themselvos in favor of nailing, with tbe old church, this is tbe most ira portent matter to . be . considered, by tbe conference. 4 ,5, i ? In Philippines ! (By Bcrlpp News Association) ' ; Washington May 17 Gen Carbine commanding the army In the Philip pine oabled the department that In th recent fighting against the Moras in Jolo four of oar soldiers were .kill d and twenty three woanded. ;(4en. wooa and not yet reported th detail "'-'' ' Suicide-" -1 By 8oripps News Association Milwaukde May 17-Gsorge Richard son, cashier u Internal rsvenna : offlnn. committed anioid today . by shooting himself. II was forty six yeara of age and leaves family. Officials" from Washington are now making' an in vestigation of hi acoount . - Long Arguments;; - -J:'V . ," '..i.'-'ii'; ' : (By PcriFpaNawa sssoolat.cn) Chicago May 17-Atty Plotke, In behalf of Jobsnn HoohJ occupied the whole days aession of the court today claiming waa Iloch the victim ot the ponderous machinery of tbe state and tbat even it he was as vil a man . a claimed he was not guilty , of ; title particular charge, V Tackle That Tickles It does a fltherman good-Jo' lookovfit our fine line of fishing tackle, Ibis yar ? it is larger and better than -ever.'lt contains a number of brand pew things tbat you will want to add to your equip . " ment as soon as vou see them land it ", . ' doesn't cost much to add them when' c - - you get them here. Our stock of reels " flies, lines and rods afford an oppor- ' : tunity for everyone to: fit up a good 1 , outfit at a very reasonable cost, ; f, ' . Wheather you thiufc of , buying , or , r. i ,, -not we .will be glad to have .you see. what is new in the way . of .anglers' ' ' gooue. NEWLIN ThtLisf8l2Vetcrcn'. (By f3crippe"Kewe Association- f " New'-Ywk'-' Msyll7J-The -bodV-i Hlrsm Crcnk, las( survivor ol the war of 1812 wae,ljht:Jittr,.todsf .froai; Boonevllle and wUtte ruriei iOh ruin military" honors at Cypress Hill to morrow. , In the meantime ,the body lies ln state st. the city, ball.! .Three sons- ad4Mie.danghtes- accompanied, tha body, which was escorted from the station to the city hall by police, de- tacnment regulars, O A U, anditber. organUaUona, M iyor , McClelian ; and; members ot the( city government fol- ?THE PROPER v PLACE i- To briug ; yrwr , iJy ... i friend u.ori yo'if wife j 'Vs and ami I v - to , secure . , the best tefrebUmeuts ; ' is :'?' :i '.!' SELDER'S CANDY STORE 1.'i,,,t tiy-sr ,: wv -i'tf in, hTht bestloe Crenm i rf.r, " Tiie'bes't t qtippoii candy :'1 ., . The. best Soda Fountain J. . in Eastern Oregon GIFFIN S HOGAN ",-7- S'i-l i'i tiiV 'lilild it'.:, The only Exclusive '' Undertakfng Parlors in La Grande ':) pi '.r'Sc.entifi6':Cmbalming:;;' Licensed in Oregon and Montiha.-' : Experienced ' ' Our office Is always open I ';,'"!v! uPhone;176i',i OfBce in lewis Bu51flin:,; opposite Somnier HoUbe ' 21 4 S ' uiX . ','T'! .'t). 1 r- 1 Uj DRUG CO. .in j;