SHINGLES I can famish 70a any quantity. They are extra'Star-A- Star and first class. Try them, jost received a car of doors, windows and screen doors, let ns figare with you, quality guaranteed. Iam showing a fine assortment of fishing tackle, the kind that catches the fish, try them. Do not forget about our bee supplies. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Hardwaie and sporting Goods. 4 ...... . . I j Local Items' Ea 2 Nooneoan afford to miss hearing Isotorer Search tonight. Those who were present lut night were delighted What Grand Bond Talley needa It mora paopla Ilka Hear? Bluehart who divide thair larga tarma Into small tract. 10a BDDjaoi or free ion w gearob's lectare tonight, whloh Ibeglne at 8 o'clock In tha Presbyterian choroh, la "Maaie In tha Fatherland." Henry Blnahart la op from hla farm, By referring to hla ad 700 will , notice that ha Is die Idlng hit larga farm ap Into small traota and offering It for aale, whloh la a itep la tha right dircotlon. Hualness la reported by all the bosl sees men aa greatly Improved daring the part week. In faot all report that the volnma of business la mooh great ar than for corresponding periods laat jeer. The general conference of tha Seven Day Adveutlata la In session In Wash ington and will continue to the close of the month, representing 81 original oonferanoaa besides many mission fields, Elder A O Daniels, , presiding. Those In attendance from this section are A J Brud and Prof. L J Kay, ol tba Advent college , WAITING FOR THE WAITER la aomethlng that never happens la our restaurant. We know that prompt r servioa conduces to good temper, and good temper Increases the appreciation of tha viands, . WE WANT YOU To enjoy what yon eat In oar plaoe. There la nothing we will not do to make your enjoymnt perfect. It's plain business with us. For where yon have enjoyed a meat ao much you will oertainly come again. Gome and see bow mooh we will do to innke yonr Bret vleit enjoyable. M ODE L RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT We pan weekly Heal , Hare yoa parohased your tickets for tha leotnre tonight? Mr. B T Schlener, of Joseph, arrived In the eity yesterday afternoon. II r. and Mrs. David Bevertdge have moved to Perry for the summer. David Ellsworth la down from Camp Cm-son for a few days reat. Mra Fred Kiddle, of Island City, left this morning for a ahort visit to friends In Baker City. No, that strange noise you heard ia not tha ferry boat, bat the whistle of one of the new engines just received. Mr. Robert McAaley, of Baker, ar rived in tha city this forenoon on a short business visit, lie will return home this evening. Mr, M L Causey, the real estate man, left yesterday on a whort trip on business down the Elgin branch, and returned home yesterday afternoon. J B .Eddy, one of the former, well known newspaper men of the state bnt now claim adjuster of the O R St N Co., arrived In the city yesterday. Ex-governor McConuoll, of Idaho, pasaed through on thia morning's train from his home In Moscow, euroute to Denver, to Investigate a new process of treating ore Mr U K Armstrong and wife, of Billings, Mont., are in the city on business. They went to the moun tains this forenoon to look after a tlm. ber olalm belonging to them. On next 8unday the German Luther ans will dedicate their new cbnrch . The services will commence at 10 o'- olock. Ministers from Portland and Walla Walla will assist. General Passenger Agent A L Orals, who has been at thia end of the road on business, hooked bis special on to No 1 thia morning and returnsd to Portland. Kev. PUroBohopp, from Spokane, and Rev. J F Oertel, from Walla Walla will be la thia city Sunday, and each will preach at tha Lutheran church on that day. Mr. Cbrlstoflerson states that the spring harness traie la opening up much earlier than last season, as he naa already sold over twenty sets of buggy harness. He la makiag a special sale on saddles. The Chicago store is putting in number of fine glass show cans, sixty feet In all. They were made in this oityby the Stoddard Lumber Co 1 S A ... wuion goes to snow tnai mere le no necessity In sending away for this class of workmanship Judge M A Harrison left this fore noon for Hot Lake, where he goea to see about soma work that ia to be lone at the railroad crossing. The railroad company have agreed to tar nish the gravel, and the county will have the work done. The funeral of Mrs 0 NLesls wboi died yesterday in Hilgard, will bo bold in this eity from 81 P:ers church 8undsy at 3 o'clock. School Superintendent E E Bragg left thia forenoon for a short business visit to Cove. Mr. George W Hebbard, of Billings, Moat., is lathe city looking after soma business interests in thia county. Mra. Tatum of PendWton, who la guest of Mr. and Mra. A A Bobarta, and Mlsa Bertha Matlock, visited Hot Laka today. There will be a meeting of Import ance Saturday nlht of Yellow Uawk Tribe No. 23 Improved Order of Bed men. Members are requested to be present. By order of Grand Bacham. MrNels Holverson, of Hilgard, came down this morning for a short visit in the eity. B A Worthlngton General manager of the O B & N and Industrial agent B C Jndson paaaed through thia morning enroate to Chicago Mra Laughlin, who has been visiting together with Mrs Brooks In California during the winter, la now In Portland and is expected to arrive homo to morrow morning. Advices to trionda In this oity from the Good Samaritan hospital In Port land state that Mra. A V Oliver who underwent an operation, ia doing nice ly and her permanent recovery la ex. peoted. Mra. 8 L Brooks, who has been spending the winter at Los Angelea, Oat . rtnpnm1 hnm tM a fnvanAAn. Mh reports having spent a delightful win .naVsaW. sBBajBjaisxyjkBBnal JSBa. Mp rB1,Bew tl r Tf' UrLMKiN 1 WALKS .. n ARE CHEAPER THAN PLANKS Not right at first perhaps, but ia the long run besides they give your property and city a better appearance. . Yoa will not have trouble with your walks aftar we pat them in no ' more repairs will ever be needed. . ' Give Us Your . Order Now Tb kt 0 $4.50 tet, but Is glad to be btok In the beautiful Grande Rondo onoe more. Marshal Rayburn early this forenoon quarantined, the borne of Mr. and Mra. Edmund Bobinaon, one of their little girls having the diphtheria This ia the only new oase reported daring the past two days and all other oaaea are reported aa rapidly Improving. ' Sheriff C 0 Pennington baa returned from Salem, where he has been to escort Mr Woodson Gray to the penin tentlary Mr Gray haa been sentenoed to seven years for tba kill ing of Arohle Ualgarth. about a year The La Giande Marble Worka has just completed a very fine monument lor pattiee in Weston. Mr Davla says that bis business is rapidly growing, and that orders are coming in from all parte of Pastern Oregon. Yester day he completed t e stone coping tor the grave of J M MoWhirter f il III -IN- THE BUSINESS DISTRICT We will pat down your walks right and at right , prioea. Wa will take bankable paper doe August 1, 1908, without Interest, for oar pay. Tola takes yoa up to the time limit on yoar walk and your property geta the benefit by putting It in now. a -IN- THE RESIDENCE DISTRICT Ve will pat down 6 toot cement walk for 15 cents per square foot. Thia walk to be 3 Inches thick and to contain the same proportions of cement as In tha business sections. Narrow walka within the yard will come a little higher per foot. Let as give you a price on what yoo have to do in the sidewalk line. You have our Eersonal guarantee to replace any part of your' walk that cracks within a year, and we will e here in La Grande next year. A postal card, or telephone to the Sommer House will have a representative call on you, Baal SG0TT Zl TOE CEMET hcJHN WEN MONEY SAVERS OR HOUSE CLEAHIHti TIE The First bright Days of Spring remind the housewife of the ever recurring season when the home must be renovated and brightened up for the summer. There are always some new things in house furnishings needed for this, and some expense must be incurred, Will B King, who was one of the prime movers In 1 fusing the Populist and Democratic parties, with the idea of atepplng Into the gubernatorial chair of thia atate, passed through on tha morning train for hla home in Ontario. It ia needless to say he never realixed bis political ambitious. SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kinds of Grass sseds. Bulk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats H.OLiyER JEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. The Golden Rule Co. As usual have some EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES in these lines and CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Curtain swiss, per yard Nottingham Lace Curtains, per pair Ruffled it 41 II II II Panel Curtains, each Bed Spreads, each Mosquito Net, per bolt 10c to 45c 60c to $2.50 75c to $2.15 $1.65 to $4.75 50c to 75c 85c to $2.50 56"c Table Oil Cloth, per yard 20c Window Shades, complete with fixtures 35c Wire cloth, all widths, per foot 4c to 6 An entire new line of Glassware, beautiful patterns Everything in Granitware and Cooking Utensels Everything in Dishes THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 130--13JO-1312 Adams Ave ne Largest Store Smallest Prices E2S : - f