A New Departure at The La Grande Drug Co. F. F. HARADON & SON, FAAOUS CHOCOLATES Now 25 and 50 cents m 1 Fresh Vegetables and Fruit for Sunday Strawberries Hot Hons Lettus Radishes GrscsCnfcss Spinach ' Asparagus Rhubarb i Cabbage Green Peas New potatoes . BAKER BROS. Adams Avenue. Phone 29 SEED oa.ts, 1 WHEA.T, Bluesteam and Club BEARDLESS BARLEY BLUE BARLEY, MILLEEED Paled Alfalfa, Wild COAL and ! Gra ide Ronde Cash Company, Press Lewis X Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue X There are many kinds of meat, but we sell only the best kind. A trial order will convince you of the truth of this statement. We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly. . Oar prices are as low as consisiant with the best quality. Bock & Thomas Here is a Bargain For You Eighty aorta of land In Malbeor county, with itood water right, good bona ant outbuilding. .Every food of tbia place la in cultivation. Will raise from to 11 tona of alfalfa per acre. The val te of thia properly may be estimated from the faot that It rent annually for 110 per acre and renter pais the taiee. lb la place can te rented for Are yeara longer at this prioe. Here la an Investment tlat beats ten per oent. For sale on eaay terme. Write to G.T. McDANIEL Ontario ............ V.Oregon. Pasture Look out for Thos Stephenson with his herd of oowa thli coming week I luve la tbe neighborhood ot 600 acres for them to ran on and a nice stream of water running through the plaoe. Prioe f 1 .60 per month for oowa. A 3tf per box GRAIN and Timothy Hy J WOOD Dean Crowe X THE SORT THAT WILL PLEAS E That is (he sort of proeerihn we sell Our aim is to f please all of our customers We realize that in ordet to do this we must sell only First Quality Goods We also know that our prices must be right, and that our service must be correct. ' A child can do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele-' phone will convince - you. We solicit your patronage. QEDDEX I North Fir Street G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal - Phone 1611 All order given prompt attention. COUNTY COURT ' PROCEEDINGS , - Mav term, 1906., .. . The application of Ellen Booths for county aid waa dealed.-, The position of janitor for the ooart house waa awarded to J L Dannington at a salary of $33 per month, his being the lowest bid. The appointment of a supervisor for r d No. 11, waa continued tor the term The bond of II Karnaugh, aa taper, visor of r d No. S3, was approved. The petition of the Ibex Land Com. pany for compromise of taxes was continued for the term. ' . The petition of L A Stoop asking for the appointment of Constable for Elgin district was granted. . The petition of B F Farrell et al ask ing for a eoonty road waa granted, and the Board of County Bond Viewers ordered to meet May SO, at 1 o'olook and lay oat aald road aooordlng to law The application of J L Uneberger asking for transportation tor his son, deaf mate," waa ' granted, ' and the clerk ordered to draw a warrant on the ounty treasurer for the amount: ' The petition of Ben Brown' ! asking for transportation of W O Martin to California was granted, and the clerk ordered to draw a warrant on the con tingent fond tof 15:- In the matter of the settlement with E C Bralnsrd ex-oounty treasurer, was uwuiikUu to sue bounty iTeaaorer for his report. 1 ' " '. ' " ' '"' The appointment for supervisors for r d No. 17 and M was made. J B ' El mandorf appointed for r d No. 17, John N Hmlth for r d No. 22. Mlaoellaneoos bills ' against ' the oonnty were allowed as followa: ' ' GENERAL FUND Ed Wright, work In clerk's office 78 00 O O Penlngton, prisoners board 13 65 Ona Penington, work on 1904 . v taxroll.. ... 30 00 Hettie Phy, same.,,.... 37 60 George May, relief for Apr 1905 8 00 Ella Neaaon, same 15 00 John Medlook, lame. .......... 6 00 John Hllderbrand, same....... 8 00 Daniel W S-JUder, same:....... 10 00 J D Casey, bringing Geo. Lee . from Kamela to La Grande 8 35 Smith Premier Typewriter Co., mdse as per .bill... 103 00 Bommer Bros ', mdse as per bill : 00 Harvey K Brown, serving tab : poena, state v Baaor 4 60 La Grande Light and Power Co lighUas per bill...... 24 50 Paclflo atatesTel 4 Tel Co., phono service poor farm Un Ion.............'.........,. Do, phone service Clerk's office Do, phone service Sheriff's office Indellba Mfg Do, mdae aa per bill Glass & Prudhomme, do Do........... Irwin Uodsoa Co. . do ......... . Eastern Oregon . Bepubllcan, , printing as per bill . 9 Chanoey, do , John E Hough, J P fees, state vs Cntlatiaa..... .......... L Rayburn, constable fees..... T G Wilson, J P fees, state vs Coonetal J f Jones... Constable feea Smile Blevlna...... witness tees Ben Doffey.......,..same: Vera Bolder tame . . . . . 8 A Anderson samp. Boy Lay..."..;. .....earns. Dave Coon ........... fame .... .. w wit Martin .... same....... Raj Q bson ...... .s.ima....... Fremont McUnlre. . . .some. .... John llongb J P Fees,' S'wte vaAckiey .. .... ...... J H Mouaohlen;. Constable K'oS EdHoyd .'.'.witness fees....'.. Elmer Hansen...... .same.... ., Willie Wilkie same..... Louie Q iblaa. ........ .same ... BK Wad,::.......... earns..... Jobn Hough J P flees,' -"Mute vs Crandall.... J II VfrLichlei Constable f a 1 W Kaulk witness feea.... Wm Smith witness fees, 8tate vs Crandall Cbas Crandall...... earns Clove Montgomery.... aams.... Thomas 8tephenson....aams. .. Charlea Row load. same.. ' Jobn E llongb, J P Fees Bute va Christian, j...; I.. L Raybnrn Constable feea. ..... John K Hough J P Fees, State vsDeal ....'.". ..." J H McLachlen Constable ' fees Roger Deal witness feea........' 1 00 60 9 75 10 00 1 60 10 00 16 05 10 08 800 630 170 7 26 820 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 170 1 70 170 170 1 70 860 400 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 7 20 560 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 170 630 170 955 470 170 1 70 1 70 170 1 70 1 70 1215 800 1 70 170 1 70 170 7 60 629 170 1 70 170 Preston LeeU .earns.. T B Johnson.... same. PChilders ..aame...; Charles Graody eame...s j C Pennington.. .....same... v John K Uoagb J P Fees, state vs ArohlbaaIt....;'..w..'...i J H McLaoblen Constable fee.. Chris Wright witness feea. ..... Charles Anderson:... ..same... L Baburn..V.......same....... May 8nlth.. aame John E Hough J P Fees, atate Bush... J H McLaoblen Constable lees.. Chris Wright witness fees... j Jiaa Anderson. ...... earns. ... r . L Bayborn. ; .'. . .aame. Carry Bros Printing as per Mil..... ...... 2885 J O Henrv ' Comoro fa 8hoemakar Inanaet .': 6 00 19 80 18 60 3300 1500 300 6 00 3 00 Robert Blamenateln services as Coanty fcmmlssloner J 1C 8elder........enme BOAD FUND E F MaV work an A Kn 9Tk R U Laatham work on r d No Is 8 Pennington aame BELaatham......samaM Hana Holvoreon, work on r d WW Jk 19 U E S Ballsbnrv. aame 1 60 12 60 21 75 500 665 B A Laatham. aame. J. wm uixon, work on r d No 15. . A B Wlthrow, same The Golden BuleOo, mdse as per bill rd No 16 B V Davie.' work on r d No 28. 12 60 19 20 42 50 6 20 9 66 220 Grand Bond Lamber Co. ' lumber for r d No 14 J D Casey, lumber u per bill.. w 4 Long, lumber ror r d No 4 Shew Bros, lumber for r d No 30 North Powder Co-op M Co., ' nails for rd No 30 Frank Iiempe, work on r d No 2......i.i ;..."...,;...' Pan K Brown, asm 35 00 60 18 00 B J Knight, seme M Cunningham, same.......... 8 0 Goff work on Wallowa HU1 B D Honbers, nails for t d No 9 2913 90 60 101 13 75 1 60 1 60 49 60 440 92 J O Miller, work on r d No 6.. J W Dunbar, same WE Uldfleld, aame.. 0 CoalwelL work on r d No 14 Grande Bond 'Lumber Co., : work on road at Perry ..... . In ProebeUL material aa imp - bin............. 25 00 36 68 31 60 75 63 20 29 16 16 00 11 10 11 95 Grande Bonde Lumber Co 5240 ! feet of loga, rd No 14...... Grand Bonde Lumber Co labor on Perrr roads.... ......... Grand Bond Lumber Co 64 drift bolta.. Grrnde Bond Lumber Co 2 ' pick handles CONTINGENT FUND Alex Slater,' boarding paupers 0 0 Goffenberry, repairing poor farm., Bolton and Bodmer, mdae as . per bill. ........ H P Oliver, Insurance premium J B Gllham, stamps, express end telegrams.. John Frawley, a tamps M A Harrison, expense Inspect ing roads and bridges.;.... G M Blchev, envelopes. .... . . . Ben Brown, transportation W O : Martin... L Baybara, transportation in- dignet persons............. 4 00 3 60 4 24 15 0Q 2 20 r Use The Papers A prominent farmer' who reside near this oity has a just complaint against the policy used by this city In Impounding stock and that la when each stock is Uken.it should be ad vertised In the papers. Under present conditions if a farmers animal happens to get In the oity limits, ' which is often tb ease, th owner1 may 1 not know anything about it. He possibly may know bis animal Is missing,' not always and the animal may be sold If thie notloeof such was advertised In tbs paper, If he did not m tut ad vertisement. In all probability his neighbor would, and under tb present System of farmers phones, now so com mon It would seldom oooor that any of the rarmers stock would be sold. This wonld result in better feeling between the farmer and city. Under present condition a he hardly, feela that be baa been given a fair chance, when all the publlo notice, that la given, la by poat log on, on or two posts about the oity and often the ' first rains ' make them barely readable. The farmer oertalnly has a just kick in this In stance. " ' '" Obstinate constipation, indigestion and itomaohe disorders are permanent iy and positively cured by taking Hoi lister's Rookey Mountain Tea 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Newllo Drag Co. - - -. - YOXT PL- ll SATISFIE r Wfovt lloknts rat over the Denver . : and Rio Hiamie Railroad, t ie "Hoaule Line olth world" IJEOAUSK 'faare are so many eoenle alt -v-i i V PolDtaor liitereKt hlonir th . i cnO , iween Oedeo mid Oeamr'i lit ilit tiiii Dever beoontea Ureaome If yon are aolng aaat, write Ifor llor- ! Diatlan and aula pi our book that will 1 ' tcUjroa ail about It , W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third 8t ortlard Oregc Of opa tho COUGH and Hoolb thc IAJHGS;Sf . ' ELTTAa So ALL&;;; -rwW When you want GOOD PRITTTir ' Call Phon'No. 1371 t Printing Thai Si ' Satisfies THE OBSERVER Try a want IT BUILDS and KEEPS The Best Cod If Liver Preparctlcs I Delicious to f j Not a Patent the Taste. f AW i Medlclae.i, 'V; 'm V'- ..... . . WJ V.:-V I"' THE GREJYTBODY BUram: tl sTSk m, 1 ' aa. aaaee :J 1 1 v - V X VN.XMIAKiaiROM FRESH CODyLTYSS. M v ; . Vinol contains ALL the ' medicinal :elemeritpf;v i genuine, fresh cod's livers : and their oil ; .thfoiVrri ganic iron, and other body building ? ingredients in a deliciously palatable and easily :;.,dfgejcdlt';,vi form. It is everywhere recognized as' the greatest ;,.B0DY; BUILDER'iAi STRENGTH CREATp'f-y known to medicine -Vinol is the only coi liyer " preparation which contains no oil, grease, or any dis agreeable feature, and sold on a positive guarantee r of "money back if it fails to give Satisfaction, v f ;r; 1 For Old Pooplo Pun y Children Womk WomonDebSZ - yf ' tatod, Ml Tired Out Pooplo Nurmlng mnd Weak Mother , 7 To Gain nosh To Cot Strong All Ytemk .Poop! J , Ohronlo Ooldm Hacking Cough Dronohttl Troubles Nothing equal Vinol, i i h , : ' Try it if you don't like itj we return your ikoncy!-;'-LA GRANDE ! DUGR CO. '-pX'rll - w J w eLi ; . Cphere is a diffeMac J between prntinf that will do aid U. which is the kind jc really want. - We make a special;;' 0! pleasing, as we hay s the equipment wUL which to produce goo3 printing and printers who understand, the art of printing. There it no order too small 'or too large to 5 reoeiye our attention . ea'relul r We print a n y t h i n g 1 from posters to Taitins cards. ' . f' ad. It's Good I YOU: UP, YOU UP. HKIPTl . , eaaaaaaweaaaaaBiaaaaaaBaaaBiaBaMieaBMTM.aeaaaaaaaaw i ! ; ' t .red ij ; ific li ; V- j , stie III : An ; u . IS' iic jars ! - ... j j- s ga;aueeM ." ' - v f Depot 1R idea