TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Showers sod warmer tonight Tomorrow showers ' LAC 1UUVV if VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON FRIDAY. MAY 12. 1905 NUMBER 166 iRANDE EE LD r HELP GOMES FREELY CABINET MEETS THE PRESIDENT (By ScrippsNews Association) Snyder O T May 12 The streets are gradually being clrarad of the wreck age of the fearful tornado, and order la being restored. All of the dead bava been placed io new caskets, and preparation! are under way for a gen eral funeraL. The injured, excepting hum (HO ikj uaia twr tiiuiusvivw, am being removed to Low ton and Okla homa City. The relief committee net tbia morning in order to complete plana for handling t,be supplies The cash contributed to tbe oitizena wai acoepted heartily, and tbey "have ex. pressed a determination to rebuild tbe town. NINETY ONE IDENTIFIED Tbe list of identified dead now reaob ea ninety-one, and it ii estimated that tbe total fatalities will reach one hun dred and fifteen By Ekuipps New Association Washington, May 13 Exoept thoae absent from tbe city, namely Secretary Hay and Secretary Wilson, every mem. ber of the cabinet attended a meeting at the While Honse Ihla morning. After receiving the congratulations ot his adviaora on tbe success of hla western trip, the President entered at once with them into a discussion of the various matters of public busineai which baa accumulated during bis absence. The opinion handed down by At torney General Moody, in regard lo tbe eight hour lew, does not apply to I work on the panama canal. Tbia ruling was wry gratifying to tbe President, as tbe eight hour day would seriously hamper tbe work of construction. MORE RUSSIAN VESSEL SIGHTED 8oripps News Association Tokio, May 12. The sailing vessel, Vletoku Mara, reporta that she sighted two Russian warships, evidently part of the Vladivostok siusdron, twenty miles northwest of Kanra, on Mav 9. Tbe vessels were steaming toward the south. - MANY CRUISERS SIC :i?ED Hong Kong May 13 The britah tor pedo store ahip Reckton sighted aev eral volunteer oruisers of the Baltic fleet near Vanfong bay, in Indo-China They asked If tbe British vessel had seen any men of war, whlob question they anawered In the negative. NO ARSENIC IN EMBALMING FLUID By 8oripps News Association Chicago, May 12.-In tbe trial ot Jobann Uoch, the alleged blgamiat and wife-murderer, this morning, an. dertsker Sprayne testified that It "was Impossible for anyone to tamper with the embalming fluid used la the pre parations lor the remains of Mrs. Marie Walker Hooh. He aatd that tbe fluid waatbe same received from the 8t. Louis manufacturers, a ho previously testified that no amnio was used in its manufacture. - Mrs Ella Pickett left this morning for Appletou Wallowa county, where she will visit ber sister, Mrs Coblemts Walla Walla Meet A phone message from Walla Walla states that in tbe field meet La Grande did not take point anywhere. The W hitman oollege boys won most of the events. They won the hammer throw, distance 133 ft , and the 100 yard race In 10 seconds and the 220 raoe in 23 seconds. Kentucky Storms By Sorippa News Association. Louisville, Ky., May 12.-Reports reach here that aeveral people bave been killed in a severe storm which passed over Owen county today. Free Once More By Sorippa News Association New York May 12 Nan Patterson was released from jail this morning on ber own reeof nisaaoe , and this pro bably weans that she will never be brought to trial again. Mlas Patterson was taken before re corder Goff abortly after eleven o'clock tbia morning, where Dlstriot Attorney Jerome made a motion on wbioh she waa set free The aotreas was aocom pained to the oourt room by ber attorney, Abe Levy, Daniel O'Reilly and ber father. As soon as she beard the words which set her free. Miss Patterson started for Levy's offioe Tomorrow she will leave tor Washing ton to see ber mother, RECORDER ADVISES NAN Patterson, recorder Goff eald : I hope that when yon look back upon theae experiences yon will be constrained to lead a life of chastity." .,. : v ! '. MRS. SMITH RELEAUFO Mr. and Mrs. J Morgan Smith were arraigned an hour after Nan Patterson's discharge before Joatloe Foster, and, on motion of tbe district attorney, Mrs, 8mlth was discharged. J Morgan Smith was also discharged, bat wss Immediately arrested and taken before Judge Cowing on a body attachment iasued June oth of last year by Judge Newberger. SMITH CASE . POSTPONED Judge Cowing adjourned the case of 8mlth until ten thirty Tuesday morn ing In order to give the diatriot at torney time to file a brief.' Smith was tsken back to tbe tombs in the mean time. JEROME GIVE8 REAAON3 In making the motion for thi re lease of Miss Patterson, attorney Je rome said that be thought that bis assistants bad dons their duty and had acted efficiently, and that be would bave presented tbe ease in. tbe same way. He said that he recognised tbe futility of the efforts tooonviot the girl, and that be had information that permitted no doubt but that there wan a uniformity of opinion in tbe minds of tbe jurors on three points. First, J Morgan Smith bought the revolver, second Nan Patterson took tbe revolv er, aod third bookmaker Young did not commit suicide. STRIKE FIGHT BITTER EXPLOSION KILLS EIGHT PEOPLE GIANT LECTURER AGAIN TONIGHT (By Hcrlpps News Association) Philadelphia Peon' May 12 Eight were instantly killed and six Injured in a terrible gas ezploaion at tbe Point Bwsegfs works this morning The expiation was followed by a firs which did much destruction. The six who were injuted are in a oritioal condition and all of them may die. A TERRIBLE EXPLOSION Without any warning, one ot the huge tanks ot the United Gas Im provement Company at Point Breeia, exploded this morning at 11 o'clock, instantly killing eight men and Mrloit.t wnnnrfiiiar lan tmn - nl whom will probably die. Tbe big tank was completely wrecked and windows were sbsttered for blocks around in tbe southern section of the oity. Tbe tank weighed hundreds of tons and tbere were thousands of feet of gas in it. It was rent asunder by the ex plisioo and tbe fragments were burled in every direction. Following showers of oil, there was a sheet of flame wbioh enveloped everything for a radius of a hundred yards, and this caught those workmen who escaped the force of the explosion. The injured were tsken to St Anger hospital, and ot these John Boyd and Owen Brady will die. By Sorippa News Asaocia'ion Cbloago May II With seven deaths and eoorea ot people injured, the learn stars strike today enters upon tbe sixth week of what baa been one of the most violent and stubbornly contested struggles In the history of the labor troubles in this city. Apparently tbe atrlke has settled in to an "enduring con teat." aa both employers and labor leaders d'olare that the duration of the controversy depends upon tbs staying qtalltiea of tbe other side. The employers are jubilant over the display of ths Presi dent's "Big stick," whloh tbsy feel certain la having a salutary effect in curbing violence, and are proceeding with the delivery of goods with non union drivers on a more extensive scale. TWENTY ONE HUNDRED Two thousand one hundred police and deputies went out on strike duty this morning, guarding two thousand wagons. It la feared that the return ot bright weather today will be en couragement to the strikers, and that they will resume disorderly demon etratlone . KMPTWRRfl (VINT VW.W The department stores are advertis- JlldgC BcltingCr Sinking iuk uwniiTwj lur seauistera tu - uu BARGAIN BOX SALE Saturday afternoon from 1 :30 to 3:30 dty in These boxaa contain merchandise which ia in actual use in every home, every week. There are TEN GRANDE PRIZES as follows: the I pair $3.50 shoes . I $2.50 Ladies' Shirt Waist I $2.50 Ladies' Hat I $1.50 Dressed Doll Saturday afternoon between the hours ot 1:30 and 3:30 you may take your choice of these 1 boxes at I pair $1.00 silk hose I pair 50c Fancy Hose I 75c Ladies Hand Bag I 75c Ladies Purse I 50c Ladies Purse I 50c Ladies Purse We guarantee to refund the money for any box that does not contain 25 cents worth of merchandise. A LUCKY BUY of a lot of drummers' samples of ladie' uoan ish Covert Jackets, enables us to offer" you, while tbey last, regular $15 and $16 Jackets for $10 NEW CRAVENETTE COATS for ladies, just received, regular frfC AA .$18 valuta apkJ.VV Ladies' Suits at a Saving Silk suits, Lmtre suits, Worsted suits, in styles to suit every 1 aste and suitable for traveling, outing and street wear. WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY $9 to $22e50 NEW LADIES' SHIRTS In Sicillian, Pongee and many other fabrics just received. "' ' - i permanent positions." Host of tbe advertisements state that "union or non-union men will be acoepted' The employers today began to lay off men on account ot the laok of basinets, which wss brought about , by the teamsters' strike. BOHOOL CHILDREN ''STRIKE" Abont one thousand pupils of the Harrison school on 23rd and Went worth streets, went on a strlks today when tbe Peabody coal wagons arrived at the building to make a delivery of ooal. Some ot the boys threw ctones at the non-union drivers, whloh re salted In a riot oall. WILL BOYCOTT STRIKERS The employers annonnoed today that they would not re-employ any of tbe strikers. This places an effective boycott on four thouaand three hun dred men and boys. Already two thousand four hundred men have been pat in place of the strikers. COLORED MAN HURT Walter St Olair, a colored man em ployed by tbe Armour oompsny, was today attacked by . a eiowd of strike sympathisers while on bis way to work and was seriously injured. It is report' ed that he wat taken for a strike breaker, and this was tb.e cause of ths assault upon biro. Today's Grain Market (By Pcrlpps News Association) Gbioago May 12 Ths ruling quota- tions in the grain market on ths stock exchange today , were as follows s wheat opening at $0.93 and closing at $0,921, corn opening at $0.49 and closing at $0.48, oaU $0.30 1-8 to $0,30 3-8 " . Sorippa News Association - Portland May 12 (3 pn) United Btates Judge fellingerwho has besn ill for the past week Is rapidly sinking HlH physicians state that death is only a matter or a few hoars. It Is stated that hla death may result in delaying the land fraud trials whloh were to come before him next month. Preston W Search, "Toe Gisnt Lecturer," now Id tbe city for a seriee of dramatio lectures at tbe Presbyter ian cbnrch, is 6 ft 7 inches tall, Hud that's all ; or aa he modeatly pate It he measures "only five feet nineteen ' Ue has spent the day in the La Grande schools visiting with the children, for there is nothing that makea him so happy aa to be a boy again with boys and girls. As "the school master traveler," Prof Search itaa probably visited more schools In many landa than any other living educator. He haa traveled every where aod baa many a story to tell of quaint life seen and stirring sdventares. , . Angeles City schools, be knows the weet and western life ; but of late years he haa ben a tiaveler In distant lands and a lecturer whose a voice baa been beard everywhere In all he haa given over two thousand lectnreai.. The lee tare, to be given tonight is his master piece. Tbe title "Masic la the Fatherland". does not tally Indi cate its nature. It is a story, vividly told, of strong men and beautiful wo men: of a human life wherein the greatest forces in the world straggle in a man's heart, as the battle ground. for the possession ot his soul. It is said to be a powerful lectors, musical only in setting, , and interesting to everybody. ' : With a series of lectures like those now in progress, tc people of La Giande shooM lay anld their custom ary avocations and show their warmest appreciation of this message of a strong earnest man . We cannot bave too many lectures on gieat Ideals. Prof. Sesroh has slready been re en gaged. for, return lectures neat season at Pendleton, Baker Ulty, Weston and other places, after series just delivered at thoae places. Let the peolf; of La Grande attend in full force tonight. Assessor 3 H Morton, left , this morning for his office l)t Oeo W O'Connor left this mom- ing (or Baker City where he has some Union on business of buslneis ot importance to transact FOR YOUR PROTECTION Tbo prescription department is the important part of any drag store. Oar's is modern in every repect. , In the character of the drags used, in the methods of compounding, in the skill of oar pharmacists, it is thoroughly np-to-date. We believe that tbe set vice rendered haa a value for you beyond any money value, a Ad it costs you uothing extra whatever. Our prices are as low as good prescription work cau be done anywhere, - Lower than the usual cost in most places. ! The Lectuer The great majority of our citizens missed ths opportunity of enjoying an inteleotnal feast by not bearing Prest on W Search on the subject "Face to Face with Great Ideals " The speak- er announced last night if any one of the three lectures which he is to de liver In this oity was premlnent, tbe subject tonight "Maelo in the Father land" was entitled to that honor. An hour spent hearing such a .cultured man anrely is up lifting, from the ordinary oars of every dey life and assists in bettering tbe life of every bearer. Unless circumstance present, you cannot afford to absent yoursslf from the lecture tonight. NEWLIN DRUG gaMrW fl tun'iiKIhe Another Cyclone By ScrippS News Arsooiation Dallas, Texaa, May 12. A cyolone atrnck Marlow and Wynnewood, In dian Territory, at eleven , o'clock to day. Grtat damage is reported. Many 1 tttvvtvffttttHH44Tftfti'ttt i ; : 1 U?.vv ', I Vt -v.', ..--v rf" ft ' 5 1 iTS o . 'k siv "vft. , - ; c S-.-A.Ki.V.aJ?f Just Arrived New shipmeutof HANAN SHOES Also Walkover block now complete' AL ANDREWS, Haberdasher and Tailor Watch this space for Suit wtnnes . E E, Johnson the $35 Otcar jKkson the $25 Suit last Saturday Two drawing! on Sat. May 13 4 ' O 4 4 4" ' 4 ' 4 4 4' 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 were lojursd. and two were killed at 4 4 l Marlow.