La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 11, 1905, Image 5

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    liUl AUAUo AV.E.NUJ5
PHONE 1551 i
"Will save you
We have all
Money if yoii only , Grive H?hem a Chance
kinds of new and Second Hand Furniture
and Hardware, We will take in . Exchange Eggs,' Wood, hay, Grain Stoves,
Chickens, Old Furniture, Wagons, Harness and anything of value
PHONE 1581
- ' '
, . Remember the place
IF our responsibility of $137,000.00 ia guarantee ,
IF our rate of interest on certificates of deposits
high enough.
IF bur rate of interest on loans low enough,
IF the accomodations we afford are satisfactory,
IF you are not aiready a customer of this' bank,
then we invite you to beoome one,
WE guarantee you absolute 6afety for your funds
. if intrusted to our care.
HAVING given 14 years of service to the Ad
vancement of the interests of La Grande and
Union county we fell justified in asking for
your banking business, and we will extend to
you all the accomodations' your account' will '
justify at all times. Your loans will be restricted
, only by the security you offer and the balance
' you keep with this bank.
. -( " Respectfully,
TJho 3?drmcrs and Ur actors
Tfational SSarik
of a Srandt Oregon,
Joseph Palmer, J. W. Scbiber, G. E. McCullv,
President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier.
The Nurse and the Doctor
i. toll you that the success of a prescription de
fends on the purity of its ingredience. There is
as much variety in medicine as in other merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always
our first consideration.
You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the right price are the never
failing trio upon which we think w; have a right to
appeal for your patronage.
A. T- HILL.,
Registered Pharmacist.
Phone, Farmers Line, 58
Pacific States 1361
La Grande, Or. ?
Farm Loans a Specialty-
Best equipped abstracter
in Union county. Many
years experiences with
the Union county records
gives me a great advant
age. It is folly to pur-,
chase realestate without
first securing a . proper
abBtraot. An abstract
from my office will show
the title just as it appears
on the official record.
1 Room 31, Sommer Bdlg. '
We Have for
Rent the
:cgon Produce Co;
4 room boaM on Adams Avenue
with city water. Bent Including water
tlu per month.
3 room house on Adams Avenue.
Beat 8 per month.
Six room house north of R B shops
with four lots. Bent $10 per month.
Five room house on North Fir street
with hot and cold water. Rents for
112 per month.
Foley Hotel Block
La Grande Oregon
There's no beauty In all the land
That can with her face compare,
Her lips are red, ber eyes are bright,
She tates Kooky Mountain at night.
Newlln Drug Co.
O Phone 1761 La Grande, Oregon.
Corner Jefferson Avenue anl Greenwood Streets
Largest Packing
In Eastern Oreacon.
1 5
The only Exclusive
Undertaking Parlors
in La Grande
Scientific Embalming
Licensed in Oregan and
Montana. Experienced
Lady Assistant
Our office is always open
Phone 1761
Office in Lewis Building,
opposite Sommer House
Letter From Youkon
Dawson City,
- , Canada.
Editor Observsr:
If you will kindly allow tue space in
your paper, I will take this means ol
letting my friends know of my where
Borne of them kuow that I am away
up here in the North Land. as the old
poem in a school book reads," Where
the hours of the day are few,
And the nights are so long in winter
They cannot sleep them through." ..
, The long winter whioh lasts about
nine month has Just about gone.
While the time seemed quite long,
yet it was very Intereiting, being my
first year here. .Three months ol the
time we never saw the sunshine. And
then, another while was most all dark
nets. We would have' about three
hours of daylight, but now the days
are 'growing' muoh 'longer, end we
soarcely have any night. Very soon,
the sun will still be shining, so it will
be visible to us in the valley, at nine
or ten o'clock at night, while from the
bill tops it oan be seen at midnight.
It is indeed, a very interesting oouo
try. The snow is disappearing very
fast, and in a few days sluicing will
: The miners have been faithfully
toiling on, through the darkness and
cold all through the winter and now
tbiy are anxious to want) up the dirt
and see the beautiful gold.
I am bere with some friends on the
celebrated B.nanse creek.
People here are engaged principally
In placer mining.
. 8ome of the large dumps of ore on
this claim. contain thirteen thousand
buckets of pay dirt, averaging in value
from one to ten dollars per bucket.
" But I might give you some startling
statements, after the gold is washed
I an not much of a miner myself.
In this country they call the new
comers "Obeeohaoos", but after tbey
stay until the ice breaks up in the
spring and the river opens (or naviga
tion, they are given that honorable
name of Som Dough." Bo I will be
wiser when I have become a "(torn
Dough." The river shows no sign of clearing
yet, but some time nezs month it is
supposed to break It will be about
the-middle of . June before the lakes
open, and until then we are still
bound In by the ice.
, The only means people have of get
ting into or out of the country now is
by stage, traveling three hundred and
siity five miles over the ice. The trip
is made in five days. Just now, on ac
count of the tra'l being in poor condi
tion they do not carry' much mail, so
I am not sure if this letter will reach
you. . , ; ; r -: ;.
But I do not like to dwell upon the
oold winter that has passed.
1 could have written of our different
etperienoes driving the dog teams etc.
But that has gone, and it is much
pleasacter to look forward to the beau
iful summer time.
The summers, though short, are
ideal. No country can outsLine them.
The wild flowers grow in profusion.
Wild berries, such as blueberries rasp
berries, oranberrios and currents are
very plentiful during July and August.
Nature is a little different here in
some respects. Just now ' there is not
a blade of grass nor a green leaf In
tight, but when It comes in May, in
one weeks time, everything Is green
and the trees are all full of leaves, and
about the first of June, the grass will
be up to one's waist." Vegetation grows
very fast on account of so muob sun-
People who have been here for seve
ral years have become very much at
tached to tbeoountry, and think there
is none better. . They are quite 00a
tented in the rude log cabins and with
the rustic furniture. ... ,.
A Disastrous Calamity
It Is a disastrous calamity, when
you lose your health, because Indlges
tioo and constipation have sapped It
away. Prompt relief can be bad in
Dr King's New Life Pills. They build
up your digestive' organs, and cure
headaohe, dizziness, oolio, constipa
tion, etc. Guaranteed at Newlln Drug
Co; 25o.
Will overcome Indigestion and dys
pepsia 5 regulate the bowels and cure
liver and kidney complaints. It is
the best blood eurloher and I n vigor a t
or in the world. It ia purely vegeta
ble, 1 ectly harmless, and should
you l sufferer from disease, you will
use it if you are wise.
K N Andrews, Editor and Mgr., Co
coa and Rockledge News, t'ocoa, Fie.,
write: "1 have used your Heroine in
my family, and find it a most excellent
medicine. Its effects upon myself
have been a marked benefit, I recom
mend It unhesitatingly." 60o. Bold
by Newlln Drug Co. , , ,
While a bilious attack Is decidedly
unpleasant it is quickly ftover when
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are used. For sale by . Newlln
Drug Co
Son Lost Mother
"Consumption runs in our family,
and through It 1 loat my Mother,'
writes K B Held, of Harmony, Me
'For the past five years, however, on
the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold,
I have taken Dr King's New Dlsoovery
for Consumption, which has saved me
from serious luna trouble, "His
mother's death was a sad loss for Mr
Re id. but be learned that lung trouble
must not be neglected, and how lo cure
It Quickest relief and cure for
coughs and colds. Price 60o and tl.tX):
Kuarauteed at Newlln Drug Co. Trial
bottle free.
P ureBred Poultry
Parties desiring pare bred
poultry can r, secure eggs
from the following well
known breeds at $1 per
setting of fifteen Bar Ply
moth Rock, White Wyn
dott, Single ; Comb Brown
Leghorn, and Silver Laced
Island Cit? rresrnu
Notice To Water Consumers
otioe Is hereby given to all water
consumers that before you begin to
nse city water for Irrigation purposes
yon are all requested to make written
application the proper b'.anks for same
will oe inrnisnea you uy me luooraer
at the ollloe of the City Recorder of
the city ot La Grande : tinuh appli
cation must be eo made as ordinance
No 358 Hec 11. so provide. Said or-
dlaoce provides that a flue of one' dol
lar shall b imposed upon eaob and
every person found using city water
without bavli g first made such appli
cation. Notice is hereoy given that
said ordianoe will be striotly inforoed.
H C Gilman, Water Snpt. tf
Man's Unreasonableness
le often as great as woman'a. But
Thoe. 8 Auattn, Mgr. of the "Republl
can." ol Leavenworth, Ind., was not
unreasonable, when be refused to allow
the doctors to operate on his wife, for
female trouble, "Instead,' he saya
"we conoluded to try Electric Bitters
My wife waa then sick, she could
hardly leave ber bed, and five (9) phv
alolaus had (ailed to relieve her
After taking Electric Bitters, she was
perfectly cured, and can now perform
all her household duties." Guaran
teed by Newlln Drag Co., price 60o
There is none better than
. our
Every Piece Guaranteed
Best equipped Soda Foun
tain in Eastern Oregon.
' r' ) '1 'v. . ' . ;
Oar new water filler in
sures absolute parity.
1 Plenty of room . Refresh
ments served at individual
tables. ." . .. . .
Next door to Post Office
, You, are cordially in
vited to visit any grocery
store in La Grande, any
day except Sunday, from
7 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. for
the purpose of buying a
sack of
La Grande Milling Co.'s ,
of which there is none
better made, and your
money cheeriully back
if you do not say it is as
, good as the money you
buy it with. Be sure it
' raids LA' GRANDE
MILLING CO. on every
sack. .
A Positive Necessary
Having to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely' bruised leg, I
only found relief when 1 osed a bottle
of Uailard'a Snow Liniment. I enn
cheerfully reooromet.d It aa the best
medicine for- braise ever sent to the
stllctcd i It has now become a posi
tive necessary upon myself. D R .
Byrnes, Merchant, Doveraville, Teias.
25o, 60c, 11. Hold by Newlln Drng
Co. - . - , -.
How To Ward OffOldAe
The most soccefsful warding oft the
approach of old age is to maintalu a
vigorous digestion, This can be dose
by eating only food suited toyonr age
and otcuption, and when any llaord
er of the stomach disappears jike
dose ot Chamberlain's Stoma ,h an
Liver Tabieta to correct It. If you
have a weak ptomach or are troublel
with indigestion, you will find' these
Tabieta to be Just wht you nee J, For
sale by Newlln Drug Co -'
Complete Machine Shops and Foundry
General Blacksmith Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work.
Manufacturer of The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill
Fl TZ Q E R A L. D.
1 D.